def gen_coaDemographics(): connection = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor = connection.cursor() qq = """ SELECT CountryOfOrigin, COUNT(Individualguid) FROM dwh_data.dbo.t_individuals WHERE ProcessStatusCode IN ('A', 'H') AND AsylumCountryCode = 'BDI' GROUP BY CountryOfOrigin ORDER BY CountryOfOrigin ASC """.format('BDI') cStats = cursor.execute(qq) rowStat = {} for row in cStats: if '{}'.format(row[0]) in rowStat: rowStat['{}'.format(row[0])] = row[1] else: rowStat['{}'.format(row[0])] = row[1] keyList = [] valueList = [] for key, value in rowStat.iteritems(): keyList.append(key) valueList.append(value) print keyList print valueList
def generate_stats(): connection = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor = connection.cursor() qq = """ SELECT YEAR(n_ArrivalDate), DATEPART(wk, n_ArrivalDate), gender, COUNT(Individualguid) FROM t_individuals GROUP BY YEAR(n_ArrivalDate), DATEPART(wk, n_ArrivalDate), gender ORDER BY YEAR(n_ArrivalDate) DESC """ statsRes = cursor.execute(qq) rowStat = {} for row in statsRes: '''Do Something 0=> year 1=> WeekNum 2=> M|F 3 => total ''' if row[0] in rowStat: '''''' if row[1] in rowStat[row[0]]: ASList = rowStat[row[0]][row[1]] ASList['{}'.format(row[2])] = row[3] else: ASList = {'{}'.format(row[2]): row[3]} rowStat[row[0]][row[1]] = ASList else: '''''' rowStat[row[0]] = {} rowStat[row[0]][row[1]] = {'{}'.format(row[2]): row[3]} return rowStat
def get_ArrivalDemographics(CID): connection = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor = connection.cursor() qq = """ SELECT YEAR(n_ArrivalDate), DATEPART(wk, n_ArrivalDate), IndividualAgeCohortCode, gender, COUNT(Individualguid) FROM t_individuals WHERE AsylumCountryCode = '{}' AND YEAR(n_ArrivalDate) = 2016 GROUP BY YEAR(n_ArrivalDate), DATEPART(wk, n_ArrivalDate), IndividualAgeCohortCode, gender ORDER By YEAR(n_ArrivalDate) DESC """.format(CID) allDemog = cursor.execute(qq) rowStat = {} dASBreakDown = { 'A1': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 }, 'A2': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 }, 'A3': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 }, 'A4': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 }, 'A5': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 } } for row in allDemog: demographs = dASBreakDown if row[0] in rowStat: '''year is in dictionary''' if row[1] in rowStat[row[0]]: '''week is in dictionary''' demographs['{}'.format(row[2])]['{}'.format(row[3])] = row[4] exist = rowStat[row[0]][row[1]] print "this " else: if row[2] == '': continue demographs['{}'.format(row[2])]['{}'.format(row[3])] = row[4] rowStat[row[0]][row[1]] = demographs print rowStat rowStat[row[0]][row[1]] = demographs else: '''''' rowStat[row[0]] = {row[1]: demographs} print rowStat
def gen_countryStats(): connection = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT IndividualAgeCohortCode, gender, COUNT(Individualguid) FROM dwh_data.dbo.t_individuals WHERE ProcessStatusCode IN ('A', 'H') GROUP BY IndividualAgeCohortCode, gender ORDER BY IndividualAgeCohortCode ASC """ statsRes = cursor.execute(query) rowStat = { 'A1': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 }, 'A2': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 }, 'A3': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 }, 'A4': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 }, 'A5': { 'M': 0, 'F': 0 } } for row in statsRes: if '{}'.format(row[0]) in rowStat: if '{}'.format(row[1]) in rowStat['{}'.format(row[0])]: '''ASList = rowStat[row[0]][row[1]] ASList['{}'.format(row[2])] = row[3]''' ASList = row[2] else: ASList = row[2] rowStat['{}'.format(row[0])]['{}'.format(row[1])] = ASList else: '''''' rowStat['{}'.format(row[0])] = {} rowStat['{}'.format(row[0])]['{}'.format(row[1])] = row[2] print json.dumps(rowStat)
def saveStats(): '''''' connection = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor = connection.cursor() '''Insert Stat and Get Last StatID''' curStats = generate_stats() for year, weeks in curStats.iteritems(): totalYear = 0 '''year''' for weekNum, a_s in weeks.iteritems(): '''week Number''' weektotalArrivals = sum(a_s.values()) asB = {} if 'M' in a_s: asB['M'] = a_s['M'] else: asB['M'] = 0 if 'F' in a_s: asB['F'] = a_s['F'] else: asB['F'] = 0 totalYear += weektotalArrivals if year == 2016: print '{} - {} - {} - {}'.format(year, weekNum, json.dumps(asB), weektotalArrivals) start, ends = get_week_days(year, weekNum) print(start, ends) '''Insert Arrivals to DB''' '''from isoweek import Week d = Week(year, weekNum).monday() print d''' import datetime import dateutil.relativedelta d = datetime.datetime.strptime("{}".format(, "%Y-%m-%d") d2 = d - dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=3) print d2 today =[1] print "Todays Week Number is {}".format(today) print "Three months ago was week {}".format(d2.isocalendar()[1])
def rowexists(operation, confirmid, table='t_individuals'): '''checks if a row exists in the db''' '''operation: primary will check the primary for existance of individualguid secondary will check relation table if fkindividualguid_id exists''' connection = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor = connection.cursor() if operation == 'primary': idname = 'Individualguid' elif operation == 'secondary': idname = 'fkindividualguid_id' confirmQuery = "SELECT count({}) FROM {} WHERE {} ='{}' ".format( idname, table, idname, confirmid) confirmation = cursor.execute(confirmQuery) if[0] != 0: return True else: return False connection.close()
@author: miami FIXME : Find a way of detecting character encoding ''' import os,string,sys import csv from src import pypyodbc from src.csv_recorder import Recoder import time directoryStart = r'files\import' extensionList=['.csv'] predb = 'base_data' connection = pypyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};' 'Server=localhost;' 'Database=dwh_data;' 'uid=sa;pwd=filthy6SCENT!!') cursor = connection.cursor() def process_csv_file(tb_name): try: '''check if table exists in the DB''' tb_check = cursor.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '{0}' """.format(tb_name.replace('\'', '\'\''))) '''if table exists''' if tb_check.fetchone()[0] == 1: print 'exists'
def process_csv_file(csvfile, tb_name): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) connection = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor = connection.cursor() with open(csvfile, 'rb') as f: try:'{} :Reading csv: {}'.format(localtime, csvfile)) sr = Recoder(f, 'ISO-8859-1', 'utf-8') '''with open(sr) as filecsv:''' recsv = csv.reader(sr, delimiter=',') columns = next(recsv) if len(columns) == 54 and 'IndividualID' in columns[ 0] and 'VulnerabilityDetailsCode' in columns[53]: '''perform further verification''' print "verification passed" else: ''' Raise Exception ''' logging.error("{} {} is not a valid CSV Format".format( localtime, csvfile)) raise CSVStructureError('Unsuported CSV Suplied') return for row in recsv: if len(row) != 54: print "faulty row {}".format(row) logging.error("faulty row {} passed as value".format(row)) continue crow = [] for col in row: ccol = re.sub(' +', ' ', col) crow.append(ccol) guid = crow[1] connection2 = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor2 = connection2.cursor() slicer = crow[:28] dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(slicer[6], "%b %d %Y %H:%M%p") hasPneed = crow[29] slicer.insert(28, hasPneed) groupInfo = crow[28:42] groupInfo.insert(0, guid) COAInfo = crow[42:47] COAInfo.insert(5, guid) COOInfo = crow[47:52] COOInfo.insert(5, guid) VulnInfo = crow[-2:] VulnInfo.insert(2, guid) VulnInfo.insert(3, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) del (groupInfo[1]) if rowexists('primary', guid): '''Update individuals table if changed''' usttmt = '' '''Age,IndividualAgeCohortCode,RSDStatusCode,ResettlementStatusCode,VolRepStatusCode, MarriageStatusCode,EthnicityCode,EducationLevelCode,OccupationCode, ProcessStatusCode,RefugeeStatusCode''' age = slicer[11] gender = slicer[10] ageCohort = slicer[12] rsdStatusCode = slicer[15] resettlementStatus = slicer[16] volrepStatus = slicer[17] educationLevel = slicer[19] occupation = slicer[20] processStatus = slicer[21] refugeeStatus = slicer[22] if age == '' or age == '-' or age == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'Age = \'{}\', '.format(age) if ageCohort == '' or age == '-' or ageCohort == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'IndividualAgeCohortCode = \'{}\', '.format( ageCohort) if rsdStatusCode == '' or rsdStatusCode == '-' or rsdStatusCode == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'RSDStatusCode = \'{}\', '.format( rsdStatusCode) if resettlementStatus == '' or resettlementStatus == '-' or resettlementStatus == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'ResettlementStatusCode = \'{}\', '.format( resettlementStatus) if volrepStatus == '' or volrepStatus == '-' or volrepStatus == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'VolRepStatusCode = \'{}\', '.format( volrepStatus) if educationLevel == '' or educationLevel == '-' or educationLevel == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'EducationLevelCode = \'{}\', '.format( educationLevel) if occupation == '' or occupation == '-' or occupation == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'OccupationCode = \'{}\', '.format( occupation) if processStatus == '' or processStatus == '-' or processStatus == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'ProcessStatusCode = \'{}\', '.format( processStatus) if refugeeStatus == '' or refugeeStatus == '-' or refugeeStatus == ' ': usttmt += '' else: usttmt += 'RefugeeStatusCode = \'{}\', '.format( refugeeStatus) inst = usttmt.replace(" ", "") ix = inst.split(',') if len(ix) == 1: iupdtSttmt = 'gender = \'{}\''.format(gender) elif ix[-1] == '' or ix[-1] == ' ': iupdtSttmt = ','.join(ix[:-1]) else: '''''' iupdtSttmt = ','.join(ix) indUpdate = ''' UPDATE t_individuals SET {} WHERE Individualguid = '{}' '''.format(iupdtSttmt, guid) cursor2.execute(indUpdate) '''Update relations''' if rowexists('secondary', guid, 't_group'): '''do update''' processinggroupfilenumber = '' processgroupstatuscode = '' grpUpdate = ''' ''' else: grpInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_group(fkindividualguid_id,IsAnyGroupPrincipalRepresentative,ProcessingGroupTypeCode,ProcessingGroupNumber,CurrentRationCardNumber,ProcessingGroupFileNumber,ProcessingGroupSize,ProcessingGroupStatusCode,ProcessGroupStatusDate,ProcessingGroupRegistrationDate,IndividualSequenceNumber,PrincipalRepresentative,RelationshipToPrincipalRepresentative,RelationshipText) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(grpInsertSt, groupInfo) if rowexists('secondary', guid, 't_coa_address'): '''do update''' coaLL1id = COAInfo[0] coaLL2id = COAInfo[1] coaLL3id = COAInfo[2] coaLL4id = COAInfo[3] coaLL5id = COAInfo[4] sttmt = '' if coaLL1id == '' or coaLL1id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COALocationLevel1ID = \'{}\', '.format( coaLL1id) if coaLL2id == '' or coaLL2id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COALocationLevel2ID = \'{}\', '.format( coaLL2id) if coaLL3id == '' or coaLL3id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COALocationLevel3ID = \'{}\', '.format( coaLL3id) if coaLL4id == '' or coaLL4id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COALocationLevel4ID = \'{}\', '.format( coaLL4id) if coaLL5id == '' or coaLL5id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COALocationLevel5ID = \'{}\' '.format( coaLL5id) nst = sttmt.replace(" ", "") x = nst.split(',') if len(x) == 1: updtSttmt = 'COALocationLevel5ID = \'{}\''.format( coaLL5id) elif x[-1] == '' or x[-1] == ' ': updtSttmt = ','.join(x[:-1]) else: '''''' updtSttmt = ','.join(x) coaUpdate = ''' UPDATE t_coa_address SET {} WHERE fkindividualguid_id = '{}' '''.format(updtSttmt, guid) cursor2.execute(coaUpdate) else: coaInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_coa_address(COALocationLevel1ID,COALocationLevel2ID,COALocationLevel3ID,COALocationLevel4ID,COALocationLevel5ID,fkindividualguid_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(coaInsertSt, COAInfo) if rowexists('secondary', guid, 't_coo_address'): '''do update''' cooLL1id = COOInfo[0] cooLL2id = COOInfo[1] cooLL3id = COOInfo[2] cooLL4id = COOInfo[3] cooLL5id = COOInfo[4] sttmt = '' if cooLL1id == '' or cooLL1id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COOLocationLevel1ID = \'{}\', '.format( cooLL1id) if cooLL2id == '' or cooLL2id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COOLocationLevel2ID = \'{}\', '.format( cooLL2id) if cooLL3id == '' or cooLL3id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COOLocationLevel3ID = \'{}\', '.format( cooLL3id) if cooLL4id == '' or cooLL4id == '-': sttmt += '' else: sttmt += 'COOLocationLevel4ID = \'{}\', '.format( cooLL4id) if cooLL5id == '' or cooLL5id == '-': sttmt += ''' ''' else: sttmt += 'COOLocationLevel5ID = \'{}\', '.format( cooLL5id) nst = sttmt.replace(" ", "") x = nst.split(',') if len(x) == 1: updtSttmt = 'COOLocationLevel5ID = \'{}\''.format( cooLL5id) elif x[-1] == '' or x[-1] == ' ': updtSttmt = ','.join(x[:-1]) else: '''''' updtSttmt = ','.join(x) cooUpdate = ''' UPDATE t_coo_address SET {} WHERE fkindividualguid_id = '{}' '''.format(updtSttmt, guid) cursor2.execute(cooUpdate) else: cooInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_coo_address(COOLocationLevel1ID,COOLocationLevel2ID,COOLocationLevel3ID,COOLocationLevel4ID,COOLocationLevel5ID,fkindividualguid_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(cooInsertSt, COOInfo) vulnInsertSt = """INSERT INTO t_vuln_status(VulnerabilityCode,VulnerabilityDetailsCode,fkindividualguid_id, dt_update) VALUES (?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(vulnInsertSt, VulnInfo) '{} : Individualguid: {} already has record in the DB'. format(localtime, guid)) connection2.commit()'record was updated') else: insertSt = """INSERT INTO {}(IndividualID,Individualguid,FamilyName,GivenName,ConcatenatedName,RegistrationDate,DateofBirth,CountryOfOrigin,AsylumCountryCode,ArrivalDate,gender,Age,IndividualAgeCohortCode,NationalityCode,RSDStatusCode,ResettlementStatusCode,VolRepStatusCode,MarriageStatusCode,EthnicityCode,EducationLevelCode,OccupationCode,ProcessStatusCode,RefugeeStatusCode,FatherName,MotherName,SiteIDOwner,SiteIDCreate,CreateDate,HasSPNeed) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""".format( dest_tb) cursor2.execute(insertSt, slicer) connection2.commit() grpInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_group(fkindividualguid_id,IsAnyGroupPrincipalRepresentative,ProcessingGroupTypeCode,ProcessingGroupNumber,CurrentRationCardNumber,ProcessingGroupFileNumber,ProcessingGroupSize,ProcessingGroupStatusCode,ProcessGroupStatusDate,ProcessingGroupRegistrationDate,IndividualSequenceNumber,PrincipalRepresentative,RelationshipToPrincipalRepresentative,RelationshipText) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(grpInsertSt, groupInfo) connection2.commit() coaInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_coa_address(COALocationLevel1ID,COALocationLevel2ID,COALocationLevel3ID,COALocationLevel4ID,COALocationLevel5ID,fkindividualguid_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(coaInsertSt, COAInfo) connection2.commit() cooInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_coo_address(COOLocationLevel1ID,COOLocationLevel2ID,COOLocationLevel3ID,COOLocationLevel4ID,COOLocationLevel5ID,fkindividualguid_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(cooInsertSt, COOInfo) connection2.commit() vulnInsertSt = """INSERT INTO t_vuln_status(VulnerabilityCode,VulnerabilityDetailsCode,fkindividualguid_id, dt_update) VALUES (?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(vulnInsertSt, VulnInfo) connection2.commit() '{} : new record inserted with Individualguid: {}'. format(localtime, guid)) connection2.close() except UnicodeError as e: '''file is not utf-16 presumed utf8''' sr = Recoder(f, 'ISO-8859-1', 'utf-8') recsv = csv.reader(sr, delimiter=',') columns = next(recsv) if len(columns) == 54 and 'IndividualID' in columns[ 0] and 'VulnerabilityDetailsCode' in columns[53]: '''perform further verification''' else: ''' ''' logging.error("{} {} is not a valid CSV Format".format( localtime, csvfile)) raise CSVStructureError('Unsuported CSV Suplied') return for row in recsv: crow = [] for col in row: ccol = re.sub(' +', ' ', col) crow.append(ccol) '''SQLCommand = ("INSERT INTO {} (IndividualID, Individualguid, FamilyName, GivenName, ConcatenatedName, RegistrationDate, DateofBirth, CountryOfOrigin, AsylumCountryCode, ArrivalDate, gender, Age, IndividualAgeCohortCode, NationalityCode, RSDStatusCode, ResettlementStatusCode, VolRepStatusCode, MarriageStatusCode, EthnicityCode, EducationLevelCode, OccupationCode, ProcessStatusCode, RefugeeStatusCode, FatherName, MotherName, SiteIDOwner, SiteIDCreate, CreateDate, IsAnyGroupPrincipalRepresentative, HasSPNeed, ProcessingGroupTypeCode, ProcessingGroupNumber, CurrentRationCardNumber, ProcessingGroupFileNumber, ProcessingGroupSize, ProcessingGroupStatusCode, ProcessGroupStatusDate, ProcessingGroupRegistrationDate, IndividualSequenceNumber, PrincipalRepresentative, RelationshipToPrincipalRepresentative, RelationshipText, COALocationLevel1ID, COALocationLevel2ID, COALocationLevel3ID, COALocationLevel4ID, COALocationLevel5ID, COOLocationLevel1ID, COOLocationLevel2ID, COOLocationLevel3ID, COOLocationLevel4ID, COOLocationLevel5ID, VulnerabilityCode, VulnerabilityDetailsCode) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)".format(tb_name)) Values = row cursor.execute(SQLCommand,Values) connection.commit() ''' guid = crow[1] connection2 = pypyodbc.connect(sdbtxt) cursor2 = connection2.cursor() confirmQuery = "SELECT count(Individualguid) FROM {} WHERE Individualguid ='{}' ".format( dest_tb, guid) cConfirm = cursor2.execute(confirmQuery) slicer = crow[:28] hasPneed = crow[29] slicer.insert(28, hasPneed) groupInfo = crow[28:42] groupInfo.insert(0, guid) COAInfo = crow[42:47] COAInfo.insert(5, guid) COOInfo = crow[47:52] COOInfo.insert(5, guid) VulnInfo = crow[-2:] VulnInfo.insert(2, guid) VulnInfo.insert(3, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) del (groupInfo[1]) numF =[0] if numF == 0: insertSt = """INSERT INTO {}(IndividualID,Individualguid,FamilyName,GivenName,ConcatenatedName,RegistrationDate,DateofBirth,CountryOfOrigin,AsylumCountryCode,ArrivalDate,gender,Age,IndividualAgeCohortCode,NationalityCode,RSDStatusCode,ResettlementStatusCode,VolRepStatusCode,MarriageStatusCode,EthnicityCode,EducationLevelCode,OccupationCode,ProcessStatusCode,RefugeeStatusCode,FatherName,MotherName,SiteIDOwner,SiteIDCreate,CreateDate,HasSPNeed) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""".format( dest_tb) cursor2.execute(insertSt, slicer) connection2.commit() grpInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_group(fkindividualguid_id,IsAnyGroupPrincipalRepresentative,ProcessingGroupTypeCode,ProcessingGroupNumber,CurrentRationCardNumber,ProcessingGroupFileNumber,ProcessingGroupSize,ProcessingGroupStatusCode,ProcessGroupStatusDate,ProcessingGroupRegistrationDate,IndividualSequenceNumber,PrincipalRepresentative,RelationshipToPrincipalRepresentative,RelationshipText) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(grpInsertSt, groupInfo) connection2.commit() coaInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_coa_address(COALocationLevel1ID,COALocationLevel2ID,COALocationLevel3ID,COALocationLevel4ID,COALocationLevel5ID,fkindividualguid_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(coaInsertSt, COAInfo) connection2.commit() cooInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_coo_address(COOLocationLevel1ID,COOLocationLevel2ID,COOLocationLevel3ID,COOLocationLevel4ID,COOLocationLevel5ID,fkindividualguid_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(cooInsertSt, COOInfo) connection2.commit() vulnInsertSt = """INSERT INTO t_vuln_status(VulnerabilityCode,VulnerabilityDetailsCode,fkindividualguid_id, dt_update) VALUES (?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(vulnInsertSt, VulnInfo) connection2.commit() '{} : new record inserted with Individualguid: {}'. format(localtime, guid)) else: grpInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_group(fkindividualguid_id,IsAnyGroupPrincipalRepresentative,ProcessingGroupTypeCode,ProcessingGroupNumber,CurrentRationCardNumber,ProcessingGroupFileNumber,ProcessingGroupSize,ProcessingGroupStatusCode,ProcessGroupStatusDate,ProcessingGroupRegistrationDate,IndividualSequenceNumber,PrincipalRepresentative,RelationshipToPrincipalRepresentative,RelationshipText) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(grpInsertSt, groupInfo) connection2.commit() coaInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_coa_address(COALocationLevel1ID,COALocationLevel2ID,COALocationLevel3ID,COALocationLevel4ID,COALocationLevel5ID,fkindividualguid_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(coaInsertSt, COAInfo) connection2.commit() cooInsertSt = """ INSERT INTO t_coo_address(COOLocationLevel1ID,COOLocationLevel2ID,COOLocationLevel3ID,COOLocationLevel4ID,COOLocationLevel5ID,fkindividualguid_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(cooInsertSt, COOInfo) connection2.commit() vulnInsertSt = """INSERT INTO t_vuln_status(VulnerabilityCode,VulnerabilityDetailsCode,fkindividualguid_id, dt_update) VALUES (?,?,?,?)""" cursor2.execute(vulnInsertSt, VulnInfo) connection2.commit() '{} : Individualguid: {} already has {} record in the DB' .format(localtime, guid, numF)) connection2.commit()'record was be updated') connection2.close() finally: f.close() connection.close()'{}Data import finished successfully'.format(localtime))