예제 #1
def run_single_item(catalog, item_id, band_keys, metadata_key,
                    shadow_transform, bbox, macaroon_path):
    Run the shadow-enhancement workflow on a single item of the catalog,
    include the output files as catalog assets and upload these to the storage.

    :param catalog: output STAC catalog object
    :param item_id: ID of the item to work on
    :param band_keys: list of bands required for the shadow transform
    :param metadata_key: metadata asset key
    :param shadow_transform: type of shadow transform algorithm employed
    :param bbox: bounds of the area of interest
    :param macaroon_path: path to dCache token
    :return: STAC item object with assets included
    # configure connection to dCache
    dcache = stac2dcache.configure(filesystem="dcache",

    # get item of the catalog where output will be saved
    item = catalog.get_item(item_id, recursive=True)

    # get linked item from the scene catalog and get all input assets
    input_item = _get_linked_object(item, "computed_from")
    asset_keys = [*band_keys, metadata_key]
    assets = _get_assets(_get_linked_object(input_item, "parent"), asset_keys,
                         item_id, dcache)
    metadata = assets.pop(metadata_key)

    # extract data from bands
    _band = assets[band_keys[0]]
    bbox_indices = _get_bbox_indices(_band.x, _band.y, bbox) \
        if bbox is not None else None

    bands = [assets[k] for k in band_keys]
    bands = bands if bbox is None else [b.rio.slice_xy(*bbox) for b in bands]
    crs = bands[0].spatial_ref.crs_wkt
    transform = bands[0].rio.transform()
    blue, green, red, NIR = [b.squeeze().data for b in bands]

    # work in temporary directory
    properties = dict(shadow_transform=shadow_transform)
    date_created = item.datetime.strftime("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir="./") as tmpdir:
        work_path = os.path.abspath(tmpdir)
        assets = _generate_shadow_images(shadow_transform, metadata, work_path,
                                         crs, transform, blue, green, red, NIR,
                                         bbox_indices, date_created)
        for key, href in assets.items():
            asset = pystac.Asset(href=href, properties=properties)
            item.add_asset(key, asset)
            copy_asset(catalog, asset_key=key, update_catalog=True,
                       item_id=item_id, filesystem_to=dcache,
    return catalog.get_item(item_id, recursive=True).assets
예제 #2
def test_copy_asset_updates_catalog(catalog_with_assets):
    copy_asset(catalog_with_assets, asset_key="tile", update_catalog=True)
    for item in catalog_with_assets.get_all_items():
        item_path = pathlib.Path(item.get_self_href())
        item_dir = item_path.parent
        for asset in item.assets.values():
            asset_path = pathlib.Path(asset.get_absolute_href())
            # assets should be in the dir folders
            assert asset_path.name in [el.name for el in item_dir.iterdir()]
            # assets href should have been updated
            assert item_dir.as_posix() in asset_path.as_posix()
예제 #3
def test_copy_asset_to_custom_path(catalog_with_assets):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        copy_asset(catalog_with_assets, asset_key="tile", to_uri=tmpdir)
        tmpdir_path = pathlib.Path(tmpdir)
        for item in catalog_with_assets.get_all_items():
            elements = [el.name for el in (tmpdir_path / item.id).iterdir()]
            for asset in item.assets.values():
                asset_path = pathlib.Path(asset.get_absolute_href())
                # assets should be in the tmp dir
                assert asset_path.name in elements
                # assets href should have not been updated
                assert tmpdir_path.as_posix() not in asset_path.as_posix()
예제 #4
def test_copy_asset_for_a_single_item(catalog_with_assets):
    item_id = "tile_1"
    copy_asset(catalog_with_assets, asset_key="tile", item_id=item_id)
    for item in catalog_with_assets.get_all_items():
        item_path = pathlib.Path(item.get_self_href())
        item_dir = item_path.parent
        for asset in item.assets.values():
            asset_path = pathlib.Path(asset.get_absolute_href())
            dir_elements = [el.name for el in item_dir.iterdir()]
            # assets should be in the dir folders
            if item.id == item_id:
                assert asset_path.name in dir_elements
                assert asset_path.name not in dir_elements
예제 #5
def download_assets(catalog,
    Download the catalog's assets.

    :param catalog: PySTAC Catalog object
    :param fs_from: FS-SPEC-like file system from where to get the assets from
    :param fs_to: FS-SPEC-like file system where to save the assets
    :param asset_keys: list of assets to download (if None, copy all assets)
    :param max_workers: number of parallel processes
    asset_keys = asset_keys or [None]
    for asset_key in asset_keys:
            update_catalog=True,  # update the catalog's links to the assets