예제 #1
def load_sfdata(data_path, current_file, self_guassian_normalize=True):
    A = current_file
    #filename = pjoin(data_path, 'frames_finalpass', A)
    filename = pjoin(data_path, A)
    #print ("[****] limg: {}".format(filename))
    """ if using Pillow Image, the loaded image will have RGBA for PNG in Scene Flow dataset """
    #left  = Image.open(filename)
    #left  = np.asarray(Image.open(filename), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
    left = cv2.imread(filename)[:, :, ::-1].astype(
        np.float32)  # change BRG to RGB via `::-1`;
    #print ('[???] left image shape = ', left.shape)
    #filename = pjoin(data_path, 'frames_finalpass/' + A[:-13] + 'right/' + A[len(A)-8:])
    filename = pjoin(data_path, A[:-13] + 'right/' + A[len(A) - 8:])
    #print ("[****] rimg: {}".format(filename))
    right = cv2.imread(filename)[:, :, ::-1].astype(np.float32)
    #filename = pjoin(data_path, 'disparity/' + A[0:-4] + '.pfm')
    #print ("[???]", current_file, type(current_file))
    pos = A.find('/')
    tmp_len = len('frames_finalpass')
    filename = pjoin(
        data_path, A[0:pos] + '/disparity' + A[pos + 1 + tmp_len:-4] + '.pfm')
    #print ("[****] ldisp: {}".format(filename))
    disp_left = pfm.readPFM(filename)
    disp_left[disp_left ==
              np.inf] = 0  # set zero as a invalid disparity value;
    #print ('[***] disp_left shape = ', disp_left.shape)
    #print ("[???] ",data_path +  'disparity/' + A[0:-13] + 'right/' + A[len(A)-8:-4] + '.pfm' )
    filename = pjoin(
        data_path, A[0:pos] + '/disparity' + A[pos + 1 + tmp_len:-13] +
        'right/' + A[len(A) - 8:-4] + '.pfm')
    #print ("[****] rdisp: {}".format(filename))
    disp_right = pfm.readPFM(filename)
    height, width = left.shape[:2]

    temp_data = np.zeros([8 + 6 + 1, height, width], 'float32')
    temp_data[0], temp_data[1], temp_data[2] = normalize_rgb_via_mean_std(
        left, is_mean_std=self_guassian_normalize)
    temp_data[3], temp_data[4], temp_data[5] = normalize_rgb_via_mean_std(
        right, is_mean_std=self_guassian_normalize)
    #temp_data[6:7, :, :] = width * 2
    temp_data[6, :, :] = disp_left
    temp_data[7, :, :] = disp_right
    # save for tensorboard visualization
    temp_data[8, :, :] = left[:, :, 0] / 255.0  #R
    temp_data[9, :, :] = left[:, :, 1] / 255.0  #G
    temp_data[10, :, :] = left[:, :, 2] / 255.0  #B
    temp_data[11, :, :] = right[:, :, 0] / 255.0  #R
    temp_data[12, :, :] = right[:, :, 1] / 255.0  #G
    temp_data[13, :, :] = right[:, :, 2] / 255.0  #B

    return temp_data
예제 #2
def load_kitti2012_data(file_path, current_file):
    """ load current file from the list"""
    filename = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_0/' + current_file)
    #filename = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
    print("limg: {}".format(filename))
    left = np.asarray(Image.open(filename), dtype=np.float32, order="C")
    #filename = pjoin(file_path, 'image_1/' + current_file)
    filename = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_1/' + current_file)
    print("rimg: {}".format(filename))
    right = np.asarray(Image.open(filename), dtype=np.float32, order='C')

    filename = pjoin(file_path, 'disp_occ_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
    print("ldisp: {}".format(filename))
    disp_left = pfm.readPFM(filename)
    height, width = disp_left.shape[:2]
    #disp_left[disp_left == np.inf] = width*2 #set 2*width as a invalid disparity value;
    disp_left[disp_left ==
              np.inf] = 0  # set zero as a invalid disparity value;

    temp_data = np.zeros([8 + 6 + 1, height, width], 'float32')

    temp_data[0], temp_data[1], temp_data[2] = normalize_rgb_via_mean_std(left)
    temp_data[3], temp_data[4], temp_data[5] = normalize_rgb_via_mean_std(
    temp_data[6, :, :] = disp_left
    # save for tensorboard visualization
    temp_data[8, :, :] = left[:, :, 0] / 255.0  #R
    temp_data[9, :, :] = left[:, :, 1] / 255.0  #G
    temp_data[10, :, :] = left[:, :, 2] / 255.0  #B
    temp_data[11, :, :] = right[:, :, 0] / 255.0  #R
    temp_data[12, :, :] = right[:, :, 1] / 255.0  #G
    temp_data[13, :, :] = right[:, :, 2] / 255.0  #B
    return temp_data
예제 #3
    def eval_bad_x(self):
        file_path = self.args.data_path
        file_list = self.args.test_list
        f = open(file_list, 'r')
        filelist = [l.rstrip() for l in f.readlines()]
        avg_err = .0
        avg_rate = .0

        if not os.path.exists(self.args.resultDir):
            print('makedirs {}'.format(self.args.resultDir))

        print("[***]To test %d imgs" % len(filelist))
        for index in range(len(filelist)):
            current_file = filelist[index]
            if self.kitti2015:
                dispname = pjoin(
                    file_path, 'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir,
                                 current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                if os.path.isfile(savename):
                    disp = pfm.readPFM(savename)
                    savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir,
                                     "disp-pfm/" + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                    disp = pfm.readPFM(savename)

            elif self.kitti2012:
                dispname = pjoin(
                    file_path, 'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir,
                                 current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                if os.path.isfile(savename):
                    disp = pfm.readPFM(savename)
                    savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir,
                                     "disp-pfm/" + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                    disp = pfm.readPFM(savename)

                raise Exception("No KT dataset found, so do nothing!!!")

            error, rate = get_epe_rate(dispGT, disp, self.max_disp,
            avg_err += error
            avg_rate += rate

        avg_err = avg_err / len(filelist)
        avg_rate = avg_rate / len(filelist)
            "===> Total {} Frames ==> AVG EPE Error: {:.4f}, AVG Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}"
            .format(len(filelist), avg_err, self.args.threshold, avg_rate))
        print('{} testing finished!'.format(self.model_name))
예제 #4
def load_kitti2012_gray_data(file_path,
    """ load current file from the list"""
    imglname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
    left = np.asarray(Image.open(imglname), dtype=np.float32, order="C")
    #print ("left shape = ", left.shape)
    imgrname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_1/' + current_file)
    right = np.asarray(Image.open(imgrname), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
    #print ("right shape = ", right.shape)
    displname = pjoin(file_path, 'disp_occ_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
    disp_left = pfm.readPFM(displname)
    #print ("disp shape = ", disp_left.shape)
    #print ("limg: {}, rimg: {}, ldisp: {}".format(imglname, imgrname, displname))
    height, width = disp_left.shape[:2]
    #disp_left[disp_left == np.inf] = width*2 #set 2*width as a invalid disparity value;
    disp_left[disp_left ==
              np.inf] = 0  # set zero as a invalid disparity value;

    temp_data = np.zeros([8 + 6 + 1, height, width], 'float32')

    tmp_l = normalize_gray_via_mean_std(left,
    # copy left gray image to each of the three ones
    temp_data[0] = tmp_l
    temp_data[1] = tmp_l
    temp_data[2] = tmp_l
    # copy right gray image to each of the three ones
    tmp_r = normalize_gray_via_mean_std(right,
    temp_data[3] = tmp_r
    temp_data[4] = tmp_r
    temp_data[5] = tmp_r

    temp_data[6, :, :] = disp_left
    # save for tensorboard visualization
    rgb_lname = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_0/' + current_file)
    left_rgb = np.asarray(Image.open(rgb_lname), dtype=np.float32, order="C")
    rgb_rname = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_1/' + current_file)
    right_rgb = np.asarray(Image.open(rgb_rname), dtype=np.float32, order="C")
    # save for tensorboard visualization
    temp_data[8, :, :] = left_rgb[:, :, 0] / 255.0  #R
    temp_data[9, :, :] = left_rgb[:, :, 1] / 255.0  #G
    temp_data[10, :, :] = left_rgb[:, :, 2] / 255.0  #B
    temp_data[11, :, :] = right_rgb[:, :, 0] / 255.0  #R
    temp_data[12, :, :] = right_rgb[:, :, 1] / 255.0  #G
    temp_data[13, :, :] = right_rgb[:, :, 2] / 255.0  #B
    return temp_data
예제 #5
def load_kitti2015_data(file_path,
    """ load current file from the list"""
    filename = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
    #print ("limg: {}".format(filename))
    left = np.asarray(Image.open(filename), dtype=np.float32, order="C")
    filename = pjoin(file_path, 'image_1/' + current_file)
    #print ("rimg: {}".format(filename))
    right = np.asarray(Image.open(filename), dtype=np.float32, order="C")
    filename = file_path + 'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm'
    #print ("ldisp: {}".format(filename))

    disp_left = pfm.readPFM(filename)
    height, width = disp_left.shape[:2]
    #disp_left[disp_left == np.inf] = width*2 # set 2*width as a invalid disparity value;
    disp_left[disp_left ==
              np.inf] = 0  # set zero as a invalid disparity value;

    temp_data = np.zeros([8 + 6 + 1, height, width], 'float32')
    temp_data[0], temp_data[1], temp_data[2] = normalize_rgb_via_mean_std(
        left, is_mean_std=self_guassian_normalize)
    temp_data[3], temp_data[4], temp_data[5] = normalize_rgb_via_mean_std(
        right, is_mean_std=self_guassian_normalize)

    temp_data[6, :, :] = disp_left
    # save for tensorboard visualization
    temp_data[8, :, :] = left[:, :, 0] / 255.0  #R
    temp_data[9, :, :] = left[:, :, 1] / 255.0  #G
    temp_data[10, :, :] = left[:, :, 2] / 255.0  #B
    temp_data[11, :, :] = right[:, :, 0] / 255.0  #R
    temp_data[12, :, :] = right[:, :, 1] / 255.0  #G
    temp_data[13, :, :] = right[:, :, 2] / 255.0  #B
    # semantic segmentaion label
    if is_semantic:
        # uint8 gray png image
        filename = pjoin(file_path,
                         '../data_semantics/training/semantic/' + current_file)
        #print ("semantic label: {}".format(filename))
        semantic_label = np.asarray(Image.open(filename),
        temp_data[14, :, :] = semantic_label

    return temp_data
예제 #6
    def test(self):
        file_path = self.args.data_path
        file_list_txt = self.args.test_list
        f = open(file_list_txt, 'r')
        if self.virtual_kitti2:
            filelist = get_virtual_kitti2_filelist(file_list_txt)
            filelist = [l.rstrip() for l in f.readlines() if not l.rstrip().startswith('#')]
        crop_width = self.args.crop_width
        crop_height = self.args.crop_height

        if not os.path.exists(self.args.resultDir):
            print ('makedirs {}'.format(self.args.resultDir))
        avg_err = 0
        avg_rate1 = 0
        avg_rate3 = 0

        for index in range(len(filelist)):
        #for index in range(1):
            current_file = filelist[index]
            if self.kitti2015:
                leftname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
                if index % 20 == 0:
                    print ("limg: {}".format(leftname))
                rightname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_1/' + current_file)
                dispname = pjoin(file_path, 'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                    dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                    dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                    dispGT= None
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
            elif self.kitti2012:
                #leftname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
                leftname =  pjoin(file_path, 'colored_0/' + current_file)
                rightname = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_1/' + current_file)
                dispname = pjoin(file_path, 'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                    dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                    dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                    dispGT= None
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                #disp = Image.open(dispname)
                #disp = np.asarray(disp) / 256.0
            elif self.virtual_kitti2:
                A = current_file 
                # e.g., /media/ccjData2/datasets/Virtual-KITTI-V2/vkitti_2.0.3_rgb/Scene01/15-deg-left/frames/rgb/Camera_0/rgb_00001.jpg
                leftname = pjoin(file_path, "vkitti_2.0.3_rgb/" + A) 
                rightname = pjoin(file_path, "vkitti_2.0.3_rgb/" + A[:-22] + 'Camera_1/' + A[-13:])
                #load depth GT and change it to disparity GT: 
                depth_png_filename = pjoin(file_path, "vkitti_2.0.3_depth/" + A[:-26] + 'depth/Camera_0/depth_' + A[-9:-4] + ".png")
                #print ("imgl = ", leftname, ", imgr = ", rightname, ", depth_left = ", depth_png_filename)
                #NOTE: The depth map in centimeters can be directly loaded
                depth_left = cv2.imread(depth_png_filename, cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)
                height, width = depth_left.shape[:2]
                # Intrinsi: f_x = f_y = 725.0087 
                # offset(i.e., distance between stereo views): B = 0.532725 m = 53.2725 cm
                B = 53.2725 # in centimeters;
                f = 725.0087 # in pixels
                # set zero as a invalid disparity value;
                dispGT = np.zeros([height, width], 'float32')
                mask = depth_left > 0
                dispGT[mask] = f*B/ depth_left[mask] # d = fB/z
                #pfm.show(dispGT, title='dispGT')
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, '%04d.pfm'%(index))

            elif self.eth3d or self.middlebury:
                leftname =  pjoin(file_path, current_file + '/im0.png')
                rightname = pjoin(file_path, current_file + '/im1.png')
                print ("limg: {}".format(leftname))
                H, W = cv2.imread(leftname).shape[:2]
                dispname = pjoin(file_path, current_file + '/disp0GT.pfm')
                if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                    dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                    dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                    dispGT= None
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, current_file + '.pfm')
                # due to eth3d images have diverse image size;
                # so we process each of them seperately;
                ds = self.ds # e.g., == 64, encoder sacle;
                crop_width =  W + (ds - W % ds) % ds
                crop_height = H + (ds - H % ds) % ds
                print ("input HxW=%dx%d, padding size=%dx%d" %(H,W,crop_height, crop_width))
                A = current_file
                leftname = pjoin(file_path, A)
                rightname = pjoin(file_path, A[:-13] + 'right/' + A[len(A)-8:]) 
                # check disparity GT exists or not!!!
                pos = A.find('/')
                tmp_len = len('frames_finalpass')
                dispname = pjoin(file_path, A[0:pos] + '/disparity' + A[pos+1+tmp_len:-4] + '.pfm')
                #print ("[****] ldisp: {}".format(dispname))
                if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                    dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                    dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                    dispGT= None
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, str(index) + '.pfm')

            input1, input2, height, width = test_transform(
                    load_test_data(leftname, rightname, is_data_augment=self.is_data_augment), 
                    crop_height, crop_width)
            if self.cuda:
                input1 = input1.cuda()
                input2 = input2.cuda()
            with torch.no_grad():
                prediction = self.model(input1, input2)
            disp = prediction.cpu().detach().numpy() # in full size
            if height <= crop_height and width <= crop_width:
                disp = disp[0, crop_height - height: crop_height, crop_width-width: crop_width]
                disp = disp[0, :, :]
            # for KT benchmark submission;
            if dispGT is None:
                tmp_savename = savename[:-4] + '.png'
                print ("savd ", tmp_savename)
                skimage.io.imsave(tmp_savename, (disp * 256).astype('uint16'))

            if any([self.kitti2015, self.kitti2012, self.eth3d, self.middlebury, index %250 == 0]):
                pfm.save(savename, disp)
                #print ('saved ', savename)
                if 0 and dispGT is not None:
                    left = np.asarray(Image.open(leftname))[:,:,:3].astype(np.float32) 
                    right = np.asarray(Image.open(rightname))[:,:,:3].astype(np.float32)
                    #print ("[???]", left.shape)
                    pfm.save(savename[:-4] + '-iml.pfm', left)
                    pfm.save(savename[:-4] + '-imr.pfm', right)
                    pfm.save(savename[:-4] + '-gt.pfm', dispGT.astype(np.float32))
            if dispGT is not None:
                #error, rate1, rate3 = get_epe_rate2(dispGT, disp, self.args.max_disp, threshold=1.0, threshold2=3.0)
                error, rate1, rate3 = get_epe_rate(dispGT, disp, threshold=1.0, threshold2=3.0)
                avg_err += error
                avg_rate1 += rate1
                avg_rate3 += rate3
                if index % 250 == 0:
                    print("===> Frame {}: ".format(index) + leftname + " ==> EPE Error: {:.4f}, Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}, Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}".format(
                        error, 1.0, rate1, 3.0, rate3))
            # save kt15 color
            #if self.kitti2015:
            if any([self.kitti2015, self.kitti2012, self.eth3d, self.middlebury, index%250==0]):
                """ disp """
                tmp_dir = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, "dispColor")
                if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
                if self.eth3d or self.middlebury:
                    tmp_dispname = pjoin(tmp_dir, current_file + '.png')
                elif self.kitti2012 or self.kitti2015:
                    tmp_dispname = pjoin(tmp_dir, current_file[0:-4] + '.png')
                    tmp_dispname = pjoin(tmp_dir, '%04d.png'%(index))
                if index < 1:
                    print ('saved ', tmp_dispname)
                if dispGT is not None: #If KT benchmark submission, then No dispGT;
                    """ err-disp """
                    tmp_dir = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, "errDispColor")
                    if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
                    if self.eth3d or self.middlebury:
                        tmp_errdispname = pjoin(tmp_dir, current_file + '.png')
                    elif self.kitti2015 or self.kitti2012:
                        tmp_errdispname = pjoin(tmp_dir, current_file[0:-4]  + '.png')
                        tmp_errdispname = pjoin(tmp_dir, '%04d.png'%(index))

                            KT15LogClr.writeKT15ErrorDispLogColor(np.ascontiguousarray(disp), np.ascontiguousarray(dispGT)).astype(np.uint8)[:,:,::-1])
                    if index < 1:
                        print ('saved ', tmp_errdispname)

        if dispGT is not None:
            avg_err /= len(filelist)
            avg_rate1 /= len(filelist)
            avg_rate3 /= len(filelist)
            print("===> Total {} Frames ==> AVG EPE Error: {:.4f}, AVG Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}, AVG Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}".format(
                len(filelist), avg_err, 1.0, avg_rate1, 3.0, avg_rate3))

            """ save as csv file, Excel file format """
            csv_file = os.path.join(self.args.resultDir, 'bad-err.csv')
            print ("write ", csv_file, "\n")
            timeStamp = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
            messg = timeStamp + ',{},bad-1.0,{:.4f},bad-3.0,{:.4f},epe,{:.4f},fileDir={},for log,{:.3f}(epe); {:.3f}%(bad1); {:.3f}%(bad3)\n'.format(
                   self.data_type_str, avg_rate1, avg_rate3, avg_err, 
                   avg_err, avg_rate1*100.0, avg_rate3*100.0)
            with open( csv_file, 'w') as fwrite:
예제 #7
    def test(self, py=None):
        if not os.path.exists(self.args.resultDir):
            print('makedirs {}'.format(self.args.resultDir))
        dispScale = 1.0
        avg_err = .0
        avg_rate = .0
        img_num = self.test_loader_len

        print("[****] To test %d images !!!" % img_num)
        for iteration, batch_data in enumerate(self.testing_data_loader):
            batch_size = batch_data[0].size()[0]
            assert batch_size == 1
            features = batch_data[0]
            print("[???] features size:", features.size())
            height = batch_data[1][0].item()
            width = batch_data[2][0].item()
            crop_height = batch_data[3][0].item()
            crop_width = batch_data[4][0].item()
            current_file = batch_data[5][0]
            disp_name = batch_data[6][0]
            print(height, crop_height, current_file, disp_name)

            if os.path.isfile(disp_name):
                dispGT = pfm.readPFM(disp_name)
                dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                dispGT = None
            if self.kitti2015 or self.kitti2012:
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir,
                                 current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')

            elif self.eth3d or self.middlebury:
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, current_file + '.pfm')

            else:  # scene flow dataset
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, str(iteration) + '.pfm')

            if self.cuda:
                features = features.cuda()
            with torch.no_grad():
                if self.model_name == 'MS-GCNet':
                    disp = self.model(features)
                elif self.model_name == 'MS-PSMNet':
                    disp = self.model(features)

                    raise Exception(
                        "No suitable model found ... Wrong name: {}".format(
            #about memory
            del features

            disp = disp.cpu().detach().numpy() * dispScale
            if height <= crop_height and width <= crop_width:
                #disp = disp[0, crop_height - height: crop_height, crop_width-width: crop_width]
                disp = disp[0, crop_height - height:crop_height, 0:width]
                disp = disp[0, :, :]

            #save to uint16 png files
            #skimage.io.imsave(savename, (disp * 256).astype('uint16'))
            if any([
                    self.kitti2015, self.kitti2012, self.eth3d,
                    self.middlebury, iteration % 50 == 0
                pfm.save(savename, disp)
                #print ('saved ', savename)

            if dispGT is not None:
                if self.eth3d:
                    self.args.threshold = 1.0
                elif self.middlebury:
                    self.args.threshold = 1.0  # for trainingH;
                elif self.kitti2012 or self.kitti2015:
                    self.args.threshold = 3.0
                else:  # Scene Flow
                    self.args.threshold = 1.0

                error, rate = get_epe_rate(dispGT, disp, self.max_disp,
                avg_err += error
                avg_rate += rate
                if iteration % 200 == 0:
                    message_info = "===> Frame {}: ".format(
                    ) + current_file + " ==> EPE Error: {:.4f}, Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}".format(
                        error, self.args.threshold, rate)
                    """ adapted from Mateo's code """
                    if py is not None:
                        memoryUse = py.memory_info(
                        )[0] / 2.**20  # memory use in MB...I think
                        message_info += ', memeory: {:.2f} MB'.format(

            # save kt15 color
            #if self.kitti2015:
            if any(
                [self.kitti2015, self.kitti2012, self.eth3d, self.middlebury]):
                """ disp """
                tmp_dir = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, "dispColor")
                if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
                tmp_dispname = pjoin(tmp_dir, current_file[0:-4] + '.png')
                            np.uint8)[:, :, ::-1])
                if iteration % 50 == 0:
                    print('saved ', tmp_dispname)
                if dispGT is not None:  #If KT benchmark submission, then No dispGT;
                    """ err-disp """
                    tmp_dir = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, "errDispColor")
                    if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
                    tmp_errdispname = pjoin(tmp_dir,
                                            current_file[0:-4] + '.png')
                                np.uint8)[:, :, ::-1])
                    if iteration % 50 == 0:
                        print('saved ', tmp_errdispname)
        if dispGT is not None:
            avg_err = avg_err / img_num
            avg_rate = avg_rate / img_num
                "===> Total {} Frames ==> AVG EPE Error: {:.4f}, AVG Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}"
                .format(img_num, avg_err, self.args.threshold, avg_rate))
        print('{} testing finished!'.format(self.model_name))
예제 #8
    img_num = len(filelist)
    print("[***]To test %d imgs" % img_num)
    for index in range(img_num):
        current_file = filelist[index]

        # updated by CCJ for image path:
        if opt.kitti2015:
            leftname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
            if index < 1:
                print("limg: {}".format(leftname))
            rightname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_1/' + current_file)
            dispname = pjoin(file_path,
                             'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
            if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                dispGT = None
            savename = pjoin(opt.resultDir, current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')

        elif opt.kitti2012:  # KITTI 2012
            #leftname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
            leftname = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_0/' + current_file)
            rightname = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_1/' + current_file)
            dispname = pjoin(file_path,
                             'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
            if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
예제 #9
    def test(self):
        file_path = self.args.data_path
        file_list = self.args.test_list
        f = open(file_list, 'r')
        filelist = [l.rstrip() for l in f.readlines()]
        crop_width = self.args.crop_width
        crop_height = self.args.crop_height

        if not os.path.exists(self.args.resultDir):
            print('makedirs {}'.format(self.args.resultDir))

        avg_err = 0
        avg_rate = 0
        for index in range(len(filelist)):
            #for index in range(1):
            current_file = filelist[index]
            if self.kitti2015:
                leftname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
                if index % 20 == 0:
                    print("limg: {}".format(leftname))
                rightname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_1/' + current_file)
                dispname = pjoin(
                    file_path, 'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                    dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                    dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                    dispGT = None
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir,
                                 current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')

            elif self.kitti2012:
                #leftname = pjoin(file_path, 'image_0/' + current_file)
                leftname = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_0/' + current_file)
                rightname = pjoin(file_path, 'colored_1/' + current_file)
                dispname = pjoin(
                    file_path, 'disp_occ_0_pfm/' + current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                    dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                    dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                    dispGT = None
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir,
                                 current_file[0:-4] + '.pfm')
                #disp = Image.open(dispname)
                #disp = np.asarray(disp) / 256.0

                A = current_file
                leftname = pjoin(file_path, A)
                rightname = pjoin(file_path,
                                  A[:-13] + 'right/' + A[len(A) - 8:])
                # check disparity GT exists or not!!!
                pos = A.find('/')
                tmp_len = len('frames_finalpass')
                dispname = pjoin(
                    A[0:pos] + '/disparity' + A[pos + 1 + tmp_len:-4] + '.pfm')
                #print ("[****] ldisp: {}".format(dispname))
                if os.path.isfile(dispname):
                    dispGT = pfm.readPFM(dispname)
                    dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
                    dispGT = None
                savename = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, str(index) + '.pfm')

            input1, input2, height, width = test_transform(
                load_test_data(leftname, rightname), crop_height, crop_width)

            if self.cuda:
                input1 = input1.cuda()
                input2 = input2.cuda()
            with torch.no_grad():
                prediction1, prediction = self.model(input1, input2)

            disp = prediction.cpu().detach().numpy()  # in full size
            disp1 = prediction1.cpu().detach().numpy()  # in half size
            if height <= crop_height and width <= crop_width:
                disp = disp[0, crop_height - height:crop_height,
                            crop_width - width:crop_width]
                disp1 = disp1[0,
                              crop_height // 2 - height // 2:crop_height // 2,
                              crop_width // 2 - width // 2:crop_width // 2]
                disp = disp[0, :, :]
                disp1 = disp1[0, :, :]

            #skimage.io.imsave(savename, (disp * 256).astype('uint16'))
            if self.kitti2015 or self.kitti2012 or index % 50 == 0:
                pfm.save(savename, disp)
                #print ('saved ', savename)
                if 0 and dispGT is not None:
                    left = np.asarray(Image.open(leftname))[:, :, :3].astype(
                    right = np.asarray(Image.open(rightname))[:, :, :3].astype(
                    #print ("[???]", left.shape)
                    pfm.save(savename[:-4] + '-iml.pfm', left)
                    pfm.save(savename[:-4] + '-imr.pfm', right)
                    pfm.save(savename[:-4] + '-gt.pfm',
                    pfm.save(savename[:-4] + '-half.pfm', disp1)

            if dispGT is not None:
                error, rate = get_epe_rate(dispGT, disp, self.args.max_disp,
                avg_err += error
                avg_rate += rate
                if index % 20 == 0:
                    print("===> Frame {}: ".format(index) + leftname +
                          " ==> EPE Error: {:.4f}, Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}".
                          format(error, self.args.threshold, rate))

            # save kt15 color
            if self.kitti2015:
                """ disp """
                tmp_dir = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, "dispColor")
                if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
                tmp_dispname = pjoin(tmp_dir, current_file[0:-4] + '.png')
                            np.uint8)[:, :, ::-1])
                if index % 20 == 0:
                    print('saved ', tmp_dispname)
                if dispGT is not None:  #If KT benchmark submission, then No dispGT;
                    """ err-disp """
                    tmp_dir = pjoin(self.args.resultDir, "errDispColor")
                    if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
                    tmp_errdispname = pjoin(tmp_dir,
                                            current_file[0:-4] + '.png')
                                np.uint8)[:, :, ::-1])
                    if index % 20 == 0:
                        print('saved ', tmp_errdispname)

        if dispGT is not None:
            avg_err = avg_err / len(filelist)
            avg_rate = avg_rate / len(filelist)
                "===> Total {} Frames ==> AVG EPE Error: {:.4f}, AVG Bad-{:.1f} Error: {:.4f}"
                .format(len(filelist), avg_err, self.args.threshold, avg_rate))