class PytempAuthorization(ProjectAuthorization): def __init__(self): super(PytempAuthorization, self).__init__() self.config = SystemConfig() self.key = self.config.get_section_map( AUTH_CONFIG.JWT)[AUTH_CONFIG.SECRET_KEY] self.algorithm = self.config.get_section_map( AUTH_CONFIG.JWT)[AUTH_CONFIG.ALGORITHM] self.module = self.config.get_section_map( AUTH_CONFIG.JWT)[AUTH_CONFIG.MODULE] self.ADMIN = 'admin' def get(self, token, field_name): """ lấy thông tin theo tên trường từ Json Web Token :param token: :param field_name: :return: """ body = self.decode(token) if body is None: return None return body.get(field_name, None) @staticmethod def _get_requests(url, api_key=None): if api_key is None: result = requests.get(url) else: result = requests.get( url=url, headers={'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % api_key}) if result.status_code == 200: return json.loads(result.text) else: return None def is_permitted(self, jwt_token, typically, method): """ hàm kiểm tra method có được phân quyền hay không :param jwt_token: :param typically: :param method: :return: """ return True def verify_token(self, jwt_token, typically): """ nếu là module có chức năng au then thì kiem tra trong redis nếu là module khác thì gọi moddule authen để verify token :param typically: :param jwt_token: :return: trả về token nếu hợp lệ """ try: if typically == TYPICALLY.BEARER or typically == TYPICALLY.DIGEST: return jwt_token elif typically == TYPICALLY.BASIC: # and self.module == self.ADMIN: return jwt_token return None except Exception as e: print(e) BaseMoError(LANG.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).get_message() return None
class BaseMoError(Exception): """ Attribute not found. """ def __init__(self, *args): # real signature unknown # *args is used to get a list of the parameters passed in param = None array = [a for a in args] try: param = request.args.get('lang') if len(array) > 0: array[0].encode('utf-8') self.params = array except Exception as ex: print("my_except/BaseMoError.__init__", ex) self.params = array[1:] if (param is None) or (param and param not in (LANG_VI, LANG_EN)): param = LANG_VI self.lang = LangConfig().lang_map(param) self.message_name_default = LANG.VALIDATE_ERROR self.sys_conf = SystemConfig() def get_message(self): try: return self._get_message() except Exception as ex: print("my_except/BaseMoError.get_message", ex) self.sys_conf.logger.exception( '%s :: %s exception occurred' % (str(, self.get_class_name())) code = self.lang[LANG.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR][LANG_STRUCTURE.CODE] message = self.lang[LANG.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR][ LANG_STRUCTURE.MESSAGE] return BaseMoError.build_message_error(code, message) def _get_message(self): log_mod = self.sys_conf.get_section_map(SECTION.LOGGING_MODE) len_arg = len(self.params) message_name = self.message_name_default if len_arg > 0: message_name = self.params[0] log_message = None if message_name not in self.lang: log_message = "arg[0] là [%s] không được định nghĩa trong file Lang" % message_name message_name = self.message_name_default code = self.lang[message_name][LANG_STRUCTURE.CODE] message = self.lang[message_name][LANG_STRUCTURE.MESSAGE] is_custom_except = message_name != LANG.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR and message_name != LANG.MESSAGE_SUCCESS mod1 = int(log_mod[LOGGING_MODE.LOG_FOR_ALL_CUSTOMIZE_EXCEPTION] ) == 1 and is_custom_except mod2 = int( log_mod[LOGGING_MODE.WRITE_TRACEBACK_FOR_ALL_CUSTOMIZE_EXCEPTION] ) == 1 and is_custom_except mod3 = int( log_mod[LOGGING_MODE.WRITE_TRACEBACK_FOR_GLOBAL_EXCEPTION]) == 1 mod3 = mod3 and message_name == LANG.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR mod4 = int(log_mod[LOGGING_MODE.LOG_FOR_GLOBAL_EXCEPTION]) == 1 mod4 = mod4 and message_name == LANG.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR mod5 = int(log_mod[LOGGING_MODE.LOG_FOR_REQUEST_SUCCESS]) == 1 mod5 = mod5 and message_name == LANG.MESSAGE_SUCCESS if mod1 or mod2 or mod3 or mod4 or mod5: self.sys_conf.logger.debug( '==================================================================' ) self.sys_conf.logger.debug(str( if log_message: self.sys_conf.logger.debug(log_message) errors = None if len_arg > 1: errors = self.params[1] try: if mod1 or mod4 or mod5: body = str(, 'utf-8') if body is None or body == '' or body == b'': body = str(request.form) self.sys_conf.logger.debug( 'request_id: {request_id} \n HTTP/1.1 {method} {url}\n{headers}\n\nbody: {body}' .format(request_id=get_request_id(), method=request.method, url=request.url, headers='\n'.join( '{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in request.headers.items()), body=body)) except Exception as ex: print("my_except/BaseMoError._get_message", ex) pass if mod2 or mod3: self.sys_conf.logger.exception('%s exception occurred' % self.get_class_name()) if message and str(message).find('%s') >= 0: params = list(self.params[1:]) message = message % tuple(params) return BaseMoError.build_message_error(code, message) else: return BaseMoError.build_message_error(code, message, errors) @staticmethod def build_message_error(code, message, errors=None): if errors: return { LANG_STRUCTURE.CODE: code, LANG_STRUCTURE.MESSAGE: message, 'errors': errors } return {LANG_STRUCTURE.CODE: code, LANG_STRUCTURE.MESSAGE: message} @staticmethod def get_track_back(limit=2, chain=True): res = "" _, value, tb = sys.exc_info() for line in TracebackException(type(value), value, tb, limit=limit).format(chain=chain): res = res + line + "\n" return res def get_class_name(self): return self.__class__.__name__