def ami_prune(name, force): infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra images = infra.list_images() result = False for image in images: if name == result = image if not result: click.echo("No image matching the given name") exit(1) click.confirm("Prune all in-active images for {}".format(, abort=True) amis = result.query_amis() if len(amis) <= 0: click.echo("No images available") exit(0) for ami in amis: if not force: chk ="Tags[?Key=='ACTIVE']", ami) if len(chk) > 0: continue click.echo("Deleting: {}".format(ami['ImageId'])) result.delete(ami['ImageId'])
def ami_build(name=None, active=False, memo=''): infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra images = infra.list_images() results = [] for image in images: if not name: results.append(image) elif match_image(name, results.append(image) for r in results: click.echo("Matched: {}".format( if len(results) <= 0: click.echo("No images") exit(0) if active: click.echo("Image(s) will be made active") click.confirm("Do you wish to build the matched images?", abort=True) for image in results:, memo)
def ansible_dir(ansible_roles): mod = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE) dir_name = mod.Ami.ANSIBLE_DIR click.echo(dir_name)
def deploy(selector=False): selector = list(selector) infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra deploy = dep.SerialDeploy() if not deploy.cli_confirm(infra, selector): exit(0) deploy.deploy(infra, selector)
def destroy(selector=False): selector = list(selector) infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra deploy = dep.SerialDeploy() if not deploy.cli_confirm( infra, selector, ask='Are you sure you want to destroy these stack(s)?', reverse=True): exit(0) deploy.destroy(infra, selector, reverse=True)
def stacks_list(selector=None, dependencies=False, remote=False): if len(selector) <= 0: selector = None else: selector = list(selector) infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra stacks = infra.list_stacks() results = match_stack(selector, stacks) stacks = results for stack in stacks: # ty = str(type(v)).split(" ")[1].strip(">") ty = type(stack).__name__ rem = "" if remote: if stack.stack_info(): rem = styled_bool(True) else: rem = styled_bool(False) click.echo("{}{} {} {}[{}] {}({}){}".format( rem, Style.BRIGHT + Fore.CYAN, stack.get_stack_name(), Fore.YELLOW, stack.get_remote_stack_name(), Style.RESET_ALL, ty, Style.RESET_ALL)) if dependencies: deps = infra.get_dependent_stacks(stack) if len(deps) > 0: for k, v in deps.items(): rem = "-" if remote: if v.stack_info(): rem = styled_bool(True) else: rem = styled_bool(False) ty = type(v).__name__ click.echo(" {} {} ({})".format( rem, utils.colors('p') + v.get_stack_name() + Style.RESET_ALL, ty))
def template(selector, yaml): selector = list(selector) infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra stacks = infra.list_stacks() stacks = match_stack(selector, stacks) for stack in stacks: t = stack.build_template() if yaml: print(t.to_yaml()) else: print(t.to_json())
def ami_activate(name, id): infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra images = infra.list_images() result = False for image in images: if name == result = image if not result: click.echo("No image matching the given name") exit(1) click.confirm("Make {} the active AMI for {}".format(id,, abort=True) result.promote_ami(id) click.echo("{} Now active".format(id))
def ami_list(): infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra images = infra.list_images() for image in images: click.echo('------------------------') amis = image.query_amis() click.echo("Name: {}{} ({}){}".format(Style.BRIGHT,, len(amis), Style.RESET_ALL)) click.echo('------------------------') if len(amis) <= 0: click.echo(" {}No AMI's have been built{}".format( Fore.RED, Style.RESET_ALL)) else: for ami in amis: flag = "" flag_style = Fore.CYAN memo = None for t in ami['Tags']: if t['Key'] == 'ACTIVE': flag = "(ACTIVE)" flag_style = Fore.GREEN if t['Key'] == 'MEMO' and \ len(t['Value']) > 0: memo = t['Value'] click.echo(" Date: {} {}AMI: {} {}{}".format( ami['CreationDate'], flag_style, ami['ImageId'], flag, Style.RESET_ALL)) if memo is not None: click.echo(" {}Memo:{} {}".format( Style.BRIGHT, Style.RESET_ALL, memo))
def stacks_review(selector=None): if len(selector) >= 0: selector = list(selector) infra = utils.load_infra_module(INFRA_FILE).infra stacks = infra.list_stacks() results = match_stack(selector, stacks) for stack in results: wbs = utils.colors('w', True) rsall = Style.RESET_ALL click.echo("Stack Name: {}{}{}".format(wbs, stack.get_stack_name(), rsall)) click.echo("Type: {}{}{}".format(wbs, type(stack).__name__, rsall)) review = dep_status = styled_bool(False) if review['info']: dep_status = styled_bool(True) click.echo("Deploy Status: {}".format(dep_status)) if len(review['dependent_stacks']) <= 0: click.echo("No dependent stacks") else: num_dependent = len(review['dependent_stacks']) click.echo("Denpendent Stacks: {}".format(num_dependent)) click.echo("{} = Deployed | {} = Not Deployed".format( styled_bool(True), styled_bool(False))) for v in review['dependent_stacks']: if not v['stack_info']: deployed = False status = "Not Deployed" else: deployed = True status = "Deployed" click.echo(" {} {} ({})".format(styled_bool(deployed), v['stack'].get_stack_name(), type(v['stack']).__name__)) click.echo("") click.echo("Parameter Review:") if not review['info'] or not review['info'].get('Parameters'): # noqa params = {} else: params = {} for v in review['info'].get('Parameters'): params.update({v['ParameterKey']: v['ParameterValue']}) # define icons nv = "{}?{}".format(utils.colors('y', True), Style.RESET_ALL) sv = styled_bool(True) cv = styled_bool(False) if len(review['parameters']) <= 0: click.echo("No Parameters to review") else: click.echo( "{} = New Value | {} = Changed Value | {} = No Change".format( nv, cv, sv)) # noqa for v in review['parameters']: param_name = v['ParameterKey'] param_value = v['ParameterValue'] status = "" if not params.get(param_name): icon = nv elif params.get(param_name) == param_value: icon = sv else: icon = cv status = "{}Previous Value: {}{} ".format( utils.colors('b', True), params.get(param_name), Style.RESET_ALL) click.echo("{} {}: {}".format(icon, param_name, param_value)) if len(status) > 0: click.echo(dedent(status))