def get_loss_and_output(model, batchsize, scoremap, hand_motion, reuse_variables=None): with tf.variable_scope("diff", reuse=reuse_variables): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 1 _, pred_diffmap_all = get_network(model, scoremap, True) losses = [] for idx, pred_heat in enumerate(pred_diffmap_all): # flatten s = pred_heat.get_shape().as_list() pred_heat = tf.reshape(pred_heat, [-1, s[3] * s[1] * s[2]]) # this is Bx16*16*1 # pred_heat --> 3 params out_chan_list = [32, 16, 8] for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): pred_heat = ops.fully_connected_relu(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_%d_%d' % (idx, i), out_chan=out_chan, trainable=True) evaluation = tf.placeholder_with_default(True, shape=()) pred_heat = pred_heat # ops.dropout(pred_heat, 0.95, evaluation) ux = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_ux_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) uy = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_uy_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) uz = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_uz_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) ur = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_ur_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) loss_l2r = tf.nn.l2_loss(hand_motion[:, 0] - ur[:, 0], name='lossr_heatmap_stage%d' % idx) loss_l2x = tf.nn.l2_loss(hand_motion[:, 1] - ux[:, 0], name='lossx_heatmap_stage%d' % idx) loss_l2y = tf.nn.l2_loss(hand_motion[:, 2] - uy[:, 0], name='lossy_heatmap_stage%d' % idx) loss_l2z = tf.nn.l2_loss(hand_motion[:, 3] - uz[:, 0], name='lossz_heatmap_stage%d' % idx) losses.append(loss_l2x + loss_l2y + loss_l2r * 0.001 + loss_l2z * 0.001) ufxuz = tf.concat(values=[ur, ux, uy, uz], axis=1, name='fxuz') motion_loss = tf.reduce_sum(losses) / batchsize alph = 0.5 total_loss = motion_loss return total_loss, ufxuz
def get_loss_and_output(model, batchsize, input_image, scoremap, is_loss, reuse_variables=None): losses = [] # 叠加在batch上重用特征提取网络 input_image = tf.add(input_image, 0, name='input_image') with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse_variables): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 2 _, pred_heatmaps_all = get_network(model, input_image, True) #第一个batch的维度 hand back loss_scoremap = 0.0 loss_is_loss = 0.0 for loss_i in range(len(pred_heatmaps_all)): # 计算 isloss,用softmax计算 0~1} is_loss_s = pred_heatmaps_all[loss_i].get_shape().as_list() pre_is_loss = tf.reshape( pred_heatmaps_all[loss_i], [-1, is_loss_s[1] * is_loss_s[2] * is_loss_s[3] ]) # this is Bx16*16*1 out_chan_list = [32, 16, 8, 2] for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): pre_is_loss = ops.fully_connected_relu(pre_is_loss, 'is_loss_fc_%d_%d' % (loss_i, i), out_chan=out_chan, trainable=True) #(128,1) # 计算热度图 scale = 2 pred_heatmaps_tmp = upsample(pred_heatmaps_all[loss_i], scale, name="upsample_for_hotmap_loss_%d" % loss_i) #用is loss 修正热度图 pre_is_loss = tf.nn.softmax(pre_is_loss) pred_heatmaps_tmp_01_modi = tf.expand_dims( tf.expand_dims(pre_is_loss, axis=1), axis=1) * pred_heatmaps_tmp pred_heatmaps_tmp = tf.nn.softmax(pred_heatmaps_tmp) pred_heatmaps_tmp_01_modi = tf.nn.softmax(pred_heatmaps_tmp_01_modi) total_loss = loss_scoremap + loss_is_loss return pred_heatmaps_tmp, pre_is_loss, pred_heatmaps_tmp_01_modi
hand_motion_back = batch_data_all_back[9] scoremap1_back = batch_data_all_back[11] scoremap2_back = batch_data_all_back[12] is_loss1_back = batch_data_all_back[13] is_loss2_back = batch_data_all_back[14] input_image1 = tf.concat([input_image1, input_image1_back], 0) # 第一个batch的维度 hand1 back1 input_image2 = tf.concat([input_image2, input_image2_back], 0) input_image12 = tf.concat([input_image1, input_image2], 0) # hand1 back1 hand2 back2 input_image12.set_shape([batchsize * 4, 32, 32, 3]) with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=False): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 1 _, pred_heatmaps_all12 = get_network( 'mv2_hourglass', input_image12, True) for batch_i in range(len(pred_heatmaps_all12)): # 计算 isloss,用softmax计算 0~1} is_loss_s = pred_heatmaps_all12[batch_i].get_shape( ).as_list() pre_is_loss = tf.reshape( pred_heatmaps_all12[batch_i], [is_loss_s[0], -1]) # this is Bx16*16*1 out_chan_list = [32, 16, 8, 1] for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): pre_is_loss = ops.fully_connected_relu( pre_is_loss, 'is_loss_fc_%d_%d' % (batch_i, i), out_chan=out_chan, trainable=True) # (128,1)
def get_loss_and_output(model, batchsize, input_image1, input_image2, hand_motion, scoremap1, scoremap2, is_loss1, is_loss2, reuse_variables=None): losses = [] # 叠加在batch上重用特征提取网络 input_image12 = tf.concat([input_image1, input_image2], 0) #hand1 back1 hand2 back2 input_image12.set_shape([batchsize * 4, 32, 32, 3]) input_image12 = tf.add(input_image12, 0, name='input_image') with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse_variables): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 1 _, pred_heatmaps_all12 = get_network( model, input_image12, True) #第一个batch的维度 hand1 back1 hand2 back2 # 计算一个scoremap的loss scoremap12 = tf.concat([scoremap1, scoremap2], 0) scoremap12 = tf.reduce_sum(scoremap12, axis=-1) one_scoremap12 = tf.ones_like(scoremap12) scoremap12 = tf.where(scoremap12 > 1, x=one_scoremap12, y=scoremap12) scoremap12 = tf.expand_dims(scoremap12, axis=-1) scoremap12.set_shape([batchsize * 4, 32, 32, 1]) #hand1 back1 hand2 back2 is_loss12 = tf.concat([is_loss1, is_loss2], 0) is_loss12 = tf.expand_dims(is_loss12, axis=-1) is_loss12.set_shape([batchsize * 4, 1]) loss_scoremap = 0 loss_is_loss = 0 for loss_i in range(len(pred_heatmaps_all12)): # 计算 isloss,用softmax计算 0~1} is_loss_s = pred_heatmaps_all12[loss_i].get_shape().as_list() pre_is_loss = tf.reshape(pred_heatmaps_all12[loss_i], [is_loss_s[0], -1]) # this is Bx16*16*1 out_chan_list = [32, 16, 8, 1] for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): pre_is_loss = ops.fully_connected_relu(pre_is_loss, 'is_loss_fc_%d_%d' % (loss_i, i), out_chan=out_chan, trainable=True) #(128,1) #将pre_is_loss约束在01之间 one_pre_is_loss = tf.ones_like(pre_is_loss) zero_pre_is_loss = tf.zeros_like(pre_is_loss) pre_is_loss = tf.where(pre_is_loss > 1, x=one_pre_is_loss, y=pre_is_loss) pre_is_loss = tf.where(pre_is_loss < 0, x=zero_pre_is_loss, y=pre_is_loss) #pre_is_loss = tf.nn.softmax(pre_is_loss) loss_is_loss += tf.nn.l2_loss(pre_is_loss - is_loss12) # 计算热度图 scale = 2 pred_heatmaps_tmp = upsample(pred_heatmaps_all12[loss_i], scale, name="upsample_for_hotmap_loss_%d" % loss_i) one_tmp = tf.ones_like(pred_heatmaps_tmp) pred_heatmaps_tmp = tf.where(pred_heatmaps_tmp > 1, x=one_tmp, y=pred_heatmaps_tmp) #用is loss 修正热度图 pred_heatmaps_tmp_ = tf.expand_dims( tf.expand_dims(pre_is_loss, axis=-1), axis=-1) * pred_heatmaps_tmp #pred_heatmaps_tmp = tf.nn.softmax(pred_heatmaps_tmp) #loss_scoremap += -tf.reduce_mean(scoremap12 * tf.log(pred_heatmaps_tmp)) #loss_scoremap += tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=pred_heatmaps_tmp, labels=scoremap12)) loss_scoremap += tf.nn.l2_loss(pred_heatmaps_tmp - scoremap12) loss_is_loss = loss_is_loss / 32.0 / 4.0 loss_scoremap = loss_scoremap / 32.0 / 4.0 / 32.0 / 32.0 diffmap = [] for batch_i in range(len(pred_heatmaps_all12)): #hand1 back1 hand2 back2 diffmap.append(pred_heatmaps_all12[batch_i][0:batchsize * 2] - pred_heatmaps_all12[batch_i][batchsize * 2:batchsize * 4]) #diffmap_t 将4个阶段的输出,在通道数上整合 for batch_i in range(len(diffmap)): if batch_i == 0: diffmap_t = diffmap[batch_i] else: diffmap_t = tf.concat([diffmap[batch_i], diffmap_t], axis=3) #hand12 back12 with tf.variable_scope("diff", reuse=reuse_variables): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 1 _, pred_diffmap_all = get_network(model, diffmap_t, True) losses = [] for idx, pred_heat in enumerate(pred_diffmap_all): # flatten s = pred_heat.get_shape().as_list() pred_heat = tf.reshape(pred_heat, [s[0], -1]) # this is Bx16*16*1 #x = tf.concat([x, hand_side], 1) # pred_heat --> 3 params out_chan_list = [32, 16, 8] for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): pred_heat = ops.fully_connected_relu(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_%d_%d' % (idx, i), out_chan=out_chan, trainable=True) evaluation = tf.placeholder_with_default(True, shape=()) pred_heat = pred_heat # ops.dropout(pred_heat, 0.95, evaluation) ux = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_ux_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) uy = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_uy_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) uz = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_uz_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) ur = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_ur_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) loss_l2r = tf.nn.l2_loss(hand_motion[:, 0] - ur[:, 0], name='lossr_heatmap_stage%d' % idx) loss_l2x = tf.nn.l2_loss(hand_motion[:, 1] - ux[:, 0], name='lossx_heatmap_stage%d' % idx) loss_l2y = tf.nn.l2_loss(hand_motion[:, 2] - uy[:, 0], name='lossy_heatmap_stage%d' % idx) loss_l2z = tf.nn.l2_loss(hand_motion[:, 3] - uz[:, 0], name='lossz_heatmap_stage%d' % idx) losses.append(loss_l2x + loss_l2y + loss_l2r * 0.001 + loss_l2z * 0.001) ufxuz = tf.concat(values=[ur, ux, uy, uz], axis=1, name='fxuz') motion_loss = tf.reduce_sum(losses) / batchsize / 2.0 alph = 0.5 total_loss = motion_loss * 2 + loss_scoremap * 2 + loss_is_loss * 0.5 return total_loss, motion_loss*2, loss_scoremap*2, loss_is_loss*0.5,\ ur, ux, uy, uz, ufxuz, pred_heatmaps_tmp,pred_heatmaps_tmp_, pre_is_loss, is_loss12
def get_loss_and_output(model, batchsize, input_image1, input_image2, reuse_variables=None): losses = [] # 叠加在batch上重用特征提取网络 input_image12 = tf.concat([input_image1, input_image2], 0) #hand1 back1 hand2 back2 #input_image12.set_shape([batchsize * 4, 32, 32, 3]) #input_image12 = tf.add(input_image12, 0, name='input_image') with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse_variables): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 1 _, pred_heatmaps_all12 = get_network( model, input_image12, True) #第一个batch的维度 hand1 back1 hand2 back2 for loss_i in range(len(pred_heatmaps_all12)): # 计算 isloss,用softmax计算 0~1} # is_loss_s = pred_heatmaps_all12[loss_i].get_shape().as_list() pre_is_loss = tf.reshape(pred_heatmaps_all12[loss_i], [batchsize * 4, -1]) # this is Bx16*16*1 out_chan_list = [32, 16, 8, 1] for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): pre_is_loss = ops.fully_connected_relu(pre_is_loss, 'is_loss_fc_%d_%d' % (loss_i, i), out_chan=out_chan, trainable=True) #(128,1) #将pre_is_loss约束在01之间 one_pre_is_loss = tf.ones_like(pre_is_loss) zero_pre_is_loss = tf.zeros_like(pre_is_loss) pre_is_loss = tf.where(pre_is_loss > 1, x=one_pre_is_loss, y=pre_is_loss) pre_is_loss = tf.where(pre_is_loss < 0, x=zero_pre_is_loss, y=pre_is_loss) #pre_is_loss = tf.nn.softmax(pre_is_loss) # 计算热度图 scale = 2 pred_heatmaps_tmp = upsample(pred_heatmaps_all12[loss_i], scale, name="upsample_for_hotmap_loss_%d" % loss_i) one_tmp = tf.ones_like(pred_heatmaps_tmp) pred_heatmaps_tmp = tf.where(pred_heatmaps_tmp > 1, x=one_tmp, y=pred_heatmaps_tmp) #用is loss 修正热度图 pred_heatmaps_tmp_ = tf.expand_dims( tf.expand_dims(pre_is_loss, axis=-1), axis=-1) * pred_heatmaps_tmp diffmap = [] for batch_i in range(len(pred_heatmaps_all12)): #hand1 back1 hand2 back2 diffmap.append(pred_heatmaps_all12[batch_i][0:batchsize * 2] - pred_heatmaps_all12[batch_i][batchsize * 2:batchsize * 4]) #diffmap_t 将4个阶段的输出,在通道数上整合 for batch_i in range(len(diffmap)): if batch_i == 0: diffmap_t = diffmap[batch_i] else: diffmap_t = tf.concat([diffmap[batch_i], diffmap_t], axis=3) #hand12 back12 with tf.variable_scope("diff", reuse=reuse_variables): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 1 _, pred_diffmap_all = get_network(model, diffmap_t, True) for idx, pred_heat in enumerate(pred_diffmap_all): # flatten s = pred_heat.get_shape().as_list() pred_heat = tf.reshape(pred_heat, [s[0], -1]) # this is Bx16*16*1 #x = tf.concat([x, hand_side], 1) # pred_heat --> 3 params out_chan_list = [32, 16, 8] for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): pred_heat = ops.fully_connected_relu(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_%d_%d' % (idx, i), out_chan=out_chan, trainable=True) evaluation = tf.placeholder_with_default(True, shape=()) pred_heat = pred_heat # ops.dropout(pred_heat, 0.95, evaluation) ux = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_ux_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) uy = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_uy_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) uz = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_uz_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) ur = ops.fully_connected(pred_heat, 'fc_vp_ur_%d' % idx, out_chan=1, trainable=True) ufxuz = tf.concat(values=[ur, ux, uy, uz], axis=1, name='fxuz') return ur, ux, uy, uz, ufxuz, pred_heatmaps_tmp, pred_heatmaps_tmp_, pre_is_loss
def get_loss_and_output(model, batchsize, input_image, scoremap, finger_mask_sum, reuse_variables=None): # 叠加在batch上重用特征提取网络 input_image = tf.add(input_image, 0, name='input_image') with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse_variables): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 2 network_mv2_hourglass.STAGE_NUM = 2 _, pred_heatmaps_all = get_network(model, input_image, True) #第一个batch的维度 hand back # # 将估计的最后一层用全连接连到 5,再用5*5*5*5来个几层估计最后的结果 # z_rate_pre = ops.max_pool(tf.expand_dims(pred_heatmaps_all[-1][:,:,:,0], axis=-1)) # z_rate_pre = tf.reshape(z_rate_pre, [batchsize, 16*80]) # z_rate_pre = ops.fully_connected_relu(z_rate_pre, "z_rate_Pro", 5) # for i_z in range(5): # z_rate_pre = ops.fully_connected_relu(z_rate_pre, "z_rate_"+str(i_z), 5) # loss_scoremap = 0.0 # loss_zrate = 0.0 loss_scoremap_m = 0.0 loss_is_loss = 0.0 for loss_i in range(len(pred_heatmaps_all)): # # 计算 isloss,用softmax计算 0~1} # is_loss_s = pred_heatmaps_all[loss_i].get_shape().as_list() # pre_is_loss = tf.reshape(pred_heatmaps_all[loss_i], [-1, is_loss_s[1]*is_loss_s[2]*is_loss_s[3]]) # this is Bx16*16*1 # out_chan_list = [32, 16, 8, 2] # for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): # pre_is_loss = ops.fully_connected_relu(pre_is_loss, 'is_loss_fc_%d_%d' % (loss_i, i), out_chan=out_chan, trainable=True)#(128,1) # #将pre_is_loss [?,2] # loss_is_loss += tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=pre_is_loss, labels=is_loss)) # 计算热度图 # scale = 2 # pred_heatmaps_tmp = upsample(pred_heatmaps_all[loss_i], scale, name="upsample_for_hotmap_loss_%d" % loss_i) pred_heatmaps_tmp = pred_heatmaps_all[loss_i] #在计算loss时将其约束在01之间可以增加估计热度图的对比度 s = scoremap.get_shape().as_list() gt = tf.reshape(scoremap, [batchsize * s[1] * s[2], -1]) pred = tf.reshape(pred_heatmaps_tmp, [batchsize * s[1] * s[2], -1]) loss_scoremap += tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=pred, labels=gt)) pred_heatmaps_tmp = tf.nn.softmax(pred_heatmaps_tmp) # loss_zrate += tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(z_rate_pre - finger_mask_sum)) # one_tmp = tf.ones_like(pred_heatmaps_tmp) # zero_tmp = tf.zeros_like(pred_heatmaps_tmp) # pred_heatmaps_tmp_01 = tf.where(pred_heatmaps_tmp > 1, x=one_tmp, y=pred_heatmaps_tmp) # pred_heatmaps_tmp_01 = tf.where(pred_heatmaps_tmp_01 < 0, x=zero_tmp, y=pred_heatmaps_tmp_01) # loss_scoremap += tf.nn.l2_loss(pred_heatmaps_tmp_01 - scoremap) #用is loss 修正热度图 # pre_is_loss = tf.nn.softmax(pre_is_loss) # # pred_heatmaps_tmp_modi = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(pre_is_loss, axis=1), axis=1)*pred_heatmaps_tmp # # loss_scoremap_m += tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=pred_heatmaps_tmp_modi, labels=gt)) # # pred_heatmaps_tmp = tf.nn.softmax(pred_heatmaps_tmp) # pred_heatmaps_tmp_modi = tf.nn.softmax(pred_heatmaps_tmp_modi) # # loss_is_loss = loss_is_loss # loss_scoremap = loss_scoremap # loss_scoremap_m = loss_scoremap_m total_loss = loss_scoremap #*3 + loss_zrate*0.001# + loss_is_loss + loss_scoremap_m #return total_loss, loss_is_loss, loss_scoremap, loss_scoremap_m, pred_heatmaps_tmp, pre_is_loss, pred_heatmaps_tmp_modi return total_loss, pred_heatmaps_tmp #, [total_loss, loss_scoremap, loss_zrate, z_rate_pre, finger_mask_sum]
int(inputs.get_shape()[1]) * factor, int(inputs.get_shape()[2]) * factor ], name=name) with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.device("/cpu:0"): with tf.device("/gpu:%d" % i): with tf.name_scope("GPU_%d" % i): input_node = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, args.size, args.size * 5, 3], name="input_image") with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=False): network_mv2_hourglass.N_KPOINTS = 2 network_mv2_hourglass.STAGE_NUM = 2 _, pred_heatmaps_all = get_network('mv2_hourglass', input_node, True) for loss_i in range(len(pred_heatmaps_all)): pred_heatmaps_tmp = pred_heatmaps_all[loss_i] pred_heatmaps_tmp = tf.nn.softmax(pred_heatmaps_tmp) output_node_ufxuz = tf.add(pred_heatmaps_tmp, 0, name='final_pred_heatmaps_tmp') #(1,4) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=10) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() config = tf.ConfigProto() # occupy gpu gracefully config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
type=str, default='', help='checkpoint path') parser.add_argument('--output_node_names', type=str, default='upsample2_for_loss_3') parser.add_argument('--output_graph', type=str, default='./model.pb', help='output_freeze_path') args = parser.parse_args() input_node = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, args.size, args.size, 3], name="image") with tf.Session() as sess: net = get_network(args.model, input_node, trainable=False) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, args.checkpoint) input_graph_def = tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def() output_graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, # The session input_graph_def, # input_graph_def is useful for retrieving the nodes args.output_node_names.split(",")) with tf.gfile.GFile(args.output_graph, "wb") as f: f.write(output_graph_def.SerializeToString())