def status(bot):

    return (
    "First you should check your node's status by running "
    "<c>curium-cli masternode status<c> on your node's VPS.\n\n"
    "The status of your node can hint towards the problem of why your "
    "node isn't running. Here are the known states and their likely causes:\n\n"
    "<b>Node just started, not yet activated<b>\n\n"
    "Simply means your blocks aren't up-to-date yet with the current "
    "blockcount. Run <c>curium-cli getinfo<c> on the VPS to see your current "
    "blockHeight at <c>blocks<c>, and compare it to the current blockHeight that "
    "you can see when you send me <cb>info<ca>\n\n"
    "<b>Broadcast IP doesn't match external IP<b>\n\n"
    "Most likely culprit is a duplicate IP/genkey/txhash in the "
    "config file. Verify that all node entries in the <c>masternode.conf<c> file "
    " have a unique IP/genkey/txhash+id. If your VPS has multiple IP's, adding "
    "externalip=yourNodeIP in the <c>curium.conf<c> of a daemon will direct it"
    " towards the IP you specified.\n\n"
    "<b>Not capable masternode: invalid protocol version<b>\n\n"
    "Your node is not up-to-date on the latest version. Compare the version you"
    " see when you run <c>curium-cli getinfo<c> at <c>version<c> to the latest version at ") +\, "", "Curium wallets") +\
    (" for more info on the current version.\n\n"
    "<b>Not capable masternode: masternode not in masternodelist<b>\n\n"
    "The node hasn't yet connected to the network. This can have "
    "several reasons; your desktop-wallet is outdated, your node is "
    "outdated or you didn't yet issue a <c>Start alias<c> command while the "
    "desktop-wallet was synced.")
예제 #2
def detail(bot, update):

    response = messages.markdown("<u><b>Detail<b><u>\n\n", bot.messenger)

    userInfo = util.crossMessengerSplit(update)
    userId = userInfo['user'] if 'user' in userInfo else None
    userName = userInfo[
        'name'] if 'name' in userInfo else

    logger.debug("detail - user: {}".format(userId))

    nodesFound = False

    user = bot.database.getUser(userId)
    userNodes = bot.database.getAllNodes(userId)

    if user == None or userNodes == None or len(userNodes) == 0:

        response += messages.nodesRequired(bot.messenger)


        with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

            minimumUptime = nodeList.minimumUptime()
            top10 = nodeList.enabledWithMinProtocol() * 0.1

            for userNode in userNodes:

                masternode = nodeList.getNodes([userNode['collateral']])[0]

                response += messages.markdown(
                    ("<b>" + userNode['name'] + " - " + masternode.ip + "<b>"),
                response += "\n  `Status` " + masternode.status
                response += "\n  `Position` " + messages.markdown(
                    masternode.positionString(minimumUptime, top10),
                response += "\n  `Payee` " + masternode.payee
                response += "\n  `Active since` " + util.secondsToText(
                response += "\n  `Last seen` " + util.secondsToText(
                    int(time.time()) - masternode.lastSeen)
                response += "\n  `Last payout (Block)` " + masternode.payoutBlockString(
                response += "\n  `Last payout (Time)` " + masternode.payoutTimeString(
                response += "\n  `Protocol` {}".format(masternode.protocol)
                #response += "\n  `Rank` {}".format(masternode.rank)
                response += "\n  " +
                        masternode.payee), 'Open the explorer!')
                response += "\n\n"

    return response
예제 #3
def nodes(bot, update):

    response = messages.markdown("<u><b>Nodes<b><u>\n\n", bot.messenger)

    userInfo = util.crossMessengerSplit(update)
    userId = userInfo['user'] if 'user' in userInfo else None
    userName = userInfo['name'] if 'name' in userInfo else None

    logger.debug("nodes - user: {}".format(userId))

    nodesFound = False

    user = bot.database.getUser(userId)
    userNodes = bot.database.getAllNodes(userId)

    if user == None or userNodes == None or len(userNodes) == 0:

        response += messages.nodesRequired(bot.messenger)


        with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

            collaterals = list(map(lambda x: x['collateral'], userNodes))
            nodes = nodeList.getNodes(collaterals)
            minimumUptime = nodeList.minimumUptime()
            top10 = nodeList.enabledWithMinProtocol() * 0.1

            for masternode in sorted(nodes,
                                     key=lambda x: x.position
                                     if x.position > 0 else 100000):

                userNode = bot.database.getNodes(masternode.collateral,

                payoutText = util.secondsToText(masternode.lastPaidTime)
                response += messages.markdown(
                    "<b>" + userNode['name'] + "<b> - `" + masternode.status +
                    "`", bot.messenger)
                response += "\nPosition " + messages.markdown(
                    masternode.positionString(minimumUptime, top10),
                response += "\nLast seen " + util.secondsToText(
                    int(time.time()) - masternode.lastSeen)
                response += "\nLast payout " + masternode.payoutTimeString()
                response += "\n" +
                        masternode.payee), 'Open the explorer!')
                response += "\n\n"

    return response
예제 #4
def rewards(bot):

    with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

        if not nodeList.synced() or not nodeList.enabled():
            return messages.notSynced(bot.messenger)

        enabled = nodeList.enabled()
        minPosition = int(enabled * 0.1)
        qualified = nodeList.qualifiedNormal
        lastBlock = nodeList.lastBlock

        # Fallback if for whatever reason the top node could not filtered which
        # should actually not happen.
        top10Seconds = (int((qualified * 55) / 0.5) * (1 + bot.aberration))

        topNode = list(filter(lambda x: x.position == minPosition, nodeList.nodes.values()))

        if len(topNode) and topNode[0].lastPaidTime:
            top10FromList = time.time() - topNode[0].lastPaidTime
            if top10FromList < 1.2 * top10Seconds:
                top10Seconds = top10FromList

        payoutSeconds = top10Seconds + (10 * 60 * 60)
        payoutDays = payoutSeconds / 86400.0
        interval = util.secondsToText(int(payoutSeconds))
        currentReward = round(5000.0 * 143500.0 / lastBlock * 0.1,1) / 0.5
        perMonth = round((30.5 / payoutDays) * currentReward,1)

        return (
        "The SmartNode rewards are calculated by the following formula\n\n"
        "```reward = 5000 x 143500 / blockHeight * 0.1```\n\n"
        "At this moment our blockchain is at the height <b>{}<b> that means"
        "\n\n```5000 x 143500 / {} * 0.1 => {} SMART per block```\n\n"
        "Each block with an <b>even<b> blockheight one of the the nodes receive this reward for 2 blocks. With the current "
        "estimated payout interval of <b>{}<b> you can expect roughly"
        " <b>{:,} SMART<b> per month per SmartNode. This can vary a bit upwards and downwards though.\n\n"
        "Due to the constant increase of the <c>blockHeight<c> of the SmartCash blockchain"
        " the rewards will decrease a little bit every 55 seconds."
        " Also the increase of the number of qualified nodes will increase the payout interval."
        " As result your monthly payout will slightly decrease over the time.\n\n"
        "You can look at the chart in the link below to see the reward decrease "
        "for the first 4 years after the SmartNode launch.\n\n"
        ).format(lastBlock, lastBlock, currentReward, interval, perMonth)\
        +, "", "Click here to open the chart")
예제 #5
def top(bot, update, args):

    response = "<u><b>Top nodes<b><u>\n\n"

    userInfo = util.crossMessengerSplit(update)
    userId = userInfo['user'] if 'user' in userInfo else None
    userName = userInfo['name'] if 'name' in userInfo else None

    logger.debug("nodes - user: {}".format(userId))

    nodesFound = False

    user = bot.database.getUser(userId)
    userNodes = bot.database.getAllNodes(userId)

    if user == None or userNodes == None or len(userNodes) == 0:

        response += messages.nodesRequired(bot.messenger)


        invalidFilterValueMsg = "<b>ERROR<b>: Invalid filter value: <b>{}<b>! Valid range: 10 - 100\n\n"
        topPercent = 10

        if len(args) >= 1:

            if util.isInt(args[0]) and\
               int(args[0]) >= 10 and int(args[0]) <= 100:
                topPercent = int(args[0])
                response += invalidFilterValueMsg.format(

        response += "<b>Filter<b> {}%\n\n".format(topPercent)

        with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

            topX = nodeList.enabledWithMinProtocol() * (topPercent / 100)
            collaterals = list(map(lambda x: x['collateral'], userNodes))
            nodes = nodeList.getNodes(collaterals)
            topNodes = list(
                filter(lambda x: x.position <= topX and x.position > 0, nodes))
            minimumUptime = nodeList.minimumUptime()

            if len(topNodes):
                for masternode in sorted(topNodes,
                                         key=lambda x: x.position
                                         if x.position > 0 else 100000):

                    userNode = bot.database.getNodes(masternode.collateral,

                    response += "<b>" + userNode['name'] + "<b>"
                    response += "\nPosition " + messages.markdown(
                    response += "\n" +
                            masternode.payee), 'Open the explorer!')
                    response += "\n\n"
                response += "<b>You have currently no nodes in the top {}% of the queue.<b>\n\n".format(

    return messages.markdown(response, bot.messenger)