def test_defaults_flag_to_now(self, monkeypatch): """Tests that the flag is defaulted to the time of instantiation if no flag is given.""" now = 27 monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'time', lambda: now) metrics = [KeyValue("k", 27)] assert [("kv.k", 27, now)] == KeyValue.fold(metrics, 0)
def test_flushes_collected_metrics(self, metrics_store): """ Tests that the default aggregator properly flushes the collected metrics to the metric store. """ now = 17 agg = DefaultAggregator(metrics_store) agg.add_metrics([KeyValue("k", 1, now)]) agg.add_metrics([KeyValue("k", 2, now)]) agg.flush() assert [("kv.k", 1, now), ("kv.k", 2, now)] ==
def test_defaults_flag_to_now(self, monkeypatch): """Tests that the flag is defaulted to the time of instantiation if no flag is given.""" now = 27 monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'time', lambda: now) metrics = [KeyValue("k", 27)] assert [("k", 27, now)] == KeyValue.fold(metrics, 0)
def test_add_metrics(self, aggregator): """ Tests that add_metrics successfully adds an array of metrics to the configured aggregator. """ now = 17 metrics = [KeyValue("k", 1, now), Counter("j", 2)] Collector(aggregator)._add_metrics(metrics) assert metrics == aggregator.metrics
def test_fold_metrics_works(self, monkeypatch): """ Tests that aggregators can fold metrics properly. """ now = 12 monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'time', lambda: now) metrics = [KeyValue("k", 1, now), Counter("j", 2)] result = Aggregator(None)._fold_metrics(metrics) assert 1 == result.count(("kv.k", 1, now)) assert 1 == result.count(("counts.j", 2, now))
def test_fold_basic(self): """Tests folding over a normal metric returns the key/value using the flag as the timestamp.""" metrics = [KeyValue("k", 27, 123456)] assert [("k", 27, 123456)] == KeyValue.fold(metrics, 0)
def test_fold_basic(self): """Tests folding over a normal metric returns the key/value using the flag as the timestamp.""" metrics = [KeyValue("k", 27, 123456)] assert [("kv.k", 27, 123456)] == KeyValue.fold(metrics, 0)