예제 #1
    def setup(cls, transportConfig):
        Called once when obfsproxy starts.

            "Do NOT rely on ScrambleSuit for strong security!\n"


        cls.weAreClient = transportConfig.weAreClient
        cls.weAreServer = not cls.weAreClient
        cls.weAreExternal = transportConfig.weAreExternal

        # If we are server and in managed mode, we should get the
        # shared secret from the server transport options.
        if cls.weAreServer and not cls.weAreExternal:
            cfg = transportConfig.getServerTransportOptions()
            if cfg and "password" in cfg:
                    cls.uniformDHSecret = base64.b32decode(util.sanitiseBase32(cfg["password"]))
                except (TypeError, AttributeError) as error:
                    raise base.TransportSetupFailed("Password could not be base32 decoded (%s)" % error)

                cls.uniformDHSecret = cls.uniformDHSecret.strip()

        if cls.weAreServer:
            if not hasattr(cls, "uniformDHSecret"):
                log.debug("Using fallback password for descriptor file.")
                srv = state.load()
                cls.uniformDHSecret = srv.fallbackPassword

            if len(cls.uniformDHSecret) != const.SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH:
                raise base.TransportSetupFailed(
                    "Wrong password length (%d instead of %d)" % len(cls.uniformDHSecret), const.SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH

            if not const.STATE_LOCATION:
                raise base.TransportSetupFailed(
                    "No state location set. If you are using external mode, "
                    "please set it using the --data-dir switch."

예제 #2
    def setup(cls, transportConfig):
        Called once when obfsproxy starts.

                  "Do NOT rely on ScrambleSuit for strong security!\n"


        cls.weAreClient = transportConfig.weAreClient
        cls.weAreServer = not cls.weAreClient
        cls.weAreExternal = transportConfig.weAreExternal

        # If we are server and in managed mode, we should get the
        # shared secret from the server transport options.
        if cls.weAreServer and not cls.weAreExternal:
            cfg = transportConfig.getServerTransportOptions()
            if cfg and "password" in cfg:
                    cls.uniformDHSecret = base64.b32decode(
                except (TypeError, AttributeError) as error:
                    raise base.TransportSetupFailed(
                        "Password could not be base32 decoded (%s)" % error)

                cls.uniformDHSecret = cls.uniformDHSecret.strip()

        if cls.weAreServer:
            if not hasattr(cls, "uniformDHSecret"):
                log.debug("Using fallback password for descriptor file.")
                srv = state.load()
                cls.uniformDHSecret = srv.fallbackPassword

            if len(cls.uniformDHSecret) != const.SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH:
                raise base.TransportSetupFailed(
                    "Wrong password length (%d instead of %d)" %
                    len(cls.uniformDHSecret), const.SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH)

            if not const.STATE_LOCATION:
                raise base.TransportSetupFailed(
                    "No state location set. If you are using external mode, " \
                    "please set it using the --data-dir switch.")
