예제 #1
def figureSerial(caCertFilename, serialFilename, indexFilename):
    """ for our purposes we allow the same serial number for server certs
        BUT WE DO NOT ALLOW server certs and CA certs to share the same
        serial number.

        We blow away the index.txt file each time because we are less
        concerned with matching serials/signatures between server.crt's.

    # what serial # is the ca cert using (we need to increment from that)
    ret, outstream, errstream = rhn_popen([
        '/usr/bin/openssl', 'x509', '-noout', '-serial', '-in', caCertFilename
    out = outstream.read()
    assert not ret
    caSerial = string.split(string.strip(out), '=')
    assert len(caSerial) > 1
    caSerial = caSerial[1]
    caSerial = eval('0x' + caSerial)

    # initialize the serial value (starting at whatever is in
    # serialFilename or 1)
    serial = 1
    if os.path.exists(serialFilename):
        serial = string.strip(open(serialFilename, 'r').read())
        if serial:
            serial = eval('0x' + serial)
            serial = 1

    # make sure it is at least 1 more than the CA's serial code always
    # REMEMBER: openssl will incremented the serial number each time
    # as well.
    if serial <= caSerial:
        serial = incSerial(hex(caSerial))
        serial = eval('0x' + serial)
    serial = fixSerial(hex(serial))

    # create the serial file if it doesn't exist
    # write the digits to this file
    open(serialFilename, 'w').write(serial + '\n')
    os.chmod(serialFilename, 0600)

    # truncate the index.txt file. Less likely to have unneccessary clashes.
    open(indexFilename, 'w')
    os.chmod(indexFilename, 0600)
    return serial
예제 #2
def figureSerial(caCertFilename, serialFilename, indexFilename):
    """ for our purposes we allow the same serial number for server certs
        BUT WE DO NOT ALLOW server certs and CA certs to share the same
        serial number.

        We blow away the index.txt file each time because we are less
        concerned with matching serials/signatures between server.crt's.

    # what serial # is the ca cert using (we need to increment from that)
    ret, outstream, errstream = rhn_popen(['/usr/bin/openssl', 'x509', '-noout',
                                           '-serial', '-in', caCertFilename])
    out = outstream.read()
    assert not ret
    caSerial = string.split(string.strip(out), '=')
    assert len(caSerial) > 1
    caSerial = caSerial[1]
    caSerial = eval('0x'+caSerial)

    # initialize the serial value (starting at whatever is in
    # serialFilename or 1)
    serial = 1
    if os.path.exists(serialFilename):
        serial = string.strip(open(serialFilename, 'r').read())
        if serial:
            serial = eval('0x'+serial)
            serial = 1

    # make sure it is at least 1 more than the CA's serial code always
    # REMEMBER: openssl will incremented the serial number each time
    # as well.
    if serial <= caSerial:
        serial = incSerial(hex(caSerial))
        serial = eval('0x' + serial)
    serial = fixSerial(hex(serial))

    # create the serial file if it doesn't exist
    # write the digits to this file
    open(serialFilename, 'w').write(serial+'\n')
    os.chmod(serialFilename, 0600)

    # truncate the index.txt file. Less likely to have unneccessary clashes.
    open(indexFilename, 'w')
    os.chmod(indexFilename, 0600)
    return serial
예제 #3
def legacyTreeFixup(d):
    """ move old server.* files to and "unknown" machinename directory
        Most of this is Red Hat Satellite 2.* and 3.* changes. Near the end
        we get to 3.6 changes.

    topdir = cleanupAbsPath(d['--dir'])

    oldTree = '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/ssl'
    if topdir != oldTree and os.path.exists(oldTree):
         still exists even though
         is the currently configured build tree. You may wish to either
         (a) move %s to
             %s, or
         (b) point directly at the old tree by via the --dir option.
""" % (oldTree, topdir, oldTree, topdir))
        sys.stderr.write("Pausing for 5 secs")
        for i in range(5):

    unknown = os.path.join(topdir, 'unknown')
    server_rpm_name = os.path.basename(d.get('--server-rpm', ''))
    serverKeyPairDir = None
    if d.has_key('--set-hostname'):
        serverKeyPairDir = os.path.join(d['--dir'],

    while os.path.exists(unknown):
        # to avoid clashing with a possible "unknown" machinename
        unknown = unknown + '_'

    old_server_splat = os.path.join(topdir, 'server.')

    moveMessage = ""
    for ext in ('key', 'csr', 'crt'):
        if os.path.exists(old_server_splat + ext):
            files = glob.glob(old_server_splat + ext + '*')
            moved = []
            for f in files:
                # move the files to the "unknown" directory
                new_server_splat = os.path.join(unknown, os.path.basename(f))
                if not os.path.exists(new_server_splat):
                    shutil.copy2(f, new_server_splat)

            #if files and verbosity:
            if moved:
                s = 'server.' + ext + '*'
                moveMessage = moveMessage + (
                    '  <BUILD_DIR>/%s --> <BUILD_DIR>/%s/%s\n' %
                    (s, os.path.basename(unknown), s))

    # move legacy server SSL RPMs. But if server_rpm_name is the same name
    # as the target RPM name, then we move the RPMs into the appropriate
    # machine name directory.
        old_server_rpms = glob.glob(os.path.join(topdir, name + '-*-*.*.rpm'))
        movedYN = 0
        for old_rpm in old_server_rpms:
            targetDir = unknown
            old_hdr = get_package_header(old_rpm)
            if old_hdr and old_hdr[
                    'name'] == server_rpm_name and serverKeyPairDir:
                targetDir = serverKeyPairDir
            # move the files to the targetDir directory
            new_rpm = os.path.join(targetDir, os.path.basename(old_rpm))
            if not os.path.exists(new_rpm):
                shutil.copy2(old_rpm, new_rpm)
                movedYN = 1
        if movedYN:
            s = name + '-*-*.{noarch,src}.rpm'
            moveMessage = moveMessage + """\
      --> <BUILD_DIR>/%s/%s\n""" % (s, os.path.basename(targetDir), s)

    # I move the first 100 .pem files I find
    # if there is more than that... oh well
    movedYN = 0
    for i in range(100):
        serial = fixSerial(hex(i))
        oldPemPath = os.path.join(topdir, serial + '.pem')
        newPemPath = os.path.join(unknown, serial + '.pem')
        if os.path.exists(oldPemPath) and not os.path.exists(newPemPath):
            shutil.copy2(oldPemPath, newPemPath)
            movedYN = 1
    if movedYN:
        moveMessage = moveMessage + (
            '  <BUILD_DIR>/HEX*.pem --> <BUILD_DIR>/%s/HEX*.pem\n' %

    if moveMessage:
        sys.stdout.write('\nLegacy tree structured file(s) moved:\n%s' %

    # move rhn-org-httpd-ssl-MACHINENAME-VERSION.*.rpm files to the
    # MACHINENAME directory! (an RHN 3.6.0 change)
    rootFilename = pathJoin(topdir, 'rhn-org-httpd-ssl-key-pair-')
    filenames = glob.glob(rootFilename + '*')
    for filename in filenames:
        # note: assuming version-rel is of that form.
        machinename = filename[len(rootFilename):]
        machinename = string.join(string.split(machinename, '-')[:-2], '-')
        serverKeySetDir = pathJoin(topdir, machinename)
        fileto = pathJoin(serverKeySetDir, filename)
        if os.path.exists(fileto):
            rotateFile(filepath=fileto, verbosity=0)
        shutil.copy2(filename, fileto)
        print """\
Moved (legacy tree cleanup):
    ...moved to...
    %s""" % (filename, fileto)
예제 #4
def legacyTreeFixup(d):
    """ move old server.* files to and "unknown" machinename directory
        Most of this is RHN Satellite 2.* and 3.* changes. Near the end
        we get to 3.6 changes.

    topdir = cleanupAbsPath(d['--dir'])

    oldTree = '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/ssl'
    if topdir != oldTree and os.path.exists(oldTree):
         still exists even though
         is the currently configured build tree. You may wish to either
         (a) move %s to
             %s, or
         (b) point directly at the old tree by via the --dir option.
""" % (oldTree, topdir, oldTree, topdir))
        sys.stderr.write("Pausing for 5 secs")
        for i in range(5):
            sys.stderr.write("."); time.sleep(1)

    unknown = os.path.join(topdir, 'unknown')
    server_rpm_name = os.path.basename(d.get('--server-rpm', ''))
    serverKeyPairDir = None
    if d.has_key('--set-hostname'):
        serverKeyPairDir = os.path.join(d['--dir'],

    while os.path.exists(unknown):
        # to avoid clashing with a possible "unknown" machinename
        unknown = unknown + '_'

    old_server_splat = os.path.join(topdir, 'server.')

    moveMessage = ""
    for ext in ('key', 'csr', 'crt'):
        if os.path.exists(old_server_splat+ext):
            files = glob.glob(old_server_splat+ext+'*')
            moved = []
            for f in files:
                # move the files to the "unknown" directory
                new_server_splat = os.path.join(unknown, os.path.basename(f))
                if not os.path.exists(new_server_splat):
                    shutil.copy2(f, new_server_splat)

            #if files and verbosity:
            if moved:
                s = 'server.' + ext + '*'
                moveMessage = moveMessage + (
                  '  <BUILD_DIR>/%s --> <BUILD_DIR>/%s/%s\n'
                  % (s, os.path.basename(unknown), s))

    # move legacy server SSL RPMs. But if server_rpm_name is the same name
    # as the target RPM name, then we move the RPMs into the appropriate 
    # machine name directory.
        old_server_rpms = glob.glob(os.path.join(topdir, name+'-*-*.*.rpm'))
        movedYN = 0
        for old_rpm in old_server_rpms:
            targetDir = unknown
            if parseRPMFilename(old_rpm)[0] == server_rpm_name and serverKeyPairDir:
                targetDir = serverKeyPairDir
            # move the files to the targetDir directory
            new_rpm = os.path.join(targetDir, os.path.basename(old_rpm))
            if not os.path.exists(new_rpm):
                shutil.copy2(old_rpm, new_rpm)
                movedYN = 1
        if movedYN:
            s = name+'-*-*.{noarch,src}.rpm'
            moveMessage = moveMessage + """\
      --> <BUILD_DIR>/%s/%s\n""" % (s, os.path.basename(targetDir), s)

    # I move the first 100 .pem files I find
    # if there is more than that... oh well
    movedYN = 0
    for i in range(100):
        serial = fixSerial(hex(i))
        oldPemPath = os.path.join(topdir, serial+'.pem')
        newPemPath = os.path.join(unknown, serial+'.pem')
        if os.path.exists(oldPemPath) and not os.path.exists(newPemPath):
            shutil.copy2(oldPemPath, newPemPath)
            movedYN = 1
    if movedYN:
        moveMessage = moveMessage + (
          '  <BUILD_DIR>/HEX*.pem --> <BUILD_DIR>/%s/HEX*.pem\n'
          % os.path.basename(unknown))

    if moveMessage:
        sys.stdout.write('\nLegacy tree structured file(s) moved:\n%s'
                         % moveMessage)

    # move rhn-org-httpd-ssl-MACHINENAME-VERSION.*.rpm files to the
    # MACHINENAME directory! (an RHN 3.6.0 change)
    rootFilename = pathJoin(topdir, 'rhn-org-httpd-ssl-key-pair-')
    filenames = glob.glob(rootFilename+'*')
    for filename in filenames:
        # note: assuming version-rel is of that form.
        machinename = filename[len(rootFilename):]
        machinename = string.join(string.split(machinename, '-')[:-2], '-')
        serverKeySetDir = pathJoin(topdir, machinename)
        fileto = pathJoin(serverKeySetDir, filename)
        if os.path.exists(fileto):
            rotateFile(filepath=fileto, verbosity=0)
        shutil.copy2(filename, fileto)
        print """\
Moved (legacy tree cleanup):
    ...moved to...
    %s""" % (filename, fileto)