def start(var, wrapper, *, forced=False, restart=""): if (not forced and LAST_START and wrapper.source in LAST_START and LAST_START[wrapper.source][0] + timedelta(seconds=var.START_RATE_LIMIT) > and not restart): LAST_START[wrapper.source][1] += 1 wrapper.source.send(messages["command_ratelimited"]) return if restart: global RESTART_TRIES RESTART_TRIES += 1 if RESTART_TRIES > MAX_RETRIES: from src.wolfgame import stop_game stop_game(var, abort=True) return if not restart: LAST_START[wrapper.source] = [, 1] villagers = get_players() vils = set(get_players()) if not restart: if var.PHASE == "none": wrapper.source.send(messages["no_game_running"].format(botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) return if var.PHASE != "join": wrapper.source.send(messages["werewolf_already_running"]) return if wrapper.source not in villagers and not forced: return now = var.GAME_START_TIME = now # Only used for the idler checker dur = int((var.CAN_START_TIME - now).total_seconds()) if dur > 0 and not forced: plural = "" if dur == 1 else "s" wrapper.send(messages["please_wait"].format(dur, plural)) return if len(villagers) < var.MIN_PLAYERS: wrapper.send(messages["not_enough_players"].format(wrapper.source, var.MIN_PLAYERS)) return if len(villagers) > var.MAX_PLAYERS: wrapper.send.send(messages["max_players"].format(wrapper.source, var.MAX_PLAYERS)) return with var.WARNING_LOCK: if not forced and wrapper.source in START_VOTES:["start_already_voted"]) return start_votes_required = min(math.ceil(len(villagers) * var.START_VOTES_SCALE), var.START_VOTES_MAX) if not forced and len(START_VOTES) < start_votes_required: # If there's only one more vote required, start the game immediately. # Checked here to make sure that a player that has already voted can't # vote again for the final start. if len(START_VOTES) < start_votes_required - 1: START_VOTES.add(wrapper.source) remaining_votes = start_votes_required - len(START_VOTES) word = "vote" if remaining_votes == 1 else "votes" wrapper.send(messages["start_voted"].format(wrapper.source, remaining_votes, word)) # If this was the first vote if len(START_VOTES) == 1: t = threading.Timer(60, expire_start_votes, (var, var.TIMERS["start_votes"] = (t, time.time(), 60) t.daemon = True t.start() return if not var.FGAMED: votes = {} #key = gamemode, not hostmask for gamemode in var.GAMEMODE_VOTES.values(): if len(villagers) >= var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][1] and len(villagers) <= var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][2]: votes[gamemode] = votes.get(gamemode, 0) + 1 voted = [gamemode for gamemode in votes if votes[gamemode] == max(votes.values()) and votes[gamemode] >= len(villagers)/2] if voted: from src.wolfgame import cgamemode cgamemode(random.choice(voted)) else: possiblegamemodes = [] numvotes = 0 for gamemode, num in votes.items(): if len(villagers) < var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][1] or len(villagers) > var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][2] or var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][3] == 0: continue possiblegamemodes += [gamemode] * num numvotes += num if len(villagers) - numvotes > 0: possiblegamemodes += [None] * ((len(villagers) - numvotes) // 2) # check if we go with a voted mode or a random mode gamemode = random.choice(possiblegamemodes) if gamemode is None: possiblegamemodes = [] for gamemode in var.GAME_MODES.keys() - var.DISABLED_GAMEMODES: if len(villagers) >= var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][1] and len(villagers) <= var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][2] and var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][3] > 0: possiblegamemodes += [gamemode] * var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][3] gamemode = random.choice(possiblegamemodes) from src.wolfgame import cgamemode cgamemode(gamemode) else: from src.wolfgame import cgamemode cgamemode(restart) var.GAME_ID = time.time() # restart reaper timer from src.wolfgame import chk_win_conditions # TODO: Move that into its own postgame module event = Event("role_attribution", {"addroles": Counter()}) if event.dispatch(var, chk_win_conditions, villagers): addroles =["addroles"] strip = lambda x: re.sub("\(.*\)", "", x) lv = len(villagers) roles = [] for num, rolelist in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.ROLE_GUIDE.items(): if num <= lv: roles.extend(rolelist) defroles = Counter(strip(x) for x in roles) for role, count in list(defroles.items()): if role[0] == "-": srole = role[1:] defroles[srole] -= count del defroles[role] if defroles[srole] == 0: del defroles[srole] if not defroles: wrapper.send(messages["no_settings_defined"].format(wrapper.source, lv)) return for role, num in defroles.items(): addroles[role] = max(addroles.get(role, num), len(var.FORCE_ROLES.get(role, ()))) if sum([addroles[r] for r in addroles if r not in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES]) > lv: wrapper.send(messages["too_many_roles"]) return for role in All: addroles.setdefault(role, 0) else: addroles =["addroles"] # convert roleset aliases into the appropriate roles possible_rolesets = [Counter()] roleset_roles = defaultdict(int) for role, amt in list(addroles.items()): # not a roleset? add a fixed amount of them if role not in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.ROLE_SETS: for pr in possible_rolesets: pr[role] += amt continue # if a roleset, ensure we don't try to expose the roleset name in !stats or future attribution del addroles[role] # init !stats with all 0s so that it can number things properly; the keys need to exist in the Counter # across every possible roleset so that !stats works right rs = Counter(var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.ROLE_SETS[role]) for r in rs: for pr in possible_rolesets: pr[r] += 0 toadd = random.sample(list(rs.elements()), amt) for r in toadd: addroles[r] += 1 roleset_roles[r] += 1 add_rolesets = [] temp_rolesets = [] for c in itertools.combinations(rs.elements(), amt): add_rolesets.append(Counter(c)) for pr in possible_rolesets: for ar in add_rolesets: temp = Counter(pr) temp.update(ar) temp_rolesets.append(temp) possible_rolesets = temp_rolesets if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS and not restart: # Custom settings need_reset = True wvs = sum(addroles[r] for r in Wolfchat) if len(villagers) < (sum(addroles.values()) - sum(addroles[r] for r in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES)): wrapper.send(messages["too_few_players_custom"]) elif not wvs and != "villagergame": wrapper.send(messages["need_one_wolf"]) elif wvs > (len(villagers) / 2): wrapper.send(messages["too_many_wolves"]) else: need_reset = False if need_reset: from src.wolfgame import reset_settings reset_settings() wrapper.send(messages["default_reset"].format(botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) var.PHASE = "join" return if var.ADMIN_TO_PING is not None and not restart: for decor in (COMMANDS["join"] + COMMANDS["start"]): decor(_command_disabled) var.ROLES.clear() var.MAIN_ROLES.clear() var.NIGHT_COUNT = 0 var.DAY_COUNT = 0 var.TRAITOR_TURNED = False var.FINAL_ROLES = {} var.EXTRA_WOLVES = 0 var.DEADCHAT_PLAYERS.clear() var.SPECTATING_WOLFCHAT.clear() var.SPECTATING_DEADCHAT.clear() for role in All: var.ROLES[role] = UserSet() var.ROLES[var.DEFAULT_ROLE] = UserSet() for role, ps in var.FORCE_ROLES.items(): if role not in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES.keys(): vils.difference_update(ps) for role, count in addroles.items(): if role in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES: var.ROLES[role] = (None,) * count continue # We deal with those later, see below to_add = set() if role in var.FORCE_ROLES: if len(var.FORCE_ROLES[role]) > count: channels.Main.send(messages["error_frole_too_many"].format(role)) return for user in var.FORCE_ROLES[role]: # If multiple main roles were forced, only first one is put in MAIN_ROLES if not user in var.MAIN_ROLES: var.MAIN_ROLES[user] = role var.ORIGINAL_MAIN_ROLES[user] = role to_add.add(user) count -= 1 selected = random.sample(vils, count) for x in selected: var.MAIN_ROLES[x] = role var.ORIGINAL_MAIN_ROLES[x] = role vils.remove(x) var.ROLES[role].update(selected) var.ROLES[role].update(to_add) var.ROLES[var.DEFAULT_ROLE].update(vils) for x in vils: var.MAIN_ROLES[x] = var.DEFAULT_ROLE var.ORIGINAL_MAIN_ROLES[x] = var.DEFAULT_ROLE if vils: for pr in possible_rolesets: pr[var.DEFAULT_ROLE] += len(vils) # Collapse possible_rolesets into var.ROLE_STATS # which is a FrozenSet[FrozenSet[Tuple[str, int]]] possible_rolesets_set = set() event = Event("reconfigure_stats", {"new": []}) for pr in possible_rolesets:["new"] = [pr] event.dispatch(var, pr, "start") for v in["new"]: if min(v.values()) >= 0: possible_rolesets_set.add(frozenset(v.items())) var.ROLE_STATS = frozenset(possible_rolesets_set) # Now for the secondary roles for role, dfn in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES.items(): count = len(var.ROLES[role]) var.ROLES[role] = UserSet() if role in var.FORCE_ROLES: ps = var.FORCE_ROLES[role] var.ROLES[role].update(ps) count -= len(ps) # Don't do anything further if this secondary role was forced on enough players already if count <= 0: continue possible = get_players(dfn) if len(possible) < count: wrapper.send(messages["not_enough_targets"].format(role)) if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS: from src.wolfgame import reset_settings var.ROLES.clear() var.ROLES["person"] = UserSet(var.ALL_PLAYERS) reset_settings() wrapper.send(messages["default_reset"].format(botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) var.PHASE = "join" return else: wrapper.send(messages["role_skipped"]) continue var.ROLES[role].update(x for x in random.sample(possible, count)) with var.WARNING_LOCK: # cancel timers for name in ("join", "join_pinger", "start_votes"): if name in var.TIMERS: var.TIMERS[name][0].cancel() del var.TIMERS[name] var.LAST_STATS = None var.LAST_TIME = None for role, players in var.ROLES.items(): for player in players: evt = Event("new_role", {"messages": [], "role": role, "in_wolfchat": False}, inherit_from=None) evt.dispatch(var, player, None) if not restart: gamemode = if gamemode == "villagergame": gamemode = "default" # Alert the players to option changes they may not be aware of options = [] if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.get("ROLE_REVEAL") is not None: if var.ROLE_REVEAL == "on": options.append("role reveal") elif var.ROLE_REVEAL == "team": options.append("team reveal") elif var.ROLE_REVEAL == "off": options.append("no role reveal") if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.get("STATS_TYPE") is not None: if var.STATS_TYPE == "disabled": options.append("no stats") else: options.append("{0} stats".format(var.STATS_TYPE)) if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.get("ABSTAIN_ENABLED") is not None or var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.get("LIMIT_ABSTAIN") is not None: if var.ABSTAIN_ENABLED and var.LIMIT_ABSTAIN: options.append("restricted abstaining") elif var.ABSTAIN_ENABLED: options.append("unrestricted abstaining") else: options.append("no abstaining") if len(options) > 2: options = " with {0}, and {1}".format(", ".join(options[:-1]), options[-1]) elif len(options) == 2: options = " with {0} and {1}".format(options[0], options[1]) elif len(options) == 1: options = " with {0}".format(options[0]) else: options = "" wrapper.send(messages["welcome"].format(", ".join(x.nick for x in villagers), gamemode, options))"+m") var.ORIGINAL_ROLES.clear() for role, players in var.ROLES.items(): var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role] = players.copy() var.DAY_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0) var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0) var.DAY_START_TIME = var.NIGHT_START_TIME = var.LAST_PING = None var.PLAYERS = {plr:dict(var.USERS[plr.nick]) for plr in villagers if plr.nick in var.USERS} # FIXME: Please kill this if restart: var.PHASE = "join" # allow transition_* to run properly if game was restarted on first night if not var.START_WITH_DAY: from src.wolfgame import transition_night var.GAMEPHASE = "night" transition_night() else: from src.wolfgame import transition_day var.FIRST_DAY = True var.GAMEPHASE = "day" transition_day() decrement_stasis() if not (botconfig.DEBUG_MODE and var.DISABLE_DEBUG_MODE_REAPER): # DEATH TO IDLERS! from src.wolfgame import reaper reapertimer = threading.Thread(None, reaper, args=(wrapper.client, var.GAME_ID)) reapertimer.daemon = True reapertimer.start()
def start(var, wrapper, *, forced=False, restart=""): if (not forced and LAST_START and wrapper.source in LAST_START and LAST_START[wrapper.source][0] + timedelta(seconds=var.START_RATE_LIMIT) > and not restart): LAST_START[wrapper.source][1] += 1 wrapper.source.send(messages["command_ratelimited"]) return if restart: global RESTART_TRIES RESTART_TRIES += 1 if RESTART_TRIES > MAX_RETRIES: from src.wolfgame import stop_game stop_game(var, abort=True) return if not restart: LAST_START[wrapper.source] = [, 1] villagers = get_players() vils = set(get_players()) if not restart: if var.PHASE == "none": wrapper.source.send(messages["no_game_running"].format( botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) return if var.PHASE != "join": wrapper.source.send(messages["werewolf_already_running"]) return if wrapper.source not in villagers and not forced: return now = var.GAME_START_TIME = now # Only used for the idler checker dur = int((var.CAN_START_TIME - now).total_seconds()) if dur > 0 and not forced: plural = "" if dur == 1 else "s" wrapper.send(messages["please_wait"].format(dur, plural)) return if len(villagers) < var.MIN_PLAYERS: wrapper.send(messages["not_enough_players"].format( wrapper.source, var.MIN_PLAYERS)) return if len(villagers) > var.MAX_PLAYERS: wrapper.send.send(messages["max_players"].format( wrapper.source, var.MAX_PLAYERS)) return with var.WARNING_LOCK: if not forced and wrapper.source in START_VOTES:["start_already_voted"]) return start_votes_required = min( math.ceil(len(villagers) * var.START_VOTES_SCALE), var.START_VOTES_MAX) if not forced and len(START_VOTES) < start_votes_required: # If there's only one more vote required, start the game immediately. # Checked here to make sure that a player that has already voted can't # vote again for the final start. if len(START_VOTES) < start_votes_required - 1: START_VOTES.add(wrapper.source) remaining_votes = start_votes_required - len(START_VOTES) word = "vote" if remaining_votes == 1 else "votes" wrapper.send(messages["start_voted"].format( wrapper.source, remaining_votes, word)) # If this was the first vote if len(START_VOTES) == 1: t = threading.Timer(60, expire_start_votes, (var, var.TIMERS["start_votes"] = (t, time.time(), 60) t.daemon = True t.start() return if not var.FGAMED: votes = {} #key = gamemode, not hostmask for gamemode in var.GAMEMODE_VOTES.values(): if len(villagers) >= var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][1] and len( villagers) <= var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][2]: votes[gamemode] = votes.get(gamemode, 0) + 1 voted = [ gamemode for gamemode in votes if votes[gamemode] == max(votes.values()) and votes[gamemode] >= len(villagers) / 2 ] if voted: from src.wolfgame import cgamemode cgamemode(random.choice(voted)) else: possiblegamemodes = [] numvotes = 0 for gamemode, num in votes.items(): if len(villagers) < var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][1] or len( villagers) > var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][ 2] or var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][3] == 0: continue possiblegamemodes += [gamemode] * num numvotes += num if len(villagers) - numvotes > 0: possiblegamemodes += [None] * ( (len(villagers) - numvotes) // 2) # check if we go with a voted mode or a random mode gamemode = random.choice(possiblegamemodes) if gamemode is None: possiblegamemodes = [] for gamemode in var.GAME_MODES.keys( ) - var.DISABLED_GAMEMODES: if len(villagers ) >= var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][1] and len( villagers) <= var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][ 2] and var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][3] > 0: possiblegamemodes += [ gamemode ] * var.GAME_MODES[gamemode][3] gamemode = random.choice(possiblegamemodes) from src.wolfgame import cgamemode cgamemode(gamemode) else: from src.wolfgame import cgamemode cgamemode(restart) var.GAME_ID = time.time() # restart reaper timer from src.wolfgame import chk_win_conditions # TODO: Move that into its own postgame module event = Event("role_attribution", {"addroles": Counter()}) if event.dispatch(var, chk_win_conditions, villagers): addroles =["addroles"] strip = lambda x: re.sub("\(.*\)", "", x) lv = len(villagers) roles = [] for num, rolelist in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.ROLE_GUIDE.items(): if num <= lv: roles.extend(rolelist) defroles = Counter(strip(x) for x in roles) for role, count in list(defroles.items()): if role[0] == "-": srole = role[1:] defroles[srole] -= count del defroles[role] if defroles[srole] == 0: del defroles[srole] if not defroles: wrapper.send(messages["no_settings_defined"].format( wrapper.source, lv)) return for role, num in defroles.items(): addroles[role] = max(addroles.get(role, num), len(var.FORCE_ROLES.get(role, ()))) if sum([ addroles[r] for r in addroles if r not in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES ]) > lv: wrapper.send(messages["too_many_roles"]) return for role in All: addroles.setdefault(role, 0) else: addroles =["addroles"] # convert roleset aliases into the appropriate roles possible_rolesets = [Counter()] roleset_roles = defaultdict(int) for role, amt in list(addroles.items()): # not a roleset? add a fixed amount of them if role not in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.ROLE_SETS: for pr in possible_rolesets: pr[role] += amt continue # if a roleset, ensure we don't try to expose the roleset name in !stats or future attribution del addroles[role] # init !stats with all 0s so that it can number things properly; the keys need to exist in the Counter # across every possible roleset so that !stats works right rs = Counter(var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.ROLE_SETS[role]) for r in rs: for pr in possible_rolesets: pr[r] += 0 toadd = random.sample(list(rs.elements()), amt) for r in toadd: addroles[r] += 1 roleset_roles[r] += 1 add_rolesets = [] temp_rolesets = [] for c in itertools.combinations(rs.elements(), amt): add_rolesets.append(Counter(c)) for pr in possible_rolesets: for ar in add_rolesets: temp = Counter(pr) temp.update(ar) temp_rolesets.append(temp) possible_rolesets = temp_rolesets if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS and not restart: # Custom settings need_reset = True wvs = sum(addroles[r] for r in Wolfchat) if len(villagers) < (sum(addroles.values()) - sum( addroles[r] for r in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES)): wrapper.send(messages["too_few_players_custom"]) elif not wvs and != "villagergame": wrapper.send(messages["need_one_wolf"]) elif wvs > (len(villagers) / 2): wrapper.send(messages["too_many_wolves"]) else: need_reset = False if need_reset: from src.wolfgame import reset_settings reset_settings() wrapper.send(messages["default_reset"].format(botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) var.PHASE = "join" return if var.ADMIN_TO_PING is not None and not restart: for decor in (COMMANDS["join"] + COMMANDS["start"]): decor(_command_disabled) var.ROLES.clear() var.MAIN_ROLES.clear() var.NIGHT_COUNT = 0 var.DAY_COUNT = 0 var.TRAITOR_TURNED = False var.FINAL_ROLES = {} var.EXTRA_WOLVES = 0 var.DEADCHAT_PLAYERS.clear() var.SPECTATING_WOLFCHAT.clear() var.SPECTATING_DEADCHAT.clear() for role in All: var.ROLES[role] = UserSet() var.ROLES[var.DEFAULT_ROLE] = UserSet() for role, ps in var.FORCE_ROLES.items(): if role not in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES.keys(): vils.difference_update(ps) for role, count in addroles.items(): if role in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES: var.ROLES[role] = (None, ) * count continue # We deal with those later, see below to_add = set() if role in var.FORCE_ROLES: if len(var.FORCE_ROLES[role]) > count: channels.Main.send( messages["error_frole_too_many"].format(role)) return for user in var.FORCE_ROLES[role]: # If multiple main roles were forced, only first one is put in MAIN_ROLES if not user in var.MAIN_ROLES: var.MAIN_ROLES[user] = role var.ORIGINAL_MAIN_ROLES[user] = role to_add.add(user) count -= 1 selected = random.sample(vils, count) for x in selected: var.MAIN_ROLES[x] = role var.ORIGINAL_MAIN_ROLES[x] = role vils.remove(x) var.ROLES[role].update(selected) var.ROLES[role].update(to_add) var.ROLES[var.DEFAULT_ROLE].update(vils) for x in vils: var.MAIN_ROLES[x] = var.DEFAULT_ROLE var.ORIGINAL_MAIN_ROLES[x] = var.DEFAULT_ROLE if vils: for pr in possible_rolesets: pr[var.DEFAULT_ROLE] += len(vils) # Collapse possible_rolesets into var.ROLE_STATS # which is a FrozenSet[FrozenSet[Tuple[str, int]]] possible_rolesets_set = set() event = Event("reconfigure_stats", {"new": []}) for pr in possible_rolesets:["new"] = [pr] event.dispatch(var, pr, "start") for v in["new"]: if min(v.values()) >= 0: possible_rolesets_set.add(frozenset(v.items())) var.ROLE_STATS = frozenset(possible_rolesets_set) # Now for the secondary roles for role, dfn in var.CURRENT_GAMEMODE.SECONDARY_ROLES.items(): count = len(var.ROLES[role]) var.ROLES[role] = UserSet() if role in var.FORCE_ROLES: ps = var.FORCE_ROLES[role] var.ROLES[role].update(ps) count -= len(ps) # Don't do anything further if this secondary role was forced on enough players already if count <= 0: continue possible = get_players(dfn) if len(possible) < count: wrapper.send(messages["not_enough_targets"].format(role)) if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS: from src.wolfgame import reset_settings var.ROLES.clear() var.ROLES["person"] = UserSet(var.ALL_PLAYERS) reset_settings() wrapper.send(messages["default_reset"].format( botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) var.PHASE = "join" return else: wrapper.send(messages["role_skipped"]) continue var.ROLES[role].update(x for x in random.sample(possible, count)) with var.WARNING_LOCK: # cancel timers for name in ("join", "join_pinger", "start_votes"): if name in var.TIMERS: var.TIMERS[name][0].cancel() del var.TIMERS[name] var.LAST_STATS = None var.LAST_TIME = None for role, players in var.ROLES.items(): for player in players: evt = Event("new_role", { "messages": [], "role": role, "in_wolfchat": False }, inherit_from=None) evt.dispatch(var, player, None) if not restart: gamemode = if gamemode == "villagergame": gamemode = "default" # Alert the players to option changes they may not be aware of options = [] if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.get("ROLE_REVEAL") is not None: if var.ROLE_REVEAL == "on": options.append("role reveal") elif var.ROLE_REVEAL == "team": options.append("team reveal") elif var.ROLE_REVEAL == "off": options.append("no role reveal") if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.get("STATS_TYPE") is not None: if var.STATS_TYPE == "disabled": options.append("no stats") else: options.append("{0} stats".format(var.STATS_TYPE)) if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.get( "ABSTAIN_ENABLED") is not None or var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.get( "LIMIT_ABSTAIN") is not None: if var.ABSTAIN_ENABLED and var.LIMIT_ABSTAIN: options.append("restricted abstaining") elif var.ABSTAIN_ENABLED: options.append("unrestricted abstaining") else: options.append("no abstaining") if len(options) > 2: options = " with {0}, and {1}".format(", ".join(options[:-1]), options[-1]) elif len(options) == 2: options = " with {0} and {1}".format(options[0], options[1]) elif len(options) == 1: options = " with {0}".format(options[0]) else: options = "" wrapper.send(messages["welcome"].format( ", ".join(x.nick for x in villagers), gamemode, options))"+m") var.ORIGINAL_ROLES.clear() for role, players in var.ROLES.items(): var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role] = players.copy() var.DAY_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0) var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0) var.DAY_START_TIME = var.NIGHT_START_TIME = var.LAST_PING = None var.PLAYERS = { plr: dict(var.USERS[plr.nick]) for plr in villagers if plr.nick in var.USERS } # FIXME: Please kill this if restart: var.PHASE = "join" # allow transition_* to run properly if game was restarted on first night if not var.START_WITH_DAY: from src.wolfgame import transition_night var.GAMEPHASE = "night" transition_night() else: from src.wolfgame import transition_day var.FIRST_DAY = True var.GAMEPHASE = "day" transition_day() decrement_stasis() if not (botconfig.DEBUG_MODE and var.DISABLE_DEBUG_MODE_REAPER): # DEATH TO IDLERS! from src.wolfgame import reaper reapertimer = threading.Thread(None, reaper, args=(wrapper.client, var.GAME_ID)) reapertimer.daemon = True reapertimer.start()
def chk_decision(var, *, timeout=False): with var.GRAVEYARD_LOCK: players = set(get_players()) - get_absent(var) avail = len(players) needed = avail // 2 + 1 to_vote = [] for votee, voters in VOTES.items(): votes = (set(voters) | get_forced_votes(var, votee)) - get_forced_abstains(var) if sum(get_vote_weight(var, x) for x in votes) >= needed: to_vote.append(votee) break behaviour_evt = Event("lynch_behaviour", { "num_lynches": 1, "kill_ties": False, "force": timeout }, votes=VOTES, players=avail) behaviour_evt.dispatch(var) num_lynches =["num_lynches"] kill_ties =["kill_ties"] force =["force"] abstaining = False if not to_vote: if len(ABSTAINS | get_forced_abstains(var)) >= avail / 2: abstaining = True elif force: voting = [] if VOTES: plurality = [(x, len(y)) for x, y in VOTES.items()] plurality.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) votee, value = plurality.pop() max_value = value # Fetch all of the highest ties, exit out if we find someone lower # If everyone is tied, then at some point plurality will be empty, # but the values will still be at the max. Everything's fine, just break while value == max_value: voting.append(votee) if not plurality: break votee, value = plurality.pop() if len(voting) == 1: to_vote.append(voting[0]) elif voting and kill_ties: if set(voting) == set( get_players() ): # killing everyone off? have you considered not doing that abstaining = True else: to_vote.extend(voting) else: abstaining = True if abstaining: for forced_abstainer in get_forced_abstains(var): if forced_abstainer not in ABSTAINS: # did not explicitly abstain channels.Main.send(messages["player_meek_abstain"].format( forced_abstainer)) abstain_evt = Event("abstain", {}) abstain_evt.dispatch(var, ABSTAINS | get_forced_abstains(var)) global ABSTAINED ABSTAINED = True channels.Main.send(messages["village_abstain"]) from src.wolfgame import transition_night transition_night() if to_vote: global LYNCHED LYNCHED += len( to_vote) # track how many people we've lynched today if timeout: channels.Main.send(messages["sunset_lynch"]) for votee in to_vote: voters = list(VOTES[votee]) for forced_voter in get_forced_votes(var, votee): if forced_voter not in voters: # did not explicitly vote channels.Main.send(messages["impatient_vote"].format( forced_voter, votee)) voters.append( forced_voter ) # they need to be counted as voting for them still if not try_lynch_immunity(var, votee): lynch_evt = Event("lynch", {}, players=avail) if lynch_evt.dispatch(var, votee, voters): if var.ROLE_REVEAL in ("on", "team"): rrole = get_reveal_role(votee) an = "n" if rrole.startswith( ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")) else "" lmsg = random.choice( messages["lynch_reveal"]).format( votee, an, rrole) else: lmsg = random.choice( messages["lynch_no_reveal"]).format(votee) channels.Main.send(lmsg) add_dying(var, votee, "villager", "lynch") kill_players(var, end_game=False) # FIXME elif timeout: channels.Main.send(messages["sunset"]) from src.wolfgame import chk_win if chk_win(): return # game ended, just exit out if timeout or LYNCHED >= num_lynches: from src.wolfgame import transition_night transition_night()
def chk_decision(var, *, timeout=False): with var.GRAVEYARD_LOCK: players = set(get_players()) - get_absent(var) avail = len(players) needed = avail // 2 + 1 to_vote = [] for votee, voters in VOTES.items(): votes = (set(voters) | get_forced_votes(var, votee)) - get_forced_abstains(var) if sum(get_vote_weight(var, x) for x in votes) >= needed: to_vote.append(votee) break behaviour_evt = Event("lynch_behaviour", {"num_lynches": 1, "kill_ties": False, "force": timeout}, votes=VOTES, players=avail) behaviour_evt.dispatch(var) num_lynches =["num_lynches"] kill_ties =["kill_ties"] force =["force"] abstaining = False if not to_vote: if len(ABSTAINS | get_forced_abstains(var)) >= avail / 2: abstaining = True elif force: voting = [] if VOTES: plurality = [(x, len(y)) for x, y in VOTES.items()] plurality.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) votee, value = plurality.pop() max_value = value # Fetch all of the highest ties, exit out if we find someone lower # If everyone is tied, then at some point plurality will be empty, # but the values will still be at the max. Everything's fine, just break while value == max_value: voting.append(votee) if not plurality: break votee, value = plurality.pop() if len(voting) == 1: to_vote.append(voting[0]) elif voting and kill_ties: if set(voting) == set(get_players()): # killing everyone off? have you considered not doing that abstaining = True else: to_vote.extend(voting) else: abstaining = True if abstaining: for forced_abstainer in get_forced_abstains(var): if forced_abstainer not in ABSTAINS: # did not explicitly abstain channels.Main.send(messages["player_meek_abstain"].format(forced_abstainer)) abstain_evt = Event("abstain", {}) abstain_evt.dispatch(var, ABSTAINS | get_forced_abstains(var)) global ABSTAINED ABSTAINED = True channels.Main.send(messages["village_abstain"]) from src.wolfgame import transition_night transition_night() if to_vote: global LYNCHED LYNCHED += len(to_vote) # track how many people we've lynched today if timeout: channels.Main.send(messages["sunset_lynch"]) for votee in to_vote: voters = list(VOTES[votee]) for forced_voter in get_forced_votes(var, votee): if forced_voter not in voters: # did not explicitly vote channels.Main.send(messages["impatient_vote"].format(forced_voter, votee)) voters.append(forced_voter) # they need to be counted as voting for them still if not try_lynch_immunity(var, votee): lynch_evt = Event("lynch", {}, players=avail) if lynch_evt.dispatch(var, votee, voters): if var.ROLE_REVEAL in ("on", "team"): rrole = get_reveal_role(votee) an = "n" if rrole.startswith(("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")) else "" lmsg = random.choice(messages["lynch_reveal"]).format(votee, an, rrole) else: lmsg = random.choice(messages["lynch_no_reveal"]).format(votee) channels.Main.send(lmsg) add_dying(var, votee, "villager", "lynch") kill_players(var, end_game=False) # FIXME elif timeout: channels.Main.send(messages["sunset"]) from src.wolfgame import chk_win if chk_win(): return # game ended, just exit out if timeout or LYNCHED >= num_lynches: from src.wolfgame import transition_night transition_night()