class SigmaPointIplf(Filter): """Iterated posterior linearisation filter (IPLF)""" def __init__(self, motion_model, meas_model, sigma_point_method): self._motion_model = motion_model self._meas_model = meas_model self._slr = SigmaPointSlr(sigma_point_method) self._current_means = None self._current_covs = None self._cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model.map_set, self._meas_model.map_set, self._slr) def _update_estimates(self, means, covs, cache=None): self._current_means = means.copy() self._current_covs = covs.copy() if cache is None: self._update_slr_cache() else: self._cache = cache def _update_slr_cache(self): self._cache.update(self._current_means, self._current_covs) def _motion_lin(self, _mean, _cov, time_step): return self._cache.proc_lin[time_step - 1] def _meas_lin(self, _mean, _cov, time_step): return self._cache.meas_lin[time_step - 1] def _proc_noise(self, time_step): return self._motion_model.proc_noise(time_step) def _meas_noise(self, time_step): return self._meas_model.meas_noise(time_step)
def __init__(self, motion_model, meas_model, sigma_point_method, num_iter): super().__init__() self._motion_model = motion_model self._meas_model = meas_model self._slr = SigmaPointSlr(sigma_point_method) self._sigma_point_method = sigma_point_method self.num_iter = num_iter self._cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._slr)
def __init__(self, motion_model, meas_model, sigma_point_method): self._motion_model = motion_model self._meas_model = meas_model self._slr = SigmaPointSlr(sigma_point_method) self._current_means = None self._current_covs = None self._cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model.map_set, self._meas_model.map_set, self._slr)
def __init__(self, motion_model, meas_model, sigma_point_method, num_iter, cost_improv_iter_lim, lambda_, nu): super().__init__() self._motion_model = motion_model self._meas_model = meas_model self._slr = SigmaPointSlr(sigma_point_method) self._sigma_point_method = sigma_point_method self.num_iter = num_iter self._cost_improv_iter_lim = cost_improv_iter_lim self._lambda = lambda_ self._nu = nu self._cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._slr)
def check_cost(estimates, cost_fn_prototype, motion_model, meas_model, slr_method): costs = [] for ms, Ps, label in estimates: cache = SlrCache(motion_model.map_set, meas_model.map_set, slr_method) cache.update(ms, Ps) cost_fn = partial( cost_fn_prototype, motion_bar=cache.proc_bar, meas_bar=cache.meas_bar, motion_cov=[ lin[2] + motion_model.proc_noise(k) for k, lin in enumerate(cache.proc_lin, 1) ], meas_cov=[ lin[2] + meas_model.meas_noise(k) for k, lin in enumerate(cache.meas_lin, 1) ], ) costs.append[(cost_fn(ms), label)]
class SigmaPointLsIpls(IteratedSmoother): """Line-search Iterated Posterior Linearisation Smoother (LS-IPLS)""" def __init__(self, motion_model, meas_model, sigma_point_method, num_iter, line_search_method, num_points): super().__init__() self._motion_model = motion_model self._meas_model = meas_model self._slr = SigmaPointSlr(sigma_point_method) self._sigma_point_method = sigma_point_method self.num_iter = num_iter self._ls_method = line_search_method self._cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._slr) def _motion_lin(self, _mean, _cov, time_step): return self._cache.proc_lin[time_step - 1] def _first_iter(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, cost_fn_prototype): smoother = SigmaPointPrLs(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._sigma_point_method) # Hack to use the generic `filter_and_smooth` method # The cost function prototype (variable covs) cannot be specialised until the `smooth_covs` are known # but the cost is calculated within the function (where it must be specialised). # Solution: - Use 'None' in the `filter_and_smooth` method => conforms to the base API. # - Calculate the actual cost here, when the smooth_covs are available. filter_means, filter_covs, smooth_means, smooth_covs, _ = smoother.filter_and_smooth( measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, None) self._update_estimates(smooth_means, smooth_covs) cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (smooth_covs, self._cache.inv_cov())) cost = cost_fn(smooth_means) return filter_means, filter_covs, smooth_means, smooth_covs, cost def filter_and_smooth_with_init_traj(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, init_traj, start_iter, cost_fn_prototype): """Filter and smoothing given an initial trajectory""" current_ms, current_Ps = init_traj # If self.num_iter is too low to enter the iter loop mf, Pf = init_traj cost_iter = [] if not self._is_initialised(): self._update_estimates(current_ms, current_Ps) cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (self._current_covs, self._cache.inv_cov())) # Temporary fix which assumes that we use inexact linesearch, i.e. it breaks GridSearch. dir_der_prototype = partial( dir_der_slr_smoothing_cost, measurements=measurements, m_1_0=m_1_0, P_1_0=P_1_0, motion_fn=self._motion_model.map_set, meas_fn=self._meas_model.map_set, slr_method=self._slr, ) dir_der = self._specialise_dir_der( dir_der_prototype, (self._current_covs, self._cache.inv_cov())) prev_cost = cost_fn(current_ms) for iter_ in range(start_iter, self.num_iter + 1): self._log.debug(f"Iter: {iter_}") cost_iter.append(prev_cost) num_iter_with_same_cost = 1 while self._terminate_inner_loop(num_iter_with_same_cost): num_iter_with_same_cost += 1 # Note: here we want to run the base `Smoother` class method. # I.e. we're getting the grandparent's method. mf, Pf, current_ms, current_Ps, cost = super( IteratedSmoother, self).filter_and_smooth(measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, cost_fn) line_search = self._ls_method(cost_fn, dir_der) ls_ms, alpha, ls_cost = line_search.search_next( self._current_means, current_ms) if ls_cost > cost: self._log.warning( f"Line search did not decrease, defaulting to plain IPLS." ) self._update_means_only(current_ms, None) # Stored for later update. Ps = self._current_covs prev_cost = cost else: self._update_means_only(ls_ms, None) # Stored for later update. Ps = line_search.next_estimate(self._current_covs, current_Ps, alpha) prev_cost = ls_cost # Update cost function with new covariances. self._update_estimates(self._current_means, Ps) cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (self._current_covs, self._cache.inv_cov())) dir_der = self._specialise_dir_der( dir_der_prototype, (self._current_covs, self._cache.inv_cov())) self._log.debug(f"Cost: {cost}, alpha: {alpha}") cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (self._current_covs, self._cache.inv_cov())) return mf, Pf, current_ms, current_Ps, np.array(cost_iter) def _filter_seq(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0): iplf = SigmaPointIplf(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._sigma_point_method) iplf._update_estimates(self._current_means, self._current_covs, self._cache) return iplf.filter_seq(measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0) # traj, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, estimated_covs, motion_fn, meas_fn, motion_cov, meas_cov, slr_method def _specialise_cost_fn(self, cost_fn_prototype, params): ( estimated_covs, ( motion_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv, ), ) = params return partial( cost_fn_prototype, estimated_covs=estimated_covs, motion_cov_inv=motion_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv=meas_cov_inv, ) def _specialise_dir_der(self, dir_der_prototype, params): ( estimated_covs, ( motion_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv, ), ) = params return partial( dir_der_prototype, estimated_covs=estimated_covs, motion_cov_inv=motion_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv=meas_cov_inv, ) def _is_initialised(self): return self._cache.is_initialized( ) and self._current_means is not None and self._current_covs is not None def _cost_fn_params(self): return self._current_covs def _terminate_inner_loop(self, inner_loop_iter): return inner_loop_iter < 2 def _update_means_only(self, means, pre_comp_cache=None): self._current_means = means.copy() if pre_comp_cache is None: self._cache.update(self._current_means, self._current_covs) else: self._cache = pre_comp_cache def _update_estimates(self, means, covs): """The 'previous estimates' which are used in the current iteration are stored in the smoother instance. They should only be modified through this method. """ super()._update_estimates(means, covs) self._cache.update(self._current_means, self._current_covs)
class SigmaPointIpls(IteratedSmoother): """Iterated posterior linearisation filter""" def __init__(self, motion_model, meas_model, sigma_point_method, num_iter): super().__init__() self._motion_model = motion_model self._meas_model = meas_model self._slr = SigmaPointSlr(sigma_point_method) self._sigma_point_method = sigma_point_method self.num_iter = num_iter self._cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._slr) def _motion_lin(self, _mean, _cov, time_step): return self._cache.proc_lin[time_step - 1] def _first_iter(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, cost_fn_prototype): smoother = SigmaPointPrLs(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._sigma_point_method) mf, Pf, ms, Ps, _ = smoother.filter_and_smooth(measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, None) self._update_estimates(ms, Ps) if cost_fn_prototype is not None: cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn(cost_fn_prototype, self._cost_fn_params()) cost = cost_fn(ms) else: cost = None return mf, Pf, ms, Ps, cost def _filter_seq(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0): iplf = SigmaPointIplf(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._sigma_point_method) iplf._update_estimates(self._current_means, self._current_covs, self._cache) return iplf.filter_seq(measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0) def _specialise_cost_fn(self, cost_fn_prototype, params): if cost_fn_prototype is not None: ( (motion_bar, meas_bar), ( motion_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv, ), ) = params return partial( cost_fn_prototype, motion_bar=motion_bar, meas_bar=meas_bar, motion_cov_inv=motion_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv=meas_cov_inv, ) else: return None def _cost_fn_params(self): return self._cache.bars(), self._cache.error_covs() def _update_estimates(self, means, covs): """The 'previous estimates' which are used in the current iteration are stored in the smoother instance. They should only be modified through this method. """ super()._update_estimates(means, covs) self._cache.update(self._current_means, self._current_covs) def _is_initialised(self): return self._cache.is_initialized( ) and self._current_means is not None and self._current_covs is not None
def filter_and_smooth_with_init_traj(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, init_traj, start_iter, cost_fn_prototype): """Filter and smoothing given an initial trajectory""" current_ms, current_Ps = init_traj # If self.num_iter is too low to enter the iter loop mf, Pf = init_traj cost_iter = [] # Optimisation to only update the estimates when the estimates have changed. # This method can be called either as part of the filter_and_smooth method, # then the estimates are already updated in the _first_iter method, # Or it can be called directly with an init_traj, then the update is needed if not self._is_initialised(): self._update_estimates(current_ms, current_Ps) cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (self._cache.bars(), self._cache.inv_cov())) prev_cost = cost_fn(current_ms) for iter_ in range(start_iter, self.num_iter + 1): self._log.debug(f"Iter: {iter_}") loss_cand_no = 1 has_improved = False # TODO: Impl inner loop for multiple opt of same cost fn. while has_improved is False and loss_cand_no <= self._cost_improv_iter_lim: # Note: here we want to run the base `Smoother` class method. # I.e. we're getting the grandparent's method. mf, Pf, current_ms, current_Ps, cost = super( IteratedSmoother, self).filter_and_smooth(measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, None) # Create a temporary cache. Linearisation is still done with self._cache until the present iterate # is accepted. The cost is calculated with a hybrid: proc_bar, meas_bar from the tmp_cache but # linearisation err. covariance from self._cache. tmp_cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._slr) # TODO: Since we only care about the bars here, we could potentially optimise and only calc. the # bars and skip the linearisation. # This would only be faster if the iterate is rejected since we still do the remaining calc. # (the linearisation) when the iterate is accepted. tmp_cache.update( current_ms, self._current_covs, ) # Note: here we take the new bars but the old error_covs. tmp_cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (tmp_cache.bars(), self._cache.inv_cov())) cost = tmp_cost_fn(current_ms) self._log.debug( f"Cost: {cost}, lambda: {self._lambda}, loss_cand_no: {loss_cand_no}" ) if not self._lambda > 0.0:"lambda=0, skipping cost check") has_improved = True elif cost < prev_cost: self._lambda /= self._nu has_improved = True else: self._lambda *= self._nu loss_cand_no += 1 if loss_cand_no == self._cost_improv_iter_lim + 1: f"No cost improvement for {self._cost_improv_iter_lim} iterations, returning" ) # Update to get the most recent estimates into the stored_estimates self._update_estimates(self._current_means, self._current_covs) return mf, Pf, self._current_means, self._current_covs, np.array( cost_iter) # Full update, updating means and covs estimates. # Which also requires an update of the cost fn. self._update_estimates(current_ms, current_Ps) cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (self._cache.bars(), self._cache.inv_cov())) prev_cost = cost_fn(current_ms) cost_iter.append(prev_cost) return mf, Pf, current_ms, current_Ps, np.array(cost_iter)
class SigmaPointLmIpls(IteratedSmoother): """Levenberg-Marquardt regularised Iterated Posterior Linearisation Smoother (LM-IPLS)""" def __init__(self, motion_model, meas_model, sigma_point_method, num_iter, cost_improv_iter_lim, lambda_, nu): super().__init__() self._motion_model = motion_model self._meas_model = meas_model self._slr = SigmaPointSlr(sigma_point_method) self._sigma_point_method = sigma_point_method self.num_iter = num_iter self._cost_improv_iter_lim = cost_improv_iter_lim self._lambda = lambda_ self._nu = nu self._cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._slr) def _motion_lin(self, _mean, _cov, time_step): return self._cache.proc_lin[time_step - 1] # TODO: This should also have inner LM check def _first_iter(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, cost_fn_prototype): smoother = SigmaPointPrLs(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._sigma_point_method) # Hack to use the generic `filter_and_smooth` method # The cost function prototype (variable covs) cannot be specialised until the `smooth_covs` are known # but the cost is calculated within the function (where it must be specialised). # Solution: - Use 'None' in the `filter_and_smooth` method => conforms to the base API. # - Calculate the actual cost here, when the smooth_covs are available. filter_means, filter_covs, smooth_means, smooth_covs, _ = smoother.filter_and_smooth( measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, None) self._update_estimates(smooth_means, smooth_covs) cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (self._cache.bars(), self._cache.inv_cov())) cost = cost_fn(smooth_means) return filter_means, filter_covs, smooth_means, smooth_covs, cost def filter_and_smooth_with_init_traj(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, init_traj, start_iter, cost_fn_prototype): """Filter and smoothing given an initial trajectory""" current_ms, current_Ps = init_traj # If self.num_iter is too low to enter the iter loop mf, Pf = init_traj cost_iter = [] # Optimisation to only update the estimates when the estimates have changed. # This method can be called either as part of the filter_and_smooth method, # then the estimates are already updated in the _first_iter method, # Or it can be called directly with an init_traj, then the update is needed if not self._is_initialised(): self._update_estimates(current_ms, current_Ps) cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (self._cache.bars(), self._cache.inv_cov())) prev_cost = cost_fn(current_ms) for iter_ in range(start_iter, self.num_iter + 1): self._log.debug(f"Iter: {iter_}") loss_cand_no = 1 has_improved = False # TODO: Impl inner loop for multiple opt of same cost fn. while has_improved is False and loss_cand_no <= self._cost_improv_iter_lim: # Note: here we want to run the base `Smoother` class method. # I.e. we're getting the grandparent's method. mf, Pf, current_ms, current_Ps, cost = super( IteratedSmoother, self).filter_and_smooth(measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0, None) # Create a temporary cache. Linearisation is still done with self._cache until the present iterate # is accepted. The cost is calculated with a hybrid: proc_bar, meas_bar from the tmp_cache but # linearisation err. covariance from self._cache. tmp_cache = SlrCache(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._slr) # TODO: Since we only care about the bars here, we could potentially optimise and only calc. the # bars and skip the linearisation. # This would only be faster if the iterate is rejected since we still do the remaining calc. # (the linearisation) when the iterate is accepted. tmp_cache.update( current_ms, self._current_covs, ) # Note: here we take the new bars but the old error_covs. tmp_cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (tmp_cache.bars(), self._cache.inv_cov())) cost = tmp_cost_fn(current_ms) self._log.debug( f"Cost: {cost}, lambda: {self._lambda}, loss_cand_no: {loss_cand_no}" ) if not self._lambda > 0.0:"lambda=0, skipping cost check") has_improved = True elif cost < prev_cost: self._lambda /= self._nu has_improved = True else: self._lambda *= self._nu loss_cand_no += 1 if loss_cand_no == self._cost_improv_iter_lim + 1: f"No cost improvement for {self._cost_improv_iter_lim} iterations, returning" ) # Update to get the most recent estimates into the stored_estimates self._update_estimates(self._current_means, self._current_covs) return mf, Pf, self._current_means, self._current_covs, np.array( cost_iter) # Full update, updating means and covs estimates. # Which also requires an update of the cost fn. self._update_estimates(current_ms, current_Ps) cost_fn = self._specialise_cost_fn( cost_fn_prototype, (self._cache.bars(), self._cache.inv_cov())) prev_cost = cost_fn(current_ms) cost_iter.append(prev_cost) return mf, Pf, current_ms, current_Ps, np.array(cost_iter) def _filter_seq(self, measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0): lm_iplf = _LmIplf(self._motion_model, self._meas_model, self._sigma_point_method, self._lambda) lm_iplf._update_estimates(self._current_means, self._current_covs, self._cache) return lm_iplf.filter_seq(measurements, m_1_0, P_1_0) def _specialise_cost_fn(self, cost_fn_prototype, params): ( (motion_bar, meas_bar), ( motion_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv, ), ) = params return partial( cost_fn_prototype, motion_bar=motion_bar, meas_bar=meas_bar, motion_cov_inv=motion_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv=meas_cov_inv, ) def _is_initialised(self): return self._cache.is_initialized( ) and self._current_means is not None and self._current_covs is not None def _cost_fn_params(self): return self._current_covs def _terminate_inner_loop(self, loss_cand_no): return loss_cand_no > 1 def _update_means_only(self, means, pre_comp_cache=None): self._current_means = means.copy() if pre_comp_cache is None: self._cache.update(self._current_means, self._current_covs) else: self._cache = pre_comp_cache def _update_estimates(self, means, covs): """The 'previous estimates' which are used in the current iteration are stored in the smoother instance. They should only be modified through this method. """ super()._update_estimates(means, covs) self._cache.update(self._current_means, self._current_covs)
def main(): dt = 0.01 qc = 0.01 qw = 10 Q = np.array( [ [qc * dt ** 3 / 3, 0, qc * dt ** 2 / 2, 0, 0], [0, qc * dt ** 3 / 3, 0, qc * dt ** 2 / 2, 0], [qc * dt ** 2 / 2, 0, qc * dt, 0, 0], [0, qc * dt ** 2 / 2, 0, qc * dt, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, dt * qw], ] ) motion_model = CoordTurn(dt, Q) sens_pos_1 = np.array([-1.5, 0.5]) sens_pos_2 = np.array([1, 1]) sensors = np.row_stack((sens_pos_1, sens_pos_2)) std = 0.5 R = std ** 2 * np.eye(2) meas_model = MultiSensorRange(sensors, R) prior_mean = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) prior_cov = np.diag([0.1, 0.1, 1, 1, 1]) _, measurements, _, ss_ms = get_specific_states_from_file(Path.cwd() / "data/lm_ieks_paper", Type.GN, 10) measurements = measurements[:, :2] K = measurements.shape[0] covs = np.array([prior_cov] * K) slr_cache = SlrCache(motion_model.map_set, meas_model.map_set, SigmaPointSlr(SphericalCubature())) slr_cache.update(ss_ms, covs) new_proto = partial( slr_smoothing_cost_pre_comp, measurements=measurements, m_1_0=prior_mean, P_1_0=prior_cov, ) new = partial( new_proto, traj=ss_ms, proc_bar=slr_cache.proc_bar, meas_bar=slr_cache.meas_bar, proc_cov=np.array( [err_cov_k + motion_model.proc_noise(k) for k, (_, _, err_cov_k) in enumerate(slr_cache.proc_lin)] ), meas_cov=np.array( [err_cov_k + meas_model.meas_noise(k) for k, (_, _, err_cov_k) in enumerate(slr_cache.meas_lin)] ), ) old = partial( slr_smoothing_cost, ss_ms, covs, measurements, prior_mean, prior_cov, motion_model, meas_model, SigmaPointSlr(SphericalCubature()), ) num_samples = 10 old_time = timeit(old, number=num_samples) / num_samples print(old_time) new_time = timeit(new, number=num_samples) / num_samples print(new_time) assert np.allclose(new(), old())
def test_cmp_slr_costs(self): dt = 0.01 qc = 0.01 qw = 10 Q = np.array([ [qc * dt**3 / 3, 0, qc * dt**2 / 2, 0, 0], [0, qc * dt**3 / 3, 0, qc * dt**2 / 2, 0], [qc * dt**2 / 2, 0, qc * dt, 0, 0], [0, qc * dt**2 / 2, 0, qc * dt, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, dt * qw], ]) motion_model = CoordTurn(dt, Q) sens_pos_1 = np.array([-1.5, 0.5]) sens_pos_2 = np.array([1, 1]) sensors = np.row_stack((sens_pos_1, sens_pos_2)) std = 0.5 R = std**2 * np.eye(2) meas_model = MultiSensorRange(sensors, R) prior_mean = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) prior_cov = np.diag([0.1, 0.1, 1, 1, 1]) _, measurements, _, ss_ms = get_specific_states_from_file( Path.cwd() / "data/lm_ieks_paper", Type.LM, 10) measurements = measurements[:, :2] K = measurements.shape[0] np.random.seed(0) covs = np.array([prior_cov] * K) * (0.90 + np.random.rand() / 5) slr_cache = SlrCache(motion_model, meas_model, SigmaPointSlr(SphericalCubature())) pre_comp_proto = partial( slr_smoothing_cost_pre_comp, measurements=measurements, m_1_0=prior_mean, P_1_0_inv=np.linalg.inv(prior_cov), ) on_the_fly = partial( slr_smoothing_cost, covs=covs, measurements=measurements, m_1_0=prior_mean, P_1_0=prior_cov, motion_model=motion_model, meas_model=meas_model, slr=SigmaPointSlr(SphericalCubature()), ) slr_cache.update(ss_ms, covs) varying_means_proto = partial( slr_smoothing_cost_means, measurements=measurements, m_1_0=prior_mean, P_1_0_inv=np.linalg.inv(prior_cov), estimated_covs=covs, motion_fn=motion_model.map_set, meas_fn=meas_model.map_set, slr_method=SigmaPointSlr(SphericalCubature()), ) varying_means = partial( varying_means_proto, motion_cov_inv=slr_cache.proc_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv=slr_cache.meas_cov_inv, ) proc_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv = slr_cache.inv_cov() pre_comp = partial( pre_comp_proto, motion_bar=slr_cache.proc_bar, meas_bar=slr_cache.meas_bar, motion_cov_inv=proc_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv=meas_cov_inv, ) self.assertAlmostEqual(pre_comp(ss_ms), on_the_fly(ss_ms)) self.assertAlmostEqual(pre_comp(ss_ms), varying_means(ss_ms)) _, measurements, _, ss_ms = get_specific_states_from_file( Path.cwd() / "data/lm_ieks_paper", Type.GN, 1) slr_cache.update(ss_ms, covs) pre_comp = partial( pre_comp_proto, motion_bar=slr_cache.proc_bar, meas_bar=slr_cache.meas_bar, motion_cov_inv=slr_cache.proc_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv=slr_cache.meas_cov_inv, ) varying_means = partial( varying_means_proto, motion_cov_inv=slr_cache.proc_cov_inv, meas_cov_inv=slr_cache.meas_cov_inv, ) self.assertAlmostEqual(pre_comp(ss_ms), on_the_fly(ss_ms)) self.assertAlmostEqual(pre_comp(ss_ms), varying_means(ss_ms))