def get_events_by_tx(self, tx_id: str) -> Optional[AttributeDict]: """ get logs for a tx with a key :param tx_id: a valid 32 byte hex string """ _, log = event_log(tx_id, self.tracked_event(), self.provider, self.contract) if not log: # because for some reason event_log can return None??? return None return log
def test_1_swap_eth_to_s20(setup, scrt_signers, scrt_leader, web3_provider, configuration: Config, multisig_wallet): secret_token_addr = TokenPairing.objects().get(src_network="Ethereum", src_coin="ETH").dst_address scrt_leader.start() for signer in scrt_signers: signer.start() fee_collector = multisig_wallet.contract.functions.getFeeCollector().call() print(f"{fee_collector=}") t1_address = get_key_signer( "t1", Path.joinpath(project_base_path(), configuration.path_to_keys))['address'] # swap ethr for secret20 token, deliver tokens to address of 'a' # (we will use 'a' later to check it received the money) print( f"Creating new swap transaction at {web3_provider.eth.getBlock('latest').number + 1}" ) tx_hash = multisig_wallet.contract.functions.swap(t1_address.encode()). \ transact({'from': web3_provider.eth.coinbase, 'value': TRANSFER_AMOUNT_ETH}).hex().lower() # TODO: validate ethr increase of the smart contract # increase number of blocks to reach the confirmation threshold assert increase_block_number(web3_provider, configuration.eth_confirmations - 1) sleep(configuration.sleep_interval + 2) assert Swap.objects(src_tx_hash=tx_hash).count( ) == 0 # verify blocks confirmation threshold wasn't meet assert increase_block_number(web3_provider, 1) # add the 'missing' confirmation block # give event listener and manager time to process tx sleep(configuration.sleep_interval + 5) assert Swap.objects( src_tx_hash=tx_hash).count() == 1 # verify swap event recorded sleep(1) # check signers were notified of the tx and signed it assert Signatures.objects().count() == len(scrt_signers) sleep(5) if Swap.objects().get().status == Status.SWAP_SUBMITTED: sleep(configuration.sleep_interval + 5) assert Swap.objects().get().status == Status.SWAP_CONFIRMED # get tx details tx_hash = Swap.objects().get().src_tx_hash _, log = event_log(tx_hash, ['Swap'], web3_provider, multisig_wallet.contract) transfer_amount = log.args.amount dest = log.args.recipient.decode() # validate swap tx on ethr delivers to the destination viewing_key_set = '{"set_viewing_key": {"key": "lol"}}' tx_hash = run( f"secretcli tx compute execute {secret_token_addr} " f"'{viewing_key_set}' --from {dest} -b block -y | jq '.txhash'", shell=True, stdout=PIPE) sleep(6) balance = f'{{"balance": {{"key": "lol", "address": "{dest}"}} }}' res = run(f"secretcli q compute query {secret_token_addr} " f"'{balance}'", shell=True, stdout=PIPE) print(f"{res.stdout=}") amount = json.loads(res.stdout)["balance"]["amount"] print(f"swap amount: {transfer_amount}, dest balance amount: {amount}") assert int(amount) == log.args.amount
def test_1_swap_erc_to_s20(setup, scrt_leader, scrt_signers, web3_provider, configuration: Config, erc20_contract, multisig_wallet): scrt_leader.start() for signer in scrt_signers: signer.start() t1_address = get_key_signer( "t1", Path.joinpath(project_base_path(), configuration['path_to_keys']))['address'] # swap ethr for secret20 token, deliver tokens to address of 'a'. # (we will use 'a' later to check it received the money) tx_hash = erc20_contract.contract.functions.transfer(multisig_wallet.address, TRANSFER_AMOUNT, t1_address.encode()). \ transact({'from': web3_provider.eth.coinbase}).hex().lower() assert TRANSFER_AMOUNT == erc20_contract.contract.functions.balanceOf( multisig_wallet.address).call() # increase number of blocks to reach the confirmation threshold assert increase_block_number(web3_provider, configuration['eth_confirmations'] - 1) sleep(configuration['sleep_interval'] + 2) assert Swap.objects(src_tx_hash=tx_hash).count( ) == 0 # verify blocks confirmation threshold wasn't meet assert increase_block_number(web3_provider, 1) # add the 'missing' confirmation block # give event listener and manager time to process tx sleep(configuration['sleep_interval'] + 2) assert Swap.objects( src_tx_hash=tx_hash).count() == 1 # verify swap event recorded sleep(1) # check signers were notified of the tx and signed it assert Signatures.objects().count() == len(scrt_signers) # give time for manager to process the signatures sleep(configuration['sleep_interval'] + 2) assert Swap.objects().get().status == Status.SWAP_SUBMITTED # get tx details tx_hash = Swap.objects().get().src_tx_hash _, log = event_log(tx_hash, ['Transfer'], web3_provider, erc20_contract.contract) transfer_amount = erc20_contract.extract_amount(log) dest = erc20_contract.extract_addr(log) # validate swap tx on ethr delivers to the destination balance_query = '{"balance": {}}' tx_hash = run( f"secretcli tx compute execute {configuration['secret_contract_address']} " f"'{balance_query}' --from {dest} -b block -y | jq '.txhash'", shell=True, stdout=PIPE) tx_hash = tx_hash.stdout.decode().strip()[1:-1] res = run( f"secretcli q compute tx {tx_hash} | jq '.output_log' | jq '.[0].attributes' " f"| jq '.[3].value'", shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout.decode().strip()[1:-1] end_index = res.find(' ') amount = Decimal(res[:end_index]) print(f"tx amount: {transfer_amount}, swap amount: {amount}") # assert abs(transfer_amount - amount) < 1 ?????????????????????? # give scrt_leader time to multi-sign already existing signatures sleep(configuration['sleep_interval'] + 3) assert Swap.objects().get().status == Status.SWAP_CONFIRMED
def test_11_swap_erc_to_s20(scrt_leader, scrt_signers, web3_provider, configuration: Config, erc20_contract, multisig_wallet, ethr_leader): secret_token_addr = TokenPairing.objects().get(src_network="Ethereum", src_coin="ERC").dst_address # scrt_leader.start() # for signer in scrt_signers: # signer.start() t1_address = get_key_signer( "t1", Path.joinpath(project_base_path(), configuration.path_to_keys))['address'] # swap ethr for secret20 token, deliver tokens to address of 'a'. # (we will use 'a' later to check it received the money) # add usdt to the whitelisted token list account = web3_provider.eth.account.from_key(configuration.leader_key) nonce = web3_provider.eth.getTransactionCount(account.address, "pending") tx = multisig_wallet.contract.functions.addToken(erc20_contract.address, 1) raw_tx = tx.buildTransaction(transaction={ 'from': account.address, 'gas': 3000000, 'nonce': nonce }) signed_tx = account.sign_transaction(raw_tx) tx_hash = web3_provider.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction) # Get transaction hash from deployed contract tx_receipt = web3_provider.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) # this will likely fail since the test before also allocates the allowance - just ignore if it fails try: _ = erc20_contract.contract.functions.approve(multisig_wallet.address, TRANSFER_AMOUNT_ERC). \ transact({'from': web3_provider.eth.coinbase}) except ValueError: pass tx_hash = multisig_wallet\ .contract\ .functions\ .swapToken(t1_address.encode(), TRANSFER_AMOUNT_ERC, erc20_contract.address)\ .transact({'from': web3_provider.eth.coinbase}).hex().lower() assert TRANSFER_AMOUNT_ERC == erc20_contract.contract.functions.balanceOf( multisig_wallet.address).call() # increase number of blocks to reach the confirmation threshold assert increase_block_number(web3_provider, configuration.eth_confirmations - 1) sleep(configuration.sleep_interval + 2) assert Swap.objects(src_tx_hash=tx_hash).count( ) == 0 # verify blocks confirmation threshold wasn't meet assert increase_block_number(web3_provider, 1) # add the 'missing' confirmation block # give event listener and manager time to process tx sleep(configuration.sleep_interval + 2) assert Swap.objects( src_tx_hash=tx_hash).count() == 1 # verify swap event recorded swap = Swap.objects(src_tx_hash=tx_hash).get() sleep(1) # check signers were notified of the tx and signed it assert Signatures.objects( == len(scrt_signers) # give time for manager to process the signatures sleep(configuration.sleep_interval + 2) assert Swap.objects().get( src_tx_hash=tx_hash).status in (Status.SWAP_SUBMITTED, Status.SWAP_CONFIRMED) _, log = event_log(tx_hash, ['SwapToken'], web3_provider, multisig_wallet.contract) transfer_amount = multisig_wallet.extract_amount(log) dest = multisig_wallet.extract_addr(log) # validate swap tx on ethr delivers to the destination viewing_key_set = '{"set_viewing_key": {"key": "lol"}}' _ = run( f"secretcli tx compute execute {secret_token_addr} " f"'{viewing_key_set}' --from {dest} -b block -y | jq '.txhash'", shell=True, stdout=PIPE) sleep(6) balance = f'{{"balance": {{"key": "lol", "address": "{dest}"}} }}' res = run(f"secretcli q compute query {secret_token_addr} " f"'{balance}'", shell=True, stdout=PIPE) print(f"{res.stdout=}") amount = json.loads(res.stdout)["balance"]["amount"] print(f"swap amount: {transfer_amount}, dest balance amount: {amount}") # give scrt_leader time to multi-sign already existing signatures sleep(configuration.sleep_interval + 5) assert Swap.objects().get( src_tx_hash=tx_hash).status == Status.SWAP_CONFIRMED