def __init__(self, schema, lexicon, model_path, fact_check, decoding, timed_session=False, consecutive_entity=True, realizer=None): super(NeuralSystem, self).__init__() self.schema = schema self.lexicon = lexicon self.timed_session = timed_session self.consecutive_entity = consecutive_entity # Load arguments args_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'config.json') config = read_json(args_path) config['batch_size'] = 1 config['gpu'] = 0 # Don't need GPU for batch_size=1 config['decoding'] = decoding args = argparse.Namespace(**config) mappings_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'vocab.pkl') mappings = read_pickle(mappings_path) vocab = mappings['vocab'] # TODO: different models have the same key now args.dropout = 0 logstats.add_args('model_args', args) model = build_model(schema, mappings, args) # Tensorflow config if args.gpu == 0: print 'GPU is disabled' config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count = {'GPU': 0}) else: gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.5, allow_growth=True) config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count = {'GPU': 1}, gpu_options=gpu_options) # NOTE: need to close the session when done tf_session = tf.Session(config=config) tf.initialize_all_variables().run(session=tf_session) # Load TF model parameters ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(model_path+'-best') assert ckpt, 'No checkpoint found' assert ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, 'No model path found in checkpoint' saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(tf_session, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) self.model_name = args.model if self.model_name == 'attn-copy-encdec': args.entity_target_form = 'graph' copy = True else: copy = False preprocessor = Preprocessor(schema, lexicon, args.entity_encoding_form, args.entity_decoding_form, args.entity_target_form, args.prepend) textint_map = TextIntMap(vocab, mappings['entity'], preprocessor) Env = namedtuple('Env', ['model', 'tf_session', 'preprocessor', 'vocab', 'copy', 'textint_map', 'stop_symbol', 'remove_symbols', 'max_len', 'evaluator', 'prepend', 'consecutive_entity', 'realizer']) self.env = Env(model, tf_session, preprocessor, mappings['vocab'], copy, textint_map, stop_symbol=vocab.to_ind(markers.EOS), remove_symbols=map(vocab.to_ind, (markers.EOS, markers.PAD)), max_len=20, evaluator=FactEvaluator() if fact_check else None, prepend=args.prepend, consecutive_entity=self.consecutive_entity, realizer=realizer)
def compute_statistics(args, lexicon, schema, scenario_db, transcripts): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(args.stats_output)) and len( os.path.dirname(args.stats_output)) > 0: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.stats_output)) stats = {} statsfile = open(args.stats_output, 'w') stats["total"] = total_stats = get_total_statistics( transcripts, scenario_db) print "Aggregated total dataset statistics" print_group_stats(total_stats) # LM if args.lm: import kenlm lm = kenlm.Model(args.lm) else: lm = None # Speech acts preprocessor = Preprocessor(schema, lexicon, 'canonical', 'canonical', 'canonical', False) strategy_stats = analyze_strategy(transcripts, scenario_db, preprocessor, args.text_output, lm) print_strategy_stats(strategy_stats) stats["speech_act"] = { k[0]: v for k, v in strategy_stats['speech_act'].iteritems() if len(k) == 1 } stats["kb_strategy"] = strategy_stats['kb_strategy'] stats["dialog_stats"] = strategy_stats['dialog_stats'] stats["lm_score"] = strategy_stats['lm_score'] stats["correct"] = strategy_stats['correct'] stats["entity_mention"] = strategy_stats['entity_mention'] stats['multi_speech_act'] = strategy_stats['multi_speech_act'] if args.plot_alpha_stats: plot_alpha_stats(strategy_stats["alpha_stats"], args.plot_alpha_stats) if args.plot_item_stats: plot_num_item_stats(strategy_stats["num_items_stats"], args.plot_item_stats) json.dump(stats, statsfile) statsfile.close()
raw_chats = read_json(args.dialogue_transcripts) uuid_to_chat = {chat['uuid']: chat for chat in raw_chats} schema = Schema(args.schema_path) scenario_db = ScenarioDB.from_dict(schema, read_json(args.scenarios_path)) dialogue_ids = filter(raw_eval, uuid_to_chat) for eval_ in raw_eval: read_eval(eval_, question_scores, mask=dialogue_ids) if args.hist: hist(question_scores, args.outdir, partner=args.partner) if args.summary: summary = summarize(question_scores) write_json(summary, args.stats) if args.analyze: schema = Schema(args.schema_path) lexicon = Lexicon(schema, False, scenarios_json=args.scenarios_path, stop_words=args.stop_words) preprocessor = Preprocessor(schema, lexicon, 'canonical', 'canonical', 'canonical') analyze(question_scores, uuid_to_chat, preprocessor) # Visualize if args.html_output: visualize(args.viewer_mode, args.html_output, question_scores, uuid_to_chat)
agent = e["agent"] if action == "message": raw_tokens = re.findall(re_pattern, msg_data) lower_raw_tokens = [r.lower() for r in raw_tokens] _, candidate_annotation = lexicon.link_entity( lower_raw_tokens, return_entities=True, agent=agent, uuid=scenario_uuid) for c in candidate_annotation: # Entity, Span, Type fout.write(c[1][0] + "\t" + c[0] + "\t" + c[1][1] + "\n") preprocessor = Preprocessor(schema, lexicon, 'canonical', 'canonical', 'canonical') for raw in examples: ex = Example.from_dict(None, raw) kbs = ex.scenario.kbs mentioned_entities = set() for i, event in enumerate( if event.action == 'message': utterance = preprocessor.process_event(event, kbs[event.agent], mentioned_entities) # Skip empty utterances if utterance: utterance = utterance[0] for token in utterance: if is_entity(token): span, entity = token entity, type_ = entity
schema = Schema(model_args.schema_path, model_args.domain) scenario_db = ScenarioDB.from_dict(schema, read_json(args.scenarios_path)) dataset = read_dataset(scenario_db, args) print 'Building lexicon...' start = time.time() lexicon = Lexicon(schema, args.learned_lex, stop_words=args.stop_words) print '%.2f s' % (time.time() - start) # Dataset use_kb = False if model_args.model == 'encdec' else True copy = True if model_args.model == 'attn-copy-encdec' else False if model_args.model == 'attn-copy-encdec': model_args.entity_target_form = 'graph' preprocessor = Preprocessor(schema, lexicon, model_args.entity_encoding_form, model_args.entity_decoding_form, model_args.entity_target_form) if args.test: model_args.dropout = 0 data_generator = DataGenerator(None, None, dataset.test_examples, preprocessor, schema, model_args.num_items, mappings, use_kb, copy) else: data_generator = DataGenerator(dataset.train_examples, dataset.test_examples, None, preprocessor, schema, model_args.num_items, mappings, use_kb, copy) for d, n in data_generator.num_examples.iteritems(): logstats.add('data', d, 'num_dialogues', n)
mappings = read_pickle(vocab_path) print 'Done [%fs]' % (time.time() - start) else: # Save config if not os.path.isdir(args.checkpoint): os.makedirs(args.checkpoint) config_path = os.path.join(args.checkpoint, 'config.json') write_json(vars(args), config_path) model_args = args mappings = None ckpt = None schema = Schema(model_args.schema_path, model_args.domain) scenario_db = ScenarioDB.from_dict(schema, read_json(args.scenarios_path)) dataset = read_dataset(scenario_db, args) word_counts = Preprocessor.count_words( chain(dataset.train_examples, dataset.test_examples)) print 'Building lexicon...' start = time.time() lexicon = Lexicon(schema, args.learned_lex, stop_words=args.stop_words) print '%.2f s' % (time.time() - start) # Dataset use_kb = False if model_args.model == 'encdec' else True copy = True if model_args.model == 'attn-copy-encdec' else False if model_args.model == 'attn-copy-encdec': model_args.entity_target_form = 'graph' preprocessor = Preprocessor(schema, lexicon, model_args.entity_encoding_form, model_args.entity_decoding_form, model_args.entity_target_form, model_args.prepend)