def sort_raw_tables(self, checkmode=None, strong_checkmode=None): """Provide lists of exposures with types defined in the dictionary """ if checkmode is not None: self.checkmode = checkmode else: checkmode = self.checkmode if strong_checkmode is not None: self.strong_checkmode = strong_checkmode else: strong_checkmode = self.strong_checkmode if len(self.Tables.Rawfiles) == 0: upipe.print_error("Raw files is empty, hence cannot be sorted") return # Sorting alphabetically (thus by date) for expotype in dic_expotypes: try: mask = ( self.Tables.Rawfiles['type'] == dic_expotypes[expotype]) if self.checkmode: maskmode = (self.Tables.Rawfiles['mode'] == self.musemode) if (expotype.upper() not in exclude_list_checkmode ) or self.strong_checkmode: mask = maskmode & mask setattr(self.Tables.Raw, self._get_attr_expo(expotype), self.Tables.Rawfiles[mask]) except AttributeError: pass
def retrieve_geoastro_name(self, date_str, filetype='geo', mode='wfm'): """Retrieving the astrometry or geometry fits file name Parameters ---------- date_str: str Date as a string (DD/MM/YYYY) filetype: str 'geo' or 'astro', type of the needed file mode: str 'wfm' or 'nfm' - MUSE mode """ dic_pre = {'geo': 'geometry_table', 'astro': 'astrometry_wcs'} if filetype not in dic_pre: upipe.print_error("Could not decipher the filetype option " "in retrieve_geoastro") return None # Transform into a datetime date date_dt = dt.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").date() # get all the distance to the dates (start+end together) near = { min(abs(date_dt - self._dic_geoastro[name][0]), abs(date_dt - self._dic_geoastro[name][1])): name for name in self._dic_geoastro } # Find the minimum distance and get the name ga_suffix = near[min(near.keys())] # Build the name with the prefix, suffix and mode ga_name = "{0}_{1}_{2}.fits".format(dic_pre[filetype], mode, ga_suffix) return ga_name
def _read_offset_table(self, offset_table_name=None, folder_offset_table=None): """Reading the Offset Table If readable, the table is read and set in the offset_table attribute. Input ----- offset_table_name: str Name of the offset table Default is None folder_offset_table: str Name of the folder to find the offset table Default is None """ self.offset_table_name = offset_table_name if self.offset_table_name is None: upipe.print_warning("No Offset table name given", pipe=self) self.offset_table = Table() return # Using the given folder name, alignment one by default if folder_offset_table is None: self.folder_offset_table = self.paths.alignment else: self.folder_offset_table = folder_offset_table full_offset_table_name = joinpath(self.folder_offset_table, self.offset_table_name) if not os.path.isfile(full_offset_table_name): upipe.print_error("Offset table [{0}] not found".format( full_offset_table_name), pipe=self) self.offset_table = Table() return # Opening the offset table self.offset_table =
def _get_table_expo(self, expotype, stage="master"): try: return getattr(self._dic_tables[stage], self._get_attr_expo(expotype)) except AttributeError: upipe.print_error( "No attributed table with expotype {0} and stage {1}".format( expotype, stage)) return Table()
def extract_combined_narrow_wcs(self, name_cube=None, **kwargs): """Create the reference WCS from the full mosaic with only 2 lambdas Input ----- name_cube: str Name of the cube. Can be None, and then the final datacube from the combine folder will be used. wave1: float - optional Wavelength taken for the extraction. Should only be present in all spaxels you wish to get. prefix_wcs: str - optional Prefix to be added to the name of the input cube. By default, will use "refwcs". add_targetname: bool [True] Add the name of the target to the name of the output WCS reference cube. Default is True. Creates: Combined narrow band WCS cube Returns: name of the created cube """ # Adding targetname in names or not self.add_targetname = kwargs.pop("add_targetname", True) if name_cube is None: # getting the name of the final datacube (mosaic) cube_suffix = prep_recipes_pipe.dic_products_scipost['cube'][0] cube_suffix = self._add_targetname(cube_suffix) name_cube = joinpath(self.paths.cubes, cube_suffix + ".fits") # test if cube exists if not os.path.isfile(name_cube): upipe.print_error("[combine/extract_combined_narrow_wcs] File {0} " "does not exist. Aborting.".format(name_cube)) return # Opening the cube via MuseCube refcube = MuseCube(filename=name_cube) # Creating the new cube prefix_wcs = kwargs.pop("prefix_wcs", default_prefix_wcs) upipe.print_info("Now creating the Reference WCS cube using prefix '{0}'".format( prefix_wcs)) cfolder, cname = refcube.extract_onespectral_cube(prefix=prefix_wcs, **kwargs) # Now transforming this into a bona fide 1 extension WCS file full_cname = joinpath(cfolder, cname) d = pyfits.getdata(full_cname, ext=1) h = pyfits.getheader(full_cname, ext=1) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=d, header=h) hdu.writeto(full_cname, overwrite=True) upipe.print_info("...Done") return full_cname
def _select_closest_mjd(self, mjdin, group_table): """Get the closest frame within the expotype If the attribute does not exist in Tables, it tries to read the table from the folder """ if len(group_table['mjd']) < 1: # Printing an error message and sending back a -1 for index upipe.print_error( "[musepipe/_select_closest_mjd] Group table is empty - Aborting" ) return -1, None # Get the closest tpl index = np.argmin((mjdin - group_table['mjd'])**2) closest_tpl = group_table[index]['tpls'] return index, closest_tpl
def _get_fullpath_expo(self, expotype, stage="master"): if stage not in self._dic_paths: upipe.print_error("[_get_fullpath_expo] stage {} not " "in dic_paths dict".format(stage)) return upipe.normpath( getattr(self._dic_paths[stage], self._get_attr_expo(expotype)))
def run_combine(self, sof_filename='pointings_combine', lambdaminmax=[4000., 10000.], suffix="", **kwargs): """MUSE Exp_combine treatment of the reduced pixtables Will run the esorex muse_exp_combine routine Parameters ---------- sof_filename: string (without the file extension) Name of the SOF file which will contain the Bias frames lambdaminmax: list of 2 floats Minimum and maximum lambda values to consider for the combine suffix: str Suffix to be used for the output name """ # Lambda min and max? [lambdamin, lambdamax] = lambdaminmax # Save options save = kwargs.pop("save", "cube,combined") # Filters filter_list = kwargs.pop("filter_list", self.filter_list) # Expotype expotype = kwargs.pop("expotype", 'REDUCED') # Adding target name as prefix or not self.add_targetname = kwargs.pop("add_targetname", True) prefix_wcs = kwargs.pop("prefix_wcs", default_prefix_wcs) prefix_all = kwargs.pop("prefix_all", "") prefix_all = self._add_targetname(prefix_all) if "offset_table_name" in kwargs: offset_table_name = kwargs.pop("offset_table_name") folder_offset_table = kwargs.pop("folder_offset_table", self.folder_offset_table) self._check_offset_table(offset_table_name, folder_offset_table) # Go to the data folder self.goto_folder(, addtolog=True) # If list_pointings is None using the initially set up one list_pointings = kwargs.pop("list_pointings", self.list_pointings) # Abort if only one exposure is available # exp_combine needs a minimum of 2 nexpo_tocombine = sum(len(self.dic_pixtabs_in_pointings[pointing]) for pointing in list_pointings) if nexpo_tocombine <= 1: upipe.print_warning("All considered pointings only " "have one exposure: process aborted", pipe=self) return # Now creating the SOF file, first reseting it self._sofdict.clear() # Selecting only exposures to be treated # Producing the list of REDUCED PIXTABLES self._add_calib_to_sofdict("FILTER_LIST") # Adding a WCS if needed wcs_auto = kwargs.pop("wcs_auto", False) ref_wcs = kwargs.pop("ref_wcs", None) if wcs_auto: upipe.print_warning("wcs_auto is True, hence overwriting ref_wcs name") # getting the name of the final datacube (mosaic) cube_suffix = prep_recipes_pipe.dic_products_scipost['cube'][0] cube_suffix = self._add_targetname(cube_suffix) ref_wcs = "{0}{1}.fits".format(prefix_wcs, cube_suffix) upipe.print_warning("ref_wcs used is {0}".format(ref_wcs)) folder_ref_wcs = kwargs.pop("folder_ref_wcs", upipe.normpath(self.paths.cubes)) if ref_wcs is not None: full_ref_wcs = joinpath(folder_ref_wcs, ref_wcs) if not os.path.isfile(full_ref_wcs): upipe.print_error("Reference WCS file {0} does not exist".format( full_ref_wcs)) upipe.print_error("Consider using the create_combined_wcs recipe" " if you wish to create pointing masks. Else" " just check that the WCS reference file exists.") return self._sofdict['OUTPUT_WCS'] = [joinpath(folder_ref_wcs, ref_wcs)] # Setting the default option of offset_list if self.offset_table_name is not None: self._sofdict['OFFSET_LIST'] = [joinpath(self.folder_offset_table, self.offset_table_name)] pixtable_name = dic_listObject[expotype] self._sofdict[pixtable_name] = [] for pointing in list_pointings: self._sofdict[pixtable_name] += self.dic_pixtabs_in_pointings[pointing] self.write_sof(sof_filename="{0}_{1}{2}".format(sof_filename, self.targetname, suffix), new=True) # Product names dir_products = upipe.normpath(self.paths.cubes) name_products, suffix_products, suffix_prefinalnames, prefix_products = \ prep_recipes_pipe._get_combine_products(filter_list, prefix_all=prefix_all) # Combine the exposures self.recipe_combine_pointings(self.current_sof, dir_products, name_products, suffix_products=suffix_products, suffix_prefinalnames=suffix_prefinalnames, prefix_products=prefix_products, save=save, suffix=suffix, filter_list=filter_list, lambdamin=lambdamin, lambdamax=lambdamax) # Go back to original folder self.goto_prevfolder(addtolog=True)