예제 #1
    def report_scores(self, y, t):
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            if self.nested_label:
                dice = mean_dice_coefficient(
                    dice_coefficient(y[:, 0:2, ...], t[:, 0, ...]))
                for i in range(1, t.shape[1]):
                    dices = dice_coefficient(y[:, 2 * i:2 * (i + 1), ...],
                                             t[:, i, ...])
                    dice = F.concat((dice, mean_dice_coefficient(dices)),
                dice = dice_coefficient(y, t)
            mean_dice = mean_dice_coefficient(dice)

            if self.nested_label:
                b, c, h, w, d = t.shape
                y = F.reshape(y, (b, 2, h * c, w, d))
                t = F.reshape(t, (b, h * c, w, d))
            accuracy = F.accuracy(y, t)

        reporter.report({'acc': accuracy, 'mean_dc': mean_dice})
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(y)
        for i in range(len(dice)):
            if not xp.isnan(dice.data[i]):
                reporter.report({'dc_{}'.format(i): dice[i]})
예제 #2
 def compute_dice_coef(self, y, t):
     if self.nested_label:
         dice = mean_dice_coefficient(dice_coefficient(y[:, 0:2, ...], t[:, 0, ...]))
         for i in range(1, t.shape[1]):
             dices = dice_coefficient(y[:, 2*i:2*(i+1), ...], t[:, i, ...])
             dice = F.concat((dice, mean_dice_coefficient(dices)), axis=0)
         dice = dice_coefficient(y, t, is_brats=self.is_brats)
     return dice
    def evaluate(self):
        summary = reporter_module.DictSummary()
        iterator = self._iterators['main']
        enc = self._targets['enc']
        dec = self._targets['dec']
        bound = self._targets['bound']
        reporter = Reporter()
        observer = object()
        reporter.add_observer(self.default_name, observer)

        if hasattr(iterator, 'reset'):
            it = iterator
            it = copy.copy(iterator)

        for batch in it:
            x, t, te = self.converter(batch, self.device)
            with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config(
                    'train', False):
                if self.dataset == 'msd_bound':
                    h, w, d = x.shape[2:]
                    hc, wc, dc = self.crop_size
                    if self.nested_label:
                        y = cupy.zeros((1, 2 * (self.nb_labels - 1), h, w, d),
                        y = cupy.zeros((1, self.nb_labels, h, w, d),
                    s = 128  # stride
                    ker = 256  # kernel size
                    dker = dc  # kernel size for depth
                    ds = dker * 0.5  # stride for depth
                    dsteps = int(math.floor((d - dker) / ds) + 1)
                    steps = round((h - ker) / s + 1)
                    for i in range(steps):
                        for j in range(steps):
                            for k in range(dsteps):
                                xx = x[:, :, s * i:ker + s * i,
                                       s * j:ker + s * j, ds * k:dker + ds * k]
                                hhs = enc(xx)
                                yye, bbs = bound(hhs)
                                yy = dec(hhs, bbs)
                                y[:, :, s * i:ker + s * i, s * j:ker + s * j,
                                  ds * k:dker + ds * k] += yy.data
                            # for the bottom depth part of the image
                            xx = x[:, :, s * i:ker + s * i, s * j:ker + s * j,
                            hhs = enc(xx)
                            yye, bbs = bound(hhs)
                            yy = dec(hhs, bbs)
                            y[:, :, s * i:ker + s * i, s * j:ker + s * j,
                              -dker:] += yy.data
                    hs = enc(x)
                    ye, bs = bound(hs)
                    y = dec(hs, bs)
                seg_loss = self.compute_loss(y, t)
                accuracy = self.compute_accuracy(y, t)
                dice = self.compute_dice_coef(y, t)
                mean_dice = mean_dice_coefficient(dice)

                weighted_loss = seg_loss

                observation = {}
                with reporter.scope(observation):
                            'loss/seg': seg_loss,
                            'loss/total': weighted_loss,
                            'acc': accuracy,
                            'mean_dc': mean_dice
                        }, observer)
                    xp = cuda.get_array_module(y)
                    for i in range(len(dice)):
                        if not xp.isnan(dice.data[i]):
                            reporter.report({'dc_{}'.format(i): dice[i]},
        return summary.compute_mean()
예제 #4
    def evaluate(self):
        summary = reporter_module.DictSummary()
        iterator = self._iterators['main']
        enc = self._targets['enc']
        dec = self._targets['dec']
        reporter = Reporter()
        observer = object()
        reporter.add_observer(self.default_name, observer)

        if hasattr(iterator, 'reset'):
            it = iterator
            it = copy.copy(iterator)

        for batch in it:
            x, t = self.converter(batch, self.device)
            with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config('train', False):
                if self.dataset == 'msd_bound':
                    # evaluation method for BRATS dataset only
                    h, w, d = x.shape[2:]
                    hc, wc, dc = self.crop_size
                    if self.nested_label:
                        y = cupy.zeros((1, 2*(self.nb_labels-1), h, w, d), dtype='float32')
                        y = cupy.zeros((1, self.nb_labels, h, w, d), dtype='float32')
                    hker = hc  # kernel size
                    hs = int(0.5*hker)  # stride
                    wker = wc
                    wc = int(0.5*wker)
                    dker = dc  # kernel size for depth
                    for i in range(2):
                        for j in range(2):
                            for k in range(2):
                                xx = x[:, :, -i*hker:min(hker*(i+1), h),
                                       -j*wker:min(wker*(j+1), w), -k*dker:min(dker*(k+1), d)]
                                hs = enc(xx)
                                yy = dec(hs)
                                y[:, :, -i*hker:min(hker*(i+1), h),
                                    -j*wker:min(wker*(j+1), w),
                                    -k*dker:min(dker*(k+1), d)] += yy.data

                    hs = enc(x)
                    y = dec(hs)
                seg_loss = self.compute_loss(y, t)
                accuracy = self.compute_accuracy(y, t)
                dice = self.compute_dice_coef(y, t)
                mean_dice = mean_dice_coefficient(dice)

                observation = {}
                with reporter.scope(observation):
                        'loss/seg': seg_loss,
                        'acc': accuracy,
                        'mean_dc': mean_dice
                    }, observer)
                    xp = cuda.get_array_module(y)
                    for i in range(len(dice)):
                        if not xp.isnan(dice.data[i]):
                            reporter.report({'dc_{}'.format(i): dice[i]}, observer)
        return summary.compute_mean()