def format_script_list(scripts): "Takes a list of scripts and formats the output." if not scripts: return "<No scripts>" table = EvTable("{wdbref{n", "{wobj{n", "{wkey{n", "{wintval{n", "{wnext{n", "{wrept{n", "{wdb", "{wtypeclass{n", "{wdesc{n", align='r', border="tablecols") for script in scripts: nextrep = script.time_until_next_repeat() if nextrep is None: nextrep = "PAUS" if script.db._paused_time else "--" else: nextrep = "%ss" % nextrep maxrepeat = script.repeats if maxrepeat: rept = "%i/%i" % (maxrepeat - script.remaining_repeats(), maxrepeat) else: rept = "-/-" table.add_row(, script.obj.key if (hasattr(script, 'obj') and script.obj) else "<Global>", script.key, script.interval if script.interval > 0 else "--", nextrep, rept, "*" if script.persistent else "-", script.typeclass_path.rsplit('.', 1)[-1], crop(script.desc, width=20)) return "%s" % table
def _test(): "test evform" form = EvForm("src.utils.evform_test") # add data to each tagged form cell{1: "{gTom the Bouncer{n", 2: "{yGriatch{n", 3: "A sturdy fellow", 4: 12, 5: 10, 6: 5, 7: 18, 8: 10, 9: 3}) # create the EvTables tableA = EvTable("HP","MV","MP", table=[["**"], ["*****"], ["***"]], border="incols") tableB = EvTable("Skill", "Value", "Exp", table=[["Shooting", "Herbalism", "Smithing"], [12,14,9],["550/1200", "990/1400", "205/900"]], border="incols") # add the tables to the proper ids in the form{"A": tableA, "B": tableB}) # unicode is required since the example contains non-ascii characters print unicode(form) return form
def func(self): "List the players" caller = self.caller if self.args and self.args.is_digit(): nlim = int(self.args) else: nlim = 10 nplayers = PlayerDB.objects.count() # typeclass table dbtotals = PlayerDB.objects.object_totals() typetable = EvTable("{wtypeclass{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="cells", align="l") for path, count in dbtotals.items(): typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / nplayers) * 100)) # last N table plyrs = PlayerDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, nplayers - nlim):] latesttable = EvTable("{wcreated{n", "{wdbref{n", "{wname{n", "{wtypeclass{n", border="cells", align="l") for ply in plyrs: latesttable.add_row(utils.datetime_format(ply.date_created), ply.dbref, ply.key, ply.typeclass.path) string = "\n{wPlayer typeclass distribution:{n\n%s" % typetable string += "\n{wLast %s Players created:{n\n%s" % (min(nplayers, nlim), latesttable) caller.msg(string)
def func(self): "Setup the rss-channel mapping" # checking we have all we need if not settings.RSS_ENABLED: string = """RSS is not enabled. You need to activate it in game/""" self.msg(string) return try: import feedparser feedparser # to avoid checker error of not being used except ImportError: string = ("RSS requires python-feedparser ( " "Install before continuing.") self.msg(string) return if 'list' in self.switches: # show all connections rssbots = [bot.typeclass for bot in PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, username__startswith="rssbot-")] if rssbots: from src.utils.evtable import EvTable table = EvTable("{wdbid{n", "{wupdate rate{n", "{wev-channel", "{wRSS feed URL{n", border="cells", maxwidth=78) for rssbot in rssbots: table.add_row(, rssbot.db.rss_rate, rssbot.db.ev_channel, rssbot.db.rss_url) self.caller.msg(table) else: self.msg("No rss bots found.") return if('disconnect' in self.switches or 'remove' in self.switches or 'delete' in self.switches): botname = "rssbot-%s" % self.lhs matches = PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, db_key=botname) if not matches: # try dbref match matches = PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, id=self.args.lstrip("#")) if matches: matches[0].delete() self.msg("RSS connection destroyed.") else: self.msg("RSS connection/bot could not be removed, does it exist?") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: string = "Usage: @rss2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <rss url>" self.msg(string) return channel = self.lhs url = self.rhs botname = "rssbot-%s" % url # create a new bot bot = PlayerDB.objects.filter(username__iexact=botname) if bot: # re-use existing bot bot = bot[0].typeclass if not bot.is_bot: self.msg("Player '%s' already exists and is not a bot." % botname) return else: bot = create.create_player(botname, None, None, typeclass=bots.RSSBot) bot.start(ev_channel=channel, rss_url=url, rss_rate=10) self.msg("RSS reporter created. Fetching RSS.")
def func(self): "Setup the irc-channel mapping" if not settings.IRC_ENABLED: string = """IRC is not enabled. You need to activate it in game/""" self.msg(string) return if 'list' in self.switches: # show all connections ircbots = [bot.typeclass for bot in PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, username__startswith="ircbot-")] if ircbots: from src.utils.evtable import EvTable table = EvTable("{wdbid{n", "{wbotname{n", "{wev-channel{n", "{wirc-channel{n", maxwidth=78) for ircbot in ircbots: ircinfo = "%s (%s:%s)" % (ircbot.db.irc_channel, ircbot.db.irc_network, ircbot.db.irc_port) table.add_row(, ircbot.db.irc_botname, ircbot.db.ev_channel, ircinfo) self.caller.msg(table) else: self.msg("No irc bots found.") return if('disconnect' in self.switches or 'remove' in self.switches or 'delete' in self.switches): botname = "ircbot-%s" % self.lhs matches = PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, db_key=botname) if not matches: # try dbref match matches = PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, id=self.args.lstrip("#")) if matches: matches[0].delete() self.msg("IRC connection destroyed.") else: self.msg("IRC connection/bot could not be removed, does it exist?") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: string = "Usage: @irc2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <ircnetwork> <port> <#irchannel> <botname>" self.msg(string) return channel = self.lhs self.rhs = self.rhs.replace('#', ' ') # to avoid Python comment issues try: irc_network, irc_port, irc_channel, irc_botname = \ [part.strip() for part in self.rhs.split(None, 3)] irc_channel = "#%s" % irc_channel except Exception: string = "IRC bot definition '%s' is not valid." % self.rhs self.msg(string) return botname = "ircbot-%s" % irc_botname # create a new bot bot = PlayerDB.objects.filter(username__iexact=botname) if bot: # re-use an existing bot bot = bot[0].typeclass if not bot.is_bot: self.msg("Player '%s' already exists and is not a bot." % botname) return else: bot = create.create_player(botname, None, None, typeclass=bots.IRCBot) bot.start(ev_channel=channel, irc_botname=irc_botname, irc_channel=irc_channel, irc_network=irc_network, irc_port=irc_port) self.msg("Connection created. Starting IRC bot.")
def func(self): "Implement the command" caller = self.caller if self.args and self.args.isdigit(): nlim = int(self.args) else: nlim = 10 nobjs = ObjectDB.objects.count() base_char_typeclass = settings.BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS nchars = ObjectDB.objects.filter( db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nrooms = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=True).exclude( db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nexits = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=False, db_destination__isnull=False).count() nother = nobjs - nchars - nrooms - nexits nobjs = nobjs or 1 # fix zero-div error with empty database # total object sum table totaltable = EvTable("{wtype{n", "{wcomment{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l") totaltable.align = 'l' totaltable.add_row("Characters", "(BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS)", nchars, "%.2f" % ((float(nchars) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Rooms", "(location=None)", nrooms, "%.2f" % ((float(nrooms) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Exits", "(destination!=None)", nexits, "%.2f" % ((float(nexits) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Other", "", nother, "%.2f" % ((float(nother) / nobjs) * 100)) # typeclass table typetable = EvTable("{wtypeclass{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l") typetable.align = 'l' dbtotals = ObjectDB.objects.object_totals() for path, count in dbtotals.items(): typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / nobjs) * 100)) # last N table objs = ObjectDB.objects.all().order_by( "db_date_created")[max(0, nobjs - nlim):] latesttable = EvTable("{wcreated{n", "{wdbref{n", "{wname{n", "{wtypeclass{n", align="l", border="table") latesttable.align = 'l' for obj in objs: latesttable.add_row(utils.datetime_format(obj.date_created), obj.dbref, obj.key, obj.typeclass.path) string = "\n{wObject subtype totals (out of %i Objects):{n\n%s" % ( nobjs, totaltable) string += "\n{wObject typeclass distribution:{n\n%s" % typetable string += "\n{wLast %s Objects created:{n\n%s" % (min( nobjs, nlim), latesttable) caller.msg(string)
def func(self): "Setup the rss-channel mapping" # checking we have all we need if not settings.RSS_ENABLED: string = """RSS is not enabled. You need to activate it in game/""" self.msg(string) return try: import feedparser feedparser # to avoid checker error of not being used except ImportError: string = ( "RSS requires python-feedparser ( " "Install before continuing.") self.msg(string) return if 'list' in self.switches: # show all connections rssbots = [ bot.typeclass for bot in PlayerDB.objects.filter( db_is_bot=True, username__startswith="rssbot-") ] if rssbots: from src.utils.evtable import EvTable table = EvTable("{wdbid{n", "{wupdate rate{n", "{wev-channel", "{wRSS feed URL{n", border="cells", maxwidth=78) for rssbot in rssbots: table.add_row(, rssbot.db.rss_rate, rssbot.db.ev_channel, rssbot.db.rss_url) self.caller.msg(table) else: self.msg("No rss bots found.") return if ('disconnect' in self.switches or 'remove' in self.switches or 'delete' in self.switches): botname = "rssbot-%s" % self.lhs matches = PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, db_key=botname) if not matches: # try dbref match matches = PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, id=self.args.lstrip("#")) if matches: matches[0].delete() self.msg("RSS connection destroyed.") else: self.msg( "RSS connection/bot could not be removed, does it exist?") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: string = "Usage: @rss2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <rss url>" self.msg(string) return channel = self.lhs url = self.rhs botname = "rssbot-%s" % url # create a new bot bot = PlayerDB.objects.filter(username__iexact=botname) if bot: # re-use existing bot bot = bot[0].typeclass if not bot.is_bot: self.msg("Player '%s' already exists and is not a bot." % botname) return else: bot = create.create_player(botname, None, None, typeclass=bots.RSSBot) bot.start(ev_channel=channel, rss_url=url, rss_rate=10) self.msg("RSS reporter created. Fetching RSS.")
def func(self): "Setup the irc-channel mapping" if not settings.IRC_ENABLED: string = """IRC is not enabled. You need to activate it in game/""" self.msg(string) return if 'list' in self.switches: # show all connections ircbots = [ bot.typeclass for bot in PlayerDB.objects.filter( db_is_bot=True, username__startswith="ircbot-") ] if ircbots: from src.utils.evtable import EvTable table = EvTable("{wdbid{n", "{wbotname{n", "{wev-channel{n", "{wirc-channel{n", maxwidth=78) for ircbot in ircbots: ircinfo = "%s (%s:%s)" % (ircbot.db.irc_channel, ircbot.db.irc_network, ircbot.db.irc_port) table.add_row(, ircbot.db.irc_botname, ircbot.db.ev_channel, ircinfo) self.caller.msg(table) else: self.msg("No irc bots found.") return if ('disconnect' in self.switches or 'remove' in self.switches or 'delete' in self.switches): botname = "ircbot-%s" % self.lhs matches = PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, username=botname) dbref = utils.dbref(self.lhs) if not matches and dbref: # try dbref match matches = PlayerDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, id=dbref) if matches: matches[0].delete() self.msg("IRC connection destroyed.") else: self.msg( "IRC connection/bot could not be removed, does it exist?") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: string = "Usage: @irc2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <ircnetwork> <port> <#irchannel> <botname>" self.msg(string) return channel = self.lhs self.rhs = self.rhs.replace('#', ' ') # to avoid Python comment issues try: irc_network, irc_port, irc_channel, irc_botname = \ [part.strip() for part in self.rhs.split(None, 3)] irc_channel = "#%s" % irc_channel except Exception: string = "IRC bot definition '%s' is not valid." % self.rhs self.msg(string) return botname = "ircbot-%s" % irc_botname # create a new bot bot = PlayerDB.objects.filter(username__iexact=botname) if bot: # re-use an existing bot bot = bot[0].typeclass if not bot.is_bot: self.msg("Player '%s' already exists and is not a bot." % botname) return else: bot = create.create_player(botname, None, None, typeclass=bots.IRCBot) bot.start(ev_channel=channel, irc_botname=irc_botname, irc_channel=irc_channel, irc_network=irc_network, irc_port=irc_port) self.msg("Connection created. Starting IRC bot.")
def func(self): "Implement the command" caller = self.caller if self.args and self.args.isdigit(): nlim = int(self.args) else: nlim = 10 nobjs = ObjectDB.objects.count() base_char_typeclass = settings.BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS nchars = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nrooms = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=True).exclude(db_typeclass_path=base_char_typeclass).count() nexits = ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_location__isnull=False, db_destination__isnull=False).count() nother = nobjs - nchars - nrooms - nexits nobjs = nobjs or 1 # fix zero-div error with empty database # total object sum table totaltable = EvTable("{wtype{n", "{wcomment{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l") totaltable.align = 'l' totaltable.add_row("Characters", "(BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS)", nchars, "%.2f" % ((float(nchars) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Rooms", "(location=None)", nrooms, "%.2f" % ((float(nrooms) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Exits", "(destination!=None)", nexits, "%.2f" % ((float(nexits) / nobjs) * 100)) totaltable.add_row("Other", "", nother, "%.2f" % ((float(nother) / nobjs) * 100)) # typeclass table typetable = EvTable("{wtypeclass{n", "{wcount{n", "{w%%{n", border="table", align="l") typetable.align = 'l' dbtotals = ObjectDB.objects.object_totals() for path, count in dbtotals.items(): typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / nobjs) * 100)) # last N table objs = ObjectDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, nobjs - nlim):] latesttable = EvTable("{wcreated{n", "{wdbref{n", "{wname{n", "{wtypeclass{n", align="l", border="table") latesttable.align = 'l' for obj in objs: latesttable.add_row(utils.datetime_format(obj.date_created), obj.dbref, obj.key, obj.typeclass.path) string = "\n{wObject subtype totals (out of %i Objects):{n\n%s" % (nobjs, totaltable) string += "\n{wObject typeclass distribution:{n\n%s" % typetable string += "\n{wLast %s Objects created:{n\n%s" % (min(nobjs, nlim), latesttable) caller.msg(string)
def _parse_rectangles(self, cellchar, tablechar, form, **kwargs): """ Parse a form for rectangular formfields identified by formchar enclosing an identifier. """ # update options given at creation with new input - this # allows e.g. to add custom settings for individual # cells/tables custom_options = copy.copy(self.options) custom_options.update(kwargs) nform = len(form) mapping = {} cell_coords = {} table_coords = {} # Locate the identifier tags and the horizontal end coords for all forms re_cellchar = re.compile(r"%s+([^%s%s])%s+" % (cellchar, INVALID_FORMCHARS, cellchar, cellchar)) re_tablechar = re.compile(r"%s+([^%s%s|])%s+" % (tablechar, INVALID_FORMCHARS, tablechar, tablechar)) for iy, line in enumerate(_to_ansi(form, regexable=True)): # find cells ix0 = 0 while True: match =, ix0) if match: # get the width of the rectangle directly from the match cell_coords[] = [iy, match.start(), match.end()] ix0 = match.end() else: break # find tables ix0 = 0 while True: match =, ix0) if match: # get the width of the rectangle directly from the match table_coords[] = [iy, match.start(), match.end()] ix0 = match.end() else: break #print "cell_coords:", cell_coords #print "table_coords:", table_coords # get rectangles and assign EvCells for key, (iy, leftix, rightix) in cell_coords.items(): # scan up to find top of rectangle dy_up = 0 if iy > 0: for i in range(1,iy): #print "dy_up:", [form[iy-i][ix] for ix in range(leftix, rightix)] if all(form[iy-i][ix] == cellchar for ix in range(leftix, rightix)): dy_up += 1 else: break # find bottom edge of rectangle dy_down = 0 if iy < nform-1: for i in range(1,nform-iy-1): #print "dy_down:", [form[iy+i][ix]for ix in range(leftix, rightix)] if all(form[iy+i][ix] == cellchar for ix in range(leftix, rightix)): dy_down += 1 else: break # we have our rectangle. Calculate size of EvCell. iyup = iy - dy_up iydown = iy + dy_down width = rightix - leftix height = abs(iyup - iydown) + 1 # we have all the coordinates we need. Create EvCell. data = self.cells_mapping.get(key, "") #if key == "1": # print "creating cell '%s' (%s):" % (key, data) # print "iy=%s, iyup=%s, iydown=%s, leftix=%s, rightix=%s, width=%s, height=%s" % (iy, iyup, iydown, leftix, rightix, width, height) options = { "pad_left":0, "pad_right":0, "pad_top":0, "pad_bottom":0, "align":"l", "valign":"t", "enforce_size":True} options.update(custom_options) #if key=="4": #print "options:", options mapping[key] = (iyup, leftix, width, height, EvCell(data, width=width, height=height,**options)) # get rectangles and assign Tables for key, (iy, leftix, rightix) in table_coords.items(): # scan up to find top of rectangle dy_up = 0 if iy > 0: for i in range(1,iy): #print "dy_up:", [form[iy-i][ix] for ix in range(leftix, rightix)] if all(form[iy-i][ix] == tablechar for ix in range(leftix, rightix)): dy_up += 1 else: break # find bottom edge of rectangle dy_down = 0 if iy < nform-1: for i in range(1,nform-iy-1): #print "dy_down:", [form[iy+i][ix]for ix in range(leftix, rightix)] if all(form[iy+i][ix] == tablechar for ix in range(leftix, rightix)): dy_down += 1 else: break # we have our rectangle. Calculate size of Table. iyup = iy - dy_up iydown = iy + dy_down width = rightix - leftix height = abs(iyup - iydown) + 1 # we have all the coordinates we need. Create Table. table = self.tables_mapping.get(key, None) #print "creating table '%s' (%s):" % (key, data) #print "iy=%s, iyup=%s, iydown=%s, leftix=%s, rightix=%s, width=%s, height=%s" % (iy, iyup, iydown, leftix, rightix, width, height) options = { "pad_left":0, "pad_right":0, "pad_top":0, "pad_bottom":0, "align":"l", "valign":"t", "enforce_size":True} options.update(custom_options) #print "options:", options if table: table.reformat(width=width, height=height, **options) else: table = EvTable(width=width, height=height, **options) mapping[key] = (iyup, leftix, width, height, table) return mapping