예제 #1
 def addmodel(self, ztop, vp, vs, rh, colorvalue,
              showvp=True, showvs=True, showrh=True, showpr=True):
     """same as plotmodel but the data are added to self.depthcoll for display as LineCollections
     :param self:
     :param ztop:
     :param vp:
     :param vs:
     :param rh:
     :param colorvalue:
     :param showvp:
     :param showvs:
     :param showrh:
     :param showpr:
     if showpr:
         pr = depthmodel1D(ztop, vp / vs)
     if showvp:
         vp = depthmodel1D(ztop, vp)
     if showvs:
         vs = depthmodel1D(ztop, vs)
     if showrh:
         rh = depthmodel1D(ztop, rh)
예제 #2
    def boundaries(self):
        """see Parameterizer"""
        Ztopsup, VPlow, VSlow, RHlow = self.inv(self.MINF)
        Ztopinf, VPhgh, VShgh, RHhgh = self.inv(self.MSUP)
        z = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate((Ztopinf, Ztopsup))))

        def f(Zinf, Zsup, V, which):
            v1 = depthmodel1D(Zinf, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
            v2 = depthmodel1D(Zsup, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
            return depthmodel1D(
                z, which(np.concatenate(([v1], [v2]), axis=0), axis=0))

        vplow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VPlow, np.min)
        vphgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VPhgh, np.max)

        vslow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VSlow, np.min)
        vshgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VShgh, np.max)

        rhlow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, RHlow, np.min)
        rhhgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, RHhgh, np.max)

        prlow = depthmodel1D(z, vphgh.values / vslow.values)
        prhgh = depthmodel1D(z, vplow.values / vshgh.values)

        return vplow, vphgh, vslow, vshgh, rhlow, rhhgh, prlow, prhgh
예제 #3
    def boundaries(self):
        a method to determine the lowest and highest models, no arguments
        based on columns VINF and VSUP in the parameterization file
        warning : the lower model is not necessarily obtained when all parameters reach their lowest boundary (VINF)
        please return lowest and highest depthmodels stored as depthmodel1D
        this method is the default behavior, to be customized in subclasses if needed

        Ztopsup, VPlow, VSlow, RHlow = self.inv(self.MINF)
        Ztopinf, VPhgh, VShgh, RHhgh = self.inv(self.MSUP)
        z = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate((Ztopinf, Ztopsup))))

        # --------------------
        def f(Zinf, Zsup, V, which):
            v1 = depthmodel1D(Zinf, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
            v2 = depthmodel1D(Zsup, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
            return depthmodel1D(
                z, which(np.concatenate(([v1], [v2]), axis=0), axis=0))

        # --------------------
        vplow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VPlow, np.min)
        vphgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VPhgh, np.max)

        vslow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VSlow, np.min)
        vshgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VShgh, np.max)

        rhlow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, RHlow, np.min)
        rhhgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, RHhgh, np.max)

        prlow = depthmodel1D(z, vphgh.values / vslow.values)
        prhgh = depthmodel1D(z, vplow.values / vshgh.values)

        return vplow, vphgh, vslow, vshgh, rhlow, rhhgh, prlow, prhgh
예제 #4
    def boundaries(self):
        """see Parameterizer"""
        Ztopsup, VPlow, VSlow, RHlow = self.inv(self.MINF)
        Ztopinf, VPhgh, VShgh, RHhgh = self.inv(self.MSUP)
        z = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate((Ztopinf, Ztopsup))))
        PRlow = VPlow / VSlow  # because it is the way it has been defined in self.inv
        PRhgh = VPhgh / VShgh
        del VPlow, VPhgh

        def f(Zinf, Zsup, V, which):
            v1 = depthmodel1D(Zinf, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
            v2 = depthmodel1D(Zsup, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
            return depthmodel1D(
                z, which(np.concatenate(([v1], [v2]), axis=0), axis=0))

        prlow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, PRlow, np.min)
        prhgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, PRhgh, np.max)

        vslow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VSlow, np.min)
        vshgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VShgh, np.max)

        rhlow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, RHlow, np.min)
        rhhgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, RHhgh, np.max)

        vplow = depthmodel1D(z, prlow.values * vslow.values)
        vphgh = depthmodel1D(z, prhgh.values * vshgh.values)

        return vplow, vphgh, vslow, vshgh, rhlow, rhhgh, prlow, prhgh
예제 #5
    def plotmodel(self,
        if showpr: pr = depthmodel1D(ztop, vp / vs)
        if showvp: vp = depthmodel1D(ztop, vp)
        if showvs: vs = depthmodel1D(ztop, vs)
        if showrh: rh = depthmodel1D(ztop, rh)

        if showpr:
            pr.show(self.axdepth['PR'], color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)
        if showvp:
            vp.show(self.axdepth['VP'], color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)
        if showvs:
            vs.show(self.axdepth['VS'], color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)
        if showrh:
            rh.show(self.axdepth['RH'], color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)
예제 #6
    def meanmodel(self):
        Ztopmean, VPmean, VSmean, RHmean = self.inv(self.MMEAN)

        vp = depthmodel1D(Ztopmean, VPmean)
        vs = depthmodel1D(Ztopmean, VSmean)
        rh = depthmodel1D(Ztopmean, RHmean)
        pr = depthmodel1D(Ztopmean, VPmean / VSmean)

        return vp, vs, pr, rh
예제 #7
def dmstats(dms,
            percentiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84],
    assert np.all([isinstance(dm, depthmodel) for dm in dms])
    assert np.all([0 < p < 1 for p in percentiles])
    assert len(percentiles) == len(np.unique(percentiles))
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(len(dms))
        assert len(weights) == len(dms)

    zmax = -np.inf
    vsmin, vsmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    vpmin, vpmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    rhmin, rhmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    prmin, prmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    for dm in dms:
        zmax = np.max([zmax, 1.1 * dm.vs.z[-1]])
        vsmin = np.min([vsmin, dm.vs.values.min()])
        vsmax = np.max([vsmax, dm.vs.values.max()])
        vpmin = np.min([vpmin, dm.vp.values.min()])
        vpmax = np.max([vpmax, dm.vp.values.max()])
        rhmin = np.min([rhmin, dm.rh.values.min()])
        rhmax = np.max([rhmax, dm.rh.values.max()])
        prmin = np.min([prmin, dm.pr().values.min()])
        prmax = np.max([prmax, dm.pr().values.max()])

    zbins = np.linspace(0., zmax, Ndepth)
    vspdf = depthpdf(z=zbins, v=np.linspace(vsmin, vsmax, Nvalue))
    vppdf = depthpdf(z=zbins, v=np.linspace(vpmin, vpmax, Nvalue))
    rhpdf = depthpdf(z=zbins, v=np.linspace(rhmin, rhmax, Nvalue))
    prpdf = depthpdf(z=zbins, v=np.linspace(prmin, prmax, Nvalue))

    for dm, weight in zip(dms, weights):
        vspdf.appendN(dm.vs, Ntimes=weight)
        vppdf.appendN(dm.vp, Ntimes=weight)
        rhpdf.appendN(dm.rh, Ntimes=weight)
        prpdf.appendN(dm.pr(), Ntimes=weight)

    for p in percentiles:
        zpc, vspc = vspdf.purcentile(p)
        _, vppc = vppdf.purcentile(p)
        _, rhpc = rhpdf.purcentile(p)
        _, prpc = prpdf.purcentile(p)
        vppc = depthmodel1D(zpc, vppc)  # .simplify()
        vspc = depthmodel1D(zpc, vspc)  # .simplify()
        rhpc = depthmodel1D(zpc, rhpc)  # .simplify()
        prpc = depthmodel1D(zpc, prpc)  # .simplify()

        # dmpc = depthmodel(\).simplify()
        # yield p, dmpc #, (zmed, vpmed, vsmed, rhmed, prmed)
        yield p, (vppc, vspc, rhpc, prpc)
예제 #8
    def boundaries(self):

        # default behavior, to be customized if needed
        Ztopsup, VPlow, VSlow, RHlow = self.inv(self.MINF)
        Ztopinf, VPhgh, VShgh, RHhgh = self.inv(self.MSUP)
        z = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate((Ztopinf, Ztopsup))))

        def f(Zinf, Zsup, V, which):
            v1 = depthmodel1D(Zinf, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
            v2 = depthmodel1D(Zsup, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
            return depthmodel1D(
                z, which(np.concatenate(([v1], [v2]), axis=0), axis=0))

        vslow = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VSlow, np.min)
        vshgh = f(Ztopinf, Ztopsup, VShgh, np.max)

        vplow = depthmodel1D(z, self.VPvs(VS=vslow.values))
        vphgh = depthmodel1D(z, self.VPvs(VS=vshgh.values))

        prlow = depthmodel1D(z, vplow.values / vslow.values)
        prhgh = depthmodel1D(z, vphgh.values / vshgh.values)

        rhlow = depthmodel1D(z, self.RHvp(VP=vplow.values))
        rhhgh = depthmodel1D(z, self.RHvp(VP=vphgh.values))

        return vplow, vphgh, vslow, vshgh, rhlow, rhhgh, prlow, prhgh
예제 #9
def dmstats1(dms,
             percentiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84],
    assert np.all([isinstance(dm, depthmodel) for dm in dms])
    assert np.all([0 < p < 1 for p in percentiles])
    assert len(percentiles) == len(np.unique(percentiles))
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(len(dms))
        assert len(weights) == len(dms)

    zmax = -np.inf
    vsmin, vsmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    vpmin, vpmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    rhmin, rhmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    prmin, prmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    for dm in dms[:10]:
        zmax = np.max([zmax, 1.1 * dm.vs.z[-1]])
        vsmin = np.min([vsmin, dm.vs.values.min()])
        vsmax = np.max([vsmax, dm.vs.values.max()])
        vpmin = np.min([vpmin, dm.vp.values.min()])
        vpmax = np.max([vpmax, dm.vp.values.max()])
        rhmin = np.min([rhmin, dm.rh.values.min()])
        rhmax = np.max([rhmax, dm.rh.values.max()])
        prmin = np.min([prmin, dm.pr().values.min()])
        prmax = np.max([prmax, dm.pr().values.max()])
    if vsmin == vsmax:
        vsmin *= 0.99
        vsmax *= 1.01
    if vpmin == vpmax:
        vpmin *= 0.99
        vpmax *= 1.01
    if rhmin == rhmax:
        rhmin *= 0.99
        rhmax *= 1.01
    if prmin == prmax:
        prmin *= 0.99
        prmax *= 1.01

    # ----------------------
    def JobGen():
        for weight, dm in zip(weights, dms):
            yield Job(weight, dm)

    # ----------------------
    s0 = UserStacker(
        zmax, Ndepth, vpmin, vpmax, vsmin, vsmax, rhmin, rhmax, prmin, prmax,
    )  # the stacker to be reproduced in each independent workspace (deep copy)
    with StackAsync(s0, JobGen(), Verbose=False, **mapkwargs) as sa:
        S = UserStacker(zmax, Ndepth, vpmin, vpmax, vsmin, vsmax, rhmin, rhmax,
                        prmin, prmax, Nvalue)  # initiate the final stack
        for jobids, (s, wname), Tgen, Tpro in sa:  # receive partial stacks
            sa.communicate("Stacker %s stacked %6d jobs in %.6fs" %
                           (wname, len(jobids), Tgen + Tpro))
            S += s  # merge all partial stacks using method __iadd__

    for p in percentiles:
        zpc, vspc = S.vspdf.purcentile(p)
        _, vppc = S.vppdf.purcentile(p)
        _, rhpc = S.rhpdf.purcentile(p)
        _, prpc = S.prpdf.purcentile(p)

        vppc = depthmodel1D(zpc, vppc)  # .simplify()
        vspc = depthmodel1D(zpc, vspc)  # .simplify()
        rhpc = depthmodel1D(zpc, rhpc)  # .simplify()
        prpc = depthmodel1D(zpc, prpc)  # .simplify()

        # dmpc = depthmodel(\).simplify()
        # yield p, dmpc #, (zmed, vpmed, vsmed, rhmed, prmed)
        yield p, (vppc, vspc, rhpc, prpc)
예제 #10
 def f(Zinf, Zsup, V, which):
     v1 = depthmodel1D(Zinf, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
     v2 = depthmodel1D(Zsup, V).interp(z, interpmethod="stairs")
     return depthmodel1D(
         z, which(np.concatenate(([v1], [v2]), axis=0), axis=0))