def exportSheet(self, exportfile): with open(exportfile, 'w') as f: f.write("%s Kader\n" % f.write("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n" % ("Name", "Jg", "Geschl.", "Disziplin", "SB", "Avg best 3", "Anzahl Resultate", "Limite", "Limite erreicht", "andere Limiten")) for athleteId in self.athletes: firstRowAthlete = True athlete = self.athletes[athleteId] otherLimits = [] otherLimitString = "" if in self.otherLimitsByAthlete: for disziplinId in self.otherLimitsByAthlete[]: performances = self.otherLimitsByAthlete[][disziplinId] performances.sort( key=lambda p: float(p.result), reverse=not getDisziplinByid(disziplinId).ascending ) otherLimits.append(performances[0]) otherLimitString += performances[ 0] + ": " + str( performances[0].result) + " / " for disziplinId in self.performancesByAthlete[athleteId]: disziplin = getDisziplinByid(disziplinId) performances = self.performancesByAthlete[athleteId][ disziplinId] performances.sort(key=lambda p: float(p.result), reverse=not disziplin.ascending) limit = self.limits.getLimitByPerformance(performances[0]) limitValue = ("%.2f" % limit.value) if limit != None else "keine" fullfillsLimit = "erfüllt" if self.limits.performanceFulfillsOneLimit( performances[0]) else "" bestResult = fromatResultOfPerformance(performances[0]) best3average = formatResult( statistics.mean( float(p.result) for p in performances[:3]), disziplin) if len(performances) > 3 else "" if firstRowAthlete: f.write("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%i;%s;%s;%s\n" % (, athlete.birthYear, athlete.gender,, bestResult, best3average, len(performances), limitValue, fullfillsLimit, otherLimitString)) firstRowAthlete = False else: f.write( ";;;%s;%s;%s;%i;%s;%s\n" % (, bestResult, best3average, len(performances), limitValue, fullfillsLimit)) print("exported file: " + exportfile)
def dictToPerformance(di, athletes): athlete = athletes[di["athleteId"]] competition = Competition(di["location"], di["date"], di["competitionName"]) disziplin = getDisziplinByid(di["disziplinId"]) return Performance(di["result"], athlete, competition, disziplin, di["ranking"], di["wind"], di["detail"])
def getOtherResultsStringOfAthlete(self, athleteId): otherLimits = [] if athleteId in self.otherPerformancesByAthlete: for disziplinId in self.otherPerformancesByAthlete[athleteId]: performances = self.otherPerformancesByAthlete[athleteId][ disziplinId] performances.sort( key=lambda p: float(p.result), reverse=not getDisziplinByid(disziplinId).ascending) otherLimits.append( performances[0] + ": " + str(fromatResultOfPerformance(performances[0]))) return " / ".join(otherLimits)
def exportSheet(self, exportfile): with open(exportfile, 'w') as f: for disziplinId in self.performancesByDisziplin: disziplin = getDisziplinByid(disziplinId) f.write("%s\n" % for p in self.performancesByDisziplin[disziplinId]: fulfillsLimit = "Limite erfüllt" if self.limits.performanceFulfillsOneLimit( p) else " " f.write("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n" % (p.result, p.rang, p.wind,, p.competition.location,, fulfillsLimit)) print("exported file: " + exportfile)
def getAllAthleteResults(athlete, year): doc = saDbRequest.athlete(athlete, year, "30", "DALL") disz_tags = doc.find_all('h3') disziplin = None # ************************ # If an Athlete has only one disziplin then we have to send a new request with the disziplin Id as a parameter # ************************ if len( disz_tags ) == 1: # or len(disz_tags) == 0: # is one if an athlete has only one disziplin and zero for teams as they do not have an geburtsdatum for span in doc.find_all('span'): if "Disziplin" in str(span): for select in span.find_all("select"): for option in select.find_all("option"): disciplinId = option.get("value") if disciplinId in getDisziplinIds(): disziplin = getDisziplinByid(disciplinId) if disziplin == None: print(disciplinId) doc = saDbRequest.athlete(athlete, year, "30", disciplinId) # ************************ # Evaluation of the results of one athlete # ************************ performances = [] processor = bestListProcessor() disziplinName = False disziplinNumber = 1 # because the first (0) is the geburtsdatum for row in doc.find_all('tr'): if row.text.strip()[:2] == "Nr": processor.updateHeaders(row) disziplinName = disz_tags[disziplinNumber].text.strip( ) if len(disz_tags) > 1 else disziplin = getDisziplinByName(disziplinName) disziplinNumber = disziplinNumber + 1 else: if "Es sind keine Daten vorhanden" not in str(row): p = processor.performanceFromRow(row, athlete.gender, disziplin, athlete) performances.append(p) return performances
def storePerformances(year, disziplinId, categoryId): headers = requests.utils.default_headers() headers.update({ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0' }) data = { "mobile": "false", "blyear": str(year), "blcat": categoryId, "disci": disziplinId, "top": "500" } urlFrame = "" req =, data=data) doc = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser') category = getCategoryByid(categoryId) gender = category.gender disziplin = getDisziplinByid(disziplinId) processor = bestListProcessor() performances = {} athletes = {} clubs = {} athleteClubs = {} firstRow = True for row in doc.find_all('tr'): if firstRow: processor.updateHeaders(row) firstRow = False else: p = processor.performanceFromRow(row, gender, disziplin) p.printDetails() performances[uniqueIdPerf(p)] = performanceToDict(p) athletes[] = athleteToDict(p.athlete) clubs[] = clubToDict( if not in athleteClubs: athleteClubs[] = {} athleteClubs[][] = updateJson("athletes.json", athletes) updateJson("clubs.json", clubs) updateJson("performances.json", performances) updateAtheleteClubAffiliations("athleteClubAffiliatons.json", performances) return performances
def getAllTalentResults(athlete, year): headers = requests.utils.default_headers() headers.update({ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0' }) data = { "mobile": "false", "blyear": year, "con":, "blcat": athlete.gender, "disci": "DALL", "top": "30", "srb": "0" } urlFrame = "" req =, data=data) doc = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser') disz_tags = doc.find_all('h3') spans = doc.find_all('span') performances = [] disziplin = None # ************************ # If an Athlete has only one disziplin then we have to send a new request with the disziplin Id as a parameter # ************************ if len( disz_tags ) == 1: # or len(disz_tags) == 0: # is one if an athlete has only one disziplin and zero for teams as they do not have an geburtsdatum for span in spans: if "Disziplin" in str(span): for select in span.find_all("select"): for option in select.find_all("option"): disciplinId = option.get("value") if disciplinId in getDisziplinIds(): disziplin = getDisziplinByid(disciplinId) data["disci"] = disciplinId req =, data=data) doc = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser') # ************************ # Evaluation of the results of one athlete # ************************ output = ["Resultat", "Rang", "Wettkampf", "Ort", "Datum", "Name", "Wind"] columNumber = {} disziplinName = False disziplinNumber = 1 # because the first is the geburtsdatum for row in doc.find_all('tr'): columns = row.find_all('td') # Find the right columns for each defined output value within the next disziplin if row.text.strip()[:2] == "Nr": columns = row.find_all('th') columnCounter = 0 for header in columns: if header.text.strip() in output: columNumber[columnCounter] = header.text.strip() columnCounter += 1 disziplinName = disz_tags[disziplinNumber].text.strip( ) if len(disz_tags) > 1 else disziplin = getDisziplinByName(disziplinName) disziplinNumber = disziplinNumber + 1 else: columnCounter = 0 values = {} values["Disziplin"] = disziplinName for column in columns: if columnCounter in columNumber: if "Tooltip" in str(column): values[columNumber[columnCounter]] = findbyIdentifiers( str(column), ':resultValue">', '</span>') values["Bemerkung"] = findbyIdentifiers( str(column), '<div class="ui-tooltip-text ui-shadow ui-corner-all">', '</div>') else: if "Es sind keine Daten vorhanden" not in str( row.text.strip()): values[columNumber[ columnCounter]] = column.text.strip().replace( "*", "") columnCounter += 1 if "Es sind keine Daten vorhanden" not in str(row.text.strip()): competition = Competition(values["Ort"], values["Datum"], values["Wettkampf"]) performance = Performance(values["Resultat"], athlete, competition, disziplin, values["Rang"]) performances.append(performance) return performances