예제 #1
파일: layer.py 프로젝트: Eronarn/Hellmouth
    def rdl(self, view, pos, line, col=None, attr=None, indent=0):
        # Maximum number of chars we'll try to print in a line.
            max = view.width - pos[0]  # - view.x_acc - pos[0]

        if len(line) > max:
            list = re.split("(\W+)", line)
            string = ""

            for word in list:
                if len(word) + len(string) > max:
                    self.rds(view, pos, string, col, attr)
                    max = view.width - view.x_acc
                    pos = (view.x_acc, pos[1] + 1)
                    view.y_acc += 1
                    string = " " * indent
                # Skip if:
                # 1: We're on the start of a line
                # 2: And the current to-print is nothing
                # 3: And we're trying to print a space
                if pos[0] == 0 and string == "" and word.isspace() is True:
                string += word
            string = line

        self.rds(view, pos, string, col, attr)
        return len(string)
예제 #2
파일: combat.py 프로젝트: Eronarn/Hellmouth
    def update_weapons(self, natural=True, wielded=True):
        self.weapons = deque()

        for weapon in self.owner.values("Body", "get_natural_weapons"):
            if not weapon: debug.die("Component %s tried to add an invalid natural weapon: %s." % (self, weapon))
        for weapon in self.owner.values("Manipulation", "get_wielded"):
            if not weapon: debug.die("Component %s tried to add an invalid equipped weapon: %s." % (self, weapon))
예제 #3
파일: combat.py 프로젝트: Eronarn/Hellmouth
 def get_default_weapon(self, context):
     """Returns the weapon to default to within a Context."""
     weapon = self.get_active_weapon()
     if not weapon:
         weapon = self.get_active_weapon()
         if not weapon:
             debug.die("After update, had no active weapon from list of weapons: %s" % self.weapons)
     return weapon
예제 #4
    def add_contents(self, agent):
        """Add an Agent to a keyed list in this Container."""
        matches = self.contents.get(agent.appearance(), [])

        # This covers only the case of that exact item already being in container.
        if agent in matches: debug.die("Tried to add agent %s to container %s." % (agent, self))

        self.contents[agent.appearance()] = matches

        return True
예제 #5
파일: agent.py 프로젝트: Eronarn/Hellmouth
    def register_component(self, component_class, domain=None):
        """Initialize an instance of a Component class, register it as the sole
        member of its domain, and send a "registration" trigger to it."""
        if not domain:
            domain = component_class.get_domain()

        if domain in self.component_registry:
            debug.die("Tried to register a component '%s' in the domain '%s', which already has Components %s." % (component_class.__name__, domain, [component.__class__.__name__ for component in self.get_components(domain)]))

        component = component_class(self)
        self.append_component(component, domain)
예제 #6
    def remove_contents(self, agent):
        """Remove an Agent from a keyed list in this Container."""
        matches = self.contents.get(agent.appearance(), [])

        # This covers only the case of that exact item already being in container.
        if agent not in matches: debug.die("Tried to remove agent %s from container %s." % (agent, self))

        if matches:
            self.contents[agent.appearance()] = matches
            del self.contents[agent.appearance()]

        return True
예제 #7
파일: define.py 프로젝트: Eronarn/Hellmouth
    def wrapper(caller, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(caller, type):
            string = "Unimplemented class method %s.%s()" % (caller.__name__, fn.__name__)
            string = "Unimplemented instance method %s.%s()" % (caller.__class__.__name__, fn.__name__)

        parts = []
        if args:
            parts.append("args: %s" % (args,))
        if kwargs:
            parts.append("kwargs: %s" % kwargs)
        if parts:
            string += ".\n" + "    " + "    \n".join(parts)
        string += "."
예제 #8
파일: npc.py 프로젝트: Eronarn/Hellmouth
    def _act(self):
        if not self.turn():
            debug.die("%s tried to act when not the acting actor in queue %s." % (self, Queue))
        if self.controlled:
            debug.die("Player-controlled actor %s tried to hit AI code." % self.appearance())

        # If we don't have a target, try to find a new one.
        if not self.pathing.target and not self.pathing.retarget():
            # wander aimlessly
            return self.do(random.choice(dirs))

        # Repath if our current target isn't correct
        if self.pathing.target:
            if self.pathing.target.coords != self.pathing.destination:
                self.pathing.destination = self.pathing.target.coords
                if isinstance(self.pathing.destination, tuple):
                    debug.die([self, self.pathing.destination, self.pathing.target])

            # Calculate the distance to the target.
            self.pathing.distance = self.distance(self.pathing.target)
            if isinstance(self.pathing.destination, tuple):
                debug.die([self, self.pathing.destination, self.pathing.target])

        # TODO: If within attack range, do so.
        # if self.preferred_reach(self.distance) is True:
        #     return self.do(sub(self.target.coords, self.coords))

        # If we've successfully pathed, follow it.
        if self.pathing.path:
            debug.log("%s had a path." % self.appearance())
            next_step = self.pathing.path.pop()
            next_dir = next_step - self.coords
            # # HACK, fixes stuff like teleporting
            # if dir not in dirs:
            #     self.path.append(pos)
            #     dir = CC
            if self.map.cell(next_step).can_block(self, next_dir):
                # TODO: Randomize choice here
                for alt_dir in arc(next_dir)[1:]: # We already checked the first one
                    alt_next = self.coords + alt_dir
                    # Prefer unoccupied cells, but accept sharing.

                    if not self.map.cell(alt_pos).occupied():
                        next_dir = alt_dir
                    elif self.map.cell(alt_pos).blocked(alt_dir) is False:
                        next_dir = alt_dir

예제 #9
    def can_reach(self, target, wielded=None, manipulator=None):
        """Return whether the Agent can reach when manipulating."""
        if not wielded and not manipulator: debug.die("Tried to check reach without providing an item or manipulator.")
        if wielded and not manipulator:
            manipulator = wielded.call("Wielded", "get_manipulator").get_result()
        # die("target %s, wielded %s, manip %s" % (target, wielded, manipulator))

        min_reach, max_reach = self.get_reach(wielded, manipulator)
        distance = self.owner.dist(target)
        # die("dist %s, min %s, max %s" % (distance, min_reach, max_reach))

        # Check whether it's too close to reach
        if distance < min_reach:
            return False#, "too close"

        # Check whether it's too far to reach
        if distance > max_reach:
            return False#, "too far"

        return True
예제 #10
파일: agent.py 프로젝트: Eronarn/Hellmouth
    def process_event(self, event, context):
        """Find the first Command matching an event, instantiate it, and process it."""

        if not self.turn():
            debug.die("Event %s by %s; should be acting: %s; queue: %s" % (event, self.appearance(), Queue.get_acting().appearance(), [a.appearance() for a in Queue.queue]))

        if event not in ["Up", "Down"]:
            debug.log("EVENT: %s" % event)

        for command_class, command_arguments in context.get_commands():
            for command_event in command_class.get_events():
                if event != command_event:

                command = command_class(context)

                result = self.process_command(command)
                outcome, cause = context.parse_result(result)
                if outcome is True:
                    debug.log("(+): %s" % cause)
                    Log.add("(+): %s" % cause)
                    debug.log("(-): %s" % cause)
                    Log.add("(-): %s" % cause)

                # TODO: Something else to decide this

                # TODO: Instead return whether the event was consumed.
                return outcome, cause

        if event not in ["Up", "Down"]:
            debug.log("( ): %s" % event)
            Log.add("( ): %s" % event)
        # TODO: Instead return whether the event was consumed.
        return False
예제 #11
파일: combat.py 프로젝트: Eronarn/Hellmouth
    def process_attack(self, target, weapon, manipulator):
        """Process a single attack."""
        if weapon != self.get_active_weapon():
            debug.die("Tried to attack with inactive weapon %s" % weapon)
        if not manipulator.is_wield(weapon):
            debug.die("Tried to attack with unwielded weapon %s" % weapon)

        wielding_mode = weapon.call("Wielded", "get_wielding_mode").get_result()

        if not wielding_mode:
            debug.die("Weapon %s had no wielding mode" % weapon)

        ctx = CombatContext()
        ctx.add_attack(self.owner, target, weapon, wielding_mode)

        # TODO: Replace with check for whether it's interesting.
        for line in ctx.display():

        return True