def librarykey(storage, obj, m): storage._go() if storage._playerInDistance(m.getPlayer().position, obj.rect): tr = GlobalServices.getTextRenderer() ad = GlobalServices.getAudioDevice(), 'pick_key', VOLUME_SOUND) tr.write("Got 'Library Key'", 3, COLOR_GOT_ITEM) m.getPlayer().inventory.add(ItemFactory.create(INVENTORY_ITEM_LIBRARY_KEY, 1)) remove_from_map(get_savegame(), OBJECT, 'mirrorhall', 'librarykey') storage._setData('librarykey_obtained', True) storage._halt()
def ladder(storage, obj, m): storage._go() if storage._playerInDistance(m.getPlayer().position, obj.rect): tr = GlobalServices.getTextRenderer() ad = GlobalServices.getAudioDevice() if storage._getData('masterroom_ladder_needed'): storage._toggleCutscene(True) tr.write("This ladder should get me up through that loft hatch.", 3) storage._wait(3000) inv = m.getPlayer().inventory inv.add(ItemFactory.create(INVENTORY_ITEM_LADDER, 1)) remove_from_map(get_savegame(), OBJECT, 'rightwing', 'ladder'), 'pick_item', VOLUME_SOUND) tr.write("Got 'Ladder'", 3, COLOR_GOT_ITEM) storage._toggleCutscene(False) GlobalServices.getEventManager().post(ObjectHighlightedEvent(None)) else: tr.write("There is a ladder on the ground. I have no purpose for that right now.", 3) storage._halt()
def keyshelf(storage, obj, m): storage._go() tr = GlobalServices.getTextRenderer() ad = GlobalServices.getAudioDevice() if storage._playerInDistance(m.getPlayer().position, obj.rect): # If the player has got the key if storage._getData('atriumkey_obtained'): tr.write("Nothing of interest.", 3) # If the player has pressed the switch elif storage._getData('guestroom_switch_pressed'): storage._toggleCutscene(True) tr.write("That lever has moved the wooden canvas.", 3) storage._wait(3000) tr.write("A small compartment containing a pale key was revealed.", 3) storage._wait(3000) emptyshelf = os.path.join(PATH_GRAPHICS_TILES,'shelf_taken.png') obj.changeImage(emptyshelf, True), 'pick_key', VOLUME_SOUND) tr.write("Got 'Atrium Key'", 3, COLOR_GOT_ITEM) m.getPlayer().inventory.add(ItemFactory.create(\ INVENTORY_ITEM_ATRIUM_KEY, 1)) storage._setData('atriumkey_obtained', True) storage._toggleCutscene(False) # Otherwise else: storage._toggleCutscene(True) tr.write("This is a weird bookshelf.", 3) storage._wait(3000) tr.write("The \"books\" are actually painted on top of a wooden canvas.", 3) storage._wait(3000) tr.write("There are hinges on the sides, but I can't move the front.", 3) storage._setData('guestroom_foundshelf', True) storage._toggleCutscene(False) else: tr.write("I can't reach that from here.", 3) storage._halt()
def flashlight(storage, obj, m): storage._go() tr = GlobalServices.getTextRenderer() ad = GlobalServices.getAudioDevice() storage._faceObject(m.getPlayer(), obj) if not storage._playerInDistance(m.getPlayer().position, obj.rect): tr.write("I can't reach that from here.", 3) else: # Bed scare sequence done if storage._getData('bedroom_bedscare_done'): # Add the flashlight to the inventory m.getPlayer().inventory.add(\ ItemFactory.create(INVENTORY_ITEM_FLASHLIGHT, 1)), 'pick_item', VOLUME_SOUND) tr.write("Got 'Flashlight'", 3, COLOR_GOT_ITEM) # Delete the note from the map m.removeObject(obj) remove_from_map(get_savegame(), OBJECT, 'bedroom', 'bedroom_flashlight') # Set a flag that this script was executed storage._setData('flashlight_obtained', True) # Add the global flashlight overlay, deleting the others flashlight = OverlayFactory.create_flashlight() set_global_overlays([flashlight]) # Add the overlay to this map, too m.clearOverlays() m.addOverlay(flashlight), 'flashlight_toggle', VOLUME_SOUND) ad.stop(SOUND, 1500, 'insanity_bug3') else: storage._toggleCutscene(True) tr.write("Sometimes I need my flashlight when the power tends to get all freaky.", 3) storage._wait(3000) tr.write("I don't know if that's because the mansion is just old or haunted, though.", 3) storage._toggleCutscene(False) storage._halt()
def entrancenote(storage, obj, m): storage._go() storage._faceObject(m.getPlayer(), obj) tr = GlobalServices.getTextRenderer() if storage._playerInDistance(m.getPlayer().position, obj.rect): # Cutscene toggle: Disable user input storage._toggleCutscene(True) ad = GlobalServices.getAudioDevice() tr.write("There is a note on the ground.", 3) storage._wait(3000) tr.write("Did someone slide this under the entrance door?", 3) storage._wait(4000) tr.deleteAll() # Overlays note = OverlayFactory.create("note_big.png") togray = OverlayFactory.create_animated_color((0, 0, 0), 1000, 0, True, 0, 200) m.addOverlay(note) m.addOverlay(togray) # Play sound, "journal_page", VOLUME_SOUND) # Text of the note y = 120 ofs = 18 tr.write("Clyde,", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y)) tr.write("you know we like you. However, you kinda freak us out, dude.", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 2))) tr.write( "We have grown sick of your accusations and want to give you some time", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 3)) ) tr.write("for yourself to sort things out and get your mind straight.", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 4))) tr.write( "Why would you keep blaming us for shit that's obviously not real?", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 6)) ) tr.write( "What good would it do us if we, like you said we do, 'keep changing things in the house'?", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 7)), ) tr.write( "Never ever has any of us witnessed anything suspicious when we gave in", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 8)), ) tr.write( "to your begging us to stay overnight. What, are you frightened of your", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 9)), ) tr.write("grandpa's house and see spooky things that aren't even there?", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 10))) tr.write( "We don't want to say this, but we ain't gonna stay for tonight.", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 11)) ) tr.write("Get it together, man.", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (100, y + (ofs * 13))) # Wait for user input storage._pauseUntilClick() GlobalServices.getEventManager().post(ObjectHighlightedEvent(None)) # Delete note overlay m.removeOverlay(note) m.removeOverlay(togray) # Play sound, "journal_page", VOLUME_SOUND) # Delete texts tr.deleteAll() # Fadeout music ad.stop(MUSIC, 12000) ad.stop(SOUND, 12000, "vind2") # More text tr.write("Did they...?", 3) storage._wait(4000) tr.write("They have forsaken me.", 3) storage._wait(4000) tr.write("I didn't want to upset them... it's just...", 3) storage._wait(4000) tr.write("I am NOT making this up. Something is wrong here.", 3) storage._wait(4000) tr.deleteAll() storage._wait(1000) m.getPlayer().setDirection([0, -1]) tr.write("I feel dizzy. I should get back to bed.", 3) storage._wait(4000) storage._faceObject(m.getPlayer(), obj) # Delete texts tr.deleteAll() # Add the note to the inventory m.getPlayer().inventory.add(ItemFactory.create(INVENTORY_ITEM_ENTRANCE_NOTE, 1)), "pick_paper", VOLUME_SOUND) tr.write("Got 'Note (Forsaken Friends)'", 3, COLOR_GOT_ITEM) tr.write("[Press TAB to access your possessions.]", 3, COLOR_OBJECTIVE, (0, POSITION_BOTTOM_SCREEN[1] + 20)) # Delete the note from the map m.removeObject(obj) # Set a flag that this script was executed storage._setData("entrancenote_obtained", True) # End cutscene storage._toggleCutscene(False) # Play a new BGM, "ambienceloop", VOLUME_MUSIC, -1) else: tr.write("Is that a note on the ground?", 3) storage._halt()