def forward(self, x): # print('input:', x.size()) x = self.base(x) # print('after_base:', type(x), len(x), x[0].size(), x[1].size(), x[2].size(), x[3].size(), x[4].size(), x[5].size()) x = self.dla_up(x) # print('after_dla_up:', type(x), len(x), x[0].size(), x[1].size(), x[2].size(), x[3].size()) y = [] for i in range(self.last_level - self.first_level): # 5-2 y.append(x[i].clone()) # print('before_ida_up:', type(y), len(y), y[0].size(), y[1].size(), y[2].size()) self.ida_up(y, 0, len(y)) # print('after_ida_up:', type(y), len(y), y[0].size(), y[1].size(), y[2].size()) # y[0]->y[1]->y[2]聚合度越来越高,却接近图表中的OUT标志 z = {} # print('self.heads:', self.heads) for head in self.heads: # print(head, 'before:', y[-1].size()) # print(head, 'struture:', self.__getattr__(head)) z[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(y[-1]) # print(head, 'after:', z[head].size()) z['hm'] = _sigmoid(z['hm']) # print(len([z]), [z][0].keys(), [z][0]['hm'].size(), [z][0]['wh'].size(), [z][0]['reg'].size()) return [z]
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) if opt.eval_oracle_hm: output['hm'] = batch['hm'] if opt.eval_oracle_wh: output['wh'] = torch.from_numpy( gen_oracle_map(batch['wh'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), output['wh'].shape[3], output['wh'].shape[2])).to(opt.device) if opt.eval_oracle_offset: output['reg'] = torch.from_numpy( gen_oracle_map(batch['reg'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), output['reg'].shape[3], output['reg'].shape[2])).to(opt.device) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: if opt.dense_wh: mask_weight = batch['dense_wh_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 wh_loss += (self.crit_wh( output['wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask'], batch['dense_wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks elif opt.cat_spec_wh: wh_loss += self.crit_wh( output['wh'], batch['cat_spec_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['cat_spec_wh']) / opt.num_stacks else: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + \ opt.off_weight * off_loss loss_stats = { 'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss } return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) # input_img2 = np.transpose(batch['hm'][0][14].unsqueeze(0).cpu().numpy(), [1, 2, 0]) # 第14类是person # input_img4 = np.transpose(output['hm'][0][14].unsqueeze(0).cpu().detach().numpy(), [1, 2, 0]) # # cv2.imshow('input2', input_img2) # cv2.imshow('input4', input_img4) # cv2.waitKey(0) if opt.eval_oracle_hm: output['hm'] = batch['hm'] if opt.eval_oracle_wh: output['wh'] = torch.from_numpy(gen_oracle_map( batch['wh'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), output['wh'].shape[3], output['wh'].shape[2])).to(opt.device) if opt.eval_oracle_offset: output['reg'] = torch.from_numpy(gen_oracle_map( batch['reg'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), output['reg'].shape[3], output['reg'].shape[2])).to(opt.device) # print(111111111, hm_loss, output['hm'].size(), batch['hm'].size()) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: if opt.dense_wh: mask_weight = batch['dense_wh_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 wh_loss += (self.crit_wh(output['wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask'], batch['dense_wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks elif opt.cat_spec_wh: wh_loss += self.crit_wh( output['wh'], batch['cat_spec_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['cat_spec_wh']) / opt.num_stacks else: wh_loss += self.crit_reg( output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + \ opt.off_weight * off_loss loss_stats = {'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss} return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, reg_loss = 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] for p in tag = 'hm_{}'.format(p) output[tag] = _sigmoid(output[tag]) hm_loss += self.crit(output[tag], batch[tag]) / opt.num_stacks if p != 'c' and opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: reg_loss += self.crit_reg( output['reg_{}'.format(p)], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind_{}'.format(p)], batch['reg_{}'.format(p)]) / opt.num_stacks loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.off_weight * reg_loss loss_stats = {'loss': loss, 'off_loss': reg_loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss} return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, dep_loss, rot_loss, dim_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) output['dep'] = 1. / (output['dep'].sigmoid() + 1e-6) - 1. if opt.eval_oracle_dep: output['dep'] = torch.from_numpy(gen_oracle_map( batch['dep'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), opt.output_w, opt.output_h)).to(opt.device) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.dep_weight > 0: dep_loss += self.crit_reg(output['dep'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['dep']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.dim_weight > 0: dim_loss += self.crit_reg(output['dim'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['dim']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.rot_weight > 0: rot_loss += self.crit_rot(output['rot'], batch['rot_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['rotbin'], batch['rotres']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_bbox and opt.wh_weight > 0: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['rot_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['rot_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.dep_weight * dep_loss + \ opt.dim_weight * dim_loss + opt.rot_weight * rot_loss + \ opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss loss_stats = {'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'dep_loss': dep_loss, 'dim_loss': dim_loss, 'rot_loss': rot_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss} return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0, 0 hp_loss, off_loss, hm_hp_loss, hp_offset_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) if opt.hm_hp and not opt.mse_loss: output['hm_hp'] = _sigmoid(output['hm_hp']) if opt.eval_oracle_hmhp: output['hm_hp'] = batch['hm_hp'] if opt.eval_oracle_hm: output['hm'] = batch['hm'] if opt.eval_oracle_kps: if opt.dense_hp: output['hps'] = batch['dense_hps'] else: output['hps'] = torch.from_numpy( gen_oracle_map(batch['hps'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), opt.output_res, opt.output_res)).to(opt.device) if opt.eval_oracle_hp_offset: output['hp_offset'] = torch.from_numpy( gen_oracle_map(batch['hp_offset'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['hp_ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), opt.output_res, opt.output_res)).to(opt.device) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.dense_hp: mask_weight = batch['dense_hps_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 hp_loss += (self.crit_kp( output['hps'] * batch['dense_hps_mask'], batch['dense_hps'] * batch['dense_hps_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks else: hp_loss += self.crit_kp(output['hps'], batch['hps_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['hps']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_hp_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: hp_offset_loss += self.crit_reg( output['hp_offset'], batch['hp_mask'], batch['hp_ind'], batch['hp_offset']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.hm_hp and opt.hm_hp_weight > 0: hm_hp_loss += self.crit_hm_hp(output['hm_hp'], batch['hm_hp']) / opt.num_stacks loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + \ opt.off_weight * off_loss + opt.hp_weight * hp_loss + \ opt.hm_hp_weight * hm_hp_loss + opt.off_weight * hp_offset_loss loss_stats = { 'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'hp_loss': hp_loss, 'hm_hp_loss': hm_hp_loss, 'hp_offset_loss': hp_offset_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss } return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, x): print('input:', x.size()) x = self.base(x) print('after_base:', type(x), len(x), x[0].size(), x[1].size(), x[2].size(), x[3].size(), x[4].size(), x[5].size()) x = self.dla_up(x) print('after_dla_up:', type(x), len(x), x[0].size(), x[1].size(), x[2].size(), x[3].size()) # fpn_in = x[:] # fpn_out = self.get_fpn_out_layers(fpn_in) # transconv_fpn0 = fpn_out[0] # transconv_fpn1 = self.transconv_fpn1(fpn_out[1]) # transconv_fpn2 = self.transconv_fpn2(fpn_out[2]) # transconv_fpn3 = self.transconv_fpn3(fpn_out[3]) # transconv_fpn_out = [transconv_fpn0, transconv_fpn1, transconv_fpn2, transconv_fpn3] # y0_up_1 = self.up_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[0]) # # print('y0_up_1:', y0_up_1.size()) # y0_up_2 = self.up_delta_conv_0(y0_up_1) # # print('y0_up_2:', y0_up_2.size()) # y0_up_out = self.transconv_y0_up(y0_up_2) # # print('y0_up_out:', y0_up_out.size()) # y0_btm_1 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[0]) # # print('y0_btm_1:', y0_btm_1.size()) # y0_btm_2 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(y0_btm_1) # # print('y0_btm_2:', y0_btm_2.size()) # y0_btm_out = self.transconv_y0_btm(y0_btm_2) # # print('y0_btm_out:', y0_btm_out.size()) # # y1_up_1 = self.up_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[1]) # # print('y1_up_1:', y1_up_1.size()) # y1_up_2 = self.up_delta_conv_0(y1_up_1) # # print('y1_up_2:', y1_up_2.size()) # y1_up_out = self.transconv_y1_up(y1_up_2) # # print('y1_up_out:', y1_up_out.size()) # y1_btm_1 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[1]) # # print('y1_btm_1:', y1_btm_1.size()) # y1_btm_2 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(y1_btm_1) # # print('y1_btm_2:', y1_btm_2.size()) # y1_btm_out = self.transconv_y1_btm(y1_btm_2) # # print('y1_btm_out:', y1_btm_out.size()) # # y2_up_1 = self.up_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[2]) # # print('y2_up_1:', y2_up_1.size()) # y2_up_2 = self.up_delta_conv_0(y2_up_1) # # print('y2_up_2:', y2_up_2.size()) # y2_up_out = self.transconv_y2_up(y2_up_2) # # print('y2_up_out:', y2_up_out.size()) # y2_btm_1 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[2]) # # print('y2_btm_1:', y2_btm_1.size()) # y2_btm_2 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(y2_btm_1) # # print('y2_btm_2:', y2_btm_2.size()) # y2_btm_out = self.transconv_y2_btm(y2_btm_2) # # print('y2_btm_out:', y2_btm_out.size()) # # xnet_out = [y0_up_out, y0_btm_out, y1_up_out, y1_btm_out, y2_up_out, y2_btm_out] y = [] for i in range(self.last_level - self.first_level): # 5-2 y.append(x[i].clone()) print('before_ida_up:', type(y), len(y), y[0].size(), y[1].size(), y[2].size()) self.ida_up(y, 0, len(y)) print('after_ida_up:', type(y), len(y), y[0].size(), y[1].size(), y[2].size()) # y[0]->y[1]->y[2]聚合度越来越高,却接近图表中的OUT标志 final_out = [] dla_z = {} # print('self.heads:', self.heads) for head in self.heads: # print(head, 'before:', y[-1].size()) # print(head, 'struture:', self.__getattr__(head)) dla_z[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(y[-1]) # print(head, 'after:', z[head].size()) dla_z['hm'] = _sigmoid(dla_z['hm']) final_out.append(dla_z) # 1个输出 # # return [dla_z] # 这是直接从原始的dla网络中得到的金字塔网络 # for out0 in y: # y[0]->y[1]->y[2] ,虽然特征图尺寸一致,但是y[0]中特征图高分辨率信息多,应该用来回归小物体;y[2]用来回归大物体 # dla_fpn_z = {} # # print('self.heads:', self.heads) # for head in self.heads: # # print(head, 'before:', y[-1].size()) # # print(head, 'struture:', self.__getattr__(head)) # dla_fpn_z[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(out0) # # print(head, 'after:', z[head].size()) # dla_fpn_z['hm'] = _sigmoid(dla_fpn_z['hm']) # final_out.append(dla_fpn_z) # 3个输出 # for out1 in transconv_fpn_out: # fpn_z = {} # # print('self.heads:', self.heads) # for head in self.heads: # # print(head, 'before:', y[-1].size()) # # print(head, 'struture:', self.__getattr__(head)) # fpn_z[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(out1) # # print(head, 'after:', fpn_z[head].size()) # fpn_z['hm'] = _sigmoid(fpn_z['hm']) # final_out.append(fpn_z) # 4个输出 # for out2 in xnet_out: # xnet_z = {} # # print('self.heads:', self.heads) # for head in self.heads: # # print(head, 'before:', y[-1].size()) # # print(head, 'struture:', self.__getattr__(head)) # xnet_z[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(out2) # # print(head, 'after:', xnet_z[head].size()) # xnet_z['hm'] = _sigmoid(xnet_z['hm']) # # final_out.append(xnet_z) # 6个输出 # print(len(final_out), final_out[0].keys(), final_out[0]['hm'].size(), final_out[0]['wh'].size(), final_out[0]['reg'].size()) return final_out
def forward(self, x): # print('input:', x.size()) x = self.base(x) # print('after_base:', type(x), len(x), x[0].size(), x[1].size(), x[2].size(), x[3].size(), x[4].size(), # x[5].size()) x = self.dla_up(x) # print('after_dla_up:', type(x), len(x), x[0].size(), x[1].size(), x[2].size(), x[3].size()) fpn_in = x[:] fpn_out = self.get_fpn_out_layers(fpn_in) transconv_fpn0 = fpn_out[0] transconv_fpn1 = self.transconv_fpn1(fpn_out[1]) transconv_fpn2 = self.transconv_fpn2(fpn_out[2]) transconv_fpn3 = self.transconv_fpn3(fpn_out[3]) transconv_fpn_out = [ transconv_fpn0, transconv_fpn1, transconv_fpn2, transconv_fpn3 ] y0_up_1 = self.up_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[0]) # print('y0_up_1:', y0_up_1.size()) y0_up_2 = self.up_delta_conv_0(y0_up_1) # print('y0_up_2:', y0_up_2.size()) y0_up_out = self.transconv_y0_up(y0_up_2) # print('y0_up_out:', y0_up_out.size()) y0_btm_1 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[0]) # print('y0_btm_1:', y0_btm_1.size()) y0_btm_2 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(y0_btm_1) # print('y0_btm_2:', y0_btm_2.size()) y0_btm_out = self.transconv_y0_btm(y0_btm_2) # print('y0_btm_out:', y0_btm_out.size()) y1_up_1 = self.up_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[1]) # print('y1_up_1:', y1_up_1.size()) y1_up_2 = self.up_delta_conv_0(y1_up_1) # print('y1_up_2:', y1_up_2.size()) y1_up_out = self.transconv_y1_up(y1_up_2) # print('y1_up_out:', y1_up_out.size()) y1_btm_1 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[1]) # print('y1_btm_1:', y1_btm_1.size()) y1_btm_2 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(y1_btm_1) # print('y1_btm_2:', y1_btm_2.size()) y1_btm_out = self.transconv_y1_btm(y1_btm_2) # print('y1_btm_out:', y1_btm_out.size()) y2_up_1 = self.up_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[2]) # print('y2_up_1:', y2_up_1.size()) y2_up_2 = self.up_delta_conv_0(y2_up_1) # print('y2_up_2:', y2_up_2.size()) y2_up_out = self.transconv_y2_up(y2_up_2) # print('y2_up_out:', y2_up_out.size()) y2_btm_1 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(fpn_out[2]) # print('y2_btm_1:', y2_btm_1.size()) y2_btm_2 = self.btm_delta_conv_0(y2_btm_1) # print('y2_btm_2:', y2_btm_2.size()) y2_btm_out = self.transconv_y2_btm(y2_btm_2) # print('y2_btm_out:', y2_btm_out.size()) xnet_out = [ y0_up_out, y0_btm_out, y1_up_out, y1_btm_out, y2_up_out, y2_btm_out ] y = [] for i in range(self.last_level - self.first_level): # 5-2 y.append(x[i].clone()) # print('before_ida_up:', type(y), len(y), y[0].size(), y[1].size(), y[2].size()) self.ida_up(y, 0, len(y)) # print('after_ida_up:', type(y), len(y), y[0].size(), y[1].size(), y[2].size()) # y[0]->y[1]->y[2]聚合度越来越高,却接近图表中的OUT标志 final_out = [] dla_z = {} # print('self.heads:', self.heads) for head in self.heads: # print(head, 'before:', y[-1].size()) # print(head, 'struture:', self.__getattr__(head)) dla_z[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(y[-1]) # print(head, 'after:', z[head].size()) dla_z['hm'] = _sigmoid(dla_z['hm']) final_out.append(dla_z) # 1个输出 # return [dla_z] for out1 in transconv_fpn_out: fpn_z = {} # print('self.heads:', self.heads) for head in self.heads: # print(head, 'before:', y[-1].size()) # print(head, 'struture:', self.__getattr__(head)) fpn_z[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(out1) # print(head, 'after:', fpn_z[head].size()) fpn_z['hm'] = _sigmoid(fpn_z['hm']) # final_out.append(fpn_z) # 4个输出 for out2 in xnet_out: xnet_z = {} # print('self.heads:', self.heads) for head in self.heads: # print(head, 'before:', y[-1].size()) # print(head, 'struture:', self.__getattr__(head)) xnet_z[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(out2) # print(head, 'after:', xnet_z[head].size()) xnet_z['hm'] = _sigmoid(xnet_z['hm']) # final_out.append(xnet_z) # 6个输出 print(len(final_out), final_out[0].keys(), final_out[0]['hm'].size(), final_out[0]['wh'].size(), final_out[0]['reg'].size()) return final_out