def __init__(self, actor, args=None): super(SimpleVehicleControl, self).__init__(actor) self._generated_waypoint_list = [] self._last_update = None self._consider_traffic_lights = False self._consider_obstacles = False self._proximity_threshold = float('inf') self._max_deceleration = None self._max_acceleration = None self._obstacle_sensor = None self._obstacle_distance = float('inf') self._obstacle_actor = None self._visualizer = None if args and 'consider_obstacles' in args and strtobool( args['consider_obstacles']): self._consider_obstacles = strtobool(args['consider_obstacles']) bp = CarlaDataProvider.get_world().get_blueprint_library().find( 'sensor.other.obstacle') bp.set_attribute('distance', '250') if args and 'proximity_threshold' in args: self._proximity_threshold = float(args['proximity_threshold']) bp.set_attribute( 'distance', str(max(float(args['proximity_threshold']), 250))) bp.set_attribute('hit_radius', '1') bp.set_attribute('only_dynamics', 'True') self._obstacle_sensor = CarlaDataProvider.get_world().spawn_actor( bp, carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=self._actor.bounding_box.extent.x, z=1.0)), attach_to=self._actor) self._obstacle_sensor.listen( lambda event: self._on_obstacle(event)) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda if args and 'consider_trafficlights' in args and strtobool( args['consider_trafficlights']): self._consider_traffic_lights = strtobool( args['consider_trafficlights']) if args and 'max_deceleration' in args: self._max_deceleration = float(args['max_deceleration']) if args and 'max_acceleration' in args: self._max_acceleration = float(args['max_acceleration']) if args and 'attach_camera' in args and strtobool( args['attach_camera']): self._visualizer = Visualizer(self._actor)
class SimpleVehicleControl(BasicControl): """ Controller class for vehicles derived from BasicControl. The controller directly sets velocities in CARLA, therefore bypassing CARLA's vehicle engine. This allows a very precise speed control, but comes with limitations during cornering. In addition, the controller can consider blocking obstacles, which are classified as dynamic (i.e. vehicles, bikes, pedestrians). Activation of this features is controlled by passing proper arguments to the class constructor. The collision detection uses CARLA's obstacle sensor (sensor.other.obstacle), which checks for obstacles in the direct forward channel of the vehicle, i.e. there are limitation with sideways obstacles and while cornering. The controller can also respect red traffic lights, and use a given deceleration value for more realistic behavior. Both behaviors are activated via the corresponding controller arguments. Args: actor (carla.Actor): Vehicle actor that should be controlled. args (dictionary): Dictonary of (key, value) arguments to be used by the controller. May include: (consider_obstacles, true/false) - Enable consideration of obstacles (proximity_threshold, distance) - Distance in front of actor in which obstacles are considered (consider_trafficlights, true/false) - Enable consideration of traffic lights (max_deceleration, float) - Use a reasonable deceleration value for this vehicle (max_acceleration, float) - Use a reasonable acceleration value for this vehicle (attach_camera, true/false) - Attach OpenCV display to actor (useful for debugging) Attributes: _generated_waypoint_list (list of carla.Transform): List of target waypoints the actor should travel along. A waypoint here is of type carla.Transform! Defaults to []. _last_update (float): Last time step the update function (tick()) was called. Defaults to None. _consider_obstacles (boolean): Enable/Disable consideration of obstacles Defaults to False. _proximity_threshold (float): Distance in front of actor in which obstacles are considered Defaults to infinity. _cv_image (CV Image): Contains the OpenCV image, in case a debug camera is attached to the actor Defaults to None. _camera ( Debug camera attached to actor Defaults to None. _obstacle_sensor (sensor.other.obstacle): Obstacle sensor attached to actor Defaults to None. _obstacle_distance (float): Distance of the closest obstacle returned by the obstacle sensor Defaults to infinity. _obstacle_actor (carla.Actor): Closest obstacle returned by the obstacle sensor Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, actor, args=None): super(SimpleVehicleControl, self).__init__(actor) self._generated_waypoint_list = [] self._last_update = None self._consider_traffic_lights = False self._consider_obstacles = False self._proximity_threshold = float('inf') self._max_deceleration = None self._max_acceleration = None self._obstacle_sensor = None self._obstacle_distance = float('inf') self._obstacle_actor = None self._visualizer = None if args and 'consider_obstacles' in args and strtobool( args['consider_obstacles']): self._consider_obstacles = strtobool(args['consider_obstacles']) bp = CarlaDataProvider.get_world().get_blueprint_library().find( 'sensor.other.obstacle') bp.set_attribute('distance', '250') if args and 'proximity_threshold' in args: self._proximity_threshold = float(args['proximity_threshold']) bp.set_attribute( 'distance', str(max(float(args['proximity_threshold']), 250))) bp.set_attribute('hit_radius', '1') bp.set_attribute('only_dynamics', 'True') self._obstacle_sensor = CarlaDataProvider.get_world().spawn_actor( bp, carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=self._actor.bounding_box.extent.x, z=1.0)), attach_to=self._actor) self._obstacle_sensor.listen( lambda event: self._on_obstacle(event)) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda if args and 'consider_trafficlights' in args and strtobool( args['consider_trafficlights']): self._consider_traffic_lights = strtobool( args['consider_trafficlights']) if args and 'max_deceleration' in args: self._max_deceleration = float(args['max_deceleration']) if args and 'max_acceleration' in args: self._max_acceleration = float(args['max_acceleration']) if args and 'attach_camera' in args and strtobool( args['attach_camera']): self._visualizer = Visualizer(self._actor) def _on_obstacle(self, event): """ Callback for the obstacle sensor Sets _obstacle_distance and _obstacle_actor according to the closest obstacle found by the sensor. """ if not event: return self._obstacle_distance = event.distance self._obstacle_actor = event.other_actor def reset(self): """ Reset the controller """ if self._visualizer: self._visualizer.reset() if self._obstacle_sensor: self._obstacle_sensor.destroy() self._obstacle_sensor = None if self._actor and self._actor.is_alive: self._actor = None def run_step(self): """ Execute on tick of the controller's control loop If _waypoints are provided, the vehicle moves towards the next waypoint with the given _target_speed, until reaching the final waypoint. Upon reaching the final waypoint, _reached_goal is set to True. If _waypoints is empty, the vehicle moves in its current direction with the given _target_speed. For further details see :func:`_set_new_velocity` """ if self._reached_goal: # Reached the goal, so stop velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0) self._actor.set_target_velocity(velocity) return if self._visualizer: self._visualizer.render() self._reached_goal = False if not self._waypoints: # No waypoints are provided, so we have to create a list of waypoints internally # get next waypoints from map, to avoid leaving the road self._reached_goal = False map_wp = None if not self._generated_waypoint_list: map_wp = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint( CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor)) else: map_wp = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint( self._generated_waypoint_list[-1].location) while len(self._generated_waypoint_list) < 50: map_wps = if map_wps: self._generated_waypoint_list.append(map_wps[0].transform) map_wp = map_wps[0] else: break # Remove all waypoints that are too close to the vehicle while (self._generated_waypoint_list and self._generated_waypoint_list[0].location.distance( self._actor.get_location()) < 0.5): self._generated_waypoint_list = self._generated_waypoint_list[ 1:] direction_norm = self._set_new_velocity( self._offset_waypoint(self._generated_waypoint_list[0])) if direction_norm < 2.0: self._generated_waypoint_list = self._generated_waypoint_list[ 1:] else: # When changing from "free" driving without pre-defined waypoints to a defined route with waypoints # it may happen that the first few waypoints are too close to the ego vehicle for obtaining a # reasonable control command. Therefore, we drop these waypoints first. while self._waypoints and self._waypoints[0].location.distance( self._actor.get_location()) < 0.5: self._waypoints = self._waypoints[1:] self._reached_goal = False if not self._waypoints: self._reached_goal = True else: direction_norm = self._set_new_velocity( self._offset_waypoint(self._waypoints[0])) if direction_norm < 4.0: self._waypoints = self._waypoints[1:] if not self._waypoints: self._reached_goal = True def _offset_waypoint(self, transform): """ Given a transform (which should be the position of a waypoint), displaces it to the side, according to a given offset Args: transform (carla.Transform): Transform to be moved returns: offset_location (carla.Transform): Moved transform """ if self._offset == 0: offset_location = transform.location else: right_vector = transform.get_right_vector() offset_location = transform.location + carla.Location( x=self._offset * right_vector.x, y=self._offset * right_vector.y) return offset_location def _set_new_velocity(self, next_location): """ Calculate and set the new actor veloctiy given the current actor location and the _next_location_ If _consider_obstacles is true, the speed is adapted according to the closest obstacle in front of the actor, if it is within the _proximity_threshold distance. If _consider_trafficlights is true, the vehicle will enforce a stop at a red traffic light. If _max_deceleration is set, the vehicle will reduce its speed according to the given deceleration value. If the vehicle reduces its speed, braking lights will be activated. Args: next_location (carla.Location): Next target location of the actor returns: direction (carla.Vector3D): Length of direction vector of the actor """ current_time = GameTime.get_time() target_speed = self._target_speed if not self._last_update: self._last_update = current_time current_speed = math.sqrt(self._actor.get_velocity().x**2 + self._actor.get_velocity().y**2) if self._consider_obstacles: # If distance is less than the proximity threshold, adapt velocity if self._obstacle_distance < self._proximity_threshold: distance = max(self._obstacle_distance, 0) if distance > 0: current_speed_other = math.sqrt( self._obstacle_actor.get_velocity().x**2 + self._obstacle_actor.get_velocity().y**2) if current_speed_other < current_speed: acceleration = -0.5 * ( current_speed - current_speed_other)**2 / distance target_speed = max( acceleration * (current_time - self._last_update) + current_speed, 0) else: target_speed = 0 if self._consider_traffic_lights: if (self._actor.is_at_traffic_light() and self._actor.get_traffic_light_state() == carla.TrafficLightState.Red): target_speed = 0 if target_speed < current_speed: self._actor.set_light_state(carla.VehicleLightState.Brake) if self._max_deceleration is not None: target_speed = max( target_speed, current_speed - (current_time - self._last_update) * self._max_deceleration) else: self._actor.set_light_state(carla.VehicleLightState.NONE) if self._max_acceleration is not None: target_speed = min( target_speed, current_speed + (current_time - self._last_update) * self._max_acceleration) # set new linear velocity velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0) direction = next_location - CarlaDataProvider.get_location(self._actor) direction_norm = math.sqrt(direction.x**2 + direction.y**2) velocity.x = direction.x / direction_norm * target_speed velocity.y = direction.y / direction_norm * target_speed self._actor.set_target_velocity(velocity) # set new angular velocity current_yaw = CarlaDataProvider.get_transform(self._actor).rotation.yaw # When we have a waypoint list, use the direction between the waypoints to calculate the heading (change) # otherwise use the waypoint heading directly if self._waypoints: delta_yaw = math.degrees(math.atan2(direction.y, direction.x)) - current_yaw else: new_yaw = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint( next_location).transform.rotation.yaw delta_yaw = new_yaw - current_yaw if math.fabs(delta_yaw) > 360: delta_yaw = delta_yaw % 360 if delta_yaw > 180: delta_yaw = delta_yaw - 360 elif delta_yaw < -180: delta_yaw = delta_yaw + 360 angular_velocity = carla.Vector3D(0, 0, 0) if target_speed == 0: angular_velocity.z = 0 else: angular_velocity.z = delta_yaw / (direction_norm / target_speed) self._actor.set_target_angular_velocity(angular_velocity) self._last_update = current_time return direction_norm