예제 #1
파일: daemon.py 프로젝트: fdns/mailinabox
def ssl_get_status():
	from ssl_certificates import get_certificates_to_provision
	from web_update import get_web_domains_info, get_web_domains

	# What domains can we provision certificates for? What unexpected problems do we have?
	provision, cant_provision = get_certificates_to_provision(env, show_valid_certs=False)
	# What's the current status of TLS certificates on all of the domain?
	domains_status = get_web_domains_info(env)
	domains_status = [
			"domain": d["domain"],
			"status": d["ssl_certificate"][0],
			"text": d["ssl_certificate"][1] + ((" " + cant_provision[d["domain"]] if d["domain"] in cant_provision else ""))
		} for d in domains_status ]

	# Warn the user about domain names not hosted here because of other settings.
	for domain in set(get_web_domains(env, exclude_dns_elsewhere=False)) - set(get_web_domains(env)):
			"domain": domain,
			"status": "not-applicable",
			"text": "The domain's website is hosted elsewhere.",

	return json_response({
		"can_provision": utils.sort_domains(provision, env),
		"status": domains_status,
예제 #2
def ssl_get_status():
	from ssl_certificates import get_certificates_to_provision
	from web_update import get_web_domains_info, get_web_domains

	# What domains can we provision certificates for? What unexpected problems do we have?
	provision, cant_provision = get_certificates_to_provision(env, show_valid_certs=False)
	# What's the current status of TLS certificates on all of the domain?
	domains_status = get_web_domains_info(env)
	domains_status = [
			"domain": d["domain"],
			"status": d["ssl_certificate"][0],
			"text": d["ssl_certificate"][1] + ((" " + cant_provision[d["domain"]] if d["domain"] in cant_provision else ""))
		} for d in domains_status ]

	# Warn the user about domain names not hosted here because of other settings.
	for domain in set(get_web_domains(env, exclude_dns_elsewhere=False)) - set(get_web_domains(env)):
			"domain": domain,
			"status": "not-applicable",
			"text": "The domain's website is hosted elsewhere.",

	return json_response({
		"can_provision": utils.sort_domains(provision, env),
		"status": domains_status,