예제 #1
def main():

    # MDP Env
    xBoundary = [0, 600]
    yBoundary = [0, 600]
    xSwamp = [300, 400]
    ySwamp = [300, 400]
    swamp = [[[300, 400], [300, 400]]]

    noise = [50, 50]
    stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity = StayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity(
        xBoundary, yBoundary)
    transitionWithNoise = TransitionWithNoise(noise)

    minDistance = 50
    target = [600, 600]
    isTerminal = IsTerminal(minDistance, target)

    isInSwamp = IsInSwamp(swamp)

    singleAgentTransit = MovingAgentTransitionInSwampWorld(
        transitionWithNoise, stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity, isTerminal)

    transitionFunctionPack = [singleAgentTransit, static]
    multiAgentTransition = MultiAgentTransitionInGeneral(
    twoAgentTransit = MultiAgentTransitionInSwampWorld(multiAgentTransition,

    numOfAgent = 2
    xBoundaryReset = [500, 600]
    yBoundaryReset = [0, 100]
    resetState = Reset([0, 0], [0, 0], numOfAgent, target)

    actionSpace = [(100, 0), (-100, 0), (0, 100), (0, -100)]
    #k = np.random.choice(actionSpace)

    actionCost = -1
    swampPenalty = -100
    terminalReward = 1000
    rewardFunction = RewardFunction(actionCost, terminalReward, swampPenalty,
                                    isTerminal, isInSwamp)

    maxRunningSteps = 100

    oneStepSampleTrajectory = OneStepSampleTrajectory(twoAgentTransit,
    sampleTrajecoty = SampleTrajectory(maxRunningSteps, isTerminal, resetState,
    randomPolicy = RandomPolicy(actionSpace)
    actionDistribution = randomPolicy()
    #numSimulation, selectAction, selectNextState, expand, estimateValue, backup, outputDistribution
    numSimulation = 5
    cInit = 100
    cBase = 1
    scoreChild = ScoreChild(cInit, cBase)
    selectAction = SelectAction(scoreChild)
    selectNextState = SelectNextState(selectAction)
    uniformActionPrior = {action: 1 / 4 for action in actionSpace}
    getActionPrior = lambda state: uniformActionPrior
    initializeChildren = InitializeChildren(actionSpace, twoAgentTransit,
    expand = Expand(isTerminal, initializeChildren)
    alpha = 0
    C = 3
    pWidening = PWidening(alpha, C)
    expandNewState = ExpandNextState(twoAgentTransit, pWidening)

    rolloutPolicy = lambda state: random.choice(actionSpace)
    rolloutHeuristic = lambda state: 0  #reward return sometimes grab nothing.
    maxRolloutStep = 10
    estimateValue = RollOut(rolloutPolicy, maxRolloutStep, twoAgentTransit,
                            rewardFunction, isTerminal, rolloutHeuristic)
    mctsSelectAction = MCTS(numSimulation, selectAction, selectNextState,
                            expand, expandNewState, estimateValue, backup,

    #sampleAction = SampleFromDistribution(actionDictionary)
    def sampleAction(state):
        actionDist = mctsSelectAction(state)
        action = maxFromDistribution(actionDist)
        return action

    trajectories = [sampleTrajecoty(sampleAction) for _ in range(1)]
    DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    trajectoryDirectory = os.path.join(DIRNAME, '..', '..', 'data',
                                       'evaluateObstacle2', 'trajectories')
    if not os.path.exists(trajectoryDirectory):

    # generate demo image
    screenWidth = 600
    screenHeight = 600
    screen = pg.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight))
    screenColor = THECOLORS['black']
    xBoundary = [0, 600]
    yBoundary = [0, 600]
    lineColor = THECOLORS['white']
    lineWidth = 4
    xSwamp = [300, 400]
    ySwamp = [300, 400]
    drawBackground = DrawBackground(screen, screenColor, xBoundary, yBoundary,
                                    lineColor, lineWidth, xSwamp, ySwamp)

    fps = 40
    circleColorSpace = np.array([[0, 0, 255], [0, 255, 255]])
    circleSize = 10
    positionIndex = [0, 1]

    saveImage = True
    imageSavePath = os.path.join(trajectoryDirectory, 'picMovingSheep')
    if not os.path.exists(imageSavePath):
    trajectoryParameters = 'obstacle'
    imageFolderName = str(trajectoryParameters)

    saveImageDir = os.path.join(os.path.join(imageSavePath, imageFolderName))
    if not os.path.exists(saveImageDir):
    agentIdsToDraw = list(range(2))
    drawState = DrawState(fps, screen, circleColorSpace, circleSize,
                          agentIdsToDraw, positionIndex, saveImage,
                          saveImageDir, drawBackground)

    numFramesToInterpolate = 3
    interpolateState = InterpolateState(numFramesToInterpolate,

    stateIndexInTimeStep = 0
    actionIndexInTimeStep = 1

    chaseTrial = ChaseTrialWithTraj(stateIndexInTimeStep, drawState,
                                    interpolateState, actionIndexInTimeStep)

    [chaseTrial(trajectory) for trajectory in trajectories]
예제 #2
def main():

    # MDP Env
    xBoundary = [0, 600]
    yBoundary = [0, 600]
    xSwamp = [300, 400]
    ySwamp = [300, 400]
    swamp = [[[300,400],[300,400]]]

    noise = [1, 1]
    stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity = StayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity(xBoundary, yBoundary)
    transitionWithNoise = TransitionWithNoise(noise)

    minDistance = 50
    target = [200, 200]
    isTerminal = IsTerminal(minDistance, target)

    isInSwamp = IsInSwamp(swamp)
    singleAgentTransit = MovingAgentTransitionInSwampWorld(transitionWithNoise, stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity, isTerminal)

    transitionFunctionPack = [singleAgentTransit, static]
    multiAgentTransition = MultiAgentTransitionInGeneral(transitionFunctionPack)
    twoAgentTransit = MultiAgentTransitionInSwampWorld(multiAgentTransition, target)

    numOfAgent = 2
    xBoundaryReset = [500, 600]
    yBoundaryReset = [0, 100]
    resetState = Reset(xBoundaryReset, yBoundaryReset, numOfAgent, target)

    actionSpace = [[10, 0], [-10, 0], [-10, -10], [10, 10], [0, 10], [0, -10], [-10, 10], [10, -10]]

    actionCost = -1
    swampPenalty = -10
    terminalReward = 10
    rewardFunction = RewardFunction(actionCost, terminalReward, swampPenalty, isTerminal, isInSwamp)
    maxRunningSteps = 100

    oneStepSampleTrajectory = OneStepSampleTrajectory(twoAgentTransit, rewardFunction)
    sampleTrajecoty = SampleTrajectory(maxRunningSteps, isTerminal, resetState, oneStepSampleTrajectory)
    randomPolicy = RandomPolicy(actionSpace)
    actionDistribution = randomPolicy()
    sampleAction = SampleFromDistribution(actionDistribution)

    trajectories = [sampleTrajecoty(sampleAction) for _ in range(10)]

    DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    trajectoryDirectory = os.path.join(DIRNAME, '..', '..', 'data', 'evaluateObstacle',
    if not os.path.exists(trajectoryDirectory):

    # generate demo image
    screenWidth = 600
    screenHeight = 600
    screen = pg.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight))
    screenColor = THECOLORS['black']
    xBoundary = [0, 600]
    yBoundary = [0, 600]
    lineColor = THECOLORS['white']
    lineWidth = 4
    drawBackground = DrawBackground(screen, screenColor, xBoundary, yBoundary, lineColor, lineWidth, xSwamp, ySwamp)

    circleColorSpace = np.array([[0, 0, 255], [0, 255, 255] ])
    circleSize = 10
    positionIndex = [0, 1]
    saveImage = True
    imageSavePath = os.path.join(trajectoryDirectory, 'picMovingSheep')
    if not os.path.exists(imageSavePath):
    trajectoryParameters = 'obstacle'
    imageFolderName = str(trajectoryParameters)

    saveImageDir = os.path.join(os.path.join(imageSavePath, imageFolderName))
    if not os.path.exists(saveImageDir):
    agentIdsToDraw = list(range(2))
    drawState = DrawState(fps, screen, circleColorSpace, circleSize, agentIdsToDraw, positionIndex, 
            saveImage, saveImageDir, drawBackground)
    numFramesToInterpolate = 3
    interpolateState = InterpolateState(numFramesToInterpolate, twoAgentTransit)

    stateIndexInTimeStep = 0
    actionIndexInTimeStep = 1
    chaseTrial = ChaseTrialWithTraj(stateIndexInTimeStep, drawState, interpolateState, actionIndexInTimeStep)
    [chaseTrial(trajectory) for trajectory in trajectories]
예제 #3
def main():
    DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    trajectoryDirectory = os.path.join(DIRNAME, '..', '..', 'data', 'evaluateHierarchyPlanning',
    if not os.path.exists(trajectoryDirectory):
    NNNumSimulations = 250
    maxRunningSteps = 52
    softParameterInPlanningForSheep = 2.5
    softParameterInPlanning = 2.5
    hierarchy = 0
    trajectoryFixedParameters = {'sheepPolicySoft': softParameterInPlanningForSheep, 'wolfPolicySoft': softParameterInPlanning,
            'maxRunningSteps': maxRunningSteps, 'hierarchy': hierarchy, 'NNNumSimulations':NNNumSimulations}
    trajectoryExtension = '.pickle'
    getTrajectorySavePath = GetSavePath(trajectoryDirectory, trajectoryExtension, trajectoryFixedParameters)

    # Compute Statistics on the Trajectories
    loadTrajectories = LoadTrajectories(getTrajectorySavePath, loadFromPickle)
    numWolves = 2
    numSheep = 2
    valuePriorEndTime = -100
    valuePriorSoftMaxBeta = 0.0
    trajectoryParameters = {'numWolves': numWolves, 'numSheep': numSheep, 'valuePriorEndTime': valuePriorEndTime, 
            'valuePriorSoftMaxBeta': valuePriorSoftMaxBeta}
    wolfType = 'sharedReward'
    #trajectoryParameters.update({'wolfType': wolfType})
    trajectories = loadTrajectories(trajectoryParameters) 
    # generate demo image
    screenWidth = 600
    screenHeight = 600
    screen = pg.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight))
    screenColor = THECOLORS['black']
    xBoundary = [0, 600]
    yBoundary = [0, 600]
    lineColor = THECOLORS['white']
    lineWidth = 4
    drawBackground = DrawBackground(screen, screenColor, xBoundary, yBoundary, lineColor, lineWidth)
    FPS = 32
    circleColorSpace = [[100, 100, 100]]*numSheep + [[255, 255, 255]] * numWolves
    circleSize = 10
    positionIndex = [0, 1]
    agentIdsToDraw = list(range(numSheep + numWolves))
    saveImage = True
    imageSavePath = os.path.join(trajectoryDirectory, 'picMovingSheep')
    if not os.path.exists(imageSavePath):
    imageFolderName = str('forDemo')
    saveImageDir = os.path.join(os.path.join(imageSavePath, imageFolderName))
    if not os.path.exists(saveImageDir):
    goalSpace = list(range(numSheep))
    imaginedWeIdsForInferenceSubject = list(range(numSheep, numWolves + numSheep))
    softParameter = 1
    softFunction = SoftDistribution(softParameter)
    updateColorSpaceByPosterior = lambda colorSpace, posterior : updateColorSpace(
            colorSpace, [softFunction(individualPosterior) for individualPosterior in posterior], goalSpace, imaginedWeIdsForInferenceSubject)
    #updateColorSpaceByPosterior = lambda originalColorSpace, posterior : originalColorSpace
    outsideCircleAgentIds = imaginedWeIdsForInferenceSubject
    outsideCircleColor = np.array([[255, 0, 0]] * numWolves)
    outsideCircleSize = 15 
    drawCircleOutside = DrawCircleOutside(screen, outsideCircleAgentIds, positionIndex, outsideCircleColor, outsideCircleSize)
    drawState = DrawState(FPS, screen, circleColorSpace, circleSize, agentIdsToDraw, positionIndex, 
            saveImage, saveImageDir, drawBackground, updateColorSpaceByPosterior, drawCircleOutside)
   # MDP Env
    xBoundary = [0,600]
    yBoundary = [0,600]
    stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity = StayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity(xBoundary, yBoundary)
    transit = InterpolateOneFrame(stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity)
    numFramesToInterpolate = 7
    interpolateState = InterpolateState(numFramesToInterpolate, transit)
    stateIndexInTimeStep = 0
    actionIndexInTimeStep = 1
    posteriorIndexInTimeStep = 4
    chaseTrial = ChaseTrialWithTraj(stateIndexInTimeStep, drawState, interpolateState, actionIndexInTimeStep, posteriorIndexInTimeStep)
    lens = [len(trajectory) for trajectory in trajectories]
    index = np.argsort(-np.array(lens))
    [chaseTrial(trajectory) for trajectory in np.array(trajectories)[index[0:10]]]
    print([len(trajectory) for trajectory in np.array(trajectories)[index[:]]])
예제 #4
def main():
    DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    trajectoryDirectory = os.path.join(DIRNAME, '..', '..', 'data',
    if not os.path.exists(trajectoryDirectory):

    NNNumSimulations = 250
    maxRunningSteps = 61
    softParameterInPlanningForSheep = 2.0
    softParameterInPlanning = 2.0
    trajectoryFixedParameters = {
        'sheepPolicySoft': softParameterInPlanningForSheep,
        'wolfPolicySoft': softParameterInPlanning,
        'maxRunningSteps': maxRunningSteps,
        'NNNumSimulations': NNNumSimulations
    trajectoryExtension = '.pickle'
    getTrajectorySavePath = GetSavePath(trajectoryDirectory,

    # Compute Statistics on the Trajectories
    loadTrajectories = LoadTrajectories(getTrajectorySavePath, loadFromPickle)
    numWolves = 2
    numSheep = 1
    competePolicy = 'heatseeking'
    heatseekingPrecesion = 1.83
    otherCompeteRate = 1.0
    competeDetectionRate = 0.5
    inferenceSoft = 0.05
    trajectoryParameters = {
        'heatseekingPrecesion': heatseekingPrecesion,
        'inferenceSoft': inferenceSoft,
        'numWolves': numWolves,
        'numSheep': numSheep,
        'competePolicy': competePolicy,
        'otherCompeteRate': otherCompeteRate,
        'competeDetectionRate': competeDetectionRate
    trajectories = loadTrajectories(trajectoryParameters)
    # generate demo image
    screenWidth = 600
    screenHeight = 600
    screen = pg.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight))
    screenColor = THECOLORS['black']
    xBoundary = [0, 600]
    yBoundary = [0, 600]
    lineColor = THECOLORS['white']
    lineWidth = 4
    drawBackground = DrawBackground(screen, screenColor, xBoundary, yBoundary,
                                    lineColor, lineWidth)

    FPS = 24
    circleColorSpace = [[0, 255, 0]] * numSheep + [[255, 0, 0]] * numWolves
    circleSize = 10
    positionIndex = [0, 1]
    agentIdsToDraw = list(range(numSheep + numWolves))
    #saveImage = False
    saveImage = True
    imageSavePath = os.path.join(trajectoryDirectory, 'picMovingSheep')
    if not os.path.exists(imageSavePath):
    imageFolderName = str('forDemo')
    saveImageDir = os.path.join(os.path.join(imageSavePath, imageFolderName))
    if not os.path.exists(saveImageDir):
    goalSpace = list(range(numSheep))
    imaginedWeIdsForInferenceSubject = list(
        range(numSheep, numWolves + numSheep))
    softParameter = 1.1
    softFunction = SoftDistribution(softParameter)
    selfPosteriorIndex = 0
    concernedAgentId = 2
    competeIntention = (0, ())
    cooperateIntention = (0, tuple(range(numSheep, numSheep + numWolves)))
    updateColorSpaceByPosterior = lambda colorSpace, posterior: updateColorSpace(
        colorSpace, [
            for individualPosterior in posterior
        ], selfPosteriorIndex, concernedAgentId, competeIntention,

    #updateColorSpaceByPosterior = lambda originalColorSpace, posterior : originalColorSpace
    outsideCircleAgentIds = imaginedWeIdsForInferenceSubject
    outsideCircleColor = np.array([[0, 0, 0]] * numWolves)
    outsideCircleSize = 15
    drawCircleOutside = DrawCircleOutside(screen, outsideCircleAgentIds,
                                          positionIndex, outsideCircleColor,
    drawState = DrawState(FPS, screen, circleColorSpace, circleSize,
                          agentIdsToDraw, positionIndex, saveImage,
                          saveImageDir, drawBackground,
                          updateColorSpaceByPosterior, drawCircleOutside)

    # MDP Env
    xBoundary = [0, 600]
    yBoundary = [0, 600]
    stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity = StayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity(
        xBoundary, yBoundary)
    transit = InterpolateOneFrame(stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity)
    numFramesToInterpolate = 5
    interpolateState = InterpolateState(numFramesToInterpolate, transit)

    stateIndexInTimeStep = 0
    actionIndexInTimeStep = 1
    posteriorIndexInTimeStep = 4
    chaseTrial = ChaseTrialWithTraj(stateIndexInTimeStep, drawState,
                                    interpolateState, actionIndexInTimeStep,

    lens = [len(trajectory) for trajectory in trajectories]
    index = np.argsort(-np.array(lens))
    #[chaseTrial(trajectory) for trajectory in np.array(trajectories)[index[0:10]]]
        for trajectory in np.array(trajectories)[index[9:10]]
예제 #5
def main():
    manipulatedVariables = OrderedDict()
    manipulatedVariables['numOfAgent'] = [2]
    levelNames = list(manipulatedVariables.keys())
    levelValues = list(manipulatedVariables.values())
    modelIndex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(levelValues, names=levelNames)
    toSplitFrame = pd.DataFrame(index=modelIndex)
    productedValues = it.product(
        *[[(key, value) for value in values]
          for key, values in manipulatedVariables.items()])
    parametersAllCondtion = [
        for specificValueParameter in productedValues

    numTrajectories = 3
    sampleTrajectoriesForConditions = SampleTrajectoriesForCoditions(
        numTrajectories, composeFowardOneTimeStepWithRandomSubtlety)
    trajectoriesMultipleConditions = [
        sampleTrajectoriesForConditions(para) for para in parametersAllCondtion

    visualConditionIndex = 0
    trajectoriesToVisualize = trajectoriesMultipleConditions[

    visualize = True

    if visualize:
        screenWidth = 640
        screenHeight = 480
        screen = pg.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight))
        screenColor = THECOLORS['black']
        xBoundary = [0, 640]
        yBoundary = [0, 480]
        lineColor = THECOLORS['white']
        lineWidth = 4
        drawBackground = DrawBackground(screen, screenColor, xBoundary,
                                        yBoundary, lineColor, lineWidth)

        numOfAgent = 2
        numDistractors = numOfAgent - 2
        circleColorSpace = [[0, 255, 0], [255, 0, 0]
                            ] + [[255, 255, 255]] * numDistractors
        circleSize = 10
        positionIndex = [0, 1]
        agentIdsToDraw = list(range(numOfAgent))
        saveImage = False
        dirPYFile = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        imageSavePath = os.path.join(dirPYFile, '..', 'data', 'forDemo')
        if not os.path.exists(imageSavePath):
        FPS = 30
        drawState = DrawState(FPS, screen, circleColorSpace, circleSize,
                              agentIdsToDraw, positionIndex, saveImage,
                              imageSavePath, drawBackground)

        # MDP Env
        xBoundary = [0, 640]
        yBoundary = [0, 480]
        stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity = StayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity(
            xBoundary, yBoundary)

        distanceToVisualDegreeRatio = 20
        killzoneRadius = 2.5 * distanceToVisualDegreeRatio
        sheepId = 0
        wolfId = 1
        isTerminal = IsTerminal(sheepId, wolfId, killzoneRadius)

        numMDPTimeStepPerSecond = 5  #  change direction every 200ms
        numFramesToInterpolate = int(
            FPS / numMDPTimeStepPerSecond - 1
        )  # interpolate each MDP timestep to multiple frames; check terminal for each frame

        interpolateStateForVisualization = InterpolateStateForVisualization(
            numFramesToInterpolate, stayInBoundaryByReflectVelocity,

        stateIndexInTimeStep = 0
        actionIndexInTimeStep = 1
        nextStateIndexInTimeStep = 2
        visualizeTraj = VisualizeTraj(stateIndexInTimeStep,
                                      nextStateIndexInTimeStep, drawState,

        [visualizeTraj(trajectory) for trajectory in trajectoriesToVisualize]