예제 #1
    def OneWordPerHashAttacks(self, attack_name, attacks, all_wordlists):
		Parse configuration's ONE WORD PER HASH attack parameters and call the corresponding hashcat class method
		One_hash:one_word line by line from hashlist:wordlist
		Note: useful to try username as the password
        for attack in attacks:  # for every attack
            f = open(self.hashcat.hash_file, "r")
            hash_lines = f.read().splitlines()  # get haslist
            wordlists = Attacks.get_file_from_index(
                attack["wordlists"], all_wordlists)  # get wordlists

            for wordlist in wordlists:  # for every wordlist
                f = open(wordlist, "r")
                word_lines = f.read().splitlines()  # get wordlist

                if len(hash_lines) == len(word_lines):
                    for i in range(len(hash_lines)):
                        one_hash = hash_lines[i]
                        one_word = word_lines[
                            i]  # its line corresponding hash:word
                        self.hashcat.one_hash_one_word(one_hash, one_word)
                            "Hash file and Wordlist file need same length to try hash[i]:word[i]"
예제 #2
	def checkHashType(self, hash_type):
		Check if input hash type is a...
			correct number
			valid string corresponding a hash type number in the hash_types.json file

			# if it is already a valid number
			if hash_type.isdigit() and int(hash_type) in range(0,99999):
				return hash_type
			# if it is a string with the title of the format
				with open(os.path.join("src", "hash_types.json"), "r") as f:
					types = json.load(f)
				if hash_type in types.keys():
					return types[hash_type]
					Color.show_error_text("Invalid hash type number or title. Check valid list here: https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes")

		except Exception as e:
예제 #3
	def __init__(self, hash_file, hash_type, config_file, extra_params):
		conf = None
		hostconf = None
		self.attacks = {}
		self.static_values = {}

			 Load paths and hashcat execution parameters from host-config file
			with open(os.path.join("config", "host-config.json"), "r") as f:
				hostconf = json.load(f)

			# host config: folders paths, executable, resources, potfile
			self.paths = hostconf["paths"]
			self.static_values["executable"] = hostconf["executable"]
			if hostconf["resources"]["resource_level"] == "low":
				self.static_values["resource_options"] = hostconf["resources"]["resource_low"]
				self.static_values["resource_options"] = hostconf["resources"]["resource_high"]

			 Load parameters from input arguments
			self.static_values["hash_file"] = hash_file
			hash_file_name = hash_file.split(os.path.sep)[-1] # last part of the hash list path: hashfile name
			self.static_values["out_file_cracked"] = os.path.join(self.paths["results_dir"], hash_file_name + "." + hash_type + ".res")
			hash_type = self.checkHashType(hash_type)
			self.static_values["hash_type"] = hash_type
			self.static_values["config_file"] = config_file
			self.static_values["extra_params"] = extra_params

			# Define potfile
			pot_file = os.path.join(self.paths["results_dir"], "potfile.pot")
			self.static_values["pot_file"] = pot_file

			# Check needed file existence
			file_paths = [hash_file, pot_file]
			for file_path in file_paths:
				exists = os.path.isfile(file_path)
				if not exists:
					Color.show_error_text("File {file_path} does not exist...".format(file_path=file_path))

			 Load attacks and useful files from config file
			 And add the relative paths to the files to use

			if config_file:
				with open(os.path.join(config_file), "r") as f:
					conf = json.load(f)

					self.wordlists, self.rules,self.masks = [], [], []
					self.attacks = conf["attacks"]

					# path to the files
					for wordlist in self.static_values["wordlists_files"]:
						self.wordlists.append(os.path.join(self.paths["wordlists_dir"], wordlist))

					for rules_file in self.static_values["rules_files"]:
						self.rules.append(os.path.join(self.paths["rules_dir"], rules_file))

					for masks_file in self.static_values["masks_files"]:
						self.masks.append(os.path.join(self.paths["masks_dir"], masks_file))

					# check if files exist --> less important
					# falla y se cierra al comparar wordlists\* porque obviamente no existe
					file_paths = self.wordlists + self.rules + self.masks
					for file_path in file_paths:
						exists = os.path.isfile(file_path)
						if not exists:
							Color.show_error_text("File {file_path} does not exist...".format(file_path=file_path))

			#pprint(self.static_values)# mostrar contenido del objeto

		except Exception as e: