def _load(filetype, location): sep = const['dir_sep'] data_directory = const['cwd'] + const['data_subdir'] + sep attr_directory = const['cwd'] + const['attr_subdir'] + sep location = data_directory + location encodings = const['all_encodings'] if filetype == 'sheet': for encoding in encodings: try: data = pd.read_csv(location, encoding=encoding) data.set_index(const['index_column'], inplace=True) data.replace(nan, const['empty_marker'], inplace=True) except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): err_msg('FileNotFound', data=location) return except UnicodeDecodeError: pass elif filetype == 'game': data = gamefiles.load(location + sep, attr_directory) if data.empty: print('ScriptLoad:', 'GameLoader returned empty DF') return else: err_msg('UnknownSubcall') return data.sort_values(const['auto_sort_by'], inplace=True) return data
def get_locl(filepath): try: with open(filepath, 'r', encoding=const['locl_enc']) as f: content = except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): err_msg('AttrFileNotFound', data=filepath) return ################ newcontent = '' prev = '' for c in content: if (prev == ':') and (c in numbers): c = '' newcontent += c prev = c content = newcontent ################ try: full_locl = yaml.load(content) except yaml.YAMLError as e: err_msg('YAMLError: ' + str(e), self_contents=True) return for lang in const['lcl_languages']: try: locl = full_locl[lang] except KeyError: pass if locl == {}: return return locl
def _select(_from, attribute, values): global selection if const['auto_apply']: _apply() if attribute == 'all': selection = alldata if const['autoprint_atselect']: _print() return if attribute not in const['column_order']: err_msg('UnknownColumn', data=attribute) return if len(values) == 1: if values[0] in const['value_empty']: values = [const['empty_marker']] try: if _from == 'all': selection = alldata.loc[alldata[attribute].isin(values)] if _from == 'selection': selection = selection.loc[selection[attribute].isin(values)] except (AttributeError, TypeError): return # Message is displayed by _apply() except KeyError: err_msg('UnknownColumn', data=attribute) return if const['autoprint_atselect']: _print()
def getfile(fpath): ################ def rem_cmnt(text): ndata = '' for line in text.split('\n'): nline = '' for c in line: if c in '#\r\n': break if c == '\t': c = ' ' if c in '{=}': c = ' ' + c + ' ' nline += c ndata += nline + ' ' return ndata ################ try: enc = const['histload_prim_enc'] text = open(fpath, encoding=enc).read() except UnicodeDecodeError: enc = const['histload_secn_enc'] text = open(fpath, encoding=enc).read() except FileNotFoundError: err_msg('FileNotFound', data=fdir) return text = rem_cmnt(text) return text
def loop(): global alldata cmnd = input(const['input_prefix']).split() if len(cmnd) == 0: return True funcname = cmnd[0] try: args = cmnd[1:] except IndexError: pass if funcname in const['legal_exit_calls']: return False if funcname not in const['legal_nonexit_calls']: err_msg('IllegalCall', data=funcname) ################################ try: if funcname == 'load': alldata = _load(args[0], args[1]) if funcname == 'save': _save(args[0], args[1]) if funcname == 'apply': _apply() if funcname == 'operate_on': _operate_on() if funcname == 'select': _select('all', args[0], args[1:]) if funcname == 'subselect': _select('selection', args[0], args[1:]) if funcname == 'append': _append(args[0], args[1:]) if funcname == 'sort': _sort(args[0], args[1:]) if funcname == 'set': _set(args[0], args[1:]) if funcname == 'inprov': _inprov(args[0], args[1], args[2:]) if funcname == 'clear': _clear() if funcname == 'help': _help() if funcname == 'print': try: _print(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3:]) except IndexError: try: _print(args[0]) except IndexError: _print() except IndexError: err_msg('TooLessArguments') return True
def _set(attribute, value): value = ' '.join(value) if attribute not in const['column_order']: err_msg('UnknownColumn', data=attribute) return if value.lower() in const['value_empty']: value = const['empty_marker'] try: selection.loc[:, attribute] = value if const['autoprint_atchange']: _print() except AttributeError: err_msg('DataNotSelected') return
def _sort(scope_name, sort_by): for c in sort_by: if c not in const['column_order']: err_msg('UnknownColumn', data=c) return if scope_name == 'all': try: alldata.sort_values(sort_by, inplace=True) if const['autoprint_atsort']: _print(dtype='full') except AttributeError: err_msg('DataNotLoaded') return elif scope_name == 'selection': try: selection.sort_values(sort_by, inplace=True) if const['autoprint_atsort']: _print() except AttributeError: err_msg('DataNotSelected', False) return else: err_msg('UnknownSubcall', data=scope_name) return
def _inprov(provid, attribute, value): value = ' '.join(value) try: provid = int(provid) except ValueError: err_msg('InvalidArgumentType') return if attribute not in const['column_order']: err_msg('UnknownColumn', data=attribute) return if value.lower() in const['value_empty']: value = const['empty_marker'] try: selection.loc[provid, attribute] = value if const['autoprint_atchange']: _print() except AttributeError: err_msg('DataNotSelected') return
def _append(attribute, values): global selection if attribute not in const['column_order']: err_msg('UnknownColumn', data=attribute) return if len(values) == 1: if values[0] in const['value_empty']: values = [const['empty_marker']] try: new_selection = alldata.loc[alldata[attribute].isin(values)] selection = pd.concat([selection, new_selection]) except (AttributeError, TypeError): err_msg('DataNotLoaded') return except KeyError: err_msg('UnknownColumn', data=attribute) return if const['autoprint_atselect']: _print()
def _apply(): try: alldata.update(selection) except AttributeError: err_msg('DataNotLoaded')
def _print(dtype='selection', mode='full', attribute='', values=[]): drop_list = const['drop_from_print'] psel = None ################ Drop columns listed in const['drop_from_print'] if dtype == 'all': try: psel = alldata.drop(drop_list, axis=1) except AttributeError: err_msg('DataNotLoaded') return elif dtype == 'selection': try: psel = selection.drop(drop_list, axis=1) except AttributeError: err_msg('DataNotSelected') return elif dtype == 'info': try: c = [ x for x in const['column_order'] if x not in const['drop_from_print'] ] h = const['drop_from_print'] print('\nColumns:\n' + ', '.join(c)) print('\nHidden columns:\n' + ', '.join(h)) print('\nTotal provinces:\t', len(alldata.index)) print('Selected provinces:\t', len(selection.index)) except: pass print() return else: err_msg('UnknownSubcall', dtype) return ################ Selecting rows if mode == 'full': pass elif mode == 'where': if (attribute == '') or (values == []): err_msg('TooLessArguments') return try: psel = psel.loc[psel[attribute].isin(values)] except (AttributeError, TypeError): if dtype == 'all': err_msg('DataNotLoaded') return elif dtype == 'selection': err_msg('DataNotSelected') return else: err_msg('UnknownSubcall', mode) ################ Print print(psel)
def save(data, histdir): ################ def _saveline(key, value, maxdepth, depth): i = const['indent'] result = '' if depth == maxdepth: result += i * depth + key[0] + ' = ' + value + '\n' else: result += i * depth + key[0] + ' = {\n' result += _saveline(key[1:], value, maxdepth, depth + 1) try: result += i * (depth + 1) + const['additional_save_info'][ key[0]] + '\n' except KeyError: pass # Optional result += i * depth + '}\n' return result ################ try: idlist = data.index.values except AttributeError: err_msg('DataNotLoaded') return data = data.values.tolist() columns = const['column_order'] columns.remove(const['index_column']) sep = const['dir_sep'] prov_index = 0 total_provs = len(data) ################ for row in data: if const['show_save_toggle']: if prov_index % const['show_save_freq'] == 0: percentage = str(round((prov_index / total_provs) * 100)) print(const['show_save_msg'] + percentage + '%') provid = idlist[prov_index] text = '#Province no.' + str(provid) + '\n' * 2 filename = '' for i in range(len(columns)): cname = columns[i] value = row[i] if (type(value) == float) and not (isnull(value)): value = int(value) value = str(value) ################ if cname == 'filename': filename = value if cname not in const['historyfile_keys'].keys(): continue ################ key = const['historyfile_keys'][cname] if (type(key) == str): key = [key] ################ if const['multival_sep'] in value: value = value.split(const['multival_sep']) else: value = [value] ################ for element in value: if (element.lower() in const['value_empty']) or (element == ''): continue text += _saveline(key, element, len(key) - 1, 0) filedir = histdir + filename open(filedir, 'w', encoding=const['histsave_enc']).write(text) prov_index += 1 if const['show_save_toggle']: print('Done.') return True
def load(histdir, attrdir): ################ def getvalue(keys, data): if len(keys) == 1: return data[keys[0]] else: q = [] for sub in data[keys[0]]: q += getvalue(keys[1:], sub) if q == 'nan': q = '' return q ################ def getid(filename): result = '' for c in filename: if c not in numbers: break result += c return result ################ sep = const['dir_sep'] filenames = const['fnames'] ################ regioning = get_regioning(attrdir, const['fnames']) localisation = get_locl(attrdir + const['fnames']['provloc']) if localisation == None: err_msg('LocalisationNotFound') return DataFrame ################ provkeys = const['province_attr_keys'] rows = [] ################ try: filelist = listdir(histdir) except FileNotFoundError: err_msg('DirectoryNotFound') return DataFrame for filename in filelist: filedir = histdir + filename data = getscope(getfile(filedir).split()) if type(data) == int: err_msg('WrongHistorySyntax', data=filedir) return DataFrame ################ province = {} provid = getid(filename) if provid == '': continue province[provkeys['id']] = int(provid) province[provkeys['fn']] = filename province[provkeys['gr']] = '' ################################ try: province[provkeys['nm']] = localisation[const['locl_key_prefix'] + provid] except KeyError: province[provkeys['nm']] = const['default_name'] try: province[provkeys['ar']] = regioning[provid][0] except KeyError: province[provkeys['ar']] = const['default_area'] try: province[provkeys['rg']] = regioning[provid][1] except KeyError: province[provkeys['rg']] = const['default_region'] try: province[provkeys['sg']] = regioning[provid][2] except KeyError: province[provkeys['sg']] = const['default_segion'] ################################ for datakey in const['historyfile_keys']: provkey = const['historyfile_keys'][datakey] if type(provkey) == list: keys = provkey else: keys = [provkey] try: value = getvalue(keys, data) except KeyError: value = [] province[datakey] = value ################ row = [] for key in const['column_order']: value = province[key] if type(value) == list: row.append(const['multival_sep'].join(value)) else: row.append(value) rows.append(row) ################ df = DataFrame(rows, columns=const['column_order']) df.set_index(const['index_column'], inplace=True) return df
def get_regioning(attrdir, filepaths): ################ def regfile_analysis(text, mem_depth): par_depth = 0 depth = 0 # Starting master = const['none'] members = [] result = {} for word in text.split(): depth += word.count('{') depth -= word.count('}') if word in const['skip_at_region_load']: continue if depth == par_depth: if master != const['none']: result[master] = members master = word members = [] if depth == mem_depth: members.append(word) return result ################ def _find(search_key, scope): for key in scope: value = scope[key] if search_key in value: return key ################ def _shorten(name, rtype): suffixes = const['regioning_names_suffiexes'] suffix = suffixes[rtype] try: if name.endswith(suffix): name = name[:-len(suffix)] except AttributeError: name = const['none'] return name ################ segions = regfile_analysis(getfile(attrdir + filepaths['segion']), 1) regions = regfile_analysis(getfile(attrdir + filepaths['region']), 2) areas = regfile_analysis(getfile(attrdir + filepaths['area']), 1) if (type(segions) == {}) or (type(regions) == {}) or (type(areas) == {}): err_msg('WrongRegionFile') return ################ result = {} for area in areas: region = _find(area, regions) segion = _find(region, segions) areaprovs = areas[area] ################ # When names are shortened the keys to search for should stay the same aname = area rname = region sname = segion ################ if const['shorten_region_names']: aname = _shorten(aname, 'area') rname = _shorten(rname, 'region') sname = _shorten(sname, 'segion') ################ # Assigning for province in areaprovs: result[province] = [aname, rname, sname] return result