def test_add_option(self): """Tests that Menu.add_option() adds a valid MenuOption to Menu.contents.""" opt = MenuOption("Howdy!", width=12, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Howdy!"), subtext="It says howdy", pad_horizontal=1, pad_vertical=1, color=(200, 255, 200)) menu = Menu(20, 20) menu.add_option(opt) assert opt in menu.contents
def test_clear(self): """Tests that Menu.clear() will remove all its MenuOptions from its contents.""" opt = MenuOption("Howdy!", width=12, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Howdy!"), subtext="It says howdy", pad_horizontal=1, pad_vertical=1, color=(200, 255, 200)) menu = Menu(20, 20, contents=[opt]) assert opt in menu.contents menu.clear() assert opt not in menu.contents
def test_contents(self): """Tests getter for Menu.contents and that it rejects assignment.""" opt = MenuOption("Howdy!", width=12, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Howdy!"), subtext="It says howdy", pad_horizontal=1, pad_vertical=1, color=(200, 255, 200)) menu = Menu(width=20, height=20, has_border=True, contents=[opt]) assert opt in menu.contents with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.contents = [opt]
def test_color(self): """Tests getter and setter for color""" menu = Menu(20, 20, color=(125, 125, 125)) assert menu.color == (125, 125, 125) menu.color = (200, 200, 200) assert menu.color == (200, 200, 200) with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.color = None # Can't be None with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.color = (2, 14) # Too few args with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.color = (2, 154, 24, 99) # Too many args with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.color = (4, "beef", 99) # One invalid arg with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.color = (-4, 192, 94) # One negative argument
def main(): # Make the multiprocessing logic used in the modules happy. mp.freeze_support() # Load the tileset and context tileset = tcod.tileset.load_tilesheet("tilesets/yayo_c64_16x16.png", 16, 16, charmap=tcod.tileset.CHARMAP_CP437) context =, height=HEIGHT, tileset=tileset, sdl_window_flags=FLAGS) interface = Interface(context) # Mock-up of generating the main menu, which should be its own class, I think menu = Menu(width=floor(WIDTH/(2*TILESET_SIZE)), height=floor(HEIGHT/TILESET_SIZE), interface=interface, spacing=1) def launch_the_game(event): interface.new_playfield(width=200, height=80) floors = [] for y in range(0, 40): floors.append([(x, y, WalkableTerrain()) for x in range(0, 60)]) for f in sum(floors, []): x, y, ent = f ent.introduce_at(x, y, interface.playfield) walls = [(x, 20, Wall()) for x in range(0, 11)] for w in walls: x, y, ent = w ent.introduce_at(x, y, interface.playfield) player_char = Mobile(size=4, sigil=Sigil("@", priority=3), name="Player Character") player_char.introduce_at(10, 10, interface.playfield) interface.playfield.player_character = player_char interface.playfield.origin = (2, 2) interface.add_animation(7, 7, Animation(frames=[AnimationFrame(Sigil("\\"), 5), AnimationFrame(Sigil("|"), 5), AnimationFrame(Sigil("/"), 5), AnimationFrame(Sigil("-"), 5)], repeating=True)) blue_floor = WalkableTerrain(color=(50, 50, 255)) blue_floor.sigil = Sigil("!", priority=blue_floor.sigil.priority) blue_floor.introduce_at(12, 12, interface.playfield) # print(interface.playfield.get_cell(12, 12).sigils) interface.new_game_log(height=10, width=40) interface.print_to_log("This is a log tests!", color=(25, 250, 25)) interface.print_to_log("This is an exceptionally long log tests so we can see how well it handles multiples of these.") interface.print_to_log("This is another line.") interface.print_to_log("This is yet another line.") interface.print_to_log("This should bump the first line off of the screen.") menu.close_menu() menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Start Game", width=24, height=5, on_select=launch_the_game)) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Do Nothing", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Do Nothing Else", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Do More Nothing", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Make this menu long", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Like REALLY long", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Because we, ah...", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Need to tests something", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="You know, uh...", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="that one thing...", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Oh yeah!", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) menu.add_option(MenuOption(text="Overflow behavior! :)", width=24, height=5, on_select=lambda x: print("Did more nothing!"))) interface.open_menu(menu) last_tick = __time_ms() # In epoch milliseconds tick_length = 50 # Milliseconds per engine tick while True: now_ms = __time_ms() # Only run the main loop logic if we've reached the next clock increment if now_ms - last_tick >= tick_length: if interface.playfield: win_width, win_height = context.recommended_console_size(min_columns=50, min_rows=40) interface.playfield.window = (win_width - READOUT_WIDTH, win_height - GAMELOG_HEIGHT) interface.tick() interface.print_self() # Forward the reference time to the time at which we started this batch of logic last_tick = now_ms
def change_menu(self, menu: Menu, **kwargs): if menu.on_enter(**kwargs): self.current_menu.on_leave() self.current_menu = menu self.menu_history.append(menu)
def test_padding(self): """Tests getters for each direction of padding.""" menu = Menu(20, 20, padding=(2, 1, 3, 4)) assert menu.pad_top == 2 assert menu.pad_right == 1 assert menu.pad_bottom == 3 assert menu.pad_left == 4 menu.padding = (2, 2, 1, 2) assert menu.pad_top == 2 assert menu.pad_right == 2 assert menu.pad_bottom == 1 assert menu.pad_left == 2 # Cannot directly assign new padding to their respective properties with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.pad_top = 2 with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.pad_right = 2 with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.pad_bottom = 2 with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.pad_left = 2 with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.padding = (2, 1, 0) # Too few params with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.padding = (2, 5, 1, 2, 4) # Too many params with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.padding = (3, 5, 2, -4) # Negative parameter with self.assertRaises(Exception): menu.padding = ("pipe", 4, 2, 1) # Invalid parameter type