def run_test(): """" psql -h localhost -U postgres -d ureport -c "select r1.message_id,,,, c1.identity from rapidsms_httprouter_message AS m1, poll_response AS r1, rapidsms_connection AS c1 where and m1.connection_id = and r1. poll_id=$POLL_ID and>$FIRST_RESPONSE and<$LAST_RESPONSE and m1.connection_id not in (select m.connection_id from rapidsms_httprouter_message AS m, poll_response AS r where and r. poll_id=$POLL_ID and>$FIRST_RESPONSE and<$LAST_RESPONSE group by m.connection_id having count(m.connection_id) >1);" > data_for_responses_to_a_national_poll.txt """"" ini = 3 limit = 33 list_throttle_msg_db = [] list_throttle_response_db = [] list_throttle_end = [] list_response_end = [] with open('data_for_responses_to_a_national_poll.txt') as response_data: for index, line in enumerate(response_data): if index >= ini : times = getting_times_for_line(line) list_throttle_msg_db.append(get_diff(times['throttle_start'],times['message_in_db'])) list_throttle_response_db.append(get_diff(times['throttle_start'],times['response_in_db'])) if times['response_finish_handled'] is not None: list_throttle_end.append(get_diff(times['throttle_start'],times['response_finish_handled'])) list_response_end.append(get_diff(times['response_in_db'],times['response_finish_handled'])) #if index == limit: # break statistic_for("Throttle send to router receive until msg is store in db:", list_throttle_msg_db) statistic_for("Throttle send to router receive until response is store in db:", list_throttle_response_db) statistic_for("Throttle send to router receive until response get categorized:", list_throttle_end) statistic_for("Since Response is created until its Categorization:", list_response_end)
def run_test(): """" psql -h localhost -U postgres -d ureport -c "select,, m.connection_id, c.identity from rapidsms_httprouter_message AS m, rapidsms_connection AS c where and m.connection_id in ($CONNECTION_ID for unsolicited messages)" > data_for_unsolicited_msgs.txt; """"" ini = 3 time_diff_msg_receive_to_db = [] with open('data_for_unsolicited_msgs.txt') as response_data: for index, line in enumerate(response_data): if index >= ini : times = getting_times_for(line) if(not_empty(times['message_in_db']) and not_empty(times['sms_received'])): time_diff_msg_receive_to_db.append(get_diff(times['sms_received'],times['message_in_db'])) statistic_for("Time that individual messages from yo to db", time_diff_msg_receive_to_db)
def run_test(): """ We would need: 1.- Filter individual messages from db -> get id, connection_id and date psql -U postgres -h localhost -d ureport -c "select id, connection_id, date from rapidsms_httprouter_message where direction='O' and id in ($MESSAGE_IDs THAT ARE NOT ASSOCIATED TO A POLL);" > individual_messages_dates.txt 2.- Get send_message logs from the time that a big poll was sent out. E.g. messenger.log """ ini = 3 time_diff_msg_db_to_send_out = [] with open("individual_messages_dates.txt") as response_data: for index, line in enumerate(response_data): if index >= ini: times = getting_times_for(line) time_diff_msg_db_to_send_out.append(get_diff(times["message_in_db"], times["sms_sent_out_time"])) statistic_for("Time that individual messages take to be sent out", time_diff_msg_db_to_send_out)