def listautok(word=False, gid=0): """ Lists the autok pairs defined for a word, or all the autok :param gid: filter to group id :param word: word to return value for or everything :return: table with autok stored """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) wordtext = "" if not word: sql = "select key,value from autokarma ORDER BY key ASC;" else: string = (word, gid) sql = "SELECT key,value FROM autokarma WHERE key='%s' AND gid='%s' ORDER by key ASC;" % string wordtext = _("for word %s for gid %s") % (word, gid) cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) try: # Get value from SQL query text = _("Defined autokarma triggers %s:\n") % wordtext table = from_db_cursor(cur) text = "%s\n```%s```" % (text, table.get_string()) except: # Value didn't exist before text = _("%s has no trigger autokarma") % word logger.debug(msg=_L("Returning autokarma %s for word %s") % (text, word)) return text
def listforward(source=False): """ Lists the forwards defined for a source or all defined :param source: chatid :return: table with forwards defined """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if source: # if source is provided, return the forwards for that source string = (source, ) sql = "SELECT source,target FROM forward WHERE source='%s' ORDER by source ASC;" % string cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) target = cur.fetchone() try: # Get value from SQL query target = target[1] except: # Value didn't exist before, return 0 value target = "" text = _("%s has a forward %s") % (source, target) else: sql = "SELECT source,target from forward ORDER BY source ASC;" cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) text = _("Defined forwards:\n") table = from_db_cursor(cur) text = "%s\n```%s```" % (text, table.get_string()) logger.debug(msg=text) return text
def chanshowslave(message): """ Shows slaves associated to current channel :param message: Message to process :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) msgdetail = stampy.stampy.getmsgdetail(message) chat_id = msgdetail["chat_id"] message_id = msgdetail["message_id"] masterid = stampy.plugin.config.config(key='link', default=False, gid=chat_id) if masterid: # We've a master channel, report it text = _("This channel %s is slave of channel %s") % (chat_id, masterid) else: # We nee to check database to see if we've any slave sql = "SELECT id from config where key='link' and value='%s'" % chat_id cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql=sql) text = _("Defined slaves:\n") table = from_db_cursor(cur) text = "%s\n```%s```" % (text, table.get_string()) stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown") return
def chanunlink(message): """ Unlinks channel :param message: Message to process :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) msgdetail = stampy.stampy.getmsgdetail(message) chat_id = msgdetail["chat_id"] message_id = msgdetail["message_id"] masterid = stampy.plugin.config.config(key='link', default=False, gid=chat_id) if masterid: # Delete link from slave stampy.plugin.config.deleteconfig(key='link', gid=chat_id) # Notify master channel of slave linked text = _("Channel *%s* with name *%s* has been unlinked as *SLAVE*") % (chat_id, msgdetail['chat_name']) stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=masterid, text=text, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown") # Notify slave of master linked text = _("This channel has been unliked as *SLAVE* from *MASTER* channel *%s*") % masterid text = text + _("\n\nChannel has also been enabled as running in " "isolated mode, use ```/gconfig delete isolated``` to " "revert back to global karma") stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown") return
def listhilight(uid, word=False): """ Lists the hilight defined for a gid or all :param uid: filter to group id :param word: word to return value for or everything :return: table with hilight stored """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) wordtext = "" if not word: sql = "select word from hilight WHERE gid='%s' ORDER BY word ASC;" % uid else: string = (word, uid) sql = "SELECT word FROM hilight WHERE word='%s' AND gid='%s' ORDER by word ASC;" % string wordtext = _("for word %s for uid %s") % (word, uid) cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) try: # Get value from SQL query text = _("Defined hilight triggers %s:\n") % wordtext table = from_db_cursor(cur) text = "%s\n```%s```" % (text, table.get_string()) except: # Value didn't exist before text = _("%s has no trigger hilight") % word logger.debug(msg=_L("Returning hilight %s for word %s") % (text, word)) return text
def uptime(message): """ Processes uptime commands in the messages :param message: message to process :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) msgdetail = stampy.stampy.getmsgdetail(message) chat_id = msgdetail["chat_id"] message_id = msgdetail["message_id"] datelast = stampy.stampy.utize(dateutil.parser.parse(stampy.plugin.config.config(key='uptime', gid=0))) datelastfor = datelast.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') datelastts = time.mktime(datelast.timetuple()) date = stampy.stampy.utize( datefor = date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') dateforts = time.mktime(date.timetuple()) elapsed = dateforts - datelastts text = _("Bot was started at: %s\n") % datelastfor text += _("Now it is: %s\n") % datefor text += _("Elapsed time: %s (seconds)\n") % elapsed text += _("Elapsed time: %s \n") % format_timedelta(datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed), locale=stampy.stampy.language) logger.debug(msg=_L("Returning %s") % text) stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode='markdown') return
def listalias(word=False, gid=0): """ Lists the alias defined for a word, or all the aliases :param gid: Group ID to work on :param word: word to return value for or everything :return: table with alias stored """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if word: # if word is provided, return the alias for that word string = (word, gid) sql = "SELECT key,value FROM alias WHERE key='%s' AND gid='%s' ORDER by key ASC;" % string cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) value = cur.fetchone() try: # Get value from SQL query value = value[1] except: # Value didn't exist before, return 0 value value = 0 text = _("%s has an alias %s") % (word, value) else: sql = "select key,value from alias WHERE gid='%s' ORDER BY key ASC;" % gid cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) text = _("Defined aliases:\n") table = from_db_cursor(cur) text = "%s\n```%s```" % (text, table.get_string()) logger.debug(msg=_L("Returning aliases %s for word %s for gid %s") % (text, word, gid)) return text
def info(message): """ Processes info commands in the messages :param message: message to process :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) msgdetail = stampy.stampy.getmsgdetail(message) chat_id = msgdetail["chat_id"] message_id = msgdetail["message_id"] text = _("This is update *%s* ") % msgdetail["update_id"] text += _("with message id *%s*.\n") % msgdetail["message_id"] text += _("This has been sent on chat *%s*, named *%s* on *%s*\n") % ( msgdetail["chat_id"], msgdetail["chat_name"], msgdetail["datefor"]) text += _( "This message was sent by user id *%s*, with given name *%s*, long name *%s* and username *%s*\n" ) % (msgdetail["who_id"], msgdetail["who_gn"], msgdetail["who_ln"], msgdetail["who_un"]) logger.debug(msg=_L("Returning %s") % text) stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode='markdown') return
def showconfig(key=False, gid=0): """ Shows configuration in database for a key or all values :param gid: group ID to check :param key: key to return value for :return: Value stored """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if key: # if word is provided, return the config for that key string = (key, ) sql = "SELECT key,value FROM config WHERE key='%s' AND id='%s';" % ( string, gid) cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) value = cur.fetchone() try: # Get value from SQL query value = value[1] except: # Value didn't exist before, return 0 value value = 0 text = _("%s has a value of %s for id %s") % (key, value, gid) else: sql = "select key,value from config WHERE id='%s' ORDER BY key ASC;" % gid cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) text = _("Defined configurations for gid %s:\n") % gid table = from_db_cursor(cur) text = "%s\n```%s```" % (text, table.get_string()) logger.debug(msg=_L("Returning config %s for key %s for id %s") % (text, key, gid)) return text
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" if stampy.stampy.is_owner_or_admin(message): commandtext += _( "Use `/kick <username or id>` to kick user from chat\n\n") commandtext += _( "Use `/kickban <username or id>` to kick user from chat and ban to forbid new entry\n\n" ) commandtext += _("Use `/unban <user ID>` to unban user\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/op <user ID>` to grant all privileges\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/deop <user ID>` to remove all privileges\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/opall` to grant op to all\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/deopall` to remove all ops\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/topic <topic>` to change title\n\n") commandtext += _( "Use `/mute <user ID>` to forbid sending messages\n\n") commandtext += _( "Use `/unmute <user ID>` to allow sending messages\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = _("Use `/help` to display commands help\n\n") commandtext += _("Read about announcements at\n\n") return commandtext
def hilightcommands(message): """ Processes hilight commands in the message texts :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) msgdetail = stampy.stampy.getmsgdetail(message) texto = msgdetail["text"] chat_id = msgdetail["chat_id"] message_id = msgdetail["message_id"] who_un = msgdetail["who_un"] who_id = msgdetail["who_id"] logger.debug(msg=_L("Command: %s by user: %s") % (texto, who_un)) try: command = texto.split(' ')[1] except: command = False try: word = texto.split(' ')[2] except: word = "" for case in stampy.stampy.Switch(command): if case('list'): text = listhilight(word=word, uid=who_id) stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown") break if case('delete'): text = _("Deleting hilight for `%s`") % word stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown") deletehilight(word=word, uid=who_id) break if case('add'): text = _("Adding hilight for `%s`") % word stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown") createhilight(word=word, uid=who_id) break if case(): break return
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" if stampy.stampy.is_owner(message): commandtext = _("Use `/autok <key>=<value>` to autokarma <value> every time key is in the conversation. Multiple values for same <key> can be added\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/autok delete <key>=<value>` to delete autokarma <value> for <key>\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/autok list` to list autokarma <key> <value> pairs\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = _( "Use `/quote add <id> <text>` to add a quote for that username\n") commandtext += _( "Use `/quote <id>` to get a random quote from that username\n\n") if stampy.stampy.is_owner_or_admin(message): commandtext += _("Use `/quote del <quoteid>` to remove a quote\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" commandtext += _("Use `/comic list` to list comics defined\n") commandtext += _("Use `/comic all` to show all actual comics\n") if stampy.stampy.is_owner(message): commandtext += _( "Use `/comic trigger` to send comics to chats defined\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" if stampy.stampy.is_owner_or_admin(message): commandtext = _( "Use `/alias <key>=<value>` to assign an alias for karma\n") commandtext += _("Use `/alias list` to list aliases\n") commandtext += _("Use `/alias delete <key>` to remove an alias\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" if stampy.stampy.is_owner(message): commandtext = _("Use `/sudo gid=<gid>` to assign group to work on\n") commandtext += _( "Use `/sudo command` to execute command as if chat id were the one defined\n" ) return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" if stampy.stampy.is_owner_or_admin(message): commandtext += _("Use `/admin unlink` to remove channel linking\n") commandtext += _("Use `/admin link master` to generate and store linking token to be used on slaves\n") commandtext += _("Use `/admin link slave <token> to use provided token to link against master channel\n") commandtext += _("Use `/admin link show to list linked channel\n") return commandtext
def showstats(type=False, name=None): """ Shows stats for defined type or all if missing :param name: name to search in the stats database :param type: user or chat or empy for combined :return: table with the results """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if type: sql = "select type,id,name,date,count from stats WHERE type='%s'" % type if name: string = "%" + "%s" % name + "%" sql = sql + " and name like '%s'" % string else: sql = "select type,id,name,date,count from stats" if name: string = "%" + "%s" % name + "%" sql = sql + " WHERE name like '%s'" % string sql = sql + " ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10" cur = stampy.stampy.dbsql(sql) table = from_db_cursor(cur) text = _("Defined stats:\n") text = "%s\n```%s```" % (text, table.get_string()) logger.debug(msg=_L("Returning stats %s") % text) return text
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = _("Use `/hilight add <word>` to add word to your " "hilight list so messages in channels you're member " "will be forwarded privately to you (need to start " "prior conversation with bot)\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/hilight delete <word>` to delete word " "from your hilight list\n\n") commandtext += _("Use `/hilight list` to list hilights enabled " "for your user\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" if stampy.stampy.is_owner(message): commandtext = _( "Use `/forward <source>=<target>` to assign a forwarder\n") commandtext += _("Use `/forward list` to list forwards defined\n") commandtext += _( "Use `/forward delete <source>=<target>` to remove a forwarding\n\n" ) return commandtext
def stampyphant(chat_id="", karma=0): """ Returns a sticker for big karma values :param chat_id: :param karma: :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) karma = "%s" % karma # Sticker definitions for each rank x00 = "BQADBAADYwAD17FYAAEidrCCUFH7AgI" x000 = "BQADBAADZQAD17FYAAEeeRNtkOWfBAI" x0000 = "BQADBAADZwAD17FYAAHHuNL2oLuShwI" x00000 = "BQADBAADaQAD17FYAAHzIBRZeY4uNAI" sticker = "" if karma[-5:] == "00000": sticker = x00000 elif karma[-4:] == "0000": sticker = x0000 elif karma[-3:] == "000": sticker = x000 elif karma[-2:] == "00": sticker = x00 text = _("Sticker for %s karma points") % karma if sticker != "": stampy.stampy.sendsticker(chat_id=chat_id, sticker=sticker, text="%s" % text) logger.debug(msg=text) return
def stock(message): """ Processes stock commands :param message: Message with the command :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) c = IEXAPI() msgdetail = stampy.stampy.getmsgdetail(message) texto = msgdetail["text"] chat_id = msgdetail["chat_id"] message_id = msgdetail["message_id"] who_un = msgdetail["who_un"] logger.debug(msg=_L("Command: %s by %s" % (texto, who_un))) # We might be have been given no command, just stock try: command = texto.split(' ')[1] except: command = False if not command: stock = stampy.plugin.config.gconfig(key="stock", default="RHT", gid=chat_id).split(" ") else: stock = texto.split(" ")[1::] text = "```\n" currency = stampy.plugin.config.gconfig(key="currency", default="EUR", gid=chat_id) if currency != 'USD': rate = get_currency_rate('USD', currency) else: rate = 1 text += _("USD/%s rate " % currency + str(rate) + "\n") for ticker in stock: try: quote = c.get(ticker.upper()) text += "%s Quote " % quote["t"] + " " + str( quote["l_cur"]) + " " + str( quote["c"]) + " (%s%%)" % str(quote["cp"]) quoteUSD = quote["l_cur"] quoteEur = float(quoteUSD * rate) text += " (%s %s)\n" % ("{0:.2f}".format(quoteEur), currency) except: text += "" text += "```" stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown")
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = _("Use `/cn <word>` to get a random Chuck Norris quote based on word\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = _("Use `/espp <amount>` to get estimated ESPP earnings\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = _("Use `stock <ticker>` to get stock trading price\n\n") return commandtext
def chanlinkslave(message, token=""): """ Link a channel as slave of another and sets relevant configuration :param message: Message with the command :param token: Extracted token provided on command line :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) msgdetail = stampy.stampy.getmsgdetail(message) chat_id = msgdetail["chat_id"] message_id = msgdetail["message_id"] masterid = token.split(':')[0] logger.debug(msg=_L("chanenslave: %s, master-id: %s, master-token:%s") % (chat_id, masterid, token.split(':')[1])) if stampy.plugin.config.config(key='link-master', default=False, gid=masterid) == token: # In master GID, token is the same as the one provided # Delete link-master from master stampy.plugin.config.deleteconfig(key='link-master', gid=masterid) # Define 'link' and 'isolated' on slave stampy.plugin.config.setconfig(key='link', gid=chat_id, value=masterid) stampy.plugin.config.setconfig(key='isolated', gid=chat_id, value=True) # Notify master channel of slave linked text = _("Channel *%s* with name *%s* has been linked as *SLAVE*") % (chat_id, msgdetail['chat_name']) stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=masterid, text=text, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown") # Notify slave of master linked text = _("This channel has been set as *SLAVE* from *MASTER* channel *%s*") % masterid stampy.stampy.sendmessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_to_message_id=message_id, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown") return
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" if stampy.stampy.is_owner(message): commandtext = _( "Use `/config show` to get a list of defined config settings\n") commandtext += _( "Use `/config set <key>=<value>` to define a value for key\n") commandtext += _("Use `/config delete <key>` to delete key\n\n") if stampy.stampy.is_owner_or_admin(message): commandtext += _( "/gconfig acts on 'effective chat' while /lconfig on 'local chat' (for linked))\n" ) commandtext += _( "Use `/[g|l]config show` to get a list of defined group config settings\n" ) commandtext += _( "Use `/[g|l]gconfig set <key>=<value>` to define a value for key\n" ) commandtext += _("Use `/[g|l]gconfig delete <key>` to delete key\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = _("Use `/uptime` to return information about running time of the bot\n\n") return commandtext
def help(message): # do not edit this line """ Returns help for plugin :param message: message to process :return: help text """ commandtext = "" commandtext += _("Use `/feed list` to list feeds defined\n") commandtext += _("Use `/feed <name>` show items from feed\n") commandtext += _( "Use `/feed add <name> <url> <interval:min>` to add a new feed (default interval 1440 mins)\n" ) commandtext += _("Use `/feed delete <name>` to remove an existing feed\n") if stampy.stampy.is_owner(message): commandtext += _( "Use `/feed trigger` to send feeds to chats defined\n\n") return commandtext