예제 #1
def test_ywcoef():
        -regression.yule_walker(x100, 10, method="mle")[0],
        -regression.yule_walker(x1000, 20, method="mle")[0],
예제 #2
파일: ar.py 프로젝트: hushchyn-mikhail/cfir
    def apply(self, chunk):
        if chunk.shape[0] <= self.max_chunk_size:
            x = self.buffer.update_buffer(chunk)
            y = sg.filtfilt(*self.ba_bandpass, x)
            if self.delay < self.n_taps_edge_left:

                ar, s = yule_walker(y.real[:-self.n_taps_edge_left], self.ar_order, 'mle')

                pred = y.real[:-self.n_taps_edge_left].tolist()
                for _ in range(self.n_taps_edge_left + self.n_taps_edge_right):

                an_signal = sg.hilbert(pred)
                env = an_signal[-self.n_taps_edge_right-self.delay-len(chunk)+1:-self.n_taps_edge_right-self.delay+1]*np.ones(len(chunk))

                # plt.plot(x, alpha=0.1)
                # plt.plot(pred, alpha=0.9)
                # plt.plot(np.abs(an_signal))
                # plt.plot(y[:-self.n_taps_edge_left], 'k')
                # plt.plot(y, 'k--')
                # plt.show()

                env = sg.hilbert(y)[-self.delay-len(chunk)+1:-self.delay+1] * np.ones(len(chunk))

            return env, y, pred

            return rt_emulate(self, chunk, self.max_chunk_size)
예제 #3
if __name__ == '__main__':
    nobs = 50
    ar = [1.0, -0.8, 0.1]
    ma = [1.0, 0.1, 0.2]
    #ma = [1]
    y = arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, nobs, 2)
    y -= y.mean()  #I have not checked treatment of mean yet, so remove
    mod = MLEGLS(y)
    mod.nar, mod.nma = 2, 2  #needs to be added, no init method
    mod.nobs = len(y)
    res = mod.fit(start_params=[0.1, -0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 1.])
    print('DGP', ar, ma)
    from statsmodels.regression import yule_walker
    print(yule_walker(y, 2))
    #resi = mod.fit_invertible(start_params=[0.1,0,0.2,0, 0.5])

    arpoly, mapoly = getpoly(mod, res.params[:-1])

    data = sm.datasets.sunspots.load(as_pandas=False)
    #ys = data.endog[-100:]
    ##    ys = data.endog[12:]-data.endog[:-12]
    ##    ys -= ys.mean()
    ##    mods = MLEGLS(ys)
    ##    mods.nar, mods.nma = 13, 1   #needs to be added, no init method
    ##    mods.nobs = len(ys)
    ##    ress = mods.fit(start_params=np.r_[0.4, np.zeros(12), [0.2, 5.]],maxiter=200)
    ##    print(ress.params
    ##    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
예제 #4
def genelwwLOCwithoutdelay(one_signal, orderLPC,
    Fs_Hz, az_deg, el_deg, velocity_mps, Sigma_aec, xsensors_m):
    # Generate loss of coherence with noise
    # Synopsis:
    #   genelwwLOCwithoutdelay(one_signal, orderLPC,
    #        Fs_Hz, az_deg,el_deg, velocity_mps, Sigma_aec, xsensors_m)
    # Inputs
    #  ones_signal: one SOI
    #  orderLPC:
    #  Fs_Hz: sampling frequency in Hz
    #  az_deg, el_deg, velocity_mps:
    #         deterministic part of the DOA
    #  Sigma_aec : 3 array of the varaince of the random part of the DOA
    #        Sigma_aec[0] = std of the azimuth in rd
    #        Sigma_aec[1] = std of the elevation in rd
    #        Sigma_aec[2] = std of the velocity in m/s
    #  xsensor_m: M x 3
    #     3D locations of the M sensors
    # Outputs:
    #  signal_withLOC:
    #          M-ary signal (with delays and LOC)
    #  tau_s: TDOA on the C=M(M-1)/2 sensor pairs
    #          tau_s = (r_m-r_k)' x theta
    #      where theta is the wavenumber (in s/m)
    #  signal_withoutLOC:
    #          M-ary signal (with delays but without LOC)
    #  Gamma2_epsilon:
    #          positive matrix en s2/m2Ctrl+S (LOC)
    M          = size(xsensors_m,0);
    az_rd      = az_deg*pi/180;
    el_rd      = el_deg*pi/180;

    cosa       = cos(az_rd);
    sina       = sin(az_rd);
    cose       = cos(el_rd);
    sine       = sin(el_rd);        
    ##===== deterministic part
    theta0_spm = array([-sina*cose, -cosa*cosa, sine]/velocity_mps);
    ##===== random part
    Jacobian       = zeros([3,3])
    Jacobian[:,0]  = array([-cosa*cose, sina*sine, \
    Jacobian[:,1]  = array([sina*cose, cosa*sine, \
    Jacobian[:,2]  = array([0, cose, \
    Gamma2_epsilon = dot(transpose(Jacobian), \
    ## AR analysis
    N = len(one_signal);
    theta_lp, sigma_AR = yule_walker(one_signal,orderLPC);
    theta_AR = append(1,theta_lp)
    residue = lfilter(theta_AR,[1.0],one_signal)/sigma_AR;
    F_Hz = Fs_Hz*array(range(N))/N;
    F2_Hz2 = F_Hz ** 2;
    pi2 = pi*pi;
    #==== extract M random sequences from residue by permutation
    wwhite = zeros([N,M]);
    wwhite[:,0] = residue[:,0];
    for im in range(1,M):
        wwhite[:,im] = residue[random.permutation(N),0];
    #=== innovation generation
    cf = ones([M,M,N]);
    cp = 0;
    for im1 in range(M-1):
        for im2 in range(im1+1,M):
            cp = cp+1;
            sigma2_s2 = dot(dot((xsensors_m[im2,:]-xsensors_m[im1,:]), 
    # LOC WITHOUT delays
            cf[im1,im2,:] = exp(-2*pi2*F2_Hz2*sigma2_s2);
            cf[im2,im1,:] = conj(cf[im1,im2,:]);

    Wf = fft(wwhite);
    Xf = zeros([N,M])+ complex(0,1)*zeros([N,M])
    #=== GG = zeros([M,M,N]);
    for indf in range(N/2): # 1:N/2+1,
        GGaux = cf[:,:,indf];
        UG,GGauxsvd,VG = svd(GGaux);
        sqrtmGGaux = dot(dot(UG,diag(sqrt(GGauxsvd))),VG);
        Xf[indf,:] = dot(Wf[indf,:],sqrtmGGaux);

    Xf[range(N/2+1,N),:]   = conj(Xf[range(N-N/2-1,0,-1),:]);
    Xf[N/2,:]              = real(Xf[N/2,:])/2.0;
    Xf[0,:]                = real(Xf[0,:])/2.0;
    xt                     = ifft(Xf, axis=0);

    signal_out_aux         = real(xt);
    signal_out_aux         = signal_out_aux-ones([N,1])\
    #=== synthesis of signal
    signal_out_with             = signal_out_aux;
    signal_withLOC              = signal_out_aux;
    for im in range(M):
        xe = signal_out_aux[:,im];
        signal_out_with[:,im]   = lfilter([1.0], theta_AR, xe);
        signal_withLOC[:,im]    = signal_out_with[:,im]\
        / std(signal_out_with[:,im]);
    return signal_withLOC, theta0_spm, Gamma2_epsilon, cf
예제 #5
if __name__ == '__main__':
    nobs = 50
    ar = [1.0, -0.8, 0.1]
    ma = [1.0,  0.1,  0.2]
    #ma = [1]
    y = arma_generate_sample(ar,ma,nobs,2)
    y -= y.mean() #I haven't checked treatment of mean yet, so remove
    mod = MLEGLS(y)
    mod.nar, mod.nma = 2, 2   #needs to be added, no init method
    mod.nobs = len(y)
    res = mod.fit(start_params=[0.1, -0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 1.])
    print('DGP', ar, ma)
    from statsmodels.regression import yule_walker
    print(yule_walker(y, 2))
    #resi = mod.fit_invertible(start_params=[0.1,0,0.2,0, 0.5])

    arpoly, mapoly = getpoly(mod, res.params[:-1])

    data = sm.datasets.sunspots.load(as_pandas=False)
    #ys = data.endog[-100:]
##    ys = data.endog[12:]-data.endog[:-12]
##    ys -= ys.mean()
##    mods = MLEGLS(ys)
##    mods.nar, mods.nma = 13, 1   #needs to be added, no init method
##    mods.nobs = len(ys)
##    ress = mods.fit(start_params=np.r_[0.4, np.zeros(12), [0.2, 5.]],maxiter=200)
##    print(ress.params
##    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
예제 #6
if __name__ == '__main__':
    nobs = 50
    ar = [1.0, -0.8, 0.1]
    ma = [1.0,  0.1,  0.2]
    #ma = [1]
    y = arma_generate_sample(ar,ma,nobs,2)
    y -= y.mean() #I haven't checked treatment of mean yet, so remove
    mod = MLEGLS(y)
    mod.nar, mod.nma = 2, 2   #needs to be added, no init method
    mod.nobs = len(y)
    res = mod.fit(start_params=[0.1, -0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 1.])
    print 'DGP', ar, ma
    print res.params
    from statsmodels.regression import yule_walker
    print yule_walker(y, 2)
    #resi = mod.fit_invertible(start_params=[0.1,0,0.2,0, 0.5])
    #print resi.params

    arpoly, mapoly = getpoly(mod, res.params[:-1])

    data = sm.datasets.sunspots.load()
    #ys = data.endog[-100:]
##    ys = data.endog[12:]-data.endog[:-12]
##    ys -= ys.mean()
##    mods = MLEGLS(ys)
##    mods.nar, mods.nma = 13, 1   #needs to be added, no init method
##    mods.nobs = len(ys)
##    ress = mods.fit(start_params=np.r_[0.4, np.zeros(12), [0.2, 5.]],maxiter=200)
##    print ress.params
##    #from statsmodels.sandbox.tsa import arima as tsaa
예제 #7
def arCoeff(array):
    sigma, rho = regression.yule_walker(array, order=4)
    return sigma, rho
예제 #8
if __name__ == '__main__':
    nobs = 50
    ar = [1.0, -0.8, 0.1]
    ma = [1.0, 0.1, 0.2]
    #ma = [1]
    y = arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, nobs, 2)
    y -= y.mean()  #I haven't checked treatment of mean yet, so remove
    mod = MLEGLS(y)
    mod.nar, mod.nma = 2, 2  #needs to be added, no init method
    mod.nobs = len(y)
    res = mod.fit(start_params=[0.1, -0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 1.])
    print 'DGP', ar, ma
    print res.params
    from statsmodels.regression import yule_walker
    print yule_walker(y, 2)
    #resi = mod.fit_invertible(start_params=[0.1,0,0.2,0, 0.5])
    #print resi.params

    arpoly, mapoly = getpoly(mod, res.params[:-1])

    data = sm.datasets.sunspots.load()
    #ys = data.endog[-100:]
    ##    ys = data.endog[12:]-data.endog[:-12]
    ##    ys -= ys.mean()
    ##    mods = MLEGLS(ys)
    ##    mods.nar, mods.nma = 13, 1   #needs to be added, no init method
    ##    mods.nobs = len(ys)
    ##    ress = mods.fit(start_params=np.r_[0.4, np.zeros(12), [0.2, 5.]],maxiter=200)
    ##    print ress.params
    ##    #from statsmodels.sandbox.tsa import arima as tsaa
예제 #9
def genelwwLOCwithoutdelay(one_signal, orderLPC, Fs_Hz, az_deg, el_deg,
                           velocity_mps, Sigma_aec, xsensors_m):
    # Generate loss of coherence with noise
    # Synopsis:
    #   genelwwLOCwithoutdelay(one_signal, orderLPC,
    #        Fs_Hz, az_deg,el_deg, velocity_mps, Sigma_aec, xsensors_m)
    # Inputs
    #  ones_signal: one SOI
    #  orderLPC:
    #  Fs_Hz: sampling frequency in Hz
    #  az_deg, el_deg, velocity_mps:
    #         deterministic part of the DOA
    #  Sigma_aec : 3 array of the varaince of the random part of the DOA
    #        Sigma_aec[0] = std of the azimuth in rd
    #        Sigma_aec[1] = std of the elevation in rd
    #        Sigma_aec[2] = std of the velocity in m/s
    #  xsensor_m: M x 3
    #     3D locations of the M sensors
    # Outputs:
    #  signal_withLOC:
    #          M-ary signal (with delays and LOC)
    #  tau_s: TDOA on the C=M(M-1)/2 sensor pairs
    #          tau_s = (r_m-r_k)' x theta
    #      where theta is the wavenumber (in s/m)
    #  signal_withoutLOC:
    #          M-ary signal (with delays but without LOC)
    #  Gamma2_epsilon:
    #          positive matrix en s2/m2Ctrl+S (LOC)
    M = size(xsensors_m, 0)
    az_rd = az_deg * pi / 180
    el_rd = el_deg * pi / 180

    cosa = cos(az_rd)
    sina = sin(az_rd)
    cose = cos(el_rd)
    sine = sin(el_rd)
    ##===== deterministic part
    theta0_spm = array([-sina * cose, -cosa * cosa, sine] / velocity_mps)
    ##===== random part
    Jacobian = zeros([3, 3])
    Jacobian[:,0]  = array([-cosa*cose, sina*sine, \
    Jacobian[:,1]  = array([sina*cose, cosa*sine, \
    Jacobian[:,2]  = array([0, cose, \
    Gamma2_epsilon = dot(transpose(Jacobian), \
    ## AR analysis
    N = len(one_signal)
    theta_lp, sigma_AR = yule_walker(one_signal, orderLPC)
    theta_AR = append(1, theta_lp)
    residue = lfilter(theta_AR, [1.0], one_signal) / sigma_AR
    F_Hz = Fs_Hz * array(range(N)) / N
    F2_Hz2 = F_Hz**2
    pi2 = pi * pi
    #==== extract M random sequences from residue by permutation
    wwhite = zeros([N, M])
    wwhite[:, 0] = residue[:, 0]
    for im in range(1, M):
        wwhite[:, im] = residue[random.permutation(N), 0]

    #=== innovation generation
    cf = ones([M, M, N])
    cp = 0
    for im1 in range(M - 1):
        for im2 in range(im1 + 1, M):
            cp = cp + 1
            sigma2_s2 = dot(
                dot((xsensors_m[im2, :] - xsensors_m[im1, :]), Gamma2_epsilon),
                (xsensors_m[im2, :] - xsensors_m[im1, :]))
            # LOC WITHOUT delays
            cf[im1, im2, :] = exp(-2 * pi2 * F2_Hz2 * sigma2_s2)
            cf[im2, im1, :] = conj(cf[im1, im2, :])

    Wf = fft(wwhite)
    Xf = zeros([N, M]) + complex(0, 1) * zeros([N, M])
    #=== GG = zeros([M,M,N]);
    for indf in range(N / 2):  # 1:N/2+1,
        GGaux = cf[:, :, indf]
        UG, GGauxsvd, VG = svd(GGaux)
        sqrtmGGaux = dot(dot(UG, diag(sqrt(GGauxsvd))), VG)
        Xf[indf, :] = dot(Wf[indf, :], sqrtmGGaux)

    Xf[range(N / 2 + 1, N), :] = conj(Xf[range(N - N / 2 - 1, 0, -1), :])
    Xf[N / 2, :] = real(Xf[N / 2, :]) / 2.0
    Xf[0, :] = real(Xf[0, :]) / 2.0
    xt = ifft(Xf, axis=0)

    signal_out_aux = real(xt)
    signal_out_aux         = signal_out_aux-ones([N,1])\
    #=== synthesis of signal
    signal_out_with = signal_out_aux
    signal_withLOC = signal_out_aux
    for im in range(M):
        xe = signal_out_aux[:, im]
        signal_out_with[:, im] = lfilter([1.0], theta_AR, xe)
        signal_withLOC[:,im]    = signal_out_with[:,im]\
        / std(signal_out_with[:,im])

    return signal_withLOC, theta0_spm, Gamma2_epsilon, cf
예제 #10
def test_yule_walker_inter():
    # see 1869
    x = np.array([1, -1, 2, 2, 0, -2, 1, 0, -3, 0, 0])
    # it works
    regression.yule_walker(x, 3)
예제 #11
파일: arima.py 프로젝트: JohnKowalski/pug
    print "\nExample 1"
    ar = [1.,  -0.8]
    ma = [1.,  0.5]
    y1 = arma.generate_sample(ar, ma, 1000,0.1)
    arma = ARMA(x=y1, p=1, q=1)
    rhohat1, cov_x1, infodict, mesg, ier = arma.fit(y1, 1, 1)
    print 'estimate'
    print rhohat1
    print 'covariance'
    print cov_x1
    err1 = arma.errfn(x=y1)
    print 'error'
    print np.var(err1)

    print regression.yule_walker(y1, order=2, inv=True)

    print "\nExample 2"
    arma2 = ARMA()
    nsample = 1000
    ar = [1.0, -0.6, -0.1]
    ma = [1.0,  0.3,  0.2]
    y2 = arma2.generate_sample(ar,ma,nsample,0.1)
    rhohat2, cov_x2, infodict, mesg, ier = arma2.fit(y2,1,2)
    print rhohat2
    print cov_x2
    err2 = arma2.errfn(x=y2)
    print 'error = %s' % np.var(err2)
    print "estimated b, a"
    print arma2.b
    print arma2.a
예제 #12
res = arma.fit((4, 0, 0))


acf1 = acf(arrvs[0])
acovf1b = acovf(arrvs[0], unbiased=False)
acf2 = autocorr(arrvs[0])
acf2m = autocorr(arrvs[0] - arrvs[0].mean())

x = arma_generate_sample([1.0, -0.8], [1.0], 500)
print(regression.yule_walker(x, 10))

#ax = plt.axes()

pltxcorr(plt, x, x)
pltxcorr(plt, x, x, usevlines=False)
#FIXME: plotacf was moved to graphics/tsaplots.py, and interface changed
plot_acf(plt, acf1[:20], np.arange(len(acf1[:20])), usevlines=True)
ax = plt.subplot(211)
plot_acf(ax, acf1[:20], usevlines=True)
예제 #13
파일: arima.py 프로젝트: NewTry001/coursera
    print "\nExample 1"
    ar = [1., -0.8]
    ma = [1., 0.5]
    y1 = arma.generate_sample(ar, ma, 1000, 0.1)
    arma = ARMA(x=y1, p=1, q=1)
    rhohat1, cov_x1, infodict, mesg, ier = arma.fit(y1, 1, 1)
    print 'estimate'
    print rhohat1
    print 'covariance'
    print cov_x1
    err1 = arma.errfn(x=y1)
    print 'error'
    print np.var(err1)

    print regression.yule_walker(y1, order=2, inv=True)

    print "\nExample 2"
    arma2 = ARMA()
    nsample = 1000
    ar = [1.0, -0.6, -0.1]
    ma = [1.0, 0.3, 0.2]
    y2 = arma2.generate_sample(ar, ma, nsample, 0.1)
    rhohat2, cov_x2, infodict, mesg, ier = arma2.fit(y2, 1, 2)
    print rhohat2
    print cov_x2
    err2 = arma2.errfn(x=y2)
    print 'error = %s' % np.var(err2)
    print "estimated b, a"
    print arma2.b
    print arma2.a