예제 #1
def test_k_nearest_neighbor():
    datasets = [
        os.path.join('data', x) for x in os.listdir('data')
        if os.path.splitext(x)[-1] == '.json'

    aggregators = ['mean', 'mode', 'median']
    distances = ['euclidean', 'manhattan', 'cosine']
    for data_path in datasets:
        # Load data and make sure its shape is correct
        features, targets = load_json_data(data_path)
        targets = targets[:, None]  # expand dims
        for d in distances:
            for a in aggregators:
                # make model and fit
                knn = KNearestNeighbor(1, distance_measure=d, aggregator=a)
                knn.fit(features, targets)

                # predict and calculate accuracy
                labels = knn.predict(features)
                acc = accuracy(targets, labels)

                # error if there's an issue
                msg = 'Failure with dataset: {}. Settings: dist={}, agg={}.'.format(
                    data_path, d, a)
                assert (acc == 1.0), msg
예제 #2
def test_perceptron():
    features, targets = load_json_data('data/parallel_lines.json')
    p = Perceptron(max_iterations=100)

    p.fit(features, targets)
    targets_hat = p.predict(features)

    #your perceptron should fit this dataset perfectly

    assert np.allclose(targets, targets_hat)
예제 #3
def test_transform_data():
    features, targets = load_json_data('data/transform_me.json')
    features_transform = transform_data(features)

    p = Perceptron(max_iterations=100)

    p.fit(features_transform, targets)
    targets_hat = p.predict(features_transform)

    #your perceptron should fit this dataset perfectly after transforming the data
    assert np.allclose(targets, targets_hat)