def registerPage(): command = """ SELECT MAX(user_id) FROM login """ cursor.execute(command) new_id = cursor.fetchone() user_id = new_id[0] + 1 form = RegistrationForm(request.form, csrf_enabled=False) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): username = email = password = command = """ SELECT * FROM login WHERE login.username = "******" """.format( username=username) cursor.execute(command) usernametester = cursor.fetchone() if usernametester != None: #Testing to see if anything wrong with Username if username == usernametester[1]: flash("That username is already taken, please choose another", 'danger') return render_template('registration.html', form=form, URL=url_for('registerPage')) command = """ INSERT INTO login (user_id, username, email, password) VALUES ({i}, '{u}', '{e}', '{p}') """.format(i=user_id, u=username, e=email, p=password) cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() session['logged_in'] = True session['username'] = username flash( 'The user %s with ID %d has been created! Logged in!' % (username, user_id), 'success') return redirect(url_for('home')) if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') return render_template('registration.html', form=form, URL=url_for('registerPage'))
def department_edit(key): command = """SELECT * FROM departments WHERE dept_id = {p1} """.format(p1=key) cursor.execute(command) single_department = cursor.fetchall()[ 0] #gets all the information on the product with id = <key> form = DepartmentForm(request.form, csrf_enabled=False, dept_name=single_department[1], warranty=single_department[2], dept_phone=single_department[3], dept_manager=single_department[4]) if (request.method == 'POST' and form.validate()): dept_name = warranty = dept_phone = dept_manager = command = """ UPDATE departments SET dept_name = '{name}', warranty = '{warranty}', dept_phone = '{phone}', dept_manager = '{manager}' WHERE departments.dept_id = {id} """.format(departments='departments', id=key, name=dept_name, warranty=warranty, phone=dept_phone, manager=dept_manager) cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() flash('The department %s has been edited.' % (dept_name), 'success') return redirect(url_for('department_edit_main')) if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') return render_template('department_edit.html', form=form, dept_id=key) #not sure about here
def department_delete(key): command = """ SELECT * FROM departments WHERE departments.dept_id = {p1} """.format(p1=key) #select whole row of <key> cursor.execute(command) single_row = cursor.fetchall() dept_name = single_row #gets the name from row 0 column 1 command = """ DELETE FROM departments WHERE departments.dept_id = {p1} """.format(p1=key) cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() flash('The product %s has been deleted' % (dept_name), 'success') return redirect(url_for('department_delete_main'))
def department_create(): command = """ SELECT MAX(dept_id) FROM departments """ cursor.execute(command) next_id = cursor.fetchone() new_id = next_id[0] + 1 form = DepartmentForm(request.form, csrf_enabled=False) if (request.method == 'POST' and form.validate()): dept_name = warranty = dept_phone = int( dept_manager = command = """INSERT INTO departments (dept_id, dept_name, warranty, dept_phone, dept_manager) VALUES ('{id}','{name}',{warranty}, '{phone}', '{manager}') """.format(id=new_id, name=dept_name, warranty=warranty, phone=dept_phone, manager=dept_manager) cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() flash("The department %s with %s as the manager has been created" % (dept_name, dept_manager)) return redirect( url_for('departmentsPrinter') ) #You had the url for completely wrong. Maybe you forgot to change hers? if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') return render_template( 'department_create.html', URL=url_for('department_create'), form=form, dept_id=new_id ) #forgot to send URl = url_for('product_create'). It's necessary for the title.
def product_edit(key): command = """SELECT * FROM products WHERE prod_id = {p1} """.format(p1=key) cursor.execute(command) single_product = cursor.fetchall()[ 0] #gets all the information on the product with id = <key> form = ProductForm(request.form, csrf_enabled=False, prod_name=single_product[1], dept_id=single_product[2], prod_price=single_product[3], prod_stock=single_product[4], prod_rating=single_product[5], prod_images=single_product[6], shipping=single_product[7], recycle_fee=single_product[8]) command = """SELECT {departments}.dept_id, {departments}.dept_name FROM departments """.format( departments='departments') #might run into same problem as prod_create cursor.execute(command) departments = cursor.fetchall() form.dept_id.choices = departments if (request.method == 'POST' and form.validate()): prod_name = dept_id = prod_price = prod_stock = prod_rating = prod_images = #These have to be if statements because returns a bool, which SQLite doesn't accept. It works with 1 and 0 if ( shipping = 1 else: shipping = 0 if ( recycle_fee = 1 else: recycle_fee = 0 command = """ UPDATE products SET prod_name = '{name}', dept_id = '{dept}', prod_price = '{price}', prod_stock = '{stock}', prod_rating = '{rating}', prod_images = '{images}', shipping = '{ship}', recycle_fee = '{fee}' WHERE products.prod_id = {id} """.format(products='products', id=key, name=prod_name, dept=dept_id, price=prod_price, stock=prod_stock, rating=prod_rating, images=prod_images, ship=shipping, fee=recycle_fee) #not sure if command WHERE should be dept_id or prod_id cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() flash('The product %s has been edited.' % (prod_name), 'success') return redirect(url_for('get_message', ID=key)) if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') return render_template('product_edit.html', form=form, prod_id=key)
def product_create(): command = """SELECT MAX(prod_id) FROM products """ cursor.execute(command) next_id = cursor.fetchone() new_id = next_id[0] + 1 form = ProductForm( request.form, csrf_enabled=False) #not sure if to have CSRF enabled or not command = """ SELECT {departments}.dept_id, {departments}.dept_name FROM departments """.format(departments='departments') #changed a bit for CHOICES cursor.execute(command) departments = cursor.fetchall() form.dept_id.choices = departments # NOT 100% on what this line does if (request.method == 'POST' and form.validate()): prod_name = dept_id = prod_price = prod_stock = prod_rating = prod_images = #These have to be if statements because returns a bool, which SQLite doesn't accept. It works with 1 and 0 if ( shipping = 1 else: shipping = 0 if ( recycle_fee = 1 else: recycle_fee = 0 command = """ INSERT INTO products (prod_id, prod_name, dept_id, prod_price, prod_stock, prod_rating, prod_images, shipping, recycle_fee) VALUES ('{id}','{name}',{dept}, {price}, {stock},{rating}, '{images}', {ship}, {fee}) """.format( id=new_id, name=prod_name, dept=dept_id, price=prod_price, stock=prod_stock, rating=prod_rating, images=prod_images, ship=shipping, fee=recycle_fee ) #you had shipping = shipping here. It should have been ship=shipping cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() flash("The product %s with id %d has been created" % (prod_name, new_id)) return redirect(url_for('get_message', ID=new_id)) if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') return render_template('product_create.html', URL=url_for('product_create'), form=form, prod_id=new_id)