예제 #1
def select_scope(fi, lines, lines_after, show_vals, show_signature,
    decide which lines of code and which variables will be visible
    source_lines = []
    minl, maxl = 0, 0
    if len(fi.source_map) > 0:
        minl, maxl = min(fi.source_map), max(fi.source_map)
        lineno = fi.lineno

        if lines == 0:
            source_lines = []
        elif lines == 1:
            source_lines = [lineno]
        elif lines == 'all':
            source_lines = range(minl, maxl+1)
        elif lines > 1 or lines_after > 0:
            start = max(lineno - (lines - 1), 0)
            stop = lineno + lines_after
            start = max(start, minl)
            stop = min(stop, maxl)
            source_lines = list(range(start, stop+1))

        if source_lines and show_signature:
            source_lines = sorted(set(source_lines) | set(fi.head_lns))

    if source_lines:
        trimmed_source_map = trim_source(fi.source_map, source_lines)
        trimmed_source_map = {}

    if show_vals:
        if show_vals == 'all':
            val_lines = range(minl, maxl)
        elif show_vals == 'like_source':
            val_lines = source_lines
        elif show_vals == 'line':
            val_lines = [lineno] if source_lines else []

        # TODO refactor the whole blacklistling mechanism below:

        def hide(name):
            value = fi.assignments[name]
            if callable(value):
                qualified_name, path, *_ = inspect_callable(value)
                is_builtin = value.__class__.__name__ == 'builtin_function_or_method'
                is_boring = is_builtin or (qualified_name == name)
                is_suppressed = match(path, suppressed_paths)
                return is_boring or is_suppressed
            return False

        visible_vars = (name for ln in val_lines
                                for name in fi.line2names[ln]
                                    if name in fi.assignments)

        visible_assignments = OrderedDict([(n, fi.assignments[n])
                                           for n in visible_vars
                                               if not hide(n)])
        visible_assignments = {}

    return trimmed_source_map, visible_assignments
예제 #2
    def select_scope(self, fi):
        decide which lines of code and which variables will be visible
        source_lines = []
        minl, maxl = 0, 0
        if len(fi.source_map) > 0:
            minl, maxl = min(fi.source_map), max(fi.source_map)
            lineno = fi.lineno

            if self.lines == 0:
                source_lines = []
            elif self.lines == 1:
                source_lines = [lineno]
            elif self.lines == 'all':
                source_lines = range(minl, maxl + 1)
            elif self.lines > 1 or self.lines_after > 0:
                start = max(lineno - (self.lines - 1), 0)
                stop = lineno + self.lines_after
                start = max(start, minl)
                stop = min(stop, maxl)
                source_lines = list(range(start, stop + 1))

            if source_lines and self.show_signature:
                source_lines = sorted(set(source_lines) | set(fi.head_lns))

        if source_lines:
            # Report a bit more info about a weird class of bug
            # that I can't reproduce locally.
            if not set(source_lines).issubset(fi.source_map.keys()):
                debug_vals = [source_lines, fi.head_lns, fi.source_map.keys()]
                info = ', '.join(str(p) for p in debug_vals)
                raise Exception("Picked an invalid source context: %s" % info)
            trimmed_source_map = trim_source(fi.source_map, source_lines)
            trimmed_source_map = {}

        if self.show_vals:
            if self.show_vals == 'all':
                val_lines = range(minl, maxl)
            elif self.show_vals == 'like_source':
                val_lines = source_lines
            elif self.show_vals == 'line':
                val_lines = [lineno] if source_lines else []

            # TODO refactor the whole blacklistling mechanism below:

            def hide(name):
                value = fi.assignments[name]
                if callable(value):
                    qualified_name, path, *_ = inspect_callable(value)
                    is_builtin = value.__class__.__name__ == 'builtin_function_or_method'
                    is_boring = is_builtin or (qualified_name == name)
                    is_suppressed = match(path, self.suppressed_paths)
                    return is_boring or is_suppressed
                return False

            visible_vars = (name for ln in val_lines
                            for name in fi.line2names[ln]
                            if name in fi.assignments)

            visible_assignments = OrderedDict([(n, fi.assignments[n])
                                               for n in visible_vars
                                               if not hide(n)])
            visible_assignments = {}

        return trimmed_source_map, visible_assignments