class testNcovWeRobot(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.sp = TXSpider() def test_get_info(self): data = self.sp.get_raw_real_time_info() assert len(data) > 0 def test_parse_info(self): data1 = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "武汉", "confirm": 618, "suspect": 0, "dead": 45, "heal": 40 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "黄冈", "confirm": 122, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 2 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "孝感", "confirm": 55, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆门", "confirm": 38, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "恩施州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆州", "confirm": 33, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "仙桃", "confirm": 11, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "十堰", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "随州", "confirm": 36, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "天门", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "宜昌", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "鄂州", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "咸宁", "confirm": 43, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "广东", "city": "广州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "加拿大", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "法国", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 3, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }] data2 = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "武汉", "confirm": 698, "suspect": 0, "dead": 45, "heal": 40 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "黄冈", "confirm": 122, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 2 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "孝感", "confirm": 55, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆门", "confirm": 38, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "恩施州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆州", "confirm": 33, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "仙桃", "confirm": 11, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "十堰", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "随州", "confirm": 36, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "天门", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "宜昌", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "鄂州", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "咸宁", "confirm": 43, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "广东", "city": "广州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "加拿大", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 2, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "法国", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 3, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }] last = self.sp.change_raw_data_format(data1) now = self.sp.change_raw_data_format(data2) last['全国']['confirm'] = 2714 update_city = self.sp.parse_increase_info(now, last) print(update_city) assert len(update_city) == 4 assert update_city[0]['city'] == '武汉' assert update_city[1]['area'] == '加拿大' assert update_city[2]['area'] == '湖北' assert update_city[3]['area'] == '全国' def test_get_state_all(self): state_dict = self.sp.get_state_all() print(state_dict) def test_get_short_name(self): area1 = '重庆市' area2 = '重庆' area3 = '某某自治区' area4 = '杭州' assert re.subn(AREA_TAIL, '', area1)[0] == '重庆' assert re.subn(AREA_TAIL, '', area2)[0] == '重庆' assert re.subn(AREA_TAIL, '', area3)[0] == '某某' assert re.subn(AREA_TAIL, '', area4)[0] == '杭州' def test_fill_unknown(self): data = [{ 'confirm': 2823, 'dead': 81, 'heal': 55, 'suspect': 5794, 'country': '中国' }] res = [{ 'confirm': 2823, 'dead': 81, 'heal': 55, 'suspect': 5794, 'area': '中国', 'country': '中国', 'city': '中国' }] assert res == self.sp.fill_unknow(data) def test_main(self): self.sp.main() def test_update_city(self): old_city = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "待确认", "confirm": 0, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 20, "n_confirm": 2, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 3 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "西藏", "city": "拉萨", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "重庆", "city": "涪陵区", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }] new_city = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "待确认", "confirm": 0, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 30, "n_confirm": 2, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 3 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "西藏", "city": "拉萨", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "西藏", "city": "林芝", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 2, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }] update_city = self.sp.merge_update_city(old_city_list=old_city, new_city_list=new_city) assert len(update_city) == 4 print(update_city) def test_parse_new_data(self): with open('test_data.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as r: data = json.load(r) data = json.loads(data['data']) update_city = self.sp.change_raw_data_format_new(data['areaTree']) print(update_city) def test_get_all_area(self): conn = connect_redis() all_area = set(conn.smembers(ALL_AREA_KEY)) def test_check_dir(self): path1 = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'test1') check_dir_exist(path1) pass
class testNcovWeRobot(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.sp = TXSpider() self.data1 = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "武汉", "confirm": 618, "suspect": 0, "dead": 45, "heal": 40 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "黄冈", "confirm": 122, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 2 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "孝感", "confirm": 55, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆门", "confirm": 38, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "恩施州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆州", "confirm": 33, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "仙桃", "confirm": 11, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "十堰", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "随州", "confirm": 36, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "天门", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "宜昌", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "鄂州", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "咸宁", "confirm": 43, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "广东", "city": "广州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "加拿大", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "法国", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 3, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }] self.data2 = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "武汉", "confirm": 698, "suspect": 0, "dead": 45, "heal": 40 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "黄冈", "confirm": 122, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 2 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "孝感", "confirm": 55, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆门", "confirm": 38, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "恩施州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆州", "confirm": 33, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "仙桃", "confirm": 11, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "十堰", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "随州", "confirm": 36, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "天门", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "宜昌", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "鄂州", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "咸宁", "confirm": 43, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "广东", "city": "广州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "加拿大", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 2, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "法国", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 3, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "重庆", "city": "重庆", "confirm": 3, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }] self.update_city = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "辽宁", "city": "沈阳", "confirm": 8, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "area": "天津", "confirm": 24, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "city": "天津", "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "辽宁", "city": "丹东", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "外地来沪", "confirm": 33, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 33, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "浦东", "confirm": 9, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 9, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "长宁", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 5, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "静安", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 5, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "徐汇", "confirm": 3, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 3, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "虹口", "confirm": 2, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 2, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "闵行", "confirm": 2, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 2, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "青浦", "confirm": 2, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 2, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "黄埔", "confirm": 2, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 2, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "宝山", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "嘉定", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "上海", "city": "奉贤", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "辽宁", "city": "辽阳", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "n_confirm": 1, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "area": "辽宁", "confirm": 30, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0, "city": "辽宁", "n_confirm": 3, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }, { "confirm": 4533, "dead": 106, "heal": 60, "suspect": 6973, "area": "全国", "country": "全国", "city": "全国", "n_confirm": 4, "n_suspect": 0, "n_dead": 0, "n_heal": 0 }] def testCheckRegister(self): assert check_whether_register("订阅湖北") == True assert check_whether_register("不订阅") == False assert check_whether_register("订阅") == False def testCheckUnregist(self): assert check_whether_unregist("取消湖北") == True assert check_whether_unregist("取消") == False assert check_whether_unregist("取关湖北") == True assert re.subn(UN_REGIST_PATTERN2, "", "取消湖北")[0] == '湖北' assert re.subn(UN_REGIST_PATTERN2, "", "取消关注湖北")[0] == '湖北' assert re.subn(UN_REGIST_PATTERN2, "", "取关湖北")[0] == '湖北' def test_user_subscribe(self): conn = connect_redis() succ, failed = user_subscribe(conn, 'test', '订阅湖北', jieba) assert succ == ['湖北'] def test_user_unsubscribe(self): conn = connect_redis() # 完成数据转化并更新数据库 self.sp.change_raw_data_format(self.data2) user_subscribe(conn, 'test', '订阅湖北', jieba) succ, failed = user_unsubscribe_multi(conn, 'test', '取消关注湖北', jieba) assert succ == ['湖北'] succ, failed = user_subscribe(conn, 'test', '订阅湖北重庆', jieba) assert succ == ['湖北', '重庆'] succ, failed = user_unsubscribe_multi(conn, 'test', '取消重庆市', jieba) assert succ == ['重庆'] succ, failed = user_unsubscribe_multi(conn, 'test', '取关全国', jieba) assert succ == ['全部'] succ, failed = user_unsubscribe_multi(conn, 'test', '取消湖南', jieba) assert succ == [] and failed == ['湖南'] def test_do_ncov_update(self): # 完成数据转化并更新数据库 last = self.sp.change_raw_data_format(self.data1) now = self.sp.change_raw_data_format(self.data2) update_city = self.sp.parse_increase_info(now, last), 1) save_json_info_as_key(, UPDATE_CITY, update_city) itchat.auto_login() user_subscribe(, 'filehelper', '订阅湖北重庆', jieba) do_ncov_update(, itchat) def test_start_server(self): succ, failed = user_subscribe(, 'filehelper', '订阅全国', jieba) assert len(succ) == 1 p = threading.Thread(target=self.save_data_loop) p.start() start_server() def save_data_loop(self): while True:, 1) save_json_info_as_key(, UPDATE_CITY, self.update_city) time.sleep(10)
class testNcovWeRobot(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.sp = TXSpider() def test_get_info(self): data = self.sp.get_raw_real_time_info() assert len(data) > 0 def test_parse_info(self): data1 = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "武汉", "confirm": 618, "suspect": 0, "dead": 45, "heal": 40 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "黄冈", "confirm": 122, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 2 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "孝感", "confirm": 55, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆门", "confirm": 38, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "恩施州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆州", "confirm": 33, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "仙桃", "confirm": 11, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "十堰", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "随州", "confirm": 36, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "天门", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "宜昌", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "鄂州", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "咸宁", "confirm": 43, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "广东", "city": "广州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "加拿大", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "法国", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 3, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }] data2 = [{ "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "武汉", "confirm": 698, "suspect": 0, "dead": 45, "heal": 40 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "黄冈", "confirm": 122, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 2 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "孝感", "confirm": 55, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆门", "confirm": 38, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "恩施州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "荆州", "confirm": 33, "suspect": 0, "dead": 2, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "仙桃", "confirm": 11, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "十堰", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "随州", "confirm": 36, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "天门", "confirm": 5, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "宜昌", "confirm": 20, "suspect": 0, "dead": 1, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "鄂州", "confirm": 1, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "湖北", "city": "咸宁", "confirm": 43, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "中国", "area": "广东", "city": "广州", "confirm": 17, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "加拿大", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 2, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }, { "country": "法国", "area": "", "city": "", "confirm": 3, "suspect": 0, "dead": 0, "heal": 0 }] last = self.sp.change_raw_data_format(data1) now = self.sp.change_raw_data_format(data2) last['全国']['confirm'] = 2714 update_city = self.sp.parse_increase_info(now, last) print(update_city) assert len(update_city) == 4 assert update_city[0]['city'] == '武汉' assert update_city[1]['area'] == '加拿大' assert update_city[2]['area'] == '湖北' assert update_city[3]['area'] == '全国' def test_get_state_all(self): state_dict = self.sp.get_state_all() print(state_dict) def test_get_short_name(self): area1 = '重庆市' area2 = '重庆' area3 = '某某自治区' area4 = '杭州' assert re.subn(AREA_TAIL, '', area1)[0] == '重庆' assert re.subn(AREA_TAIL, '', area2)[0] == '重庆' assert re.subn(AREA_TAIL, '', area3)[0] == '某某' assert re.subn(AREA_TAIL, '', area4)[0] == '杭州' def test_fill_unknown(self): data = [{ 'confirm': 2823, 'dead': 81, 'heal': 55, 'suspect': 5794, 'country': '中国' }] res = [{ 'confirm': 2823, 'dead': 81, 'heal': 55, 'suspect': 5794, 'area': '中国', 'country': '中国', 'city': '中国' }] assert res == self.sp.fill_unknow(data) def test_main(self): self.sp.main()