예제 #1
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def configureRoutedControlNetwork(self, ip='',
     """Configure a routed control network on controller and switches.
        For use with the user datapath only right now."""
     controller = self.controllers[0]
     info(controller.name + ' <->')
     cip = ip
     snum = ipParse(ip)
     for switch in self.switches:
         info(' ' + switch.name)
         link = self.link(switch, controller, port1=0)
         sintf, cintf = link.intf1, link.intf2
         switch.controlIntf = sintf
         snum += 1
         while snum & 0xff in [0, 255]:
             snum += 1
         sip = ipStr(snum)
         cintf.setIP(cip, prefixLen)
         sintf.setIP(sip, prefixLen)
         controller.setHostRoute(sip, cintf)
         switch.setHostRoute(cip, sintf)
     info('*** Testing control network\n')
     while not cintf.isUp():
         info('*** Waiting for', cintf, 'to come up\n')
     for switch in self.switches:
         while not sintf.isUp():
             info('*** Waiting for', sintf, 'to come up\n')
         if self.ping(hosts=[switch, controller]) != 0:
             error('*** Error: control network test failed\n')
예제 #2
def waitListening(client=None, server='', port=80, timeout=None):
    """Wait until server is listening on port.
       returns True if server is listening"""
    runCmd = (client.cmd if client else partial(quietRun, shell=True))
    if not runCmd('which telnet'):
        raise Exception('Could not find telnet')
    # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    serverIP = server if isinstance(server, basestring) else server.IP()
    cmd = ('echo A | telnet -e A %s %s' % (serverIP, port))
    time = 0
    result = runCmd(cmd)
    while 'Connected' not in result:
        if 'No route' in result:
            rtable = runCmd('route')
            error('no route to %s:\n%s' % (server, rtable))
            return False
        if timeout and time >= timeout:
            error('could not connect to %s on port %d\n' % (server, port))
            return False
        debug('waiting for', server, 'to listen on port', port, '\n')
        time += .5
        result = runCmd(cmd)
    return True
예제 #3
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def _parsePingFull(pingOutput):
     "Parse ping output and return all data."
     errorTuple = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
     # Check for downed link
     r = r'[uU]nreachable'
     m = re.search(r, pingOutput)
     if m is not None:
         return errorTuple
     r = r'(\d+) packets transmitted, (\d+) received'
     m = re.search(r, pingOutput)
     if m is None:
         error('*** Error: could not parse ping output: %s\n' %
         return errorTuple
     sent, received = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
     r = r'rtt min/avg/max/mdev = '
     r += r'(\d+\.\d+)/(\d+\.\d+)/(\d+\.\d+)/(\d+\.\d+) ms'
     m = re.search(r, pingOutput)
     if m is None:
         if received == 0:
             return errorTuple
         error('*** Error: could not parse ping output: %s\n' %
         return errorTuple
     rttmin = float(m.group(1))
     rttavg = float(m.group(2))
     rttmax = float(m.group(3))
     rttdev = float(m.group(4))
     return sent, received, rttmin, rttavg, rttmax, rttdev
예제 #4
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
    def default(self, line):
        """Called on an input line when the command prefix is not recognized.
        Overridden to run shell commands when a node is the first CLI argument.
        Past the first CLI argument, node names are automatically replaced with
        corresponding IP addrs."""

        first, args, line = self.parseline(line)

        if first in self.mn:
            if not args:
                print "*** Enter a command for node: %s <cmd>" % first
            node = self.mn[first]
            rest = args.split(' ')
            # Substitute IP addresses for node names in command
            # If updateIP() returns None, then use node name
            rest = [
                self.mn[arg].defaultIntf().updateIP() or arg
                if arg in self.mn else arg for arg in rest
            rest = ' '.join(rest)
            # Run cmd on node:
            error('*** Unknown command: %s\n' % line)
예제 #5
파일: term.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
def tunnelX11(node, display=None):
    """Create an X11 tunnel from node:6000 to the root host
       display: display on root host (optional)
       returns: node $DISPLAY, Popen object for tunnel"""
    if display is None and 'DISPLAY' in environ:
        display = environ['DISPLAY']
    if display is None:
        error("Error: Cannot connect to display\n")
        return None, None
    host, screen = display.split(':')
    # Unix sockets should work
    if not host or host == 'unix':
        # GDM3 doesn't put credentials in .Xauthority,
        # so allow root to just connect
        quietRun('xhost +si:localuser:root')
        return display, None
        # Create a tunnel for the TCP connection
        port = 6000 + int(float(screen))
        connection = r'TCP\:%s\:%s' % (host, port)
        cmd = [
            "TCP-LISTEN:%d,fork,reuseaddr" % port,
            "EXEC:'mnexec -a 1 socat STDIO %s'" % connection
    return 'localhost:' + screen, node.popen(cmd)
예제 #6
 def precheck( self ):
     """Pre-check to make sure connection works and that
        we can call sudo without a password"""
     result = 0
     info( '*** Checking servers\n' )
     for server in self.servers:
         ip = self.serverIP[ server ]
         if not server or server == 'localhost':
         info( server, '' )
         dest = '%s@%s' % ( self.user, ip )
         cmd = [ 'sudo', '-E', '-u', self.user ]
         cmd += self.sshcmd + [ '-n', dest, 'sudo true' ]
         debug( ' '.join( cmd ), '\n' )
         _out, _err, code = errRun( cmd )
         if code != 0:
             error( '\nstartConnection: server connection check failed '
                    'to %s using command:\n%s\n'
                     % ( server, ' '.join( cmd ) ) )
         result |= code
     if result:
         error( '*** Server precheck failed.\n'
                '*** Make sure that the above ssh command works'
                ' correctly.\n'
                '*** You may also need to run mn -c on all nodes, and/or\n'
                '*** use sudo -E.\n' )
         sys.exit( 1 )
     info( '\n' )
예제 #7
def pathCheck(*args, **kwargs):
    "Make sure each program in *args can be found in $PATH."
    moduleName = kwargs.get('moduleName', 'it')
    for arg in args:
        if not quietRun('which ' + arg):
            error('Cannot find required executable %s.\n' % arg +
                  'Please make sure that %s is installed ' % moduleName +
                  'and available in your $PATH:\n(%s)\n' % environ['PATH'])
예제 #8
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
 def do_link(self, line):
     """Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down.
        Usage: link node1 node2 [up/down]"""
     args = line.split()
     if len(args) != 3:
         error('invalid number of args: link end1 end2 [up down]\n')
     elif args[2] not in ['up', 'down']:
         error('invalid type: link end1 end2 [up down]\n')
예제 #9
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def startTerms(self):
     "Start a terminal for each node."
     if 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ:
         error("Error starting terms: Cannot connect to display\n")
     info("*** Running terms on %s\n" % os.environ['DISPLAY'])
     self.terms += makeTerms(self.controllers, 'controller')
     self.terms += makeTerms(self.switches, 'switch')
     self.terms += makeTerms(self.hosts, 'host')
예제 #10
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
 def do_dpctl(self, line):
     """Run dpctl (or ovs-ofctl) command on all switches.
        Usage: dpctl command [arg1] [arg2] ..."""
     args = line.split()
     if len(args) < 1:
         error('usage: dpctl command [arg1] [arg2] ...\n')
     for sw in self.mn.switches:
         output('*** ' + sw.name + ' ' + ('-' * 72) + '\n')
예제 #11
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
 def do_x(self, line):
     """Create an X11 tunnel to the given node,
        optionally starting a client.
        Usage: x node [cmd args]"""
     args = line.split()
     if not args:
         error('usage: x node [cmd args]...\n')
         node = self.mn[args[0]]
         cmd = args[1:]
         self.mn.terms += runX11(node, cmd)
예제 #12
파일: hwintf.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
def checkIntf( intf ):
    "Make sure intf exists and is not configured."
    config = quietRun( 'ifconfig %s 2>/dev/null' % intf, shell=True )
    if not config:
        error( 'Error:', intf, 'does not exist!\n' )
        exit( 1 )
    ips = re.findall( r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', config )
    if ips:
        error( 'Error:', intf, 'has an IP address,'
               'and is probably in use!\n' )
        exit( 1 )
예제 #13
파일: term.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
def makeTerm(node, title='Node', term='xterm', display=None, cmd='bash'):
    """Create an X11 tunnel to the node and start up a terminal.
       node: Node object
       title: base title
       term: 'xterm' or 'gterm'
       returns: two Popen objects, tunnel and terminal"""
    title = '"%s: %s"' % (title, node.name)
    if not node.inNamespace:
        title += ' (root)'
    cmds = {
        'xterm': ['xterm', '-title', title, '-display'],
        'gterm': ['gnome-terminal', '--title', title, '--display']
    if term not in cmds:
        error('invalid terminal type: %s' % term)
    # Docker Hosts don't have DISPLAY. So instead of
    # X11 tunnel, we use terminals from outside Docker
    from src.mininet.node import Docker
    if isinstance(node, Docker):
        if not node._is_container_running():
            return []
        if display is None:
            cmds[term] = cmds[term][:-1]
        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
        term = Popen(cmds[term] + [
            'env TERM=ansi docker exec -it %s.%s %s' %
            (node.dnameprefix, node.name, cmd)
        if term:
            return [term]
        # Failover alternative for Docker
        # host = None --> Needs docker interface
        # port = 6000
        # from src.mininet.log import warn
        # warn('Warning: Docker Exec Failed. Trying TCP Connection for Terminal\n')
        # pipe = node.popen( [ 'socat', 'TCP-LISTEN:%d,fork,reuseaddr' % port,
        #     'EXEC:\'%s\',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane' % cmd ] );
        # term = Popen( cmds[ term ] +
        #     [ 'socat FILE:`tty`,raw,echo=0 TCP:%s:%s' % (
        #      host, port ) ], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE )
        # return [ pipe, term ] if pipe else [ term ]
        return []
    display, tunnel = tunnelX11(node, display)
    if display is None:
        return []
    term = node.popen(cmds[term] + [display, '-e', 'env TERM=ansi %s' % cmd])
    return [tunnel, term] if tunnel else [term]
예제 #14
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def _parseIperf(iperfOutput):
     """Parse iperf output and return bandwidth.
        iperfOutput: string
        returns: result string"""
     r = r'([\d\.]+ \w+/sec)'
     m = re.findall(r, iperfOutput)
     if m:
         return m[-1]
         # was: raise Exception(...)
         error('could not parse iperf output: ' + iperfOutput)
         return ''
예제 #15
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
 def do_xterm(self, line, term='xterm'):
     """Spawn xterm(s) for the given node(s).
        Usage: xterm node1 node2 ..."""
     args = line.split()
     if not args:
         error('usage: %s node1 node2 ...\n' % term)
         for arg in args:
             if arg not in self.mn:
                 error("node '%s' not in network\n" % arg)
                 node = self.mn[arg]
                 self.mn.terms += makeTerms([node], term=term)
예제 #16
def retry(retries, delaySecs, fn, *args, **keywords):
    """Try something several times before giving up.
       n: number of times to retry
       delaySecs: wait this long between tries
       fn: function to call
       args: args to apply to function call"""
    tries = 0
    while not fn(*args, **keywords) and tries < retries:
        tries += 1
    if tries >= retries:
        error("*** gave up after %i retries\n" % tries)
예제 #17
 def isUp(self, setUp=False):
     "Return whether interface is up"
     if setUp:
         cmdOutput = self.ifconfig('up')
         # no output / command output indicates success
         if (len(cmdOutput) > 0
                 and "ifconfig" not in cmdOutput):
             error("Error setting %s up: %s " % (self.name, cmdOutput))
             return False
             return True
         return "UP" in self.ifconfig()
예제 #18
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def _parsePing(pingOutput):
     "Parse ping output and return packets sent, received."
     # Check for downed link
     if 'connect: Network is unreachable' in pingOutput:
         return 1, 0
     r = r'(\d+) packets transmitted, (\d+)( packets)? received'
     m = re.search(r, pingOutput)
     if m is None:
         error('*** Error: could not parse ping output: %s\n' %
         return 1, 0
     sent, received = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
     return sent, received
예제 #19
 def do_plot( self, _line ):
     "Plot topology colored by node placement"
     # Import networkx if needed
     global nx, plt
     if not nx:
             # pylint: disable=import-error
             import networkx
             nx = networkx  # satisfy pylint
             from matplotlib import pyplot
             plt = pyplot   # satisfiy pylint
             import pygraphviz
             assert pygraphviz  # silence pyflakes
             # pylint: enable=import-error
         except ImportError:
             error( 'plot requires networkx, matplotlib and pygraphviz - '
                    'please install them and try again\n' )
     # Make a networkx Graph
     g = nx.Graph()
     mn = self.mn
     servers, hosts, switches = mn.servers, mn.hosts, mn.switches
     nodes = hosts + switches
     g.add_nodes_from( nodes )
     links = [ ( link.intf1.node, link.intf2.node )
               for link in self.mn.links ]
     g.add_edges_from( links )
     # Pick some shapes and colors
     # shapes = hlen * [ 's' ] + slen * [ 'o' ]
     color = dict( zip( servers, self.colorsFor( servers ) ) )
     # Plot it!
     pos = nx.graphviz_layout( g )
     opts = { 'ax': None, 'font_weight': 'bold',
              'width': 2, 'edge_color': 'darkblue' }
     hcolors = [ color[ getattr( h, 'server', 'localhost' ) ]
                 for h in hosts ]
     scolors = [ color[ getattr( s, 'server', 'localhost' ) ]
                 for s in switches ]
     nx.draw_networkx( g, pos=pos, nodelist=hosts, node_size=800,
                       label='host', node_color=hcolors, node_shape='s',
                       **opts )
     nx.draw_networkx( g, pos=pos, nodelist=switches, node_size=1000,
                       node_color=scolors, node_shape='o', **opts )
     # Get rid of axes, add title, and show
     fig = plt.gcf()
     ax = plt.gca()
     ax.get_xaxis().set_visible( False )
     ax.get_yaxis().set_visible( False )
     fig.canvas.set_window_title( 'Mininet')
     plt.title( 'Node Placement', fontweight='bold' )
예제 #20
    def bwCmds(self, bw=None, speedup=0, use_hfsc=False, use_tbf=False,
               latency_ms=None, enable_ecn=False, enable_red=False):
        "Return tc commands to set bandwidth"

        cmds, parent = [], ' root '

        if bw and (bw < 0 or bw > self.bwParamMax):
            error('Bandwidth limit', bw, 'is outside supported range 0..%d'
                  % self.bwParamMax, '- ignoring\n')
        elif bw is not None:
            # BL: this seems a bit brittle...
            if (speedup > 0 and
                    self.node.name[0:1] == 's'):
                bw = speedup
            # This may not be correct - we should look more closely
            # at the semantics of burst (and cburst) to make sure we
            # are specifying the correct sizes. For now I have used
            # the same settings we had in the mininet-hifi code.
            if use_hfsc:
                cmds += ['%s qdisc add dev %s root handle 5:0 hfsc default 1',
                         '%s class add dev %s parent 5:0 classid 5:1 hfsc sc '
                         + 'rate %fMbit ul rate %fMbit' % (bw, bw)]
            elif use_tbf:
                if latency_ms is None:
                    latency_ms = 15 * 8 / bw
                cmds += ['%s qdisc add dev %s root handle 5: tbf ' +
                         'rate %fMbit burst 15000 latency %fms' %
                         (bw, latency_ms)]
                cmds += ['%s qdisc add dev %s root handle 5:0 htb default 1',
                         '%s class add dev %s parent 5:0 classid 5:1 htb ' +
                         'rate %fMbit burst 15k' % bw]
            parent = ' parent 5:1 '

            # ECN or RED
            if enable_ecn:
                cmds += ['%s qdisc add dev %s' + parent +
                         'handle 6: red limit 1000000 ' +
                         'min 30000 max 35000 avpkt 1500 ' +
                         'burst 20 ' +
                         'bandwidth %fmbit probability 1 ecn' % bw]
                parent = ' parent 6: '
            elif enable_red:
                cmds += ['%s qdisc add dev %s' + parent +
                         'handle 6: red limit 1000000 ' +
                         'min 30000 max 35000 avpkt 1500 ' +
                         'burst 20 ' +
                         'bandwidth %fmbit probability 1' % bw]
                parent = ' parent 6: '
        return cmds, parent
예제 #21
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def ping(self, hosts=None, timeout=None, manualdestip=None):
     """Ping between all specified hosts.
        hosts: list of hosts
        timeout: time to wait for a response, as string
        manualdestip: sends pings from each h in hosts to manualdestip
        returns: ploss packet loss percentage"""
     # should we check if running?
     packets = 0
     lost = 0
     ploss = None
     if not hosts:
         hosts = self.hosts
         output('*** Ping: testing ping reachability\n')
     for node in hosts:
         output('%s -> ' % node.name)
         if manualdestip is not None:
             opts = ''
             if timeout:
                 opts = '-W %s' % timeout
             result = node.cmd('ping -c1 %s %s' %
                               (opts, manualdestip))
             sent, received = self._parsePing(result)
             packets += sent
             if received > sent:
                 error('*** Error: received too many packets')
                 error('%s' % result)
             lost += sent - received
             output(('%s ' % manualdestip) if received else 'X ')
             for dest in hosts:
                 if node != dest:
                     opts = ''
                     if timeout:
                         opts = '-W %s' % timeout
                     if dest.intfs:
                         result = node.cmd('ping -c1 %s %s' %
                                           (opts, dest.IP()))
                         sent, received = self._parsePing(result)
                         sent, received = 0, 0
                     packets += sent
                     if received > sent:
                         error('*** Error: received too many packets')
                         error('%s' % result)
                     lost += sent - received
                     output(('%s ' % dest.name) if received else 'X ')
     if packets > 0:
         ploss = 100.0 * lost / packets
         received = packets - lost
         output("*** Results: %i%% dropped (%d/%d received)\n" %
                (ploss, received, packets))
         ploss = 0
         output("*** Warning: No packets sent\n")
     return ploss
예제 #22
def moduleDeps(subtract=None, add=None):
    """Handle module dependencies.
       subtract: string or list of module names to remove, if already loaded
       add: string or list of module names to add, if not already loaded"""
    subtract = subtract if subtract is not None else []
    add = add if add is not None else []
    if isinstance(subtract, basestring):
        subtract = [subtract]
    if isinstance(add, basestring):
        add = [add]
    for mod in subtract:
        if mod in lsmod():
            info('*** Removing ' + mod + '\n')
            rmmodOutput = rmmod(mod)
            if rmmodOutput:
                error('Error removing ' + mod + ': "%s">\n' % rmmodOutput)
            if mod in lsmod():
                error('Failed to remove ' + mod + '; still there!\n')
    for mod in add:
        if mod not in lsmod():
            info('*** Loading ' + mod + '\n')
            modprobeOutput = modprobe(mod)
            if modprobeOutput:
                error('Error inserting ' + mod +
                      ' - is it installed and available via modprobe?\n' +
                      'Error was: "%s"\n' % modprobeOutput)
            if mod not in lsmod():
                error('Failed to insert ' + mod + ' - quitting.\n')
            debug('*** ' + mod + ' already loaded\n')
예제 #23
 def moveIntf( intf, node, printError=True ):
     """Move remote interface from root ns to node
         intf: string, interface
         dstNode: destination Node
         srcNode: source Node or None (default) for root ns
         printError: if true, print error"""
     intf = str( intf )
     cmd = 'ip link set %s netns %s' % ( intf, node.pid )
     node.rcmd( cmd )
     links = node.cmd( 'ip link show' )
     if not ' %s:' % intf in links:
         if printError:
             error( '*** Error: RemoteLink.moveIntf: ' + intf +
                    ' not successfully moved to ' + node.name + '\n' )
         return False
     return True
예제 #24
def moveIntfNoRetry(intf, dstNode, printError=False):
    """Move interface to node, without retrying.
       intf: string, interface
        dstNode: destination Node
        printError: if true, print error"""
    intf = str(intf)
    cmd = 'ip link set %s netns %s' % (intf, dstNode.pid)
    cmdOutput = quietRun(cmd)
    # If ip link set does not produce any output, then we can assume
    # that the link has been moved successfully.
    if cmdOutput:
        if printError:
                '*** Error: moveIntf: ' + intf +
                ' not successfully moved to ' + dstNode.name + ':\n',
        return False
    return True
예제 #25
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
 def do_iperf(self, line):
     """Simple iperf TCP test between two (optionally specified) hosts.
        Usage: iperf node1 node2"""
     args = line.split()
     if not args:
     elif len(args) == 2:
         hosts = []
         err = False
         for arg in args:
             if arg not in self.mn:
                 err = True
                 error("node '%s' not in network\n" % arg)
         if not err:
         error('invalid number of args: iperf src dst\n')
예제 #26
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
 def do_source(self, line):
     """Read commands from an input file.
        Usage: source <file>"""
     args = line.split()
     if len(args) != 1:
         error('usage: source <file>\n')
         self.inputFile = open(args[0])
         while True:
             line = self.inputFile.readline()
             if len(line) > 0:
     except IOError:
         error('error reading file %s\n' % args[0])
     self.inputFile = None
예제 #27
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def removeHost(self, name, **params):
     Remove a host from the network at runtime.
     if not isinstance(name, basestring) and name is not None:
         name = name.name  # if we get a host object
         h = self.get(name)
         error("Host: %s not found. Cannot remove it.\n" % name)
         return False
     if h is not None:
         if h in self.hosts:
         if name in self.nameToNode:
             del self.nameToNode[name]
         debug("Removed: %s\n" % name)
         return True
     return False
예제 #28
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: heitorgo1/myfog
 def do_iperfudp(self, line):
     """Simple iperf UDP test between two (optionally specified) hosts.
        Usage: iperfudp bw node1 node2"""
     args = line.split()
     if not args:
     elif len(args) == 3:
         udpBw = args[0]
         hosts = []
         err = False
         for arg in args[1:3]:
             if arg not in self.mn:
                 err = True
                 error("node '%s' not in network\n" % arg)
         if not err:
             self.mn.iperf(hosts, l4Type='UDP', udpBw=udpBw)
         error('invalid number of args: iperfudp bw src dst\n' +
               'bw examples: 10M\n')
예제 #29
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def removeLink(self, link=None, node1=None, node2=None):
     Removes a link. Can either be specified by link object,
     or the nodes the link connects.
     if link is None:
         if (isinstance(node1, basestring)
                 and isinstance(node2, basestring)):
                 node1 = self.get(node1)
                 error("Host: %s not found.\n" % node1)
                 node2 = self.get(node2)
                 error("Host: %s not found.\n" % node2)
         # try to find link by nodes
         for l in self.links:
             if l.intf1.node == node1 and l.intf2.node == node2:
                 link = l
             if l.intf1.node == node2 and l.intf2.node == node1:
                 link = l
     if link is None:
         error("Couldn't find link to be removed.\n")
     # tear down the link
예제 #30
파일: net.py 프로젝트: nolasco23/fogbed
 def configLinkStatus(self, src, dst, status):
     """Change status of src <-> dst links.
        src: node name
        dst: node name
        status: string {up, down}"""
     if src not in self.nameToNode:
         error('src not in network: %s\n' % src)
     elif dst not in self.nameToNode:
         error('dst not in network: %s\n' % dst)
         if isinstance(src, basestring):
             src = self.nameToNode[src]
         if isinstance(dst, basestring):
             dst = self.nameToNode[dst]
         connections = src.connectionsTo(dst)
         if len(connections) == 0:
             error('src and dst not connected: %s %s\n' % (src, dst))
         for srcIntf, dstIntf in connections:
             result = srcIntf.ifconfig(status)
             if result:
                 error('link src status change failed: %s\n' % result)
             result = dstIntf.ifconfig(status)
             if result:
                 error('link dst status change failed: %s\n' % result)