예제 #1
파일: dm.py 프로젝트: Stress-Puppy/1531
def dm_leave_v1(token, dm_id):
        Given a DM ID, the user is removed as a member of this DM
        token (string): A user session token 
        dm_id (int): A dm_id number
        a empty dictionary
        InputError when:
            dm_id is not a valid DM
        AccessError when:
            Authorised user is not a member of DM with dm_id
    global users, channels, dms
    assert check_token(token)

    auth_user = user_from_token(token)
    if valid_dm(dm_id) == False:
        raise InputError(f"dm_id is not a valid DM")

    current_dm = find_dm(dm_id)  #find the current dm

    if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_dm['members']:
        raise AccessError(f"Authorised user is not a member of DM with dm_id")

    # Remove dm from user's list of dms

    # Remove user from dm's members list

    return {}
예제 #2
def search_v2(token, query_str):
        Given a query string, return a collection of messages in all of the channels/DMs that the user has joined that match the query
        token (string): A user session token
        query_str (string): a string for search message
        Dictionary: { messages } ({ message_id, u_id, message, time_created })  Contains the imformation of messages
        InputError: query_str is above 1000 characters
    query_str = query_str.lower()

    # InputError: query_str is above 1000 characters
    if len(query_str) > 1000:
        raise InputError("query_str is above 1000 characters")

    auth_user_id = user_from_token(token)['u_id']

    output = []
    # search all the messages
    for message in messages:
        user_is_member = False

        # if this message is send to the channel, find the channel
        if message['channel_id'] != -1:
            channel = find_channel(message['channel_id'])
            user_is_member = (auth_user_id in channel['all_members']
                              and query_str in message['message'].lower())
        # if this message is send to the dm, find the dm
            dm = find_dm(message['dm_id'])
            user_is_member = (auth_user_id in dm['members']
                              and query_str in message['message'].lower())

        # list all the detail of this messagen, and append it to the putput
        if user_is_member:
            react_dict = {
                'react_id': 1,
                'u_ids': message['reacts'],
                'is_this_user_reacted': auth_user_id in message['reacts']

            message_detail = {
                'message_id': message['message_id'],
                'u_id': message['author_id'],
                'message': message['message'],
                'time_created': message['time_created'],
                'reacts': [react_dict],
                'is_pinned': message['is_pinned']
    return {'messages': output}
예제 #3
파일: server.py 프로젝트: Stress-Puppy/1531
def sendlaterdm_handler(message_id, time_sent):
    global messages, future_messages
    time_sent_dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time_sent)
    now_dt = datetime.utcnow()
    duration = (time_sent_dt - now_dt).total_seconds()
    for msg in list(future_messages):
        if msg['message_id'] == message_id:
            target_dm = find_dm(msg['dm_id'])
예제 #4
def message_pin_v1(token, message_id):
        Given a message within a channel or DM, mark it as "pinned" to be given special display treatment by the frontend
        token (string): A user session token
        message_id (int): A message_id of the message
        A empty dictionary
        InputError when:
            message_id is not a valid message
            Message with ID message_id is already pinned
        AccessError when:
            The authorised user is not a member of the channel
            The authorised user is not a member of the DM that the message is within
            The authorised user is not an owner of the channel or DM
    auth_user = user_from_token(token)
    if valid_message(message_id) == False:
        raise InputError("message_id is not a valid message")

    message = get_message_from_message_id(message_id)

    if message['is_pinned'] == True:
        raise InputError("Message with ID message_id is already pinned")

    if message['channel_id'] == -1:  #this means this is a dm message
        current_dm = find_dm(message['dm_id'])
        if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_dm['members']:
            raise AccessError("The authorised user is not a member of the DM")
        if auth_user['u_id'] != current_dm[
                'creator']:  # this error will get raised twice is this ok? / this is kinda redundent because if u have to be the owner to pin whats the point of checking for members?
            raise AccessError("The authorised user is not an owner of the DM")
        message['is_pinned'] = True

    if message['dm_id'] == -1:  # this means this a channel message
        current_channel = find_channel(message['channel_id'])
        if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel['all_members']:
            raise AccessError(
                "The authorised user is not a member of the channel")
        if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel['owner_members']:
            raise AccessError(
                "The authorised user is not an owner of the channel")
        message['is_pinned'] = True

    return {}
예제 #5
def message_unpin_v1(token, message_id):
        Given a message within a channel or DM, remove it's mark as unpinned
        token (string): A user session token 
        message_id (int): A message_id number
        empty dictionary 
        InputError when:
            message_id is not a valid message
            Message with ID message_id is already unpinned
        AccessError when:
            The authorised user is not a member of the channel or DM that the message is within
            The authorised user is not an owner of the channel or DM
    auth_user = user_from_token(token)
    if valid_message(message_id) == False:
        raise InputError("message_id is not a valid message")

    message = get_message_from_message_id(message_id)

    if message['is_pinned'] == False:
        raise InputError("Message with ID message_id is already unpinned")

    if message['channel_id'] == -1:  #this means this is a dm message
        current_dm = find_dm(message['dm_id'])
        if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_dm['members']:
            raise AccessError("The authorised user is not a member of the DM")
        if auth_user['u_id'] != current_dm['creator']:
            raise AccessError("The authorised user is not an owner of the DM")
        message['is_pinned'] = False

    if message['dm_id'] == -1:  # this means this a channel message
        current_channel = find_channel(message['channel_id'])
        if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel['all_members']:
            raise AccessError(
                "The authorised user is not a member of the channel")
        if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel['owner_members']:
            raise AccessError(
                "The authorised user is not an owner of the channel")
        message['is_pinned'] = False

    return {}
예제 #6
def message_sendlaterdm_v1(token, dm_id, message, time_sent):
        Send a message from authorised_user to the dm specified by dm_id automatically at a specified time in the future
        token (string): A user session token
        dm_id (int): A dm id number which the message will be sented to
        message (string): The text with which the user wishes to sent to dm
        time_sent (int): the time of when this message will be sent
        Dictionary: { message_id } the new message
        AccessError: the authorised user has not joined the dm they are trying to post to
        InputError:  dm ID is not a valid dm
                     Message is more than 1000 characters
                     Time sent is a time in the past

    # current_time = current_unix_timestamp()
    # time_intervel = time_sent - current_time

    # # InputError: Time sent is a time in the past
    # if time_intervel < 0:
    #     raise InputError("Time sent is a time in the past")

    # time.sleep(time_intervel)
    # message_id = message_senddm_v1(token, dm_id, message)

    # return { 'message_id': message_id }

    global users, dms, next_message_id, messages
    assert check_token(token)

    # InputError:  dm ID is not a valid dm
    if valid_dm(dm_id) == False:
        raise InputError(f"DM ID {dm_id} is not a valid dm")

    # InputError: Message is more than 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError(f"Message {message} is more than 1000 characters")

    current_time = current_unix_timestamp()
    time_intervel = time_sent - current_time

    # InputError: Time sent is a time in the past
    if time_intervel < 0:
        raise InputError("Time sent is a time in the past")

    auth_user = user_from_token(token)
    current_dm = find_dm(dm_id)  #current dm with the given dm id

    if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_dm['members']:
        raise AccessError(
            f"the authorised user has not joined the dm they are trying to post to"

    message_id = next_message_id['id']
    next_message_id['id'] += 1

    future_message = {}
    future_message['message_id'] = message_id  #message_id
    future_message['dm_id'] = dm_id
        'channel_id'] = -1  #this is a dm message not dm so for all dm's give -1
    future_message['author_id'] = auth_user['u_id']
    future_message['message'] = message
    future_message['reacts'] = []
    future_message['time_created'] = time_sent
    future_message['is_pinned'] = False


    return {
        'message_id': future_message['message_id']  #message_id