예제 #1
def test_sort():
    expected = []

    expected.append(parse_transitions.CompoundUnary(["NP", "VP"]))

    transitions = set(expected)
    transitions = sorted(transitions)
    assert transitions == expected
예제 #2
def test_hashes():
    transitions = set()

    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    assert shift not in transitions
    assert shift in transitions
    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    assert shift in transitions

    for i in range(5):
    assert len(transitions) == 1

    unary = parse_transitions.CompoundUnary("asdf")
    assert unary not in transitions
    assert unary in transitions

    unary = parse_transitions.CompoundUnary(["asdf", "zzzz"])
    assert unary not in transitions
    unary = parse_transitions.CompoundUnary(["asdf", "zzzz"])
    assert unary in transitions

    # check that the str and the list constructors result in the same item
    assert len(transitions) == 3
    unary = parse_transitions.CompoundUnary(["asdf"])
    assert unary in transitions

    oc = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("asdf")
    assert oc not in transitions
    assert oc in transitions
    assert len(transitions) == 4
    assert parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("asdf") in transitions

    cc = parse_transitions.CloseConstituent()
    assert cc not in transitions
    assert cc in transitions
    cc = parse_transitions.CloseConstituent()
    assert cc in transitions
    assert len(transitions) == 5
예제 #3
def test_too_many_unaries_open():
    This tests rejecting Open in the middle of a sequence after too many unary transitions

    The model should reject doing multiple "unaries" - eg, Open then Close - in an IN_ORDER sequence
    model = SimpleModel(TransitionScheme.IN_ORDER)
    state = build_initial_state(model)[0]

    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)

    open_np = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("NP")
    close_trans = parse_transitions.CloseConstituent()

    assert open_np.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_np.apply(state, model)
    assert not open_np.is_legal(state, model)
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)

    for _ in range(parse_transitions.UNARY_LIMIT):
        assert open_np.is_legal(state, model)
        state = open_np.apply(state, model)

        assert close_trans.is_legal(state, model)
        state = close_trans.apply(state, model)

    assert not open_np.is_legal(state, model)
예제 #4
def test_compound_open(model=None):
    if model is None:
        model = SimpleModel()
    state = build_initial_state(model)[0]

    open_transition = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("ROOT", "S")
    assert open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    close_transition = parse_transitions.CloseConstituent()

    state = open_transition.apply(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    state = close_transition.apply(state, model)

    tree = model.get_top_constituent(state.constituents)
    assert tree.label == 'ROOT'
    assert len(tree.children) == 1
    tree = tree.children[0]
    assert tree.label == 'S'
    assert len(tree.children) == 3
    assert tree.children[0].children[0].label == 'Unban'
    assert tree.children[1].children[0].label == 'Mox'
    assert tree.children[2].children[0].label == 'Opal'
예제 #5
def test_open(model=None):
    if model is None:
        model = SimpleModel()
    state = build_initial_state(model)[0]

    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert state.num_opens == 0

    open_transition = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("VP")
    assert open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_transition.apply(state, model)
    assert open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    assert state.num_opens == 1

    # check that it is illegal if there are too many opens already
    for i in range(20):
        state = open_transition.apply(state, model)
    assert not open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    assert state.num_opens == 21

    # check that it is illegal if the state is out of words
    state = build_initial_state(model)[0]
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert not open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
예제 #6
def test_unary_requires_root(model=None):
    if model is None:
        model = SimpleModel()
    state = build_initial_state(model)[0]

    open_transition = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("S")
    assert open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_transition.apply(state, model)

    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert not shift.is_legal(state, model)

    close_transition = parse_transitions.CloseConstituent()
    assert close_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    state = close_transition.apply(state, model)
    assert not open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    assert not close_transition.is_legal(state, model)

    np_unary = parse_transitions.CompoundUnary("NP")
    assert not np_unary.is_legal(state, model)
    root_unary = parse_transitions.CompoundUnary("ROOT")
    assert root_unary.is_legal(state, model)
    assert not state.finished(model)
    state = root_unary.apply(state, model)
    assert not root_unary.is_legal(state, model)

    assert state.finished(model)
예제 #7
def run_forward_checks(model):
    state = test_parse_transitions.build_initial_state(model)[0]
    model((state, ))

    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    model((state, ))

    open_transition = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("NP")
    assert open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_transition.apply(state, model)
    assert state.num_opens == 1
    model((state, ))

    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    model((state, ))
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    model((state, ))
    assert state.num_opens == 1
    # now should have "mox", "opal" on the constituents

    close_transition = parse_transitions.CloseConstituent()
    assert close_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    state = close_transition.apply(state, model)
    assert state.num_opens == 0

    model((state, ))
예제 #8
def test_in_order_open(model=None):
    if model is None:
        model = SimpleModel(TransitionScheme.IN_ORDER)
    state = build_initial_state(model)[0]

    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert not shift.is_legal(state, model)

    open_vp = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("VP")
    assert open_vp.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_vp.apply(state, model)
    assert not open_vp.is_legal(state, model)

    close_trans = parse_transitions.CloseConstituent()
    assert close_trans.is_legal(state, model)
    state = close_trans.apply(state, model)

    open_s = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("S")
    assert open_s.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_s.apply(state, model)
    assert not open_vp.is_legal(state, model)

    # check that root transitions won't happen in the middle of a parse
    open_root = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("ROOT")
    assert not open_root.is_legal(state, model)

    # build (NP (NNP Mox) (NNP Opal))
    open_np = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("NP")
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert open_np.is_legal(state, model)
    # make sure root can't happen in places where an arbitrary open is legal
    assert not open_root.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_np.apply(state, model)
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert close_trans.is_legal(state, model)
    state = close_trans.apply(state, model)

    assert close_trans.is_legal(state, model)
    state = close_trans.apply(state, model)

    assert open_root.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_root.apply(state, model)
예제 #9
def test_shift(model=None):
    if model is None:
        model = SimpleModel()
    state = build_initial_state(model)[0]

    open_transition = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("ROOT")
    state = open_transition.apply(state, model)
    open_transition = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("S")
    state = open_transition.apply(state, model)
    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    assert len(state.word_queue) == 4
    assert state.word_position == 0

    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert len(state.word_queue) == 4
    # 4 because of the dummy created by the opens
    assert len(state.constituents) == 4
    assert len(state.transitions) == 4
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    assert state.word_position == 1
    assert not state.empty_word_queue()

    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert len(state.word_queue) == 4
    assert len(state.constituents) == 5
    assert len(state.transitions) == 5
    assert shift.is_legal(state, model)
    assert state.word_position == 2
    assert not state.empty_word_queue()

    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert len(state.word_queue) == 4
    assert len(state.constituents) == 6
    assert len(state.transitions) == 6
    assert not shift.is_legal(state, model)
    assert state.word_position == 3
    assert state.empty_word_queue()

    constituents = state.constituents
    assert model.get_top_constituent(constituents).children[0].label == 'Opal'
    constituents = constituents.pop()
    assert model.get_top_constituent(constituents).children[0].label == 'Mox'
    constituents = constituents.pop()
    assert model.get_top_constituent(constituents).children[0].label == 'Unban'
예제 #10
def test_close(model=None):
    if model is None:
        model = SimpleModel()
    # this one actually tests an entire subtree building
    state = build_initial_state(model)[0]

    shift = parse_transitions.Shift()
    state = shift.apply(state, model)

    open_transition = parse_transitions.OpenConstituent("NP")
    assert open_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    state = open_transition.apply(state, model)
    assert state.num_opens == 1

    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    state = shift.apply(state, model)
    assert state.num_opens == 1
    # now should have "mox", "opal" on the constituents

    close_transition = parse_transitions.CloseConstituent()
    assert close_transition.is_legal(state, model)
    state = close_transition.apply(state, model)
    assert state.num_opens == 0
    assert not close_transition.is_legal(state, model)

    tree = model.get_top_constituent(state.constituents)
    assert tree.label == 'NP'
    assert len(tree.children) == 2
    assert tree.children[0].is_preterminal()
    assert tree.children[1].is_preterminal()
    assert tree.children[0].children[0].label == 'Mox'
    assert tree.children[1].children[0].label == 'Opal'

    assert len(state.constituents) == 3

    assert state.all_transitions(model) == [
        shift, open_transition, shift, shift, close_transition