예제 #1
    def create_light_plane(self, scene, mat, origin, u, v, name):
        plane = Geom.CRectangle(origin, u, v)
        points = plane.getVertices()
        triangles = plane.getTriangles()
        normals = plane.getNormals()

        lightPlane = MXS.createMxObject(scene, "light_plane", points, normals, triangles)
        lightMat = scene.readMaterial(self.pzLightMat)
        lightMat = scene.addMaterial(lightMat)
예제 #2
    def create_background(self, scene):

        depth = self.depth * 10
        height = self.height * 10
        width = self.width * 10
        origin = [-depth/2, -height/2, -width/2]
        u = [depth, 0, 0]
        v = [0, width, 0]
        w = [0, 0, height]
        box =Geom.CBox(origin, u, v, w, direction = -1)
        points = box.getVertices()
        triangles = box.getTriangles()
        normals = box.getNormals()

        background = MXS.createMxObject(scene, "background", points, normals, triangles)
        mat = scene.readMaterial(self.pzBackgroundMat)
        mat = scene.addMaterial(mat)
예제 #3
    def scatter_sphere(self, scene):
        # Add a new material to the sphere
        mat = scene.readMaterial(self.pzSphereMat)
        mat = scene.addMaterial(mat)
        radius = self.radius
        # scatter dots into scenes
        for i in range(self.numbOfDots):
            # Create a instance of the sphere in the scene
            x = random.random() * self.depth - self.depth/2
            y = random.random() * self.width - self.width/2
            z = random.random() * self.height - self.width/2
            dot = Geom.CSphere([x, y, z], radius)
            points = dot.getVertices()
            normals = dot.getNormals()
            triangles = dot.getTriangles()
            obj = MXS.createMxObject(scene, "dot_{}".format(i), points, normals, triangles)

            # Assign the material to the object of the new sphere