def get_client_users_out_stack(request): logger.debug('get_client_users_out_stack is running') client_id = request.matchdict.get('id', -1) client = Client.query.filter_by(id=client_id).first() if not client: transaction.abort() return Response('Can not find a client with id: %s' % client_id, 500) sql_query = """ select "User_SimpleEntities".name, "User_SimpleEntities".id from "Users" left outer join "Client_Users" on "Client_Users".uid = "Users".id join "SimpleEntities" as "User_SimpleEntities" on "User_SimpleEntities".id = "Users".id where "Client_Users".cid != %(client_id)s or "Client_Users".cid is Null """ sql_query = sql_query % {'client_id': client_id} result = DBSession.connection().execute(sql_query) users = [] for r in result.fetchall(): user = {'name': r[0], 'id': r[1]} users.append(user) resp = Response(json_body=users) return resp
def get_dailies_count(request): """missing docstring """ project_id = request.matchdict.get('id') logger.debug( 'get_dailies_count is working for the project which id is %s' % project_id) sql_query = """ select count(1) from ( select "Dailies".id from "Projects" join "Dailies" on "Dailies".project_id = "Projects".id join "Statuses" on "Dailies".status_id = "Statuses".id where "Statuses".code = 'OPEN' and "Projects".id = %(project_id)s ) as data """ sql_query = sql_query % {'project_id': project_id} from sqlalchemy import text # to be able to use "%" sign use this function result = DBSession.connection().execute(text(sql_query)) return result.fetchone()[0]
def delete_budgetentry_action(budgetentry): logger.debug('delete_budgetentry_action %s' % budgetentry_name = try: DBSession.delete(budgetentry) transaction.commit() except Exception as e: transaction.abort() c = StdErrToHTMLConverter(e) transaction.abort()
def get_studio_clients(request): """returns client with the given id """ logger.debug('get_studio_clients is working for the studio') sql_query = """ select "Clients".id, "Client_SimpleEntities".name, "Client_SimpleEntities".description, "Thumbnail_Links".full_path, projects.project_count from "Clients" join "SimpleEntities" as "Client_SimpleEntities" on "Client_SimpleEntities".id = "Clients".id left outer join "Links" as "Thumbnail_Links" on "Client_SimpleEntities".thumbnail_id = "Thumbnail_Links".id left outer join ( select "Projects".client_id as client_id, count("Projects".id) as project_count from "Projects" group by "Projects".client_id)as projects on projects.client_id = "Clients".id """ clients = [] result = DBSession.connection().execute(sql_query) update_client_permission = \ PermissionChecker(request)('Update_Client') for r in result.fetchall(): client = { 'id': r[0], 'name': r[1], 'description': r[2], 'thumbnail_full_path': r[3], 'projectsCount': r[4] if r[4] else 0 } if update_client_permission: client['item_update_link'] = \ '/clients/%s/update/dialog' % client['id'] client['item_remove_link'] =\ '/clients/%s/delete/dialog?came_from=%s' % ( client['id'], request.current_route_path() ) clients.append(client) resp = Response(json_body=clients) return resp
def inline_update_daily(request): """Inline updates the given daily with the data coming from the request """ logger.debug('inline_update_daily is working') logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(request) # ************************************************************************* # collect data attr_name = request.params.get('attr_name', None) attr_value = request.params.get('attr_value', None) logger.debug('attr_name %s', attr_name) logger.debug('attr_value %s', attr_value) # get daily daily_id = request.matchdict.get('id', -1) daily = Daily.query.filter( == daily_id).first() # update the daily if not daily: transaction.abort() return Response("No daily found with id : %s" % daily_id, 500) if attr_name and attr_value: logger.debug('attr_name %s', attr_name) if attr_name == 'status': status = Status.query.filter_by(code=attr_value).first() if not status: transaction.abort() return Response("No type found with id : %s" % attr_value, 500) daily.status = status else: setattr(daily, attr_name, attr_value) daily.updated_by = logged_in_user utc_now = local_to_utc( daily.date_updated = utc_now else: logger.debug('not updating') return Response("MISSING PARAMETERS", 500) return Response('Daily updated successfully %s %s' % (attr_name, attr_value))
def get_budget_entries(request): """returns budgets with the given id """ budget_id = request.matchdict.get('id') logger.debug( 'get_budget_entries is working for the project which id is: %s' % budget_id) sql_query = """ select "BudgetEntries_SimpleEntities".id, "BudgetEntries_SimpleEntities".name, "Types_SimpleEntities".name as type_name, "BudgetEntries".amount, "BudgetEntries".cost, "BudgetEntries".msrp, "BudgetEntries".price, "BudgetEntries".realized_total, "BudgetEntries".unit, "BudgetEntries_SimpleEntities".description, "BudgetEntries_SimpleEntities".generic_text from "BudgetEntries" join "SimpleEntities" as "BudgetEntries_SimpleEntities" on "BudgetEntries_SimpleEntities".id = "BudgetEntries".id join "SimpleEntities" as "Types_SimpleEntities" on "Types_SimpleEntities".id = "BudgetEntries_SimpleEntities".type_id join "Budgets" on "Budgets".id = "BudgetEntries".budget_id where "Budgets".id = %(budget_id)s """ sql_query = sql_query % {'budget_id': budget_id} result = DBSession.connection().execute(sql_query) entries = [{ 'id': r[0], 'name': r[1], 'type': r[2], 'amount': r[3], 'cost': r[4], 'msrp': r[5], 'price': r[6], 'realized_total': r[7], 'unit': r[8], 'note': r[9], 'addition_type': r[10] } for r in result.fetchall()] resp = Response(json_body=entries) return resp
def update_budgetentry(request): """updates the budgetentry with data from request """ logger.debug('***update_budgetentry method starts ***') logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(request) utc_now = local_to_utc( budgetentry_id = request.params.get('id') budgetentry = BudgetEntry.query.filter_by(id=budgetentry_id).first() good = Good.query.filter( == # user supply this data amount = request.params.get('amount', None) price = request.params.get('price', None) if not price: transaction.abort() return Response('Please supply price', 500) price = int(price) description = request.params.get('note', '') if budgetentry.generic_text == 'Calendar': budgetentry.price = price budgetentry.description = description budgetentry.date_updated = utc_now budgetentry.updated_by = logged_in_user else: if not amount or amount == '0': transaction.abort() return Response('Please supply the amount', 500) amount = int(amount) budgetentry.amount = amount budgetentry.cost = good.cost budgetentry.msrp = good.msrp budgetentry.good = good # budgetentry.realized_total = good.msrp budgetentry.price = price if price != '0' else good.cost * amount budgetentry.description = description budgetentry.date_updated = utc_now budgetentry.updated_by = logged_in_user budgetentry.generic_text = 'Producer' request.session.flash('success:updated %s budgetentry!' % return Response('successfully updated %s budgetentry!' %
def append_user_to_client(request): logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(request) utc_now = local_to_utc( came_from = request.params.get('came_from', '/') client_id = request.matchdict.get('id', -1) client = Client.query.filter( == client_id).first() if not client: transaction.abort() return Response('Can not find a client with id: %s' % client_id, 500) user_id = request.params.get('entity_id', -1) user = User.query.filter( == user_id).first() if not user: transaction.abort() return Response('Can not find a user with id: %s' % user_id, 500) role_name = request.params.get('role_name', None) role = query_role(role_name) role.updated_by = logged_in_user role.date_created = utc_now logger.debug("%s role is created" % logger.debug(client.users) client_user = ClientUser() client_user.client = client client_user.role = role client_user.user = user client_user.date_created = utc_now client_user.created_by = logged_in_user DBSession.add(client_user) if user not in client.users: client.users.append(user) request.session.flash('success:%s is added to %s user list' % (, logger.debug(client.users) return Response('success:%s is added to %s.' % (,
def create_client(request): """called when adding a new client """ logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(request) utc_now = local_to_utc( came_from = request.params.get('came_from', '/') # parameters name = request.params.get('name') description = request.params.get('description') logger.debug('create_client :') logger.debug('name : %s' % name) logger.debug('description : %s' % description) if name and description: try: new_client = Client(name=name, description=description, created_by=logged_in_user, date_created=utc_now, date_updated=utc_now) DBSession.add(new_client) # flash success message request.session.flash( 'success:Client <strong>%s</strong> is created ' 'successfully' % name) except BaseException as e: request.session.flash('error: %s' % e) HTTPFound(location=came_from) else: transaction.abort() return Response('There are missing parameters', 500) return Response( 'success:Client with name <strong>%s</strong> is created.' % name)
def update_client(request): """called when updating a client """ logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(request) utc_now = local_to_utc( client_id = request.matchdict.get('id', -1) client = Client.query.filter_by(id=client_id).first() if not client: transaction.abort() return Response('Can not find a client with id: %s' % client_id, 500) # parameters name = request.params.get('name') description = request.params.get('description') logger.debug('create_client :') logger.debug('name : %s' % name) logger.debug('description : %s' % description) if name and description: = name client.description = description client.updated_by = logged_in_user client.date_updated = utc_now DBSession.add(client) else: transaction.abort() return Response('There are missing parameters', 500) request.session.flash('success:Client <strong>%s</strong> is updated ' 'successfully' % name) return Response( 'success:Client with name <strong>%s</strong> is updated.' % name)
def get_budgets(request): """returns budgets with the given id """ project_id = request.matchdict.get('id') logger.debug('get_budgets is working for the project which id is: %s' % project_id) status_code = request.params.get('status_code', None) status = Status.query.filter(Status.code == status_code).first() sql_query = """ select "Budgets".id, "Budget_SimpleEntities".name, "Created_By_SimpleEntities".created_by_id, "Created_By_SimpleEntities".name, "Type_SimpleEntities".name, (extract(epoch from "Budget_SimpleEntities".date_created::timestamp at time zone 'UTC') * 1000)::bigint as date_created from "Budgets" join "SimpleEntities" as "Budget_SimpleEntities" on "Budget_SimpleEntities".id = "Budgets".id join "SimpleEntities" as "Created_By_SimpleEntities" on "Created_By_SimpleEntities".id = "Budget_SimpleEntities".created_by_id left outer join "SimpleEntities" as "Type_SimpleEntities" on "Type_SimpleEntities".id = "Budget_SimpleEntities".type_id join "Projects" on "Projects".id = "Budgets".project_id where "Projects".id = %(project_id)s %(additional_condition)s """ additional_condition = '' if status: additional_condition = 'and "Budgets_Statuses".id=%s' % budgets = [] sql_query = sql_query % { 'project_id': project_id, 'additional_condition': additional_condition } result = DBSession.connection().execute(sql_query) update_budget_permission = \ PermissionChecker(request)('Update_Budget') for r in result.fetchall(): budget = { 'id': r[0], 'name': r[1], 'created_by_id': r[2], 'created_by_name': r[3], 'item_view_link': '/budgets/%s/view' % r[0], 'type_name': r[4], 'date_created': r[5] } if update_budget_permission: budget['item_update_link'] = \ '/budgets/%s/update/dialog' % budget['id'] budget['item_remove_link'] =\ '/budgets/%s/delete/dialog?came_from=%s' % ( budget['id'], request.current_route_path() ) budgets.append(budget) resp = Response(json_body=budgets) return resp
def get_daily_outputs(request): """missing docstring """ daily_id = request.matchdict.get('id') logger.debug( 'get_daily_outputs is working for the daily which id is : %s' % daily_id) sql_query = """ select "Link_Tasks".id as task_id, "ParentTasks".full_path as task_name, "Task_Statuses".code as task_status_code, "Task_Status_SimpleEntities".name as task_status_name, array_agg(link_data.link_id) as link_id, array_agg(link_data.original_filename) as link_original_filename, array_agg(link_data.hires_full_path) as link_hires_full_path, array_agg(link_data.webres_full_path) as link_webres_full_path, array_agg(link_data.thumbnail_full_path) as link_thumbnail_full_path, array_agg(link_data.version_id) as version_id, array_agg(link_data.version_take_name) as version_take_name, array_agg(link_data.version_number) as version_number, array_agg(link_data.version_is_published) as version_is_published, daily_note.note_id as note_id, daily_note.entity_id as entity_id, daily_note.user_name as user_name, daily_note.user_thumbnail as user_thumbnail, daily_note.note_content as note_content, daily_note.note_date_created as note_date_created, daily_note.note_type_name as note_type_name, "Resource_SimpleEntities".name as resource_name, "Resource_SimpleEntities".id as resource_id from "Dailies" join "Daily_Links" on "Daily_Links".daily_id = "Dailies".id join ( select "Tasks".id as task_id, "Versions".id as version_id, "Versions".take_name as version_take_name, "Versions".version_number as version_number, "Versions".is_published as version_is_published, "Links".id as link_id, "Links".original_filename as original_filename, "Links".full_path as hires_full_path, "Links_ForWeb".full_path as webres_full_path, "Thumbnails".full_path as thumbnail_full_path from "Links" join "SimpleEntities" as "Link_SimpleEntities" on "Link_SimpleEntities".id = "Links".id join "Links" as "Links_ForWeb" on "Link_SimpleEntities".thumbnail_id = "Links_ForWeb".id join "SimpleEntities" as "Links_ForWeb_SimpleEntities" on "Links_ForWeb".id = "Links_ForWeb_SimpleEntities".id join "Links" as "Thumbnails" on "Links_ForWeb_SimpleEntities".thumbnail_id = "Thumbnails".id join "Version_Outputs" on "Version_Outputs".link_id = "Links".id join "Versions" on "Versions".id = "Version_Outputs".version_id join "Tasks" on "Tasks".id = "Versions".task_id ) as link_data on link_data.link_id = "Daily_Links".link_id join "Tasks" as "Link_Tasks" on "Link_Tasks".id = link_data.task_id join "Statuses" as "Task_Statuses" on "Task_Statuses".id = "Link_Tasks".status_id join "SimpleEntities" as "Task_Status_SimpleEntities" on "Task_Status_SimpleEntities".id = "Link_Tasks".status_id join "Task_Resources" on "Task_Resources".task_id = "Link_Tasks".id join "SimpleEntities" as "Resource_SimpleEntities" on "Resource_SimpleEntities".id = "Task_Resources".resource_id --find the task daily notes left outer join ( select "Task_Notes".entity_id as task_id, array_agg( "User_SimpleEntities".id) as entity_id, array_agg( "User_SimpleEntities".name) as user_name, array_agg( "Users_Thumbnail_Links".full_path) as user_thumbnail, array_agg( "Notes_SimpleEntities".id) as note_id, array_agg( "Notes_SimpleEntities".description) as note_content, array_agg( "Notes_SimpleEntities".date_created) as note_date_created, array_agg( "Notes_Types_SimpleEntities".id) as note_type_id, array_agg( "Notes_Types_SimpleEntities".name) as note_type_name from "Notes" join "SimpleEntities" as "Notes_SimpleEntities" on "Notes_SimpleEntities".id = "Notes".id left outer join "SimpleEntities" as "Notes_Types_SimpleEntities" on "Notes_Types_SimpleEntities".id = "Notes_SimpleEntities".type_id join "SimpleEntities" as "User_SimpleEntities" on "Notes_SimpleEntities".created_by_id = "User_SimpleEntities".id left outer join "Links" as "Users_Thumbnail_Links" on "Users_Thumbnail_Links".id = "User_SimpleEntities".thumbnail_id join "Entity_Notes" as "Daily_Notes" on "Daily_Notes".note_id = "Notes".id join "Entity_Notes" as "Task_Notes" on "Task_Notes".note_id = "Daily_Notes".note_id where "Daily_Notes".entity_id = %(daily_id)s and "Notes_Types_SimpleEntities".name = 'Daily_Note' group by "Task_Notes".entity_id ) as daily_note on daily_note.task_id = "Link_Tasks".id left join ( %(generate_recursive_task_query)s ) as "ParentTasks" on "Link_Tasks".id = "ParentTasks".id where "Dailies".id = %(daily_id)s group by "Link_Tasks".id, "ParentTasks".full_path, "Task_Statuses".code, "Task_Status_SimpleEntities".name, "Resource_SimpleEntities".name, "Resource_SimpleEntities".id, daily_note.note_id, daily_note.entity_id, daily_note.user_name, daily_note.user_thumbnail, daily_note.note_content, daily_note.note_date_created, daily_note.note_type_name order by "ParentTasks".full_path """ sql_query = sql_query % { 'daily_id': daily_id, 'generate_recursive_task_query': generate_recursive_task_query() } result = DBSession.connection().execute(sql_query) tasks = [] for r in result.fetchall(): links = [] link_ids = r[4] original_filename = r[5] hires_full_path = r[6] full_path = r[7] thumbnail_full_path = r[8] version_ids = r[9] version_take_names = r[10] version_numbers = r[11] versions_is_published = r[12] for i in range(len(link_ids)): link = { 'id': link_ids[i], 'original_filename': original_filename[i], 'hires_full_path': hires_full_path[i], 'webres_full_path': full_path[i], 'thumbnail_full_path': thumbnail_full_path[i], 'version_id': version_ids[i], 'version_take_name': version_take_names[i], 'version_number': version_numbers[i], 'version_is_published': versions_is_published[i] } if link not in links: links.append(link) notes = [] note_ids = r[13] note_created_by_ids = r[14] note_created_by_names = r[15] note_created_by_thumbnails = r[16] note_contents = r[17] note_created_dates = r[18] note_type_names = r[19] if note_ids: for j in range(len(note_ids)): if note_ids[j]: note = { 'id': note_ids[j], 'created_by_id': note_created_by_ids[j], 'created_by_name': note_created_by_names[j], 'created_by_thumbnail': note_created_by_thumbnails[j], 'content': note_contents[j], 'created_date': milliseconds_since_epoch(note_created_dates[j]), 'note_type_name': note_type_names[j] } if note not in notes: notes.append(note) task = { 'task_id': r[0], 'task_name': r[1], 'task_status_code': r[2].lower(), 'task_status_name': r[3], 'task_resource_name': r[20], 'task_resource_id': r[21], 'links': links, 'notes': notes } tasks.append(task) resp = Response(json_body=tasks) return resp
def get_dailies(request): """returns dailies with the given id """ project_id = request.matchdict.get('id') logger.debug('get_dailies is working for the project which id is: %s' % project_id) status_code = request.params.get('status_code', None) status = Status.query.filter(Status.code == status_code).first() sql_query = """ select "Dailies_SimpleEntities".id, "Dailies_SimpleEntities".name, "Dailies_Statuses".code, "Dailies_Statuses".id, "Dailies_Statuses_SimpleEntities".name, "Dailies_SimpleEntities".created_by_id, "Dailies_Creator_SimpleEntities".name, daily_count.link_count, (extract(epoch from "Dailies_SimpleEntities".date_created::timestamp at time zone 'UTC') * 1000)::bigint as date_created from "Projects" join "Dailies" on "Dailies".project_id = "Projects".id join "SimpleEntities" as "Dailies_SimpleEntities" on "Dailies_SimpleEntities".id = "Dailies".id join "SimpleEntities" as "Dailies_Creator_SimpleEntities" on "Dailies_Creator_SimpleEntities".id = "Dailies_SimpleEntities".created_by_id join "Statuses" as "Dailies_Statuses" on "Dailies_Statuses".id = "Dailies".status_id join "SimpleEntities" as "Dailies_Statuses_SimpleEntities" on "Dailies_Statuses_SimpleEntities".id = "Dailies".status_id left outer join ( select "Daily_Links".daily_id as daily_id, count("Daily_Links".link_id) as link_count from "Daily_Links" join "Dailies" on "Dailies".id = "Daily_Links".daily_id group by "Daily_Links".daily_id ) as daily_count on daily_count.daily_id ="Dailies".id where "Projects".id = %(project_id)s %(additional_condition)s """ additional_condition = '' if status: additional_condition = 'and "Dailies_Statuses".id=%s' % sql_query = sql_query % { 'project_id': project_id, 'additional_condition': additional_condition } result = DBSession.connection().execute(sql_query) dailies = [] update_daily_permission = \ PermissionChecker(request)('Update_Daily') for r in result.fetchall(): daily = { 'id': r[0], 'name': r[1], 'status_code': r[2].lower(), 'status_id': r[3], 'status_name': r[4], 'created_by_id': r[5], 'created_by_name': r[6], 'link_count': r[7] if r[7] else 0, 'item_view_link': '/dailies/%s/view' % r[0], 'date_created': r[8] } if update_daily_permission: daily['item_update_link'] = \ '/dailies/%s/update/dialog' % daily['id'] daily['item_remove_link'] =\ '/entities/%s/delete/dialog?came_from=%s' % ( daily['id'], request.current_route_path() ) dailies.append(daily) resp = Response(json_body=dailies) return resp