def stats(self): res = {} for val in stat_report = {} full_series = map(lambda x: x, val[1]) full_series = full_series[(len(full_series) / 4):] # Cut off first quarter to get more reliable data full_series_sorted = full_series full_series_sorted.sort() steady_series = full_series[int(len(full_series) * 0.7):] stat_report['mean'] = stats.mean(full_series) try: stat_report['stdev'] = stats.stdev(full_series) except ZeroDivisionError: stat_report['stdev'] = 0 stat_report['upper_0.1_percentile'] = self.percentile(full_series_sorted, 0.999) stat_report['lower_0.1_percentile'] = self.percentile(full_series_sorted, 0.001) stat_report['upper_1_percentile'] = self.percentile(full_series_sorted, 0.99) stat_report['lower_1_percentile'] = self.percentile(full_series_sorted, 0.01) stat_report['upper_5_percentile'] = self.percentile(full_series_sorted, 0.95) stat_report['lower_5_percentile'] = self.percentile(full_series_sorted, 0.05) stat_report['steady_mean'] = stats.mean(steady_series) try: stat_report['steady_stdev'] = stats.stdev(full_series) except ZeroDivisionError: stat_report['steady_stdev'] = 0 res[val[0]] = stat_report return res
def getRMSEstd(res, nFolds): """ Method for calculating the std of RMSE of nFolds in a crossvalidation (returned). res is the object containing the results from orngTest methods such as crossValidation. """ # Initialize a list to contain lists of errors for each fold. errorList = [] for idx in range(nFolds): errorList.append([]) # ex contains info on the fold number, prediction and actural responses for exah example used in the CV # Append ex error to correct fold list for ex in res.results: error = (ex.classes[0] - ex.actualClass)**2 errorList[ex.iterationNumber].append(error) # RMSE of the different folds RMSElist = [] for idx in range(nFolds): average = sum(errorList[idx]) / len(errorList[idx]) RMSElist.append(math.sqrt(average)) RMSEstd = stats.stdev(RMSElist) RMSEmean = statc.mean(RMSElist) if verbose > 0: print str(RMSEmean) + "\t" + str(RMSEstd) + "\t" + string.join( [str(x) for x in RMSElist], "\t") return RMSEstd, RMSElist
def get_mean_times(data, buildtype, include_outliers): return_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) all_times = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda d: d.values(), data.values()))) overall_mean = stats.mean(all_times) overall_stdev = stats.stdev(all_times) for (date, dateval) in data.iteritems(): typedict = {} for (type, times) in dateval.iteritems(): mean = stats.mean(times) if not include_outliers and len(times) > 1: included_values = [] for time in times: if abs(time - overall_mean) < 1.5*overall_stdev: included_values.append(time) if len(included_values) > 0: mean = stats.mean(included_values) else: mean = None typedict[type] = mean if buildtype == "maximum" and max(typedict.values()): return_data[date] = max(typedict.values()) elif typedict.get(buildtype): return_data[date] = typedict.get(buildtype, 0) return return_data
def set_quality_mean_and_variation_per_position(self): self.read_all_quality_strings_by_position() self.means = [mean(self.quality_string2score(s)) for s in self.quality_strings] self.stdevs = [stdev(self.quality_string2score(s)) for s in self.quality_strings] # relase the memory for quality_strings self.quality_strings = None
def main(): (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: print "\nPlease, select channel: 0/1\n" parser.print_help() else: if opts.verbose: verbose = True print "connecting to ", opts.ip_addr print "port number", opts.ip_port message = args[0] message = sendReceive(opts.ip_addr, opts.ip_port, opts.timeout, message, opts.verbose) #print "String:" #print message #print "Hex:" hexMessage = b2a_hex(message) #print hexMessage print "No. bytes: ", len(message) print "Done!" #Unpacking message msg_len = len(message) num = unpack(str(msg_len) + 'B', message) #print num num = map(lambda x: x - 128, num) #print num print "Maximum: ", max(num), "Minimum: ", min( num), "Mean: ", stats.mean( num), "Standard deviation: ", stats.stdev( num), "Variance: ", stats.var(num)
def main(): global qtimes,qerr reps = int(sys.argv[1]) for j in range(reps): jobs = [gevent.spawn(get_url, url) for url in urls] #print("Size of jobs is {n}".format(n=len(jobs))) gevent.joinall(jobs, timeout=30) if not qerr.empty(): qerr.put(StopIteration) for err in qerr: print(err) print("jobs size {s}".format(s=len(jobs))) print("qstart size {n}".format(n=qstart.qsize())) print("qtimes size {n}".format(n=qtimes.qsize())) qtimes.put(StopIteration) times = [] for item in qtimes: times.append(item) print("Min {t}".format(t=min(times))) print("Max {t}".format(t=max(times))) print("Mean {t}".format(t=stats.mean(times))) print("StdDev {t}".format(t=stats.stdev(times)))
def getRMSEstd(res, nFolds): """ Method for calculating the std of RMSE of nFolds in a crossvalidation (returned). res is the object containing the results from orngTest methods such as crossValidation. """ # Initialize a list to contain lists of errors for each fold. errorList = [] for idx in range(nFolds): errorList.append([]) # ex contains info on the fold number, prediction and actural responses for exah example used in the CV # Append ex error to correct fold list for ex in res.results: error = (ex.classes[0]- ex.actualClass)**2 errorList[ex.iterationNumber].append(error) # RMSE of the different folds RMSElist = [] for idx in range(nFolds): average = sum(errorList[idx])/len(errorList[idx]) RMSElist.append(math.sqrt(average)) RMSEstd = stats.stdev(RMSElist) RMSEmean = statc.mean(RMSElist) if verbose > 0: print str(RMSEmean)+"\t"+str(RMSEstd)+"\t"+string.join( [str(x) for x in RMSElist], "\t") return RMSEstd, RMSElist
def main(): ''' this is the main section {kernel: {machine : {[results]} } } ''' scales = {} data = send(template()) for kernel, results in data.iteritems(): for testid, run_data in results.iteritems(): machine = run_data.pop(0) print "\n%s" % (kernel,) for i in range(len(run_data)): for single_bench in run_data[i].itervalues(): if type(single_bench) == dict: value = [float(x) for x in single_bench.get("RawString").split(":")] val = stats.mean(value) if len(value) > 1: std = stats.stdev(value) else: std = float(0) name = single_bench.get("Name") attr = single_bench.get("Attributes") scale = single_bench.get("Scale") print "%s: %s (%s): %.2f %s (std %.2f)" % (machine, name, attr, val, scale, std) scales[scale] = scales.get(scale, "") print scales
def histogram(self, out_fname, large = False): assert # Hacky workaround in the case that a run had no data. for x in if len(x) == 0: x.extend([0,0]) if not large: font = fm.FontProperties(family=['sans-serif'],size='small',fname=FONT_FILE) mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 4 mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 4 mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1 else: font = fm.FontProperties(family=['sans-serif'],size=36,fname=FONT_FILE) mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 5 fig = plt.figure() # Set the margins for the plot to ensure a minimum of whitespace ax = plt.axes([0.12,0.12,0.85,0.85]) data = map(lambda x: x[1], mean = stats.mean(map(lambda x: x, reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, data))) stdev = stats.stdev(map(lambda x: x, reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, data))) labels = [] hists = [] for series, color in zip(, colors): clipped_data = clip(series[1], 0, 3 * mean) if clipped_data: _, _, foo = ax.hist(clipped_data, bins=200, histtype='bar', facecolor = color, alpha = .5, label = series[0]) hists.append(foo) labels.append(series[0]) else: print "Tried to make a histogram of a series of size 0" for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontproperties(font) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontproperties(font) ax.set_ylabel('Frequency', fontproperties = font) ax.set_xlabel('Latency (microseconds)', fontproperties = font) #simply should not be hardcoded but we want nice pictures now ax.grid(True) # Dirty hack to get around legend miscoloring: drop all the hists generated into the legend one by one if hists: plt.legend(map(lambda x: x[0], hists), labels, loc=1, prop = font) if not large: fig.set_size_inches(5,3.7) fig.set_dpi(90) plt.savefig(out_fname, bbox_inches="tight") else: ax.yaxis.LABELPAD = 40 ax.xaxis.LABELPAD = 40 fig.set_size_inches(20,14.8) fig.set_dpi(300) plt.savefig(out_fname, bbox_inches="tight")
def weighSample(): listOfValues = [] weight = float(0.0) count = 0 kcount = 0 averageWeight = 0.0 stdevWeight = 0.0 statustext = "Weighing sample" STATUS.set(statustext) statusWindow.update() a = [] ACOUNT.set(0) MCOUNT.set(0) AVERAGEWEIGHT.set(0.0) STDDEVWEIGHT.set(0.0) STATUS.set("") statusWindow.update() weightArray = [] stopCheck = STOPPED.get() averageWeight = 0.0 stdevWeight = 0.0 while STOPPED.get() < 1: statusWindow.update() result = [] weight = readStandardBalance() #print "WEIGHT: ", weight ACOUNT.set(ACOUNT.get() + 1) statusWindow.update() if weight is FALSE: pass elif weight > 0.0: count += 1 weightArray.append(weight) if (STOPPED.get() < 1 ): if count > 4: averageWeight = stats.mean(weightArray) stdevWeight = stats.stdev(weightArray) MCOUNT.set(count) if count < 5: statustext = " Count: %d the average weight of sample is <need at least 5 measurements>" % (count) else: statustext = "Count: %d the average weight of sample is: %f with stdev of: %f" % ( count, averageWeight, stdevWeight) STATUS.set(statustext) AVERAGEWEIGHT.set(averageWeight) STDDEVWEIGHT.set(stdevWeight) statusWindow.update() stopCheck = STOPPED.get() else: is_there_a_sample() sleep(1) NEXTSTEP.set(1) AVERAGEWEIGHT.set(averageWeight) STDDEVWEIGHT.set(stdevWeight) MCOUNT.set(count) return count, averageWeight, stdevWeight
def letters_between_spaces(str): #count the average word size words = str.split() wordCount = len(words) ch = [] for word in words: ch.append(len(word)) letterCountAverage = stats.mean(ch) letterCountStdDev = stats.stdev(ch) return None, {'letterAve/StdDev':letterCountAverage / letterCountStdDev}
def getmeanstdev(dist, center): # find the mean and standard deviation of the distance of each tract in a district from its centroid buildlist = [] for bginfo in attributes: if attributes[bginfo][13] == dist: buildlist.append(sqrt((center[0] - attributes[bginfo][1][0])**2 + (center[1] - attributes[bginfo][1][1])**2)) return stats.mean(buildlist), stats.stdev(buildlist)
def getmeanstdev(dist, center): # find the mean and standard deviation of the distance of each tract in a district from its centroid buildlist = [] for bginfo in attributes: if attributes[bginfo][13] == dist: buildlist.append( sqrt((center[0] - attributes[bginfo][1][0])**2 + (center[1] - attributes[bginfo][1][1])**2)) return stats.mean(buildlist), stats.stdev(buildlist)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Usage!" exit(1) database = sys.argv[2] points = sys.argv[1] boxData = csv.reader(open(points, "rb")) boxes = [] for row in boxData: if len(row) == 4: boxes.append({"time": long(row[0]), "size": float(row[1]), "position": (int(row[2]), int(row[3]))}) else: finishTime = long(row[0].split(":")[1]) conn = sqlite3.connect(database) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( 'select datetime,data from clues where kind="touch" and datetime between %d and %d' % (boxes[0]["time"], finishTime) ) touches = [] for touch in cur: time = long(touch[0]) data = touch[1].split(",") touches.append({"time": long(touch[0]), "position": (int(data[0]), int(data[1])), "pressure": float(data[2])}) timesForSize = {30: [], 60: [], 99: [], 129: []} mmsizes = {30: 3, 60: 6, 99: 10, 129: 13} deltas = [] for i, box in enumerate(boxes[:-1]): delta = (boxes[i + 1]["time"] - box["time"]) / 1000.0 timesForSize[box["size"]].append(delta) deltas.append(delta) deltas.append((finishTime - boxes[-1]["time"]) / 1000.0) for k, v in sorted(timesForSize.iteritems()): print "%d: %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f (%.3f bps)" % ( mmsizes[k], stats.mean(v), min(v), max(v), stats.stdev(v), 1 / stats.mean(v), )
def stats(self): res = {} for val in stat_report = {} full_series = map(lambda x: x, val[1]) full_series = full_series[( len(full_series) / 4):] # Cut off first quarter to get more reliable data full_series_sorted = full_series full_series_sorted.sort() steady_series = full_series[int(len(full_series) * 0.7):] stat_report['mean'] = stats.mean(full_series) try: stat_report['stdev'] = stats.stdev(full_series) except ZeroDivisionError: stat_report['stdev'] = 0 stat_report['upper_0.1_percentile'] = self.percentile( full_series_sorted, 0.999) stat_report['lower_0.1_percentile'] = self.percentile( full_series_sorted, 0.001) stat_report['upper_1_percentile'] = self.percentile( full_series_sorted, 0.99) stat_report['lower_1_percentile'] = self.percentile( full_series_sorted, 0.01) stat_report['upper_5_percentile'] = self.percentile( full_series_sorted, 0.95) stat_report['lower_5_percentile'] = self.percentile( full_series_sorted, 0.05) stat_report['steady_mean'] = stats.mean(steady_series) try: stat_report['steady_stdev'] = stats.stdev(full_series) except ZeroDivisionError: stat_report['steady_stdev'] = 0 res[val[0]] = stat_report return res
def RMSE_obsolete(res=None): """ Calculates the Root Mean Squared Error of orngTest.ExperimentResults in res The results res must be from a regressor """ # If Called without arguments, return the type of problems this method can be used for: # 1 - Classification problems (Discrete Class) # 2 - Regression problems (Continuous Class) # 3 - Both Regression and Classification problems (Continuous or Discrete Class) if res == None: return {"type": REGRESSION} if res.numberOfIterations > 1: MSEs = [[0.0] * res.numberOfIterations for i in range(res.numberOfLearners)] nIter = [0] * res.numberOfIterations for tex in res.results: ac = float(tex.actualClass) nIter[tex.iterationNumber] += 1 for i, cls in enumerate(tex.classes): MSEs[i][tex.iterationNumber] += (float(cls) - ac)**2 MSEs = [[x / ni for x, ni in zip(y, nIter)] for y in MSEs] MSEs = [[math.sqrt(x) for x in y] for y in MSEs] # Print output from each fold to tem file RMSEfoldList = MSEs RMSE = [statc.mean(x) for x in RMSEfoldList] RMSEstd = stats.stdev(RMSEfoldList[0]) #print str(RMSE[0])+"\t"+str(RMSEstd)+"\t"+string.join( [str(x) for x in RMSEfoldList[0]] , "\t") return [round(statc.mean(x), 2) for x in MSEs] else: MSEs = [0.0] * res.numberOfLearners for tex in res.results: MSEs = map(lambda res, cls, ac=float(tex.actualClass): res + (float(cls) - ac)**2, MSEs, tex.classes) MSEs = [x / (len(res.results)) for x in MSEs] return [round(math.sqrt(x), 2) for x in MSEs]
def CA_obsolete(res=None, returnFoldStat=False): """ Calculates the classification Accuracy of orngTest.ExperimentResults in res The results res must be from a classifier """ # If Called without arguments, return the type of problems this method can be used for: # 1 - Classification problems (Discrete Class) # 2 - Regression problems (Continuous Class) # 3 - Both Regression and Classification problems (Continuous or Discrete Class) if res == None: return {"type": CLASSIFICATION} if res.numberOfIterations > 1: CAs = [[0.0] * res.numberOfIterations for i in range(res.numberOfLearners)] nIter = [0] * res.numberOfIterations for tex in res.results: ac = tex.actualClass nIter[tex.iterationNumber] += 1 for i, cls in enumerate(tex.classes): if cls == ac: CAs[i][tex.iterationNumber] += 1 CAs = [[x / ni for x, ni in zip(y, nIter)] for y in CAs] CAfoldList = CAs CA = [statc.mean(x) for x in CAs] CAstd = stats.stdev(CAfoldList[0]) if returnFoldStat: return [round(statc.mean(x), 3) for x in CAs], CAfoldList else: return [round(statc.mean(x), 3) for x in CAs] else: CAs = [0.0] * res.numberOfLearners for tex in res.results: CAs = map(lambda res, cls, ac=tex.actualClass: res + types.IntType( cls == ac), CAs, tex.classes) return [round(x / (len(res.results)), 3) for x in CAs]
def printStats(self): """ Print the stats for each of the hammers, and do some on the fly general stats """ allTimes = [] print "----------------------------\n Per Hammer stats:\n----------------------------" #print out the stats for each hammer i = 0 data = (datetime.timedelta(0), 0) for history in self.histories: point = self._printStat(i, history, allTimes) data = (data[0] + point[0], data[1] + point[1]) print '\n' i += 1 #print out general statistics print "------------------------------\n General Stats:\n------------------------------" print 'Total writes:\t', data[1] print 'Total time spent writing:\t', str(data[0]) print 'Mean time spent writing:\t', str(data[0] / data[1]) #We could add more information here about the stats, now that all the times are gathered print 'Standard deviation:\t\t', stats.stdev(allTimes)
def RMSE_obsolete(res = None): """ Calculates the Root Mean Squared Error of orngTest.ExperimentResults in res The results res must be from a regressor """ # If Called without arguments, return the type of problems this method can be used for: # 1 - Classification problems (Discrete Class) # 2 - Regression problems (Continuous Class) # 3 - Both Regression and Classification problems (Continuous or Discrete Class) if res == None: return {"type":REGRESSION} if res.numberOfIterations > 1: MSEs = [[0.0] * res.numberOfIterations for i in range(res.numberOfLearners)] nIter = [0]*res.numberOfIterations for tex in res.results: ac = float(tex.actualClass) nIter[tex.iterationNumber] += 1 for i, cls in enumerate(tex.classes): MSEs[i][tex.iterationNumber] += (float(cls) - ac)**2 MSEs = [[x/ni for x, ni in zip(y, nIter)] for y in MSEs] MSEs = [[math.sqrt(x) for x in y] for y in MSEs] # Print output from each fold to tem file RMSEfoldList = MSEs RMSE = [statc.mean(x) for x in RMSEfoldList] RMSEstd = stats.stdev(RMSEfoldList[0]) #print str(RMSE[0])+"\t"+str(RMSEstd)+"\t"+string.join( [str(x) for x in RMSEfoldList[0]] , "\t") return [round(statc.mean(x),2) for x in MSEs] else: MSEs = [0.0]*res.numberOfLearners for tex in res.results: MSEs = map(lambda res, cls, ac = float(tex.actualClass): res + (float(cls) - ac)**2, MSEs, tex.classes) MSEs = [x/(len(res.results)) for x in MSEs] return [round(math.sqrt(x),2) for x in MSEs]
def CA_obsolete(res = None, returnFoldStat = False): """ Calculates the classification Accuracy of orngTest.ExperimentResults in res The results res must be from a classifier """ # If Called without arguments, return the type of problems this method can be used for: # 1 - Classification problems (Discrete Class) # 2 - Regression problems (Continuous Class) # 3 - Both Regression and Classification problems (Continuous or Discrete Class) if res == None: return {"type":CLASSIFICATION} if res.numberOfIterations > 1: CAs = [[0.0] * res.numberOfIterations for i in range(res.numberOfLearners)] nIter = [0]*res.numberOfIterations for tex in res.results: ac = tex.actualClass nIter[tex.iterationNumber] += 1 for i, cls in enumerate(tex.classes): if cls == ac: CAs[i][tex.iterationNumber] += 1 CAs = [[x/ni for x, ni in zip(y, nIter)] for y in CAs] CAfoldList = CAs CA = [statc.mean(x) for x in CAs] CAstd = stats.stdev(CAfoldList[0]) if returnFoldStat: return [round(statc.mean(x),3) for x in CAs], CAfoldList else: return [round(statc.mean(x),3) for x in CAs] else: CAs = [0.0]*res.numberOfLearners for tex in res.results: CAs = map(lambda res, cls, ac = tex.actualClass: res + types.IntType(cls == ac), CAs, tex.classes) return [round(x/(len(res.results)),3) for x in CAs]
def final(): i = 0 iteracoes = zip(*totIteracoes) print ' ' print ' ' print '******************************************************************' print 'Media e desvio padrao das iteracoes:' for prec in precs: print '------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Precisao: %d' % prec print 'Media: %d' % stats.mean(iteracoes[i]) print 'Maximo: %d' % max(iteracoes[i]) print 'Minimo: %d' % min(iteracoes[i]) print 'Desvio: %d' % stats.stdev(iteracoes[i]) i+=1 print '------------------------------------------------------------------' ticks = range(1,i+1) pylab.boxplot(iteracoes) pylab.title('Distribuicao das Iteracoes') pylab.xlabel('Precisao da raiz em casas decimais') pylab.ylabel('Quantidade de Iteracoes') pylab.xticks(ticks,precs)
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) < 3): print "Usage!" exit(1) points = sys.argv[1] database = sys.argv[2] boxData = csv.reader(open(points, 'rb')) boxes = [] for row in boxData: if (len(row) == 4): boxes.append({"time":long(row[0]), "size":float(row[1]), "position":(int(row[2]),int(row[3]))}) else: finishTime = long(row[0].split(':')[1]) conn = sqlite3.connect(database) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('select datetime,data from clues where kind="touch" and datetime between %d and %d' % (boxes[0]['time'],finishTime)) touches = [] for touch in cur: time = long(touch[0]) data = touch[1].split(',') touches.append({"time":long(touch[0]), "position":(int(data[0]),int(data[1])), "pressure":float(data[2])}) timesForSize = {30:[], 60:[], 99:[], 129:[]} deltas = [] for i,box in enumerate(boxes[:-1]): delta = (boxes[i+1]['time'] - box['time'])/1000.0 timesForSize[box['size']].append(delta) deltas.append(delta) deltas.append((finishTime - boxes[-1]['time'])/1000.0) minimum = min(deltas) maximum = max(deltas) mean = stats.mean(deltas) stddev = stats.stdev(deltas) for k,v in sorted(timesForSize.iteritems()): print "%d: %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f (%.3f bps)" % (k, min(v), stats.mean(v), max(v), stats.stdev(v), 1/stats.mean(v)) print "Avg: %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f (%.3f boxes per second)" % (minimum, mean, maximum, stddev, 1/mean) boxesWithTouches = [] for i,box in enumerate(boxes[:-1]): time = box['time'] nextTime = boxes[i+1]['time'] def f(x): return x['time'] > time and x['time'] < nextTime associatedTouches = filter(f, touches) boxesWithTouches.append({'size': box['size'], 'position': box['position'], 'touches':associatedTouches}) mags = [] magsPerSize = [] sizes = [30, 60, 99, 129] for buttonSize in sizes: def sizeOfBox(t): return t['size'] == buttonSize boxes = filter(sizeOfBox, boxesWithTouches) for boxWithTouch in boxes: center = boxWithTouch['position'] for touch in boxWithTouch['touches']: tapPos = touch['position'] deltaX = center[0] - tapPos[0] deltaY = center[1] - tapPos[1] mags.append(math.sqrt(pow(deltaX, 2) + pow(deltaY, 2))) magsPerSize = magsPerSize + mags mags = [] magsPerSize = []
def mean_stdev(vals, null_val=-1): vals2 = [i for i in vals if i != null_val] return int(round(mean(vals2), 0)), stdev(vals2), len(vals2)
def adc_var ( ip_addr, ip_port, timeout, channel, packetNumber, buffer_size, verbose): s_adc = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) s_adc.settimeout( int(timeout) ) # try connection try: s_adc.connect( (ip_addr, int( ip_port ) ) ) except: print "adc_var(): Error, no ADC connection, port: ", ip_port, s_adc.close() sys.exit() # open connection message = sendReceive ( s_adc, channel, packetNumber, buffer_size, verbose ) # close connection s_adc.close() # unpacking message msg_len = len(message) if msg_len > 0: num = unpack(str(msg_len)+'B', message) # add offset, [0 255] -> [-128 128] num = map(lambda x: x-128, num) if verbose: print "Min=", min(num), "Max=", max(num), "Mean=", stats.mean(num), "Var=", stats.var(num), "Std=", stats.stdev(num) var = stats.var(num) else: var = "N/A" return var
#if qerrors.qsize(): #for err in qerrors: #print(err) #if qstart.qsize(): #print("START: {e}".format(e=qstart.qsize())) print("Build times") bstart = time.time() times = [] #i =0 if qtimes.qsize(): qtimes.put(StopIteration) #print(qtimes.qsize()) for item in qtimes: #i += 1 #print(i, item) times.append(item) # The len of times[] indicates the number or successful responses. # The len should equal max_connections * iterations from the command line. print("Time spent building time[]: {t} len={l}".format(t=time.time() - bstart, l=len(times))) print("Round trip time:") print("Min {t}".format(t=min(times))) print("Max {t}".format(t=max(times))) if sys.version[0] == "2": print("Mean {t}".format(t=stats.mean(times))) print("StdDev {t}".format(t=stats.stdev(times))) #print("Invalid responses={i}".format(i=invalid_responses))
print '\nVARIATION' print 'obrientransform:' l = range(1,21) a = N.array(l) ll = [l]*5 aa = N.array(ll) print stats.obrientransform(l,l,l,l,l) print stats.obrientransform(a,a,a,a,a) print 'samplevar:',stats.samplevar(l),stats.samplevar(a) print 'samplestdev:',stats.samplestdev(l),stats.samplestdev(a) print 'var:',stats.var(l),stats.var(a) print 'stdev:',stats.stdev(l),stats.stdev(a) print 'sterr:',stats.sterr(l),stats.sterr(a) print 'sem:',stats.sem(l),stats.sem(a) print 'z:',stats.z(l,4),stats.z(a,4) print 'zs:' print stats.zs(l) print stats.zs(a) print '\nTRIMMING' print 'trimboth:' print stats.trimboth(l,.2) print stats.trimboth(lf,.2) print stats.trimboth(a,.2) print stats.trimboth(af,.2) print 'trim1:' print stats.trim1(l,.2)
def standard_deviation(values): try: return stats.stdev(values) except ZeroDivisionError: return None
def compare_test_durations(tree1, revision1, tree2, revision2, submitter): revision_count = 10 if revision1: control_revision = revision1 else: if DEBUG: print 'finding the most recent changeset with all tests completed' control_revision = get_range_of_recent_commits(find_most_recent_completed_commit(), count=revision_count) if not control_revision: return None if DEBUG: print 'getting durations from ES for changeset', control_revision if isinstance(control_revision, list): control = get_median_duration_for_ES_commit_list(control_revision) else: control = [get_durations_for_ES_commit(control_revision)] if tree2 == 'try': trylogs = get_list_of_try_logs('%s-%s' % (submitter, revision2)) if DEBUG: print "parsing try logs" test = get_durations_from_trylogs(trylogs) elif tree2 == 'mozilla-central': if not revision2: revision2 = find_most_recent_completed_commit() test = get_durations_for_ES_commit(revision2) else: raise Exception("Unsupported tree %s" % tree2) results = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) totals = [0 for x in range(0, len(control))] test_total = 0 for plat in test: test_suites = test.get(plat, {}) for suite in test_suites: testtime = int(test[plat][suite]) timelist = [int(x.get(plat, {}).get(suite)) for x in control if x.get(plat, {}).get(suite)] results[plat][suite] = {'mean': stats.mean(timelist), 'stdev': stats.stdev(timelist) if len(timelist) > 1 else 0, 'testtime': testtime } totallist = [int(x.get(plat, {}).get(suite)) if x.get(plat, {}).get(suite) else testtime for x in control] totals = [y + totals[x] for x,y in enumerate(totallist)] test_total += testtime return { 'durations': results, 'totals': { 'mean': stats.mean(totals), 'stdev': stats.stdev(totals) if len(totals) > 1 else 0, 'testtime': test_total }, 'revisions': [ { 'tree': 'mozilla-central', 'revision': control_revision }, { 'tree': tree2, 'revision': revision2 } ]}
output = "Pathway analysis. Result dir: %s. Performed at %s" % (RESULT_DIR, str( output += "\n1. Statistics\n" output += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" output += " Interaction_component_counts CoulombEnergy_Contribution \n" output += " Box Sum_of_interacting_atoms CloseContact Hydrophobic HydrogenBond Electrostatic mean stddev \n" output += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" pattern1= " %s %4s %s %s %s %s %10.3f %10.3f \n" for i in range(len(p)): elec_energies = p[i].statistics['coulomb_energies'] output += pattern1 % (i+1, p[i].statistics['sum'], p[i].statistics['closecontact'], p[i].statistics['hydrophobic'], p[i].statistics['hydrogen'], p[i].statistics['electrostatic'], (stats.mean(elec_energies),0.0)[len(elec_energies) == 0], (stats.stdev(elec_energies),0.0)[len(elec_energies) == 0] ) OFILE = open('pathway_analysis.txt','w') OFILE.write(output) output = "\n2.Details. List of residues with high-frequency (>= 40%) of interactions in each box\n" output += "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" output += " Box Residue Interaction_frequency Receptor_states\n" output += " CloseContact Hydrophobic HydrogenBond Electrostatic All \n" output += "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" pattern2= " %s %s %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %s\n" residue_set = [] for i in range(len(p)): residue_set.append( [] ) for res in p[i].all_residues: if p[i].frequency(res) >= 0.4:
def main(): townSize = 100 duration = 100 if debugMode == 1: iterations = 1 trials = 1 else: iterations = 100 trials = 35 fPercentBase = 0 fPercentDelta = 0 tPercentBase = 0 tPercentDelta = 1 deathHungerBase = 2 deathHungerDelta = 0 maxHarvestBase = 5 maxHarvestDelta = 0 previousMean = 0 previousStDev = 0 for iteration in range(iterations): fPercent = fPercentBase + (fPercentDelta * iteration) tPercent = tPercentBase + (tPercentDelta * iteration) deathHunger = deathHungerBase + (deathHungerDelta * iteration) maxHarvest = maxHarvestBase + (maxHarvestDelta * iteration) numFishers = int(fPercent * (townSize / 100)) numTeachers = int(tPercent * (townSize / 100)) survivingPops = [] for trial in range(trials): Canvas = [] # Create first two towns Canvas.append(Town()) for i in range(numFishers): Canvas[0].Home.add(Man(i, 1)) if numTeachers > 1: for i in range(numTeachers): Canvas[0].Home.add(Man(i, 2)) for i in range(townSize - numFishers - numTeachers): Canvas[0].Home.add(Man(i, 0)) for day in range(duration): Canvas[day].morningCommute() Canvas[day].stockMarket() Canvas[day].sellMarket() Canvas[day].fishingDay(maxHarvest) Canvas[day].returnHome() if debugMode == 1: print "Before deathHunger on day " + str(day) + ", home population is " + str(len(Canvas[day].Home)) + " and there are " + str(len(Canvas[day].Market)) + " people hungry in the market" Canvas[day].assessHunger(deathHunger) if debugMode == 1: print "At the end of day " + str(day) + ", home population is " + str(len(Canvas[day].Home)) + " and there are " + str(len(Canvas[day].Market)) + " people hungry in the market" Canvas.append(Town()) Canvas[day + 1].clone(Canvas[day]) survivingPops.append(len(Canvas[day].Home)) if displayPops == 1: print survivingPops currentMean = stats.mean(survivingPops) currentStDev = stats.stdev(survivingPops) if displayPops == 1: print str(currentMean) + ", " + str(currentStDev) else: print str(currentMean) + ", " previousMean = currentMean previousStDev = currentStDev
def main(argv): global sqlitefile global csvfilename csvfilename = None # need to set this to some sane default because ensureValidTestID() won't work without it try: sqlitefile = 'resultdb.sqlite' opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hf:e:', ('help', 'db=', 'csv=')) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt in ('-f', '--db='): sqlitefile = arg ensureValidTestID() elif opt in ('-e', '--csv='): csvfilename = arg ensureValidTestID() writecsv(csvfilename, sometestid) sys.exit(0) # ---- INIT ---- # dbconn = sqlite3.connect(sqlitefile) # dbconn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # c = dbconn.cursor() getSQLiteConn() myquery = 'SELECT test_id, date, hits, up, time, data, resptime, trans, bw, concur, ok, fail, long, short FROM siege WHERE test_id LIKE \'' + str( sometestid) + '%\'' #todo = ['hits', 'up', 'time', 'data', 'resptime', 'trans', 'bw', 'concur', 'ok', 'fail', 'long', 'short'] floats = ('up', 'time', 'data', 'resptime', 'trans', 'bw', 'concur', 'long', 'short') ints = ('hits', 'ok', 'fail') # todo is a dict with each key as the col name and each val as a list containing all the vals """ Siege example return and var types (u'mysql-1-1', u'1303101006.08', u'6830', u'85.88', u'352.12', u'48.83', u'5.05', u'19.40', u'0.14', u'97.88', u'6840', u'1123', u'15.41', u'0.56') str(test_id) int(date) int(hits) float(up) float(time) float(data) float(resptime) float(trans) float(bw) float(concur) int(ok) int(fail) float(long) float(short) """ mydict = {} # create empty lists for i in floats + ints: mydict[i] = [] # we can now just map keys in our dict to results in the DB query since the names are 1:1 data = c.execute(myquery) numrows = c.fetchone() if numrows is None: print "No tests found when using test ID selector:", sometestid print "Displaying a list of test IDs in", sqlitefile for row in c.execute('select test_id from siege'): print row[0] print '(For help / usage info, see', sys.argv[0], '--help)' sys.exit(2) for row in data: for key in floats: mydict[key].append(float(row[key])) for key in ints: mydict[key].append(int(row[key])) meandict = {} mediandict = {} stdevdict = {} for key, val in mydict.iteritems(): meandict[key] = stats.mean(val) stdevdict[key] = stats.stdev(val) mediandict[key] = getMedian(val) print 'Test ID selector: ' + sometestid print "Raw dump of dataset to parse: " print mydict print '\r\nMean: ' print meandict print '\r\nMedian: ' print mediandict print '\r\nStandard Deviation: ' print stdevdict # select test_id, datetime(date, 'unixepoch') from siege where test_id = 'mysql-1-1'; #print mydict['trans'] # ---- MAIN ---- return
print '\nVARIATION' print 'obrientransform:' l = range(1, 21) a = N.array(l) ll = [l] * 5 aa = N.array(ll) print stats.obrientransform(l, l, l, l, l) print stats.obrientransform(a, a, a, a, a) print 'samplevar:', stats.samplevar(l), stats.samplevar(a) print 'samplestdev:', stats.samplestdev(l), stats.samplestdev(a) print 'var:', stats.var(l), stats.var(a) print 'stdev:', stats.stdev(l), stats.stdev(a) print 'sterr:', stats.sterr(l), stats.sterr(a) print 'sem:', stats.sem(l), stats.sem(a) print 'z:', stats.z(l, 4), stats.z(a, 4) print 'zs:' print stats.zs(l) print stats.zs(a) print '\nTRIMMING' print 'trimboth:' print stats.trimboth(l, .2) print stats.trimboth(lf, .2) print stats.trimboth(a, .2) print stats.trimboth(af, .2) print 'trim1:' print stats.trim1(l, .2)
output = "Pathway analysis. Result dir: %s. Performed at %s" % (RESULT_DIR, str( output += "\n1. Statistics\n" output += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" output += " Interaction_component_counts CoulombEnergy_Contribution \n" output += " Box Sum_of_interacting_atoms CloseContact Hydrophobic HydrogenBond Electrostatic mean stddev \n" output += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" pattern1= " %s %4s %s %s %s %s %10.3f %10.3f \n" for i in range(len(p)): elec_energies = p[i].statistics['coulomb_energies'] output += pattern1 % (i+1, p[i].statistics['sum'], p[i].statistics['closecontact'], p[i].statistics['hydrophobic'], p[i].statistics['hydrogen'], p[i].statistics['electrostatic'], (stats.mean(elec_energies),0.0)[len(elec_energies) == 0], (stats.stdev(elec_energies),0.0)[len(elec_energies) == 0] ) OFILE = open('pathway_analysis.txt','w') OFILE.write(output) output = "\n2.Details. List of residues with high-frequency (>= 40%) of interactions in each box\n" output += "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" output += " Box Residue Interaction_frequency Receptor_states\n" output += " CloseContact Hydrophobic HydrogenBond Electrostatic All \n" output += "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" pattern2= " %s %s %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %s\n" residue_set = [] for i in range(len(p)): residue_set.append( [] ) for res in p[i].all_residues: if p[i].frequency(res) >= 0.3:
def test_stdev(self): "Testing stdev" data = [ self.L, self.A ] for d in data: self.EQ( stats.stdev( d ), 5.9160797831 )
def cull_outliers(data, n_sigma): mean = stats.mean(map(lambda x: x, data)) sigma = stats.stdev(map(lambda x: x, data)) return filter(lambda x: abs(x - mean) < n_sigma * sigma, data)
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) < 3): print "Usage!" exit(1) database = sys.argv[2] points = sys.argv[1] boxData = list(csv.reader(open(points, 'rb'))) boxes = [{"time":long(row[0]), "size":float(row[1]), "position":(int(row[2]),int(row[3]))} for row in boxData[:-1]] finishTime = long(boxData[-1][0].split(':')[1]) conn = sqlite3.connect(database) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('select datetime,data from clues where kind="touch" and datetime between %d and %d' % (boxes[0]['time'],finishTime)) touches = [{'time':long(t[0]), 'position':(int(t[1].split(',')[0]), int(t[1].split(',')[1])), 'pressure':float(t[1].split(',')[2])} for t in cur] boxesWithTouches = [] for i,box in enumerate(boxes[:-1]): time = box['time'] nextTime = boxes[i+1]['time'] def f(x): return x['time'] > time and x['time'] < nextTime associatedTouches = filter(f, touches) numTaps = 1 for j,touch in enumerate(associatedTouches[:-1]): currentTouchTime = touch['time'] nextTouchTime = associatedTouches[j+1]['time'] if (nextTouchTime - currentTouchTime) > 100: numTaps += 1 boxesWithTouches.append({'size': box['size'], 'position': box['position'], 'touches':associatedTouches, 'attempts':numTaps}) numTaps = 0 # Finish up with the last box box = boxes[-1] time = boxes[-1]['time'] nextTime = finishTime def f(x): return x['time'] > time and x['time'] < nextTime associatedTouches = filter(f, touches) numTaps = 1 for j,touch in enumerate(associatedTouches[:-1]): currentTouchTime = touch['time'] nextTouchTime = associatedTouches[j+1]['time'] if (nextTouchTime - currentTouchTime) > 100: numTaps += 1 boxesWithTouches.append({'size': box['size'], 'position': box['position'], 'touches':associatedTouches, 'attempts':numTaps}) sizes = [30, 60, 99, 129] mmsizes = [3,6,10,13] for buttonSize in sizes: def sizeOfBox(t): return t['size'] == buttonSize filteredBoxes = filter(sizeOfBox, boxesWithTouches) listOfAttempts = [box['attempts'] for box in filteredBoxes] print "%d: %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f" % (mmsizes[sizes.index(buttonSize)], stats.mean(listOfAttempts), min(listOfAttempts), max(listOfAttempts), stats.stdev(listOfAttempts))
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import re from statlib import stats if __name__ == '__main__': a = [] for i in xrange(501): a.append([]) m = re.compile("(?P<l>\d+)\s(?P<m>\d+)") L = sys.stdin.readlines() for l in L: s = m.match(l) length = int("l")) length -= length%10 +5 a[length].append(int("m"))) b = [] for i in xrange(200,501): if (a[i] != []): print i, stats.mean(a[i]), stats.stdev(a[i]) # b.append(len(a[i])) # print stats.mean(b), stats.stdev(b)
def test_stdev(self): "Testing stdev" data = [self.L, self.A] for d in data: self.EQ(stats.stdev(d), 5.9160797831)
if delta_flag: return delta if __name__ == "__main__": start_date = datetime.strptime(raw_input("Start date: "), '%Y%m%d') day_range = int(raw_input("Day Range: ")) sample_days = int(raw_input("Sample days: ")) company_list = CompanyList(raw_input("Company List: ")) stocks_per_day = int(raw_input("Stocks per day: ")) percents_correct = [ float(p) for p in raw_input("Percents correct: ").split(",") ] results = {} for trial in range(len(percents_correct)): deltas = run_experiment(company_list=company_list, sample_days=sample_days, start_date=start_date, day_range=day_range, percent_correct=percents_correct[trial], stocks_per_day=stocks_per_day) print "Percent correct: %f, %s" % (percents_correct[trial], str(deltas)) print "\t (%f, %f)" % (stats.mean(deltas), stats.stdev(deltas)) results[percents_correct[trial]] = deltas print results
def main(argv): global sqlitefile global csvfilename csvfilename = None # need to set this to some sane default because ensureValidTestID() won't work without it try: sqlitefile = 'resultdb.sqlite' opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hf:e:', ('help', 'db=', 'csv=')) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt in ('-f', '--db='): sqlitefile = arg ensureValidTestID() elif opt in ('-e','--csv='): csvfilename = arg ensureValidTestID() writecsv(csvfilename, sometestid) sys.exit(0) # ---- INIT ---- # dbconn = sqlite3.connect(sqlitefile) # dbconn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # c = dbconn.cursor() getSQLiteConn() myquery = 'SELECT test_id, date, hits, up, time, data, resptime, trans, bw, concur, ok, fail, long, short FROM siege WHERE test_id LIKE \'' + str(sometestid) + '%\'' #todo = ['hits', 'up', 'time', 'data', 'resptime', 'trans', 'bw', 'concur', 'ok', 'fail', 'long', 'short'] floats = ('up', 'time', 'data', 'resptime', 'trans', 'bw', 'concur', 'long', 'short') ints = ('hits', 'ok', 'fail') # todo is a dict with each key as the col name and each val as a list containing all the vals """ Siege example return and var types (u'mysql-1-1', u'1303101006.08', u'6830', u'85.88', u'352.12', u'48.83', u'5.05', u'19.40', u'0.14', u'97.88', u'6840', u'1123', u'15.41', u'0.56') str(test_id) int(date) int(hits) float(up) float(time) float(data) float(resptime) float(trans) float(bw) float(concur) int(ok) int(fail) float(long) float(short) """ mydict = {} # create empty lists for i in floats + ints: mydict[i] = [] # we can now just map keys in our dict to results in the DB query since the names are 1:1 data = c.execute(myquery) numrows = c.fetchone() if numrows is None: print "No tests found when using test ID selector:", sometestid print "Displaying a list of test IDs in", sqlitefile for row in c.execute('select test_id from siege'): print row[0] print '(For help / usage info, see', sys.argv[0], '--help)' sys.exit(2) for row in data: for key in floats: mydict[key].append(float(row[key])) for key in ints: mydict[key].append(int(row[key])) meandict = {} mediandict = {} stdevdict = {} for key, val in mydict.iteritems(): meandict[key] = stats.mean(val) stdevdict[key] = stats.stdev(val) mediandict[key] = getMedian(val) print 'Test ID selector: ' + sometestid print "Raw dump of dataset to parse: " print mydict print '\r\nMean: ' print meandict print '\r\nMedian: ' print mediandict print '\r\nStandard Deviation: ' print stdevdict # select test_id, datetime(date, 'unixepoch') from siege where test_id = 'mysql-1-1'; #print mydict['trans'] # ---- MAIN ---- return
def histogram(self, out_fname, large=False): assert # Hacky workaround in the case that a run had no data. for x in if len(x) == 0: x.extend([0, 0]) if not large: font = fm.FontProperties(family=['sans-serif'], size='small', fname=FONT_FILE) mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 4 mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 4 mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1 else: font = fm.FontProperties(family=['sans-serif'], size=36, fname=FONT_FILE) mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 5 fig = plt.figure() # Set the margins for the plot to ensure a minimum of whitespace ax = plt.axes([0.12, 0.12, 0.85, 0.85]) data = map(lambda x: x[1], mean = stats.mean(map(lambda x: x, reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, data))) stdev = stats.stdev(map(lambda x: x, reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, data))) labels = [] hists = [] for series, color in zip(, colors): clipped_data = clip(series[1], 0, 3 * mean) if clipped_data: _, _, foo = ax.hist(clipped_data, bins=200, histtype='bar', facecolor=color, alpha=.5, label=series[0]) hists.append(foo) labels.append(series[0]) else: print "Tried to make a histogram of a series of size 0" for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontproperties(font) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontproperties(font) ax.set_ylabel('Frequency', fontproperties=font) ax.set_xlabel( 'Latency (microseconds)', fontproperties=font ) #simply should not be hardcoded but we want nice pictures now ax.grid(True) # Dirty hack to get around legend miscoloring: drop all the hists generated into the legend one by one if hists: plt.legend(map(lambda x: x[0], hists), labels, loc=1, prop=font) if not large: fig.set_size_inches(5, 3.7) fig.set_dpi(90) plt.savefig(out_fname, bbox_inches="tight") else: ax.yaxis.LABELPAD = 40 ax.xaxis.LABELPAD = 40 fig.set_size_inches(20, 14.8) fig.set_dpi(300) plt.savefig(out_fname, bbox_inches="tight")
def evaluate(self, *args, **params): return _stats.stdev(*args, **params)
print('\nVARIATION') print('obrientransform:') l = list(range(1, 21)) a = N.array(l) ll = [l] * 5 aa = N.array(ll) print(stats.obrientransform(l, l, l, l, l)) print(stats.obrientransform(a, a, a, a, a)) print('samplevar:', stats.samplevar(l), stats.samplevar(a)) print('samplestdev:', stats.samplestdev(l), stats.samplestdev(a)) print('var:', stats.var(l), stats.var(a)) print('stdev:', stats.stdev(l), stats.stdev(a)) print('sterr:', stats.sterr(l), stats.sterr(a)) print('sem:', stats.sem(l), stats.sem(a)) print('z:', stats.z(l, 4), stats.z(a, 4)) print('zs:') print(stats.zs(l)) print(stats.zs(a)) print('\nTRIMMING') print('trimboth:') print(stats.trimboth(l, .2)) print(stats.trimboth(lf, .2)) print(stats.trimboth(a, .2)) print(stats.trimboth(af, .2)) print('trim1:') print(stats.trim1(l, .2))
# run in wt/visual-cluster from statlib import stats OFILE = open("stats.txt",'w') for i in range(1,8): BEs = [] IFILE = open("visual_cluster-%s.pdb" % i, 'r') for l in IFILE: values = l.split() BEs.append(float(values[9]) / 0.7) # if given BEs are weighted OFILE.write("visual_cluster-%s: %s, stddev %s, lower %s, upper %s, min %s, max %s, median %s \n" % (i,stats.mean(BEs), stats.stdev(BEs), stats.scoreatpercentile(BEs,25), stats.scoreatpercentile(BEs,75), min(BEs), max(BEs), stats.median(BEs) )) OFILE.close()
def stdev(self): return stats.stdev(self.deltas)
output = "Pathway analysis. Result dir: %s. Performed at %s" % ( RESULT_DIR, str( output += "\n1. Statistics\n" output += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" output += " Interaction_component_counts CoulombEnergy_Contribution \n" output += " Box Sum_of_interacting_atoms CloseContact Hydrophobic HydrogenBond Electrostatic mean stddev \n" output += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" pattern1 = " %s %4s %s %s %s %s %10.3f %10.3f \n" for i in range(len(p)): elec_energies = p[i].statistics['coulomb_energies'] output += pattern1 % ( i + 1, p[i].statistics['sum'], p[i].statistics['closecontact'], p[i].statistics['hydrophobic'], p[i].statistics['hydrogen'], p[i].statistics['electrostatic'], (stats.mean(elec_energies), 0.0)[len(elec_energies) == 0], (stats.stdev(elec_energies), 0.0)[len(elec_energies) == 0]) OFILE = open('pathway_analysis.txt', 'w') OFILE.write(output) output = "\n2.Details. List of residues with high-frequency (>= 40%) of interactions in each box\n" output += "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" output += " Box Residue Interaction_frequency Receptor_states\n" output += " CloseContact Hydrophobic HydrogenBond Electrostatic All \n" output += "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" pattern2 = " %s %s %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %s\n" residue_set = [] for i in range(len(p)): residue_set.append([]) for res in p[i].all_residues: if p[i].frequency(res) >= 0.4: # get list of receptors by specified residue