예제 #1
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        Loads the configuration specified by the STARFISH_CONFIG environment variable.

            This parameter is read from the environment to permit setting configuration
            values either directly or via a file. Keys read include:

             - ["slicedimage"]["caching"]["directory"]   (default: ~/.starfish/cache)
             - ["slicedimage"]["caching"]["size_limit"]  (default: None; 0 disables caching)
             - ["validation"]["strict"]                  (default: False)
             - ["verbose"]                               (default: True)

            Note: all keys can also be set by and environment variable constructed from the
            key parts and prefixed with STARFISH, e.g. STARFISH_VALIDATION_STRICT.
        config = os.environ.get("STARFISH_CONFIG", "@~/.starfish/config")
        self._config_obj = Config(config)

        # If no directory is set, then force the default
        self._slicedimage = self._config_obj.lookup(("slicedimage", ),
        if not self._slicedimage["caching"]["directory"]:
            self._slicedimage["caching"]["directory"] = "~/.starfish/cache"
        self._slicedimage_update(('caching', 'directory'))
        self._slicedimage_update(('caching', 'size_limit'), int)

        self._strict = self._config_obj.lookup(
            ("validation", "strict"),
            self.flag("STARFISH_VALIDATION_STRICT", "false"))

        self._verbose = self._config_obj.lookup(
            ("verbose", ), self.flag("STARFISH_VERBOSE", "true"))
예제 #2
def test_cache_remove_all():
    config = Config("""{
        "a": {
             "b": {
                "c": true
    config.lookup(("a", "b", "c"), {}, remove=True)
    assert not config.data
예제 #3
def test_cache_config():
    config = Config("""{
        "caching": {
             "enabled": true,
             "size_limit": 5e9,
             "directory": "/tmp"
    cache_config = config.lookup(("caching",), {})
    assert cache_config["enabled"]
    assert cache_config["size_limit"] == 5 * 10 ** 9
예제 #4
def test_lookup_deep():
    config = Config(deep_str)
    assert config.lookup(["a"]) == {"b": {"c": [1, 2, 3]}}
    assert config.lookup(["a", "b"]) == {"c": [1, 2, 3]}
    assert config.lookup(["a", "b", "c"]) == [1, 2, 3]
    with raises(AttributeError):
        config.lookup(["a", "b", "c", "d"])
    assert config.lookup(["a", "b", "c", "d"], "x") == "x"
예제 #5
def test_cache_remove_step_wise():
    config = Config("""{
        "a": {
             "b": {
                "c": true,
                "d": true
             "e": 1
         "f": 2
    config.lookup(("a", "b", "c"), {}, remove=True)
    assert "c" not in config.data["a"]["b"]
    config.lookup(("a", "b"), {}, remove=True)
    assert "b" not in config.data["a"]
    config.lookup(("a", ), {}, remove=True)
    assert "a" not in config.data
예제 #6
    def from_json(cls,
                  json_url: str,
                  strict: bool = None,
                  config: Optional[Union[str, Dict]] = None) -> "Experiment":
        Construct an `Experiment` from an experiment.json file format specifier

        json_url : str
            file path or web link to an experiment.json file
        strict : bool
            if true, then all JSON loaded by this method will be
            passed to the appropriate validator
        config : str or dict
            configuration property that will be passed to
            This parameter is read from the environment to permit setting configuration
            values either directly or via a file. Keys read include:
             - cache.allow_caching
             This parameter is read from the environment. If set, then all JSON loaded by this
             method will be passed to the appropriate validator. The `strict` parameter to this
             method has priority over the environment variable.

        Experiment :
            Experiment object serving the requested experiment data

        if strict is None:
            strict = "STARFISH_STRICT_LOADING" in os.environ
        if strict:
            valid = validate_sptx.validate(json_url)
            if not valid:
                raise Exception("validation failed")

        config_obj = Config(config)  # STARFISH_CONFIG is assumed
        allow_caching = config_obj.lookup(["cache", "allow_caching"], True)

        backend, name, baseurl = resolve_path_or_url(json_url, allow_caching)
        with backend.read_contextmanager(name) as fh:
            experiment_document = json.load(fh)

        version = cls.verify_version(experiment_document['version'])

        _, codebook_name, codebook_baseurl = resolve_url(
            experiment_document['codebook'], baseurl, allow_caching)
        codebook_absolute_url = pathjoin(codebook_baseurl, codebook_name)
        codebook = Codebook.from_json(codebook_absolute_url)

        extras = experiment_document['extras']

        fovs: MutableSequence[FieldOfView] = list()
        fov_tilesets: MutableMapping[str, TileSet] = dict()
        if version < Version("5.0.0"):
            primary_image: Collection = Reader.parse_doc(
                experiment_document['primary_images'], baseurl)
            auxiliary_images: MutableMapping[str, Collection] = dict()
            for aux_image_type, aux_image_url in experiment_document[
                auxiliary_images[aux_image_type] = Reader.parse_doc(
                    aux_image_url, baseurl)

            for fov_name, primary_tileset in primary_image.all_tilesets():
                fov_tilesets[FieldOfView.PRIMARY_IMAGES] = primary_tileset
                for aux_image_type, aux_image_collection in auxiliary_images.items(
                    aux_image_tileset = aux_image_collection.find_tileset(
                    if aux_image_tileset is not None:
                        fov_tilesets[aux_image_type] = aux_image_tileset

                fov = FieldOfView(fov_name, image_tilesets=fov_tilesets)
            images: MutableMapping[str, Collection] = dict()
            all_fov_names: MutableSet[str] = set()
            for image_type, image_url in experiment_document['images'].items():
                image = Reader.parse_doc(image_url, baseurl)
                images[image_type] = image
                for fov_name, _ in image.all_tilesets():

            for fov_name in all_fov_names:
                for image_type, image_collection in images.items():
                    image_tileset = image_collection.find_tileset(fov_name)
                    if image_tileset is not None:
                        fov_tilesets[image_type] = image_tileset

                fov = FieldOfView(fov_name, image_tilesets=fov_tilesets)

        return Experiment(fovs, codebook, extras, src_doc=experiment_document)
예제 #7
def test_lookup_dne():
    config = Config(simple_str)
    with raises(KeyError):
    assert config.lookup(["foo"], 1) == 1
    assert config.lookup(["foo", "bar"], 2) == 2
예제 #8
def test_simple_config_value_file(tmpdir):
    f = tmpdir.join("config.json")
    config = Config(f"@{f}")
    assert config.data["a"] == 1
예제 #9
def test_simple_config_value_default_key(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setenv("STARFISH_CONFIG", simple_str)
    config = Config()
    assert config.data["a"] == 1
예제 #10
def test_simple_config_value_map():
    config = Config(simple_map)
    assert config.data["a"] == 1
예제 #11
class StarfishConfig(object):
    Application specific configuration settings which can be loaded throughout
    the starfish codebase.

    slicedimage : dictionary
        Subdictionary that can be passed to slicedimage.io methods.
    strict : bool
        Whether or not loaded json should be validated.
    verbose : bool
        Controls output like from tqdm

    Check strict property

        >>> from starfish.config import StarfishConfig
        >>> config = StarfishConfig()
        >>> if config.strict:
        >>>     validate(json)

    Default starfish configuration equivalent:

        >>> {
        >>>     "slicedimage": {
        >>>         "caching": {
        >>>             "debug": false,
        >>>             "directory": "~/.starfish/cache",
        >>>             "size_limit": 5e9
        >>>         },
        >>>     },
        >>>     "validation": {
        >>>         "strict": false
        >>>     },
        >>>     "verbose": true
        >>> }

    Example of a ~/.starfish.config file to disable caching:

        >>> {
        >>>     "slicedimage": {
        >>>         "caching": {
        >>>             "size_limit": 0
        >>>         }
        >>>     }
        >>> }


    def __init__(self) -> None:
        Loads the configuration specified by the STARFISH_CONFIG environment variable.

            This parameter is read from the environment to permit setting configuration
            values either directly or via a file. Keys read include:

             - ["slicedimage"]["caching"]["directory"]   (default: ~/.starfish/cache)
             - ["slicedimage"]["caching"]["size_limit"]  (default: None; 0 disables caching)
             - ["validation"]["strict"]                  (default: False)
             - ["verbose"]                               (default: True)

            Note: all keys can also be set by and environment variable constructed from the
            key parts and prefixed with STARFISH, e.g. STARFISH_VALIDATION_STRICT.
        config = os.environ.get("STARFISH_CONFIG", "@~/.starfish/config")
        self._config_obj = Config(config)
        self._env_keys = [
            x for x in os.environ.keys()
            if special_prefix(x) and x != "STARFISH_CONFIG"]

        # If no directory is set, then force the default
        self._slicedimage = self._config_obj.lookup(("slicedimage",), NestedDict(), remove=True)
        if not self._slicedimage["caching"]["directory"]:
            self._slicedimage["caching"]["directory"] = "~/.starfish/cache"
        self._slicedimage_update(('caching', 'directory'))
        self._slicedimage_update(('caching', 'size_limit'), int)

        self._strict = self._config_obj.lookup(
            ("validation", "strict"), self.flag("STARFISH_VALIDATION_STRICT", "false"), remove=True)

        self._verbose = self._config_obj.lookup(
            ("verbose",), self.flag("STARFISH_VERBOSE", "true"), remove=True)

        if self._config_obj.data:
            warnings.warn(f"unknown configuration: {self._config_obj.data}")
        if self._env_keys:
            warnings.warn(f"unknown environment variables: {self._env_keys}")

    def _slicedimage_update(self, lookup, parse=lambda x: x):
        """ accept STARFISH_SLICEDIMAGE_ or SLICEDIMAGE_ prefixes"""

        value = None

        name1 = "SLICEDIMAGE_" + "_".join([x.upper() for x in lookup])
        if name1 in os.environ:
            value = parse(os.environ[name1])

        name2 = "STARFISH_" + name1
        if name2 in os.environ:
            if value:
                warnings.warn(f"duplicate variable: (STARFISH_){name1}")
            value = parse(os.environ[name2])

        if value is None:
            return  # Nothing found

        v = self._slicedimage
        for k in lookup[:-1]:
            v = v[k]
        v[lookup[-1]] = value

    def flag(self, name, default_value=""):

        if name in os.environ:
            value = os.environ[name]
            value = default_value

        if isinstance(value, str):
            value = value.lower()
            return value in ("true", "1", "yes", "y", "on", "active", "enabled")

    def slicedimage(self):
        return dict(self._slicedimage)

    def strict(self):
        return self._strict

    def verbose(self):
        return self._verbose