예제 #1
def load_config(mode=None):
    r"""loads model config 

        mode (int): 1: train, 2: test, 3: eval, reads from config file if not specified

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--path', '--checkpoints', type=str, default='./checkpoints', help='model checkpoints path (default: ./checkpoints)')
    parser.add_argument('--model', type=int, choices=[1, 2, 3], help='1: edge model, 2: SR model, 3: joint SR model with edge enhancer')
    #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    # test mode
    if mode == 2:
        parser.add_argument('--input', type=str, help='path to the input images directory or an input image')
        parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='path to the output directory')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    config_path = os.path.join(args.path, 'config.yml')

    # create checkpoints path if does't exist
    if not os.path.exists(args.path):

    # copy config template if does't exist
    if not os.path.exists(config_path):
        copyfile('./config.yml', config_path)

    # load config file
    config = Config(config_path)

    # train mode
    if mode == 1:
        config.MODE = 1
        if args.model:
            config.MODEL = args.model

    # test mode
    elif mode == 2:
        config.MODE = 2
        config.HR_SIZE = 0
        config.MODEL = args.model if args.model is not None else 3

        if args.input is not None:
            config.TEST_FLIST_LR = args.input

        if args.output is not None:
            config.RESULTS = args.output

    # eval mode
    elif mode == 3:
        config.MODE = 3
        config.MODEL = args.model if args.model is not None else 3

    return config