예제 #1
def kdconnect(root_nodes, trees=None, tol=0.75):
    from networkx.algorithms.components import connected_components
    import networkx as nx

    cnt1, cnt2 = 0, 0
    # make trees if they were not added before
    if trees is None:
        trees = []
        for node in root_nodes:
            tr = gp.KDTreeIndex(fwd=True, bkwd=True)(node)

    # get a node count for validation
    for node in root_nodes:
        cnt1 += len(list(node.__iter__(fwd=True, bkwd=True)))

    gg = nx.Graph()
    for i in range(len(trees)):
        ti = trees[i]
        for j in range(i+1, len(trees)):
            tj = trees[j]
            res_ij = ti.query_ball_tree(tj, tol)
            adj = [(di, x) for di, x in enumerate(res_ij) if len(x) > 0]
            if any(adj):
                # unique indicies from tree_i and tree_j
                un_tix = np.unique([i for i, j in adj])
                un_tjx = np.unique([j for i, j in adj])
                # closest points between unique positions
                dists = distance.cdist(ti.data[un_tix], tj.data[un_tjx])
                armi = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dists, axis=None), dists.shape)

                # retrieve node ids from respective trees, and connect
                node_id1 = ti[un_tix[armi[0]]]
                node_id2 = tj[un_tjx[armi[1]]]
                ndi = gutil.node_with_id(root_nodes[i], node_id1)
                ndj = gutil.node_with_id(root_nodes[j], node_id2)
                ndi.connect_to(ndj, is_pipe=True)
                # add root indexes to component graph
                gg.add_edge(i, j)

    final_roots = []
    # gather new root nodes using connected_component algorithm
    for component in connected_components(gg):
        # pick a random index from the set ...
        ix = list(component)[0]
        a_root = root_nodes[ix]
        cnt2 += len(list(a_root.__iter__(fwd=True, bkwd=True)))

    # sanity check - number of nodes should not have changed
    assert cnt1 == cnt2, 'unequal number of nodes before and after merge'
    return final_roots
예제 #2
    def test_elbow_1(self):
        node_id = 9674342137
        node = gutils.node_with_id(self.s.root, node_id)
        assert node is not None
        mgr = rvt.make_actions_for(node)
        a = mgr.next_action()
        print(a[0:3], '\n', mgr._state)
        assert isinstance(a, list), msg('list', a)
        assert a[0] == _Cmd_pipe, msg(_Cmd_pipe, a[0])

        a = mgr.next_action()
        print(a[0:3], '\n', mgr._state)

        assert a[0] == _Cmd_elb, msg(_Cmd_elb, a[0])

        a = mgr.next_action()
        print(a, '\n', mgr._state)

        assert a is None, msg(None, a)

        e = node.successors(edges=True, ix=0)
        self._edge_stat(e, True, True, not True)
예제 #3
def resolve_heads(root_node, spr_points, tol=1.):
    kdprop = gp.KDTreeIndex()(root_node)
    data = np.array(kdprop.data)
    for six, spr in enumerate(spr_points):
        cdist = distance.cdist([spr], data)[0]
        if np.min(cdist) < tol:
            best_ix = np.argmin(cdist)
            node = gutil.node_with_id(root_node, kdprop[best_ix])
    return kdprop
예제 #4
    def test_elbow_fail(self):
        node_id = 9674342137
        node = gutils.node_with_id(self.s.root, node_id)
        # print(node.get('$create'))
        assert node is not None
        mgr = rvt.make_actions_for(node)
        a = mgr.next_action()
        # print(a)

        assert a[0] == _Cmd_pipe, msg(_Cmd_pipe, a[0])
        a = mgr.next_action()
        # print(a)
        assert a[0] == _Cmd_elb, msg(_Cmd_elb, a[0])
        a = mgr.next_action()
        self._edge_stat(node.successors(edges=True, ix=0), True, True,
                        not True)
예제 #5
    def test_elbow_f(self):
        node_id = 9674342137
        node = gutils.node_with_id(self.s.root, node_id)

        res = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
        self._test_scenario(node, res)
예제 #6
 def test_tee2(self):
     node_id = 5566475637
     node = gutils.node_with_id(self.s.root, node_id)
예제 #7
 def test_tee1(self):
     node_id = 390499279
     node = gutils.node_with_id(self.s.root, node_id)
     assert node is not None
     self._test_node_success(node, _Cmd_tee)