예제 #1
    def save(
        path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, io.BufferedIOBase],
        exclude: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        include: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Save all the attributes of the object and the model parameters in a zip-file.

        :param (Union[str, pathlib.Path, io.BufferedIOBase]): path to the file where the rl agent should be saved
        :param exclude: name of parameters that should be excluded in addition to the default one
        :param include: name of parameters that might be excluded but should be included anyway
        # copy parameter list so we don't mutate the original dict
        data = self.__dict__.copy()

        # Exclude is union of specified parameters (if any) and standard exclusions
        if exclude is None:
            exclude = []
        exclude = set(exclude).union(self.excluded_save_params())

        # Do not exclude params if they are specifically included
        if include is not None:
            exclude = exclude.difference(include)

        state_dicts_names, tensors_names = self.get_torch_variables()
        # any params that are in the save vars must not be saved by data
        torch_variables = state_dicts_names + tensors_names
        for torch_var in torch_variables:
            # we need to get only the name of the top most module as we'll remove that
            var_name = torch_var.split(".")[0]

        # Remove parameter entries of parameters which are to be excluded
        for param_name in exclude:
            data.pop(param_name, None)

        # Build dict of tensor variables
        tensors = None
        if tensors_names is not None:
            tensors = {}
            for name in tensors_names:
                attr = recursive_getattr(self, name)
                tensors[name] = attr

        # Build dict of state_dicts
        params_to_save = {}
        for name in state_dicts_names:
            attr = recursive_getattr(self, name)
            # Retrieve state dict
            params_to_save[name] = attr.state_dict()

예제 #2
    def save(self, path: str, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
        Save all the attributes of the object and the model parameters in a zip-file.

        :param path: path to the file where the rl agent should be saved
        :param exclude: name of parameters that should be excluded in addition to the default one
        :param include: name of parameters that might be excluded but should be included anyway
        # copy parameter list so we don't mutate the original dict
        data = self.__dict__.copy()
        # use standard list of excluded parameters if none given
        if exclude is None:
            exclude = self.excluded_save_params()
            # append standard exclude params to the given params
            exclude.extend([param for param in self.excluded_save_params() if param not in exclude])

        # do not exclude params if they are specifically included
        if include is not None:
            exclude = [param_name for param_name in exclude if param_name not in include]

        state_dicts_names, tensors_names = self.get_torch_variables()
        # any params that are in the save vars must not be saved by data
        torch_variables = state_dicts_names + tensors_names
        for torch_var in torch_variables:
            # we need to get only the name of the top most module as we'll remove that
            var_name = torch_var.split('.')[0]

        # Remove parameter entries of parameters which are to be excluded
        for param_name in exclude:
            if param_name in data:
                data.pop(param_name, None)

        # Build dict of tensor variables
        tensors = None
        if tensors_names is not None:
            tensors = {}
            for name in tensors_names:
                attr = recursive_getattr(self, name)
                tensors[name] = attr

        # Build dict of state_dicts
        params_to_save = {}
        for name in state_dicts_names:
            attr = recursive_getattr(self, name)
            # Retrieve state dict
            params_to_save[name] = attr.state_dict()

        self._save_to_file_zip(path, data=data, params=params_to_save, tensors=tensors)
예제 #3
    def load(cls, load_path: str, env: Optional[GymEnv] = None, **kwargs):
        Load the model from a zip-file

        :param load_path: the location of the saved data
        :param env: the new environment to run the loaded model on
            (can be None if you only need prediction from a trained model) has priority over any saved environment
        :param kwargs: extra arguments to change the model when loading
        data, params, tensors = load_from_zip_file(load_path)

        if 'policy_kwargs' in data:
            for arg_to_remove in ['device']:
                if arg_to_remove in data['policy_kwargs']:
                    del data['policy_kwargs'][arg_to_remove]

        if 'policy_kwargs' in kwargs and kwargs['policy_kwargs'] != data['policy_kwargs']:
            raise ValueError(f"The specified policy kwargs do not equal the stored policy kwargs."
                             f"Stored kwargs: {data['policy_kwargs']}, specified kwargs: {kwargs['policy_kwargs']}")

        # check if observation space and action space are part of the saved parameters
        if ("observation_space" not in data or "action_space" not in data) and "env" not in data:
            raise ValueError("The observation_space and action_space was not given, can't verify new environments")
        # check if given env is valid
        if env is not None:
            check_for_correct_spaces(env, data["observation_space"], data["action_space"])
        # if no new env was given use stored env if possible
        if env is None and "env" in data:
            env = data["env"]

        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        model = cls(policy=data["policy_class"], env=env, device='auto', _init_setup_model=False)

        # load parameters
        if not hasattr(model, "_setup_model") and len(params) > 0:
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{cls} has no ``_setup_model()`` method")

        # put state_dicts back in place
        for name in params:
            attr = recursive_getattr(model, name)

        # put tensors back in place
        if tensors is not None:
            for name in tensors:
                recursive_setattr(model, name, tensors[name])

        # Sample gSDE exploration matrix, so it uses the right device
        # see issue #44
        if model.use_sde:
        return model
예제 #4
    def get_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
        Return the parameters of the agent. This includes parameters from different networks, e.g.
        critics (value functions) and policies (pi functions).

        :return: Mapping of from names of the objects to PyTorch state-dicts.
        state_dicts_names, _ = self._get_torch_save_params()
        params = {}
        for name in state_dicts_names:
            attr = recursive_getattr(self, name)
            # Retrieve state dict
            params[name] = attr.state_dict()
        return params
예제 #5
def save(model, path, exclude=None, include=None):
    Save all the attributes of the object and the model parameters in a zip-file.

    :param path: path to the file where the rl agent should be saved
    :param exclude: name of parameters that should be excluded in addition to the default ones
    :param include: name of parameters that might be excluded but should be included anyway
    # copy parameter list so we don't mutate the original dict
    data = model.__dict__.copy()

    # exclude is union of specified parameters (if any) and standard exclusions
    if exclude is None:
        exclude = []
    exclude = set(exclude).union(model._excluded_save_params())

    # do not exclude params if they are specifically included
    if include is not None:
        exclude = exclude.difference(include)

    state_dicts_names, torch_variable_names = model._get_torch_save_params()
    all_pytorch_variables = state_dicts_names + torch_variable_names
    for torch_var in all_pytorch_variables:
        # we need to get only the name of the top most module as we'll remove that
        var_name = torch_var.split(".")[0]
        # any params that are in the save vars must not be saved by data

    # remove parameter entries of parameters which are to be excluded
    for param_name in exclude:
        data.pop(param_name, None)

    # build dict of torch variables
    pytorch_variables = None
    if torch_variable_names is not None:
        pytorch_variables = {}
        for name in torch_variable_names:
            attr = recursive_getattr(model, name)
            pytorch_variables[name] = attr

    # build dict of state_dicts
    params_to_save = model.get_parameters()

예제 #6
    def set_parameters(
        load_path_or_dict: Union[str, Dict[str, Dict]],
        exact_match: bool = True,
        device: Union[th.device, str] = "auto",
    ) -> None:
        Load parameters from a given zip-file or a nested dictionary containing parameters for
        different modules (see ``get_parameters``).

        :param load_path_or_iter: Location of the saved data (path or file-like, see ``save``), or a nested
            dictionary containing nn.Module parameters used by the policy. The dictionary maps
            object names to a state-dictionary returned by ``torch.nn.Module.state_dict()``.
        :param exact_match: If True, the given parameters should include parameters for each
            module and each of their parameters, otherwise raises an Exception. If set to False, this
            can be used to update only specific parameters.
        :param device: Device on which the code should run.
        params = None
        if isinstance(load_path_or_dict, dict):
            params = load_path_or_dict
            _, params, _ = load_from_zip_file(load_path_or_dict, device=device)

        # Keep track which objects were updated.
        # `_get_torch_save_params` returns [params, other_pytorch_variables].
        # We are only interested in former here.
        objects_needing_update = set(self._get_torch_save_params()[0])
        updated_objects = set()

        for name in params:
            attr = None
                attr = recursive_getattr(self, name)
            except Exception:
                # What errors recursive_getattr could throw? KeyError, but
                # possible something else too (e.g. if key is an int?).
                # Catch anything for now.
                raise ValueError(f"Key {name} is an invalid object name.")

            if isinstance(attr, th.optim.Optimizer):
                # Optimizers do not support "strict" keyword...
                # Seems like they will just replace the whole
                # optimizer state with the given one.
                # On top of this, optimizer state-dict
                # seems to change (e.g. first ``optim.step()``),
                # which makes comparing state dictionary keys
                # invalid (there is also a nesting of dictionaries
                # with lists with dictionaries with ...), adding to the
                # mess.
                # TL;DR: We might not be able to reliably say
                # if given state-dict is missing keys.
                # Solution: Just load the state-dict as is, and trust
                # the user has provided a sensible state dictionary.
                # Assume attr is th.nn.Module
                attr.load_state_dict(params[name], strict=exact_match)

        if exact_match and updated_objects != objects_needing_update:
            raise ValueError(
                "Names of parameters do not match agents' parameters: "
                f"expected {objects_needing_update}, got {updated_objects}")
예제 #7
    def load(
        cls, load_path: str, env: Optional[GymEnv] = None, device: Union[th.device, str] = "auto", **kwargs
    ) -> "BaseAlgorithm":
        Load the model from a zip-file

        :param load_path: the location of the saved data
        :param env: the new environment to run the loaded model on
            (can be None if you only need prediction from a trained model) has priority over any saved environment
        :param device: (Union[th.device, str]) Device on which the code should run.
        :param kwargs: extra arguments to change the model when loading
        data, params, tensors = load_from_zip_file(load_path, device=device)

        if "policy_kwargs" in data:
            for arg_to_remove in ["device"]:
                if arg_to_remove in data["policy_kwargs"]:
                    del data["policy_kwargs"][arg_to_remove]

        if "policy_kwargs" in kwargs and kwargs["policy_kwargs"] != data["policy_kwargs"]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The specified policy kwargs do not equal the stored policy kwargs."
                f"Stored kwargs: {data['policy_kwargs']}, specified kwargs: {kwargs['policy_kwargs']}"

        # check if observation space and action space are part of the saved parameters
        if "observation_space" not in data or "action_space" not in data:
            raise KeyError("The observation_space and action_space were not given, can't verify new environments")
        # check if given env is valid
        if env is not None:
            check_for_correct_spaces(env, data["observation_space"], data["action_space"])
        # if no new env was given use stored env if possible
        if env is None and "env" in data:
            env = data["env"]

        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        model = cls(
            _init_setup_model=False,  # pytype: disable=not-instantiable,wrong-keyword-args

        # load parameters

        # put state_dicts back in place
        for name in params:
            attr = recursive_getattr(model, name)

        # put tensors back in place
        if tensors is not None:
            for name in tensors:
                recursive_setattr(model, name, tensors[name])

        # Sample gSDE exploration matrix, so it uses the right device
        # see issue #44
        if model.use_sde:
            model.policy.reset_noise()  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
        return model