예제 #1
 def __init__(self):
     """Create our main helpers and compile RE patterns"""
     self.S = Syllabizer()
     self.P = Positioner()
     self.SD = ScanDict(self)
     self.vowelRE = sre.compile('[aeiouyAEIOUY]')
     self.wordBoundsRE = sre.compile(r"([-.,;:?!\(\)\"\s]+)")
     self.possIambRE = sre.compile('(x[x/])+')
예제 #2
 def __init__(self):
     """Create our main helpers and compile RE patterns"""
     self.LD = LineData()
     self.S = Syllabizer()
     self.P = Positioner()
     self.SD = ScanDict(self)
     self.vowelRE = sre.compile('[aeiouyAEIOUY]')
     self.wordBoundsRE = sre.compile(r"([-.,;:?!\(\)\"\s]+)")
     self.possIambRE = sre.compile('(x[x/])+')
예제 #3
def createCluster(clusterNode, cellName):
    cellConfigNode = getChild(clusterNode, "CellConfig")
    if cellConfigNode:
        createCellConfig(cellConfigNode, cellName)

    for nodeConfigNode in getChildElements(clusterNode, "NodeConfig"):

    clusterName = clusterNode.attributes['name'].value

    nodesNodeList = getChildElements(clusterNode, 'Node')
    if len(nodesNodeList) > 0:
        clusterId, serverIds, nodeNames = createClusterMembers(clusterName, nodesNodeList, cellName)
        for nodesNode in nodesNodeList:
            nodeName = nodesNode.attributes["name"].value
            for serverNode in getChildElements(nodesNode, "Server"):
                serverName = serverNode.attributes["name"].value
                for serverPortNode in getChildElements(serverNode, "ServerPort"):
                    modifyServerPorts(nodeName, serverName, serverPortNode)
        clusterId = AdminConfig.getid('/ServerCluster:%s/' % clusterName)
        serverIds, nodeNames = getClusterMembers(clusterId)

    clusterConfigNode = getChild(clusterNode, "ClusterConfig")
    if clusterConfigNode:
        resourcesNode = getChild(clusterConfigNode, "Resources")
        if resourcesNode:
            clusterScope = "Cluster=%s" % clusterName
            clusterPath = "/ServerCluster:%s/" % clusterName
            createResources(clusterPath, clusterScope, resourcesNode)
        modifyServices(clusterConfigNode, clusterId)
        modifyAttributes(clusterConfigNode, clusterId)

    for serverConfigNode in getChildElements(clusterNode, "ServerConfig"):
        if serverConfigNode.getAttributeNode("match"):
            match = sre.compile(serverConfigNode.attributes["match"].value)
            match = sre.compile(".*")
        for serverItem in serverIds:
            if match.match(serverItem["server"]):
                print "Applying ServerConfig to " + serverItem["server"]
                serverId = serverItem["serverId"]
                modifyServices(serverConfigNode, serverId)
                modifyAttributes(serverConfigNode, serverId)

                resourcesNode = getChild(serverConfigNode, "Resources")
                if resourcesNode:
                    serverScope = "Node=%(node)s,Server=%(server)s" % serverItem
                    serverPath = "/Node:%(node)s/Server:%(server)s/" % serverItem
                    createResources(serverPath, serverScope, resourcesNode)

    print "Saving Config..."
    print "Config saved."
    print "Refresh and sync..."
    refreshAndSync(cellName, clusterName, nodeNames)
예제 #4
def main():
    gaia = wikipedia.getSite(code=u'en', fam=u'gaia')
    plot = wikipedia.getSite(code=u'en', fam=u'plotwiki')

    wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(gaia, msg))
    wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(plot, msg))

    final = u'<noinclude><!-- Do not edit this page, this page is automatically created by a Bot. -->\n'
    final += u'==Most Recent Events==</noinclude>\n'

    nonrecent = u'<noinclude>==Older Events==\n'
    end = u'\n\'\'View everything here on the [[Plotwiki:|plotwiki...]]\'\'</noinclude>'

    moreYears = True
    year = 04

    events = []
    temp = []
    while moreYears:
        y = str(year)
        page = wikipedia.Page(plot, u'Template:Pnav%s' % y.zfill(2))

            text = page.get()

            r = sre.compile(u'^.*<span style=".*normal.*">(.*)</span>.*$',
                            sre.UNICODE | sre.MULTILINE | sre.DOTALL)
            text = sre.sub(r, u'\\1', text)
            r = sre.compile(u'\s+\|\s+',
                            sre.UNICODE | sre.MULTILINE | sre.DOTALL)
            pages = sre.split(r, text)

            r = sre.compile(u'\[\[([^|]*)(\|.*)?\]\]', sre.UNICODE)
            for p in pages:
                temp.append(sre.sub(r, u'\\1', p))

            year += 1
        except wikipedia.NoPage:
            moreYears = False
    for e in temp:
        if not e in events:

    events = reversed(list(events))
    x = 1
    for e in events:
        final += u'* [[Plotwiki:%s|]]\n' % e
        x += 1
        if x == 6:
            final += nonrecent
    if x <= 6:
        final += end
    final += end

    page = wikipedia.Page(gaia, u'Plotwiki Current Events')
예제 #5
def main():
	gaia = wikipedia.getSite(code=u'en', fam=u'gaia')
	plot = wikipedia.getSite(code=u'en', fam=u'plotwiki')
	wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(gaia, msg))
	wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(plot, msg))
	final = u'<noinclude><!-- Do not edit this page, this page is automatically created by a Bot. -->\n'
	final+= u'==Most Recent Events==</noinclude>\n'
	nonrecent = u'<noinclude>==Older Events==\n'
	end = u'\n\'\'View everything here on the [[Plotwiki:|plotwiki...]]\'\'</noinclude>'
	moreYears = True
	year = 04
	events = []
	temp = []
	while moreYears:
		y = str(year)
		page = wikipedia.Page(plot, u'Template:Pnav%s' % y.zfill(2))
			text = page.get()
			r = sre.compile(u'^.*<span style=".*normal.*">(.*)</span>.*$', sre.UNICODE | sre.MULTILINE | sre.DOTALL)
			text = sre.sub(r, u'\\1', text)
			r = sre.compile(u'\s+\|\s+', sre.UNICODE | sre.MULTILINE | sre.DOTALL)
			pages = sre.split(r, text)
			r = sre.compile(u'\[\[([^|]*)(\|.*)?\]\]', sre.UNICODE)
			for p in pages:
				temp.append(sre.sub(r, u'\\1', p))
		except wikipedia.NoPage:
			moreYears = False
	for e in temp:
		if not e in events:
	events = reversed(list(events));
	x = 1
	for e in events:
		final+=u'* [[Plotwiki:%s|]]\n' % e
		if x==6:
	if x<=6:
	page = wikipedia.Page(gaia, u'Plotwiki Current Events')
예제 #6
 def __init__(self):
     self.suffixes = sre.compile(
         r""" [^aeiouhr]y\b | er\b | age | est |
             ing | ness\b | less | ful | ment\b | time\b | [st]ion |
             [ia]ble\b | [ct]ial | [ctg]iou | [ctg]ious
     # 	| ical\b | icle\b | ual\b | ism \b | [ae]ry\b		# don't work (as 2-syl)
     # Note: left out special-character "*ag$" and "tim$" -- don't understand!
     # final syllable spelled with liquid or nasal and silent 'e'
     self.liquidterm = sre.compile(r" [^aeiouy] [rl] e \b", sre.X)
     # the collection of special-character groups
     self.finalE = sre.compile(r" [^aeiouy] e \b ", sre.X)
     self.CiVcomb = sre.compile(r" [st] i [aeiouy] ", sre.X)
     self.CCpair = sre.compile(r" [cgprstw] h | gn |  gu[aeiouy] | qu | ck", sre.X)
     self.VyVcomb = sre.compile(r" [aeiou] y [aeiou]", sre.X)
     # vowel pairs reliably disyllabic (not 'ui' ('juice' vs 'intuition'! some
     # 'ue' missed ('constituent'), some 'oe' ('poem'))
     self.sylvowels = sre.compile(r" [aeiu] o | [iu] a | iu", sre.X)
     # divisions should fall before or after, not within, these consonant pairs
     self.splitLeftPairs = sre.compile(
         r""" [bdfk%02] [rl] | g [rln] |
                                       [tw] r | p [rlsn] s [nml]""",
예제 #7
class InpCmdLineOptions:
    r"""Reads a chapter-section style template file constructing the list of
    variables that can be specified on the command prompt.

    # matches "$var"
    varRe = sre.compile('\$(?P<var>\w+)')

    def __init__(self, fname):
        self.fname = fname  # file name
        self.vars = {}  # dictionary of variable -> value

    def parse(self):
        r"""parse() -> None

        fp = open(self.fname, 'r')
        data = fp.read()
        values = self.varRe.findall(data)  # findall all $vars in file

        # loop over values, inserting them in the dictionary
        for v in values:
            self.vars[v] = None

    def getVars(self):
        return self.vars.keys()
예제 #8
파일: Attribute.py 프로젝트: souca/sixthdev
 def _setOkay(self, okay):
     if type(okay) == str:
         self.okay = sre.compile(okay)
     elif type(okay) in (LambdaType, ListType, NoneType):
         self.okay = okay
         raise TypeError, "okay must be lambda, list, or string"
예제 #9
파일: fsm.py 프로젝트: pruan/TestDepot
	def add_expression(self, expression, state, action, next_state, flags=0):
		"""Adds a transition that activates if the input symbol matches the
		regular expression. The action callable gets a match object instead of
		the symbol."""
		cre = sre.compile(expression, flags)
		self._expressions.append( (cre, state, action, next_state) )
		self._transitions[(SREType, state)] = (self._check_expression, None)
예제 #10
def init_pattern(key):
    """Return a SRE compiled pattern; the match can be accessed in the
    match object as
      m = P[key].match(string)
    return sre.compile('^init\(\): %(key)s: *(?P<%(key)s>.*)$' % locals())
예제 #11
 def __init__(self, parent, ID, title):
     wd, ht, fnt = self._setSizes()
     wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title, size=(wd, ht))
     # our panels, top to bottom
     self.ScanLine = MyScanTC(self, fnt)
     self.TextLine = MyLineTC(self, fnt)
     self.NotesWindow = MyNotesTC(self, fnt)
     self.WholeText = MyTextSTC(self, -1)
     # line numbers
     self.WholeText.SetMarginType(0, stc.STC_MARGIN_NUMBER)
     self.WholeText.SetMarginType(1, stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
     # initialize our data members and helpers
     self.SM = ScansionMachine()		# central engine of scansion work
     self.E = Explainer(self.NotesWindow)
     self.lineNum = 0			# where to put its scansion when done
     self.Metron = 2				# initial assumption:
     self.LineFeet = 5			#   iambic pentameter
     self.LineFeetSet = True
     self.SM.SetLineFeet(5, True)
     self.forceiamb, self.forceanap = False, False
     self.SetupGUI()			# buttons, menus . . .
     self.SetupScansionSteps()		# inc some more data items
     self.WholeText.DisplayText(InitialText)		# as a startup . . .
     self.loadedtext = True
     self.WholeText.SetReadOnly(0)	# but allow editing
     self.loadPath, self.savePath = '', ''
     wx.FutureCall(100, self.WholeText.SetFocus)	# Robin Dunn's fix!
     self.leadSpaceRE = sre.compile(r'[ |\t]+')
     self.newFindDialog, self.oldFindDialog = [None for i in range(2)]
     # icon
     ico = robIcon.getrobIcon()
예제 #12
파일: grublib.py 프로젝트: pruan/TestDepot
	def parse(self, text):
		linesplitter = sre.compile(r"[ \t=]")
		self.lines = []
		state = 0
		currenttitle = None
		for line in text.splitlines():
			line = line.strip()
			if line.startswith("#"):
			if not line:
			if state == 0:
				cmd, rest = linesplitter.split(line, 1)
				CMD = COMMANDS[cmd]
				if CMD.flags & BUILTIN_TITLE:
					state = 1
					currenttitle = GrubTitleEntry(rest)
				elif CMD.flags & BUILTIN_MENU:
					self.lines.append(GrubEntry(CMD, rest))
			if state == 1:
				cmd, rest = linesplitter.split(line, 1)
				CMD = COMMANDS[cmd]
				if CMD.flags & BUILTIN_TITLE:
					currenttitle = GrubTitleEntry(rest)
					currenttitle.lines.append(GrubEntry(CMD, rest))
예제 #13
def logall(start, xtra_args=None, verbose=False, dry_run=False):
    paths = []    
    svn = Popen(['svn', 'info', start], stdout=PIPE)
    url_p = sre.compile(r'^URL: (.*)')
    url = None
    for line in svn.stdout:
        m = url_p.match(line)
        if m:
            url = m.group(1)
    assert url is not None, "svn info: could not find URL:"
    paths = []
    svn = Popen(['svn', 'list', '--recursive', url], stdout=PIPE)
    [paths.append(L.strip()) for L in svn.stdout]
    r = svn.wait()
    if r != 0:
        print "\n".join(paths)
    cmd = ['svn']
    if xtra_args:
    cmd.extend( ['log', url] )
    # if verbose or dry_run:
    #     print ' '.join(cmd)
    if dry_run:
    svn = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
    for line in svn.stdout:
        print line,
예제 #14
def init_pattern(key):
    """Return a SRE compiled pattern; the match can be accessed in the
    match object as
      m = P[key].match(string)
    return sre.compile('^init\(\): %(key)s: *(?P<%(key)s>.*)$' % locals())
예제 #15
 def __init__(self, parent, ID, title, poem):
     wd, ht, fnt = self._setSizes()
     wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title, size=(wd, ht))
     # our panels, top to bottom
     self.ScanLine = MyScanTC(self, fnt)
     self.TextLine = MyLineTC(self, fnt)
     self.NotesWindow = MyNotesTC(self, fnt)
     self.WholeText = MyTextSTC(self, -1)
     # line numbers
     self.WholeText.SetMarginType(0, stc.STC_MARGIN_NUMBER)
     self.WholeText.SetMarginType(1, stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
     self.WholeText.SetMarginWidth(0, 1)
     self.WholeText.SetMarginWidth(1, 10)
     self.WholeText.StyleSetBackground(stc.STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, (246,246,246))
     # initialize our data members and helpers
     self.SM = ScansionMachine()		# central engine of scansion work
     self.E = Explainer(self.NotesWindow)
     self.lineNum = 0			# where to put its scansion when done
     self.loaddir = ''				# where user gets textfiles to Load
     self.Metron = 2				# initial assumption:
     self.LineFeet = 5			#   iambic pentameter
     self.LineFeetSet = True
     self.SM.SetLineFeet(5, True)
     self.SetupGUI()			# buttons, menus . . .
     # self.dwds = []
     self.SetupScansionSteps()		# inc some more data items
     self.WholeText.DisplayText(InitialText)		# as a startup . . .
     self.WholeText.SetReadOnly(0)	# but allow editing
     wx.FutureCall(100, self.WholeText.SetFocus)	# Robin Dunn's fix!
     self.leadSpaceRE = sre.compile(r'[ |\t]+')
     self.poem = poem
예제 #16
 def __init__(self, parent, ID, title):
     wd, ht, fnt = self._setSizes()
     wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title, size=(wd, ht))
     # our panels, top to bottom
     self.ScanLine = MyScanTC(self, fnt)
     self.TextLine = MyLineTC(self, fnt)
     self.NotesWindow = MyNotesTC(self, fnt)
     self.WholeText = MyTextSTC(self, -1)
     # line numbers
     self.WholeText.SetMarginType(0, stc.STC_MARGIN_NUMBER)
     self.WholeText.SetMarginType(1, stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
                                       (246, 246, 246))
     # initialize our data members and helpers
     self.SM = ScansionMachine()  # central engine of scansion work
     self.E = Explainer(self.NotesWindow)
     self.lineNum = 0  # where to put its scansion when done
     self.Metron = 2  # initial assumption:
     self.LineFeet = 5  #   iambic pentameter
     self.LineFeetSet = True
     self.SM.SetLineFeet(5, True)
     self.forceiamb, self.forceanap = False, False
     self.SetupGUI()  # buttons, menus . . .
     self.SetupScansionSteps()  # inc some more data items
     self.WholeText.DisplayText(InitialText)  # as a startup . . .
     self.loadedtext = True
     self.WholeText.SetReadOnly(0)  # but allow editing
     self.loadPath, self.savePath = '', ''
     wx.FutureCall(100, self.WholeText.SetFocus)  # Robin Dunn's fix!
     self.leadSpaceRE = sre.compile(r'[ |\t]+')
     self.newFindDialog, self.oldFindDialog = [None for i in range(2)]
     # icon
     ico = robIcon.getrobIcon()
예제 #17
def init_pattern(key):
    """Return a SRE compiled pattern; the match can be accessed in the
    match object as
      m = P[key].match(string)
    return sre.compile("^init\(\): {key!s}: *(?P<{key!s}>.*)$".format(**locals()))
예제 #18
def _findFiles(suffix):
    """ Builds list of all files which contain suffix.
        Suffix should not contain wildcards; instead, they
        should be like 'crj.fits' or '.dat' or 'coeffs'.
    _ldir = os.listdir('.')

    # format suffix for use in reg expression
    _indx = string.find(suffix, '.')
    if _indx > 0:
        extn = suffix[:_indx] + '[.]' + suffix[_indx + 1:]
        extn = suffix
    regpatt = '.*' + extn + '.*$'

    # compile regular expression
    _reg = sre.compile(regpatt)

    # build file list
    flist = []
    for file in _ldir:
        if _reg.match(file):

    return flist
예제 #19
def listCellConfig(doc, cellConfigElement):
    security = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:/Security:/')
    securityElement = doc.createElement("Security")
    for configClass in ConfigClasses.CellConfigSecurity:
        for configObj in AdminConfig.list(configClass.classname, security).splitlines():
            configElement = doc.createElement(configClass.classname)
            for attribute in configClass.requiredAttributes():
                    AdminConfig.showAttribute(configObj, attribute.attributeName))
    signerCertRegExp = sre.compile(
        "\[ \[issuedTo (.*)\] \[fingerPrint .*\] \[signatureAlgorithm .*\] \[serialNumber .*\] \[alias (.*)\] \[validity (.*)\] \[version .*\] \[issuedBy .*\] \[size .*\] \]")
    for keystoreName in ['CellDefaultKeyStore', 'CellDefaultTrustStore']:
        keystoreElement = doc.createElement(keystoreName)
        for line in AdminTask.listSignerCertificates('[-keyStoreName %s]' % keystoreName).splitlines():
            signerCertMatch = signerCertRegExp.match(line)
            if signerCertMatch:
                signerCertElement = doc.createElement('SignerCertificate')
                signerCertElement.setAttribute("alias", signerCertMatch.group(2))
                signerCertElement.setAttribute("issuedTo", signerCertMatch.group(1))
                signerCertElement.setAttribute("validity", signerCertMatch.group(3))
        for line in AdminTask.listPersonalCertificates('[-keyStoreName %s]' % keystoreName).splitlines():
            signerCertMatch = signerCertRegExp.match(line)
            if signerCertMatch:
                signerCertElement = doc.createElement('PersonalCertificate')
                signerCertElement.setAttribute("alias", signerCertMatch.group(2))
                signerCertElement.setAttribute("issuedTo", signerCertMatch.group(1))
                signerCertElement.setAttribute("validity", signerCertMatch.group(3))
    cellResourcesElement = doc.createElement('Resources')
    listCellResources(doc, cellResourcesElement, AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:/'))
예제 #20
def appendTargets(doc, moduleElement, moduleTargetLine):
    nodeServerRegexp = sre.compile("WebSphere:cell=.*,node=(.*),server=(.*)")
    clusterRegexp = sre.compile("WebSphere:cell=.*,cluster=(.*)")
    for moduleTargetId in moduleTargetLine.split("+"):
        clusterMatch = clusterRegexp.match(moduleTargetId)
        if clusterMatch:
            targetElement = doc.createElement("Target")
            targetElement.setAttribute("cluster", clusterMatch.group(1))
            nodeServerMatch = nodeServerRegexp.match(moduleTargetId)
            if nodeServerMatch:
                targetElement = doc.createElement("Target")
                targetElement.setAttribute("node", nodeServerMatch.group(1))
                targetElement.setAttribute("server", nodeServerMatch.group(2))
예제 #21
	def substitute(self,*args):
		for color in colors:
		self.rex = sre.compile("") # default value in case of misformed regexp
		self.rex = sre.compile(self.fld.get("1.0","end")[:-1],sre.MULTILINE)
			sre.compile("(?P<emph>%s)" % self.fld.get(tk.SEL_FIRST,tk.SEL_LAST))
			self.rexSel = sre.compile("%s(?P<emph>%s)%s" % (
			self.rexSel = self.rex
예제 #22
def init_pattern(key):
    """Return a SRE compiled pattern; the match can be accessed in the
    match object as
      m = P[key].match(string)
    return sre.compile(
        '^init\(\): {key!s}: *(?P<{key!s}>.*)$'.format(**locals()))
예제 #23
class InpParser:

    # matches "[SectionName]"
    reSection = sre.compile('\[(?P<sn>\S+)\]')
    # matches "key = value"
    reKeyValue = sre.compile('(?P<key>\w+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(?P<value>\S+)')

    def __init__(self, fname):
        self.fname = fname  # input file name

    def parse(self):
        r"""parse() -> Chapter

        Parses input file and returns chapter object for the complete
        input file."""

        chapter = Chapter()

        # open input file for reading
        fp = open(self.fname, 'r')
        data = fp.read().split('\n')  # split into lines

        currSection = None
        for d in data:
            # check if line is section header
            mo = self.reSection.search(d)
            if mo:
                # yes, it is a section header: extract name and add it to chapter
                sn = mo.group('sn')
                section = Section(sn)
                chapter.addSection(sn, section)
                currSection = section
                # no it is not: check if it is key=value pair
                mo = self.reKeyValue.search(d)
                if mo:
                    # yes, it is: extract key and pair
                    key = mo.group('key')
                    value = mo.group('value')
                    currSection.addValue(key, value)
                    # it is neither section nor data line so ignore it

        return chapter
예제 #24
파일: nemo.py 프로젝트: parth126/icsisumm
 def substitute(self, *args):
     for color in colors:
         self.txt.tag_remove(color, "1.0", "end")
         self.txt.tag_remove("emph" + color, "1.0", "end")
     self.rex = sre.compile("")  # default value in case of misformed regexp
     self.rex = sre.compile(self.fld.get("1.0", "end")[:-1], sre.MULTILINE)
         sre.compile("(?P<emph>%s)" %
                     self.fld.get(tk.SEL_FIRST, tk.SEL_LAST))
         self.rexSel = sre.compile(
             "%s(?P<emph>%s)%s" % (
                 self.fld.get("1.0", tk.SEL_FIRST),
                 self.fld.get(tk.SEL_FIRST, tk.SEL_LAST),
                 self.fld.get(tk.SEL_LAST, "end")[:-1],
             ), sre.MULTILINE)
         self.rexSel = self.rex
     self.rexSel.sub(self.addTags, self.txt.get("1.0", "end"))
예제 #25
def main():
	#Setup Familys for Wikia Involved
	anime = wikipedia.getSite(code=u'en', fam=u'anime')
	wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(anime, msg))
	siteList = []
	#Get Project Wiki Listing
	wikiaIds = []
	page = wikipedia.Page(anime, u'Bots/Wiki', None, None, 4)#4=Project Namespace
		text = page.get()
		r = sre.compile(u'^.*<!-- \|\|START\|\| -->\n?', sre.UNICODE | sre.DOTALL)
		text = sre.sub(r, u'', text)
		r = sre.compile(u'\n?<!-- \|\|END\|\| -->.*$', sre.UNICODE | sre.DOTALL)
		text = sre.sub(r, u'', text)
		r = sre.compile(u'\n', sre.UNICODE | sre.MULTILINE | sre.DOTALL)
		wikilist = sre.split(r, text)
		for wiki in wikilist:
			if wiki != u'':
	except wikipedia.NoPage:
		moreYears = False
	for wiki in wikiaIds:
		siteList.append(wikipedia.getSite(code=u'en', fam=wiki))
	commonstart = u'@import "http://en.anime.wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Anime-Common.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css";'
	monobookstart = u'@import "http://en.anime.wikia.com/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Anime-Monobook.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css";'
	for site in siteList:
		common = wikipedia.Page(site, u'Common.css', None, None, 8)#8=MediaWiki Namespace
		monobook = wikipedia.Page(site, u'Monobook.css', None, None, 8)#8=MediaWiki Namespace

				siteSource = u''
					siteSource = sitePage.get()
				except wikipedia.NoPage:
					wikipedia.output(u'Site %s has no %s template, creating it' % (site, template))
				if siteSource != templateSource:
					wikipedia.output(u'Site \'%s\' template status: Needs Updating' % site)
					wikipedia.output(u'Updating template on %s' % site)
					wikipedia.output(u'Site \'%s\' template status: Ok' % site)
예제 #26
 def __init__(self, hunk):
     self.hunk = hunk
     self.lines = self.hunk.split("\n")
     self.linecount = len(self.lines)
     self.insertions = 0
     self.deletions = 0
     self.added = []
     self.removed = []
     self.ID = sre.compile("\$Id:{0,1}.*\$")
     self.Revision = sre.compile("\$Revision:{0,1}.*\$")
     self.Author = sre.compile("\$Author:{0,1}.*\$")
     self.Date = sre.compile("\$Date:{0,1}.*\$")
     self.ok = 0
     for i in range(0, self.linecount):
         if self.lines[i].startswith("+"):
             self.insertions += 1
         if self.lines[i].startswith("-"):
             self.deletions += 1
예제 #27
 def auto_complete(self):
     pos =  self._sc.get_current_pos()
     wpos = self._sc.word_start_position(pos, True)
     linepos, line = self._sc.get_cur_line()
     word = line[linepos - (pos - wpos):linepos]
     if word:
         pattern = sre.compile(r'\W(%s.+?)\W' % word)
         text = self._sc.get_text()
         words = set(pattern.findall(text))
         self._sc.auto_c_show(len(word), ' '.join(sorted(list(words))))
예제 #28
 def __init__(self, hunk):
     self.hunk = hunk
     self.lines = self.hunk.split("\n")
     self.linecount = len(self.lines)
     self.insertions = 0
     self.deletions = 0
     self.added = []
     self.removed = []
     self.ID = sre.compile("\$Id:{0,1}.*\$")
     self.Revision = sre.compile("\$Revision:{0,1}.*\$")
     self.Author = sre.compile("\$Author:{0,1}.*\$")
     self.Date = sre.compile("\$Date:{0,1}.*\$")
     self.ok = 0
     for i in range(0, self.linecount):
         if self.lines[i].startswith("+"):
             self.insertions += 1
         if self.lines[i].startswith("-"):
             self.deletions += 1
예제 #29
def getSuggestionListFile(word, filename):
        f = file(filename, 'r')
    except IOError:
        return []
    pattern = sre.compile(word+r'.*?\b')
    matches = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        for match in pattern.findall(line):
            if match != word and match not in matches:
    return matches
예제 #30
파일: helpers.py 프로젝트: pacoqueen/bbinn
def from_one_line(msg):
    # (?<!\\) is a lookbehind assertion which asks anything but '\'
    # to match the regexp that follows it

    # So here match '\\n' but not if you have a '\' before that
    re = sre.compile(r"(?<!\\)\\n")
    msg = re.sub("\n", msg)
    msg = msg.replace("\\\\", "\\")
    # s12 = 'test\\ntest\\\\ntest'
    # s13 = re.sub('\n', s12)
    # s14 s13.replace('\\\\', '\\')
    # s14
    # 'test\ntest\\ntest'
    return msg
예제 #31
def get_next_image_dir():
    dnbase = "./imgs"
    lst = glob.glob(dnbase + '-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
    if (lst):
        last = lst[len(lst) - 1]
        m = sre.search(sre.compile(dnbase + "-(\d+)$"), last)
        nlast = int(m.group(1))
        fno = nlast + 1
        fno = 1
    dirname = (dnbase + "-%04d") % (fno)
    #     printf("dirname=%s\n", dirname);
    return dirname
예제 #32
def loadurl(urlname,context={}):
    """resolves a url and returns the results
    if the url starts with file:// then it will try to find a static file
    if it starts with python:// then it will try to find a python object"""
    parameter_re = "\s*(\w+\s*=|)\s*\w+\s*"
    namedparameter_re = "\s*((?P<key>\w+)\s*=|)\s*(?P<value>\w+)\s*"
    identifier_re = "(\w+[.])+\w+"
    module_re = "(?P<module>(%s))" % identifier_re
    parameters_re = "(?P<params>(%s,)*%s)" % (parameter_re, parameter_re)
    innerid_re = "[.]\w+"
    import_re = "\s*%s\s*(\(%s\)\s*|)" % (module_re, parameters_re)
    import_matcher = sre.compile(import_re)
    import_match = import_matcher.match(urlname)
    if not import_match:
        raise ValueError("Invalid overlay definition: %s" % urlname)
    module = import_match.group("module")
    moduleparts = module.split(".")
    #load the first part as that should be a module
    modulename = moduleparts.pop(0)
    includeobject = imp.load_module(modulename,*imp.find_module(modulename))

    #cycle through the rest of the url parts gathering objects as we go
    for part in moduleparts:
        if hasattr(includeobject,part):
            includeobject = getattr(includeobject,part)

    if callable(includeobject):
        parameters = import_match.group("params")
        includeargs = []
        includekwargs = {}
        if parameters:
            for parameterdef in parameters.split(","):
                namedparameter_match = sre.match(namedparameter_re, parameterdef)
                key = namedparameter_match.group("key")
                value = namedparameter_match.group("value")
                value = context.get(value)
                if key:
                    if isinstance(key, unicode):
                        key = key.encode("utf-8")
                    includekwargs[key] = context.get(value,value)
        includeobject = includeobject(*includeargs, **includekwargs)
    return str(includeobject)

    includesource = open(os.path.join(namespacedir, filename), "r").read()
    return includesource
예제 #33
파일: fileAPI.py 프로젝트: Nurb432/Trail
    def format_directory(self):
        # XXX Unixism
        if self.url and self.url[-1] != '/':
            self.url = self.url + '/'
        fp = os.popen("ls -l -a %s/. 2>&1" % self.pathname, "r")
        lines = fp.readlines()
        import StringIO
        import sre
        from urllib import quote
        from urlparse import urljoin

        def escape(s):
            if not s: return ""
            s = s.replace('&', '&amp;')  # Must be done first
            s = s.replace('<', '&lt;')
            s = s.replace('>', '&gt;')
            return s

        prog = sre.compile(self.listing_pattern)
        data = self.listing_header % {
            'url': self.url,
            'pathname': escape(self.pathname)
        for line in lines:
            if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1]
            m = prog.match(line)
            if not m:
                line = escape(line) + '\n'
                data = data + line
            mode, middle, name = m.group(1, 2, 3)
            rawname = name
            [mode, middle, name] = map(escape, [mode, middle, name])
            href = urljoin(self.url, quote(rawname))
            if len(mode) == 10 and mode[0] == 'd' or name[-1:] == '/':
                if name[-1:] != '/':
                    name = name + '/'
                if href[-1:] != '/':
                    href = href + '/'
            line = '%s%s<A HREF="%s">%s</A>\n' % (mode, middle, escape(href),
            data = data + line
        data = data + self.listing_trailer
        self.fp = StringIO.StringIO(data)
        self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/html'
        self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(data))
예제 #34
class GrailFTP(ftplib.FTP):
    #  Hackish subclass of ftplib.FTP to allow the transfer size to be
    #  available for the creation of a content-length header.
    import sre
    _size_re = sre.compile("\\(([0-9][0-9]*) bytes\\)", sre.IGNORECASE)

    _xfer_size = None

    def getresp(self):
        resp = ftplib.FTP.getresp(self)
        if len(resp) >= 3 and resp[:3] == "150":
            m = self._size_re.search(resp)
            if m and m.start() >= 0:
                self._xfer_size = string.atoi(m.group(1))
        return resp
예제 #35
파일: debugger.py 프로젝트: pruan/TestDepot
 def search(self, argv):
     """search <pattern>
 Search the source file for the regular expression pattern."""
     patt = sre.compile(" ".join(argv[1:]))
     filename = self._dbg.curframe.f_code.co_filename
     if self._dbg.lineno is None:
         start = 0
         start = max(0,  self._dbg.lineno - 9)
     lines = linecache.getlines(filename)[start:]
     for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
         #line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
         mo = patt.search(line)
         if mo:
             self._print_source(filename, lineno+start-10, lineno+start+10)
         self._print("Pattern not found.")
예제 #36
def scan_log(logfile, P):
    STATUS = {"abort": sre.compile("(?P<abort>Abort|abort)")}
    Vars = {}
    StatusVars = {}
    with open(logfile, "r") as log:
        print "== {logfile!s} ==".format(**locals())
        for line in log:
            l = line.strip()
            for key, pattern in P.items():
                m = pattern.match(l)
                if m:
                    Vars[key] = m.group(key)
            for key, pattern in STATUS.items():
                m = pattern.search(l)
                if m:
                    StatusVars[key] = m.group(key)
    return Vars, StatusVars
예제 #37
 def format_directory(self):
     # XXX Unixism
     if self.url and self.url[-1] != '/':
         self.url = self.url + '/'
     fp = os.popen("ls -l -a %s/. 2>&1" % self.pathname, "r")
     lines = fp.readlines()
     import StringIO
     import sre
     from urllib import quote
     from urlparse import urljoin
     def escape(s):
         if not s: return ""
         s = s.replace('&', '&amp;') # Must be done first
         s = s.replace('<', '&lt;')
         s = s.replace('>', '&gt;')
         return s
     prog = sre.compile(self.listing_pattern)
     data = self.listing_header % {'url': self.url,
                                   'pathname': escape(self.pathname)}
     for line in lines:
         if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1]
         m = prog.match(line)
         if not m:
             line = escape(line) + '\n'
             data = data + line
         mode, middle, name = m.group(1, 2, 3)
         rawname = name
         [mode, middle, name] = map(escape, [mode, middle, name])
         href = urljoin(self.url, quote(rawname))
         if len(mode) == 10 and mode[0] == 'd' or name[-1:] == '/':
             if name[-1:] != '/':
                 name = name + '/'
             if href[-1:] != '/':
                 href = href + '/'
         line = '%s%s<A HREF="%s">%s</A>\n' % (
             mode, middle, escape(href), name)
         data = data + line
     data = data + self.listing_trailer
     self.fp = StringIO.StringIO(data)
     self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/html'
     self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(data))
예제 #38
def listCluster(doc, clusterElement, cluster):
    clusterName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(cluster, 'name')
    print 'listCluster: ' + clusterName
    clusterElement.setAttribute('name', clusterName)
    members = wsadminToList(AdminConfig.showAttribute(cluster, 'members'))
    for member in members:
        nodeElement = doc.createElement('Node')
        nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(member, 'nodeName')
        nodeElement.setAttribute('name', nodeName)
        serverElement = doc.createElement('Server')
        serverName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(member, 'memberName')
        serverElement.setAttribute('name', serverName)
        serverPortRegex = sre.compile("\[(.*) \[ \[port (.*)\] \[node (.*)\] \[host (.*)\] \[server (.*)\] \]\]")
        for serverPort in AdminTask.listServerPorts(serverName, '-nodeName %s' % nodeName).splitlines():
            serverPortMatch = serverPortRegex.match(serverPort)
            if serverPortMatch:
                serverPortElement = doc.createElement("ServerPort")
                serverPortElement.setAttribute("endPointName", serverPortMatch.group(1))
                serverPortElement.setAttribute("host", serverPortMatch.group(4))
                serverPortElement.setAttribute("port", serverPortMatch.group(2))
    clusterConfigElement = doc.createElement('ClusterConfig')
    clusterResourcesElement = doc.createElement('Resources')
    listClusterResources(doc, clusterResourcesElement, cluster)
    for member in members:
        nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(member, 'nodeName')
        serverName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(member, 'memberName')
        print 'listMember: ' + serverName
        server = AdminConfig.getid('/Node:%s/Server:%s/' % (nodeName, serverName))
        serverConfigElement = doc.createElement('ServerConfig')
        serverConfigElement.setAttribute('match', serverName)
        serverResourcesElement = doc.createElement('Resources')
        listClusterResources(doc, serverResourcesElement, server)
        serverServicesElement = doc.createElement('Services')
        listServerConfigServices(doc, serverServicesElement, server)
        listConfigAttributes(doc, serverConfigElement, server, ConfigClasses.ServerConfigClass)
예제 #39
    def __init__(self):
        self.suffixes = sre.compile(r""" [^aeiouhr]y\b | er\b | age | est |
                ing | ness\b | less | ful | ment\b | time\b | [st]ion |
                [ia]ble\b | [ct]ial | [ctg]iou | [ctg]ious
            """, sre.VERBOSE)
#	| ical\b | icle\b | ual\b | ism \b | [ae]ry\b		# don't work (as 2-syl)
      # Note: left out special-character "*ag$" and "tim$" -- don't understand!
      # final syllable spelled with liquid or nasal and silent 'e'
        self.liquidterm = sre.compile(r" [^aeiouy] [rl] e \b", sre.X)
        # the collection of special-character groups
        self.finalE = sre.compile(r" [^aeiouy] e \b ", sre.X)
        self.CiVcomb = sre.compile(r" [st] i [aeiouy] ", sre.X)
        self.CCpair = sre.compile(r" [cgprstw] h | gn |  gu[aeiouy] | qu | ck",
        self.VyVcomb = sre.compile(r" [aeiou] y [aeiou]", sre.X) 
    # vowel pairs reliably disyllabic (not 'ui' ('juice' vs 'intuition'! some 
    # 'ue' missed ('constituent'), some 'oe' ('poem'))
        self.sylvowels = sre.compile(r" [aeiu] o | [iu] a | iu", sre.X)
    # divisions should fall before or after, not within, these consonant pairs
        self.splitLeftPairs = sre.compile(r""" [bdfk%02] [rl] | g [rln] |
                                          [tw] r | p [rlsn] s [nml]""", sre.X)
예제 #40
파일: debugger.py 프로젝트: pruan/TestDepot
def find_function(funcname, filename):
    cre = sre.compile(r'def\s+%s\s*[(]' % funcname)
        fp = open(filename)
    except IOError:
        return None
    # consumer of this info expects the first line to be 1
    lineno = 1
    answer = None
    while 1:
        line = fp.readline()
        if line == '':
        if cre.match(line):
            answer = funcname, filename, lineno
        lineno = lineno + 1
    return answer
예제 #41
def scan_log(logfile, P):
    STATUS = {
        'abort': sre.compile('(?P<abort>Abort|abort)'),
    Vars = {}
    StatusVars = {}
    with open(logfile, "r") as log:
        print "== {logfile!s} ==".format(**locals())
        for line in log:
            l = line.strip()
            for key, pattern in P.items():
                m = pattern.match(l)
                if m:
                    Vars[key] = m.group(key)
            for key, pattern in STATUS.items():
                m = pattern.search(l)
                if m:
                    StatusVars[key] = m.group(key)
    return Vars, StatusVars
예제 #42
def scan_log(logfile,P):
    STATUS = {'abort':sre.compile('(?P<abort>Abort|abort)'),
    Vars = {}
    StatusVars = {}
    log = open(logfile,"r")
    print "== %(logfile)s ==" % locals()
    for line in log:
        l = line.strip()
        for key,pattern in P.items():
            m = pattern.match(l)
            if m:
                Vars[key] = m.group(key)
        for key,pattern in STATUS.items():
            m = pattern.search(l)
            if m:
                StatusVars[key] = m.group(key)
    return Vars, StatusVars
예제 #43
    def __init__(self, poem):

        self.poem = poem

        fnt = 13  # ------- sets the font size...

        self.footlist = []
        self.LineData  = []
        self.CurrentStep = 0
        self.mfield = ""
        self.footfield_txt = ""
        self.ScanLine = []
        self.FORKSTEP = 3 			        # the step at which the two algorithms divide
        self.poem = poem
        self.TextLine = []
        self.NotesWindow = []
        self.WholeText = []
        self.SM = ScansionMachine()
        self.SM.SD.Dict = {}
        self.E = Explainer(self.NotesWindow)
        self.lineNum = 0                        # where to put its scansion when done
        self.loaddir = ''                               # where user gets textfiles to Load
        self.Metron = 2                         # initial assumption:
        self.LineFeet = 5                       #   iambic pentameter
        self.LineFeetSet = True
        self.SM.SetLineFeet(5, True)
        self.SetupScansionSteps()               # inc some more data items
        self.leadSpaceRE = sre.compile(r'[ |\t]+')
        self.OneIambicAlgFailed = False
        laststep = len(self.Steps)
        step = self.CurrentStep
        while step < laststep:
            step = self.CurrentStep

            if len(poem) > 10:
                for item in self.NotesWindow:
예제 #44
def scan_log(logfile, P):
    STATUS = {
        'abort': sre.compile('(?P<abort>Abort|abort)'),
    Vars = {}
    StatusVars = {}
    log = open(logfile, "r")
    print "== %(logfile)s ==" % locals()
    for line in log:
        l = line.strip()
        for key, pattern in P.items():
            m = pattern.match(l)
            if m:
                Vars[key] = m.group(key)
        for key, pattern in STATUS.items():
            m = pattern.search(l)
            if m:
                StatusVars[key] = m.group(key)
    return Vars, StatusVars
예제 #45
파일: RawFeed.py 프로젝트: hitzjd/DHT
class RawFeed(FeedPlugin):

    torrent_pattern = sre.compile(

    def __init__(self, main, url, doc=None):
        FeedPlugin.__init__(self, main, url, url, url, doc)
        self.main = main
        self.data = None

    def _supports(version):
        if version >= '4.3.0':
            return True
        return False

    supports = staticmethod(_supports)

    def _matches_type(mimetype, subtype):
        if (mimetype is None and subtype.lower() == subtype):
            return True
        return False

    matches_type = staticmethod(_matches_type)

    def _update(self, doc=None):
        u = zurllib.urlopen(self.url)
        self.data = u.read()

    def get_items(self):
        items = []
        if self.data is None:
            return items
        urls = self.torrent_pattern.findall(self.data)
        for u in urls:
            i = (u, u, u)
        return items
예제 #46
파일: colorize.py 프로젝트: dabodev/dabodoc
def colorize_re(regexp):
    @return: The HTML code for a colorized version of the pattern for
        the given SRE regular expression.  If C{colorize_re} can't
        figure out how to colorize the regexp, then it will simply return
        the (uncolorized) pattern, with C{'&'}, C{'<'}, and C{'>'}
        escaped as HTML entities.  The colorized expression includes
        spans with the following css classes:
          - X{re}: The entire regular expression.
          - X{re-char}: Special characters (such as C{'.'}, C{'\('}), 
            character categories (such as C{'\w'}), and locations
            (such as C{'\b'}).
          - X{re-op}: Operators (such as C{'*'} and C{'|'}).
          - X{re-group}: Grouping constructs (such as C{'(...)'}).
          - X{re-ref} References (such as C{'\1'})
    @rtype: C{string}
    @param regexp: The regular expression to colorize.
    @type regexp: C{SRE_Pattern} or C{string}
        if type(regexp) == type(''): regexp = sre.compile(regexp)
        tree = sre_parse.parse(regexp.pattern, regexp.flags)
        return ('<span class="%s">%s</span>' %
                (RE_TAG, _colorize_re(tree, 1)))
            pat = regexp.pattern
            pat = pat.replace('&', '&amp;')
            pat = pat.replace('<', '&lt;')
            pat = pat.replace('>', '&gt;')
            return '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % (RE_TAG, pat)
                str = `regexp`
                str = str.replace('&', '&amp;')
                str = str.replace('<', '&lt;')
                str = str.replace('>', '&gt;')
                return str
            except: return '<span class="%s">...</span>' % RE_TAG
예제 #47
 def getlistingdata(self):
     if not self.lines:
         return ""
     lines, self.lines = self.lines[:-1], self.lines[-1:]
     data = ""
     prog = sre.compile(self.listing_pattern)
     for line in lines:
         if self.debuglevel > 2:
             print "*getl*", ` line `
         if line is None:
             data = data + self.listing_header % {
                 'url': self.escape(self.url)
         if line[-1:] == '\r': line = line[:-1]
         m = prog.match(line)
         if not m:
             line = self.escape(line) + '\n'
             data = data + line
         mode, middle, name, symlink = m.group(1, 2, 3, 5)
         rawname = name
         [mode, middle, name] = map(self.escape, [mode, middle, name])
         href = urljoin(self.url, quote(rawname))
         if len(mode) == 10 and mode[0] == 'd' or name[-1:] == '/':
             if name[-1:] != '/':
                 name = name + '/'
             if href[-1:] != '/':
                 href = href + '/'
         line = '%s%s<A HREF="%s">%s</A>%s\n' % (
             mode, middle, self.escape(href), name,
             (symlink and symlink or ''))
         data = data + line
     if self.lines == [None]:
         data = data + self.listing_trailer
         self.lines = []
     return data
예제 #48
class NewlineScratcher:
    import sre
    __scratch_re = sre.compile("[ \\t]*\\n")

    # for new version only:
    ##     __buffer = ''

    def __init__(self, parser, limit=-1):
        self.__limit = limit
        self.__parser = parser

    def __call__(self, data):
        # new version that works better sometimes but can really die badly:
        # (hopefully fixable!)
        ##      data = self.__buffer + data
        ##      while "\n" in data and self.__limit != 0:
        ##          length = self.__scratch_re.match(data)
        ##          if length >= 0:
        ##              data = data[length:]
        ##              self.__limit = self.__limit - 1
        ##      if string.strip(data) or self.__limit == 0:
        ##          self.__parser.formatter.add_literal_data(data)
        ##          self.__parser.set_data_handler(
        ##              self.__parser.formatter.add_literal_data)
        ##          self.__parser = None
        ##      else:
        ##          self.__buffer = data
        # old version:
        while data and data[0] == "\n" and self.__limit != 0:
            data = data[1:]
            self.__limit = self.__limit - 1
        if data:
            del self.__parser
예제 #49
def listNodeConfig(doc, nodeElement, node):
    nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(node, 'name')
    print 'listnode: ' + nodeName
    nodeElement.setAttribute('name', nodeName)
    nodeElement.setAttribute('hostName', AdminConfig.showAttribute(node, 'hostName'))
    nodeServicesElement = doc.createElement('Resources')
    listNodeResources(doc, nodeServicesElement, node)
    serverPortRegex = sre.compile("\[(.*) \[ \[port (.*)\] \[node (.*)\] \[host (.*)\] \[server (.*)\] \]\]")
    for webServer in AdminConfig.list('WebServer', node).splitlines():
        webServerElement = doc.createElement('WebServer')
        server = AdminConfig.showAttribute(webServer, 'server')
        serverName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(server, 'name')
        webServerElement.setAttribute("name", serverName)
        print 'list: WebServer ' + serverName
        for serverPort in AdminTask.listServerPorts(serverName, '-nodeName %s' % nodeName).splitlines():
            serverPortMatch = serverPortRegex.match(serverPort)
            if serverPortMatch:
                serverPortElement = doc.createElement("ServerPort")
                serverPortElement.setAttribute("endPointName", serverPortMatch.group(1))
                serverPortElement.setAttribute("host", serverPortMatch.group(4))
                serverPortElement.setAttribute("port", serverPortMatch.group(2))
예제 #50
# SRE test harness for the Python regression suite
# this is based on test_re.py, but uses a test function instead
# of all those asserts
import sys
sys.path = ['.'] + sys.path
from test_support import verbose, TestFailed, have_unicode
import sre
import sys, os, string, traceback
# test support

def test(expression, result, exception=None):
        r = eval(expression)
        if exception:
            if not isinstance(sys.exc_value, exception):
                print expression, "FAILED"
                # display name, not actual value
                if exception is sre.error:
                    print "expected", "sre.error"
                    print "expected", exception.__name__
                print "got", sys.exc_type.__name__, str(sys.exc_value)
            print expression, "FAILED"
        if exception:
            print expression, "FAILED"
예제 #51
## Sid Meier's Civilization 4
## Copyright Firaxis Games 2005

import CvUtil
from CvPythonExtensions import *
import string
import sre
import Version

ArtFileMgr = CyArtFileMgr()
localText = CyTranslator()
gc = CyGlobalContext()

# sre compile
remLinks = sre.compile(r'<link=.*?>|</link>')

class CvDawnOfMan:
    "Dawn of man screen"

    def __init__(self, iScreenID):
        self.iScreenID = iScreenID

        self.X_SCREEN = 0
        self.Y_SCREEN = 0
        self.W_SCREEN = 1024
        self.H_SCREEN = 768

        # < Dawn Of Man Start >
        self.W_TECH = 425
        self.H_TECH = 80
예제 #52
def error(msg):
    sys.stderr.write("\033[31;1mERROR: "+msg+"\033[0m\n")

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    error("No directory and banfile given to the "+sys.argv[0]+" script")


for i in file.readlines():


def judgement(suspect):
    """Checks if a file isn't banned."""
    for i in ban:
        if i.match(suspect):
            return 1
    return 0

for top, dirs, files in walk(DIR):
    for i in files:
예제 #53

def init_pattern(key):
    """Return a SRE compiled pattern; the match can be accessed in the
    match object as
      m = P[key].match(string)
    return sre.compile(
        '^init\(\): {key!s}: *(?P<{key!s}>.*)$'.format(**locals()))

INIT_KEYS = ['hostname', 'stagedir', 'JOB_ID', 'JOB_NAME']
P = {key: init_pattern(key) for key in INIT_KEYS}
Q = {
    'hostname': sre.compile('^host: *(?P<hostname>.*)$'),
    sre.compile('^\+\+ temp_dir=(?P<stagedir>/scratch/oliver/.*)$'),
    'WDIR': sre.compile('^WDIR: *(?P<WDIR>.*)$'),
# note: the SRE's are matched patterns, ie anchored at beginning of line!!

def scan_log(logfile, P):
    STATUS = {
        'abort': sre.compile('(?P<abort>Abort|abort)'),
    Vars = {}
    StatusVars = {}
    with open(logfile, "r") as log:
        print "== {logfile!s} ==".format(**locals())
예제 #54
def main():
    finished = False

    gaia = wikipedia.getSite(code=u'en', fam=u'gaia')
    wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(gaia, msg))
    wikipedia.output(u'Welcome to the Gaiabot Item Creatior.')

    blank = sre.compile(u'^$', sre.UNICODE)

    while not finished:
        wikipedia.output(u'Begining Process...')
        choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Do you wish to create a item?',
                                       ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
        if choice in ['n', 'N']:
            finished = True
                u'Please enter the asked values to create a Item partial.')
            name = u''
            image = u''
            thumb = False
            price = u''
            store = u''
            gender = u''
            description = u''
            month = u''
            year = u''
            isDonation = False
            alt = u''
            otheritem = u''

            intro = u''

            trivia = []
            external = []
            groups = []
            animalHats = False
            animalMasks = False
            masks = False
            headgear = False

            while name.isspace() or sre.match(blank, name) != None:
                name = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the item name: ').strip(
                    u' ').strip(u'	')
            choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Is this a donation Item?',
                                           ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
            if choice in ['y', 'Y']:
                isDonation = True
                alt = wikipedia.input(
                    u'(Optional)Please enter the item\'s alternate name if it has one: '
                ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
                otheritem = wikipedia.input(
                    u'(Optional)Please enter the name of other item released this month: '
                ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
                intro = wikipedia.input(
                    u'Please enter the intro statement for the item: ').strip(
                        u' ').strip(u'	')
            image = wikipedia.input(
                u'If it has one, please enter the name of the image for the Item. No Item: Prefix: '
            ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
            if not image.isspace() and sre.match(blank, image) == None:
                choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(
                    u'Does this image need to become a thumbnail for space (Large Images only.)?',
                    ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
                if choice in ['y', 'Y']:
                    thumb = True
            price = wikipedia.input(
                u'Please enter the item\'s price, if it is not sold in stores leave blank: '
            ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
            store = wikipedia.input(
                u'Please enter the name of the store that the item is sold at: '
            ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
            gender = wikipedia.input(
                u'Please enter the gender that the item can be equiped to, leave blank for Any: '
            ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
            description = wikipedia.input(
                u'Please enter the item description: ').strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
            choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(
                u'What Month was this item released in?', [
                    'January', 'Fenuary', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
                    'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November',
                    'December', 'Unknown'
                ], [
                    'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'aug',
                    'sept', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec', 'u'
                ], 'u')
            if choice in ['jan', 'Jan', 'january', 'January']:
                month = u'January'
            elif choice in ['feb', 'Feb', 'feburary', 'Febuary']:
                month = u'Febuary'
            elif choice in ['mar', 'Mar', 'march', 'March']:
                month = u'March'
            elif choice in ['apr', 'Apr', 'april', 'April']:
                month = u'April'
            elif choice in ['may', 'May']:
                month = u'May'
            elif choice in ['june', 'June']:
                month = u'June'
            elif choice in ['july', 'July']:
                month = u'July'
            elif choice in ['aug', 'Aug', 'august', 'August']:
                month = u'August'
            elif choice in [
                    'sep', 'Sep', 'sept', 'Sept', 'september', 'September'
                month = u'September'
            elif choice in ['oct', 'Oct', 'october', 'October']:
                month = u'October'
            elif choice in ['nov', 'Nov', 'november', 'November']:
                month = u'November'
            elif choice in ['dec', 'Dec', 'december', 'December']:
                month = u'December'
            year = wikipedia.input(u'What year was this item released in?'
                                   ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
            incomplete = True
            while incomplete:
                t = wikipedia.input(
                    u'You may enter multiple entrys for the trivia section here. Leave the box blank when you are finished: '
                ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
                if not t.isspace() and sre.match(blank, t) == None:
                    incomplete = False
            incomplete = True
            while incomplete:
                e = wikipedia.input(
                    u'Please enter a URL for the External links section. Use Blank when finished: '
                ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
                if not e.isspace() and sre.match(blank, e) == None:
                    c = wikipedia.input(
                        u'Please enter a caption for this URL if you wish: '
                    ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
                    external.append((e, c))
                    incomplete = False
            incomplete = True
            while incomplete:
                g = wikipedia.input(
                    u'Please enter the names of the normal Item Groups this Item is in. Leave the box blank when you are finished(Do not use special groups): '
                ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')
                if not g.isspace() and sre.match(blank, g) == None:
                    incomplete = False
            incomplete = True
            choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(
                u'Is this a in the Special group "Animal Hats"?',
                ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
            if choice in ['y', 'Y']:
                animalHats = True
            choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(
                u'Is this a in the Special group "Animal Masks"?',
                ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
            if choice in ['y', 'Y']:
                animalMasks = True
            choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(
                u'Is this a in the Special group "Masks"?', ['Yes', 'No'],
                ['y', 'N'], 'N')
            if choice in ['y', 'Y']:
                masks = True
            choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(
                u'Is this a in the Special group "Headgear"?', ['Yes', 'No'],
                ['y', 'N'], 'N')
            if choice in ['y', 'Y']:
                headgear = True
            outputTo = wikipedia.input(
                u'(Required)Please enter the article name you wish to output the Item Partial to: '
            ).strip(u' ').strip(u'	')

            if not outputTo.isspace() and sre.match(blank, outputTo) == None:
                pageData = u''
                if isDonation:
                    pageData += u'{{donationIntro|name=%s|' % name
                    if not alt.isspace() and sre.match(blank, alt) == None:
                        pageData += u'alt=%s|' % alt
                    pageData += u'month=%s|year=%s|other=%s}}\n' % (
                        month, year, other)
                    pageData += u'%s\n' % intro
                pageData += u'{{item|name=%s' % name
                if not image.isspace() and sre.match(blank, image) == None:
                    pageData += u'|image=%s' % image
                    if thumb:
                        pageData += u'|thumb=true'
                if not price.isspace() and sre.match(blank, price) == None:
                    pageData += u'|price=%s' % price
                if not store.isspace() and sre.match(blank, store) == None:
                    pageData += u'|store=%s' % store
                if not gender.isspace() and sre.match(blank, gender) == None:
                    pageData += u'|gender=%s' % gender
                pageData += u'|description=%s' % description
                if not month.isspace() and sre.match(blank, month) == None:
                    pageData += u'|month=%s' % month
                if not year.isspace() and sre.match(blank, year) == None:
                    pageData += u'|year=%s' % year
                pageData += u'}}\n'
                pageData += u'==Trivia==\n'
                if len(trivia) > 0:
                    for t in trivia:
                        pageData += u'%s\n\n' % t
                    pageData += u'???\n\n'
                pageData += u'==External Links==\n'
                for url, comment in external:
                    pageData += u'* %s' % url
                    if not comment.isspace() and sre.match(blank,
                                                           comment) == None:
                        pageData += u' - %s' % comment
                    pageData += u'\n'
                pageData += u'\n'
                pageData += u'{{itemGroups'
                for g in groups:
                    pageData += u'|%s' % g
                if animalHats:
                    pageData += u'|Animal Hats'
                if animalMasks:
                    pageData += u'|Animal Masks'
                if masks:
                    pageData += u'|Masks'
                if headgear:
                    pageData += u'|Headgear'
                pageData += u'}}'

                page = wikipedia.Page(gaia, u'%s' % outputTo)
                old = u''
                    old = page.get()
                except wikipedia.NoPage:
                    old = u''
                page.put(old + pageData)
예제 #55
    ("text/x-perl", ".pl"),
    ("text/x-ruby", ".rb"),
    ("text/x-tex", ".tex"),
    # this was created by me in order for it to be picked up later
    ("text/x-ocaml", ".ml"),
    ("text/x-apache-conf", ".conf"),
    ("text/x-lua", ".lua"),
    ("text/x-yaml", ".yml"),
for key, val in MIMETYPES:
    mimetypes.add_type(key, val)

# !
import sre
seps = r'[.\W]'
word_re = sre.compile(r'(\w+)$')

class Scintilla(scintilla.Scintilla):

    def get_text(self):
        return super(Scintilla, self).get_text(self.get_length() + 1)[1]

    def append_text(self, text):
        super(Scintilla, self).append_text(len(text), text)
    def get_line(self, number):
        return super(Scintilla, self).get_line(number)[1]

class Pscyntilla(gobject.GObject):

    gsignal('mark-clicked', gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN)