예제 #1
def openMass(filename, fileList, runinfo, startfilepos, endfilepos, entries, histList, histRun):
    rTree = rt.TChain("Tree_Optim")
    for k in range(startfilepos, endfilepos):
        if filename in fileList[k]:
            print "successfully cut branch from " + fileList[k]
            #Saving run info in tuple list
            runinfo = np.vstack((runinfo, [fileList[k]]))

            #makes the histogram for pi0 mass
            histname = "Average Pi0 mass in Barrel for time instance (%s)" %(fileList[k])
            histtitle = "Pi0 mass (GeV) for ROOT file cluster (%s)" %(fileList[k])
            histmass = rt.TH1F(histname,histtitle,1000,0,1)
            #fills the mass histogram list with ROOT files oriented folder
            histmass = snf.stackMass(rTree,histmass)
            #Fills large histogram for the entire run's dataset
            histRun = snf.stackMass(rTree,histRun)
    return runinfo, histList, histrun
예제 #2
    for k in range(0,len(fileList)):
        if "2015A_EcalNtp_" in fileList[k]:
            rootFile = rt.TFile.Open(fileList[k])
            rTree = rootFile.Get("Tree_Optim")
            print "successfully cut branch from " + fileList[k]
            #makes the histogram for pi0 mass
            histname = "Average Pi0 mass in Barrel for time instance (%s)" %(fileList[k])
            histtitle = "Pi0 mass (GeV) for ROOT file cluster (%s)" %(fileList[k])
            histmass = rt.TH1F(histname,histtitle,1000,0,1)
            #fills the mass histogram list with ROOT files oriented folder
            histmass = snf.stackMass(rTree,histmass)
            #print histmass
            #print histList[0]

            #Fills large histogram for the entire run's dataset
            histRun = snf.stackMass(rTree,histRun)


    #fits the histograms and saves 1D in tree
    massvalues = snf.fitMassROOT(histList)
    avemass = snf.fitMass(histRun)

    # Same procedure, going back to original working directory.
    retdir = os.getcwd()