def main(): hurstExponent = float(sys.argv[1]) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) stddraw.clear(stddraw.LIGHT_GRAY) scaleFactor = 2 ** (2.0 * hurstExponent) curve(0, .5, 1.0, .5, .01, scaleFactor)
def plotLines(a): """ Plot the elements of array a as line end-points. """ n = len(a) stddraw.setXscale(-1, n) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) for i in range(1, n): stddraw.line(i-1, a[i-1], i, a[i])
def plotLines(a): """ Plot the values of array 'a' as line end-points. """ N = len(a) stddraw.setXscale(0, N-1) stddraw.setPenRadius() for i in range(1, N): stddraw.line(i-1, a[i-1], i, a[i])
def plotPoints(a): """ Plot the values of array 'a' as points. """ N = len(a) stddraw.setXscale(0, N-1) stddraw.setPenRadius(1.0 / (3.0 * N)) for i in range(N): stddraw.point(i, a[i])
def plotPoints(a): """ Plot the elements of array a as points. """ n = len(a) stddraw.setXscale(-1, n) stddraw.setPenRadius(1.0 / (3.0 * n)) for i in range(n): stddraw.point(i, a[i])
def tree(n, x, y, a, branchRadius): cx = x + math.cos(a) * branchRadius cy = y + math.sin(a) * branchRadius stddraw.setPenRadius(.001 * (n ** 1.2)) stddraw.line(x, y, cx, cy) if (n == 0): return tree(n-1, cx, cy, a + BEND_ANGLE - BRANCH_ANGLE, \ branchRadius * BRANCH_RATIO) tree(n-1, cx, cy, a + BEND_ANGLE + BRANCH_ANGLE, \ branchRadius * BRANCH_RATIO) tree(n-1, cx, cy, a + BEND_ANGLE, \ branchRadius * (1 - BRANCH_RATIO))
def main(): n = int(sys.argv[1]) cx = [0.000, 1.000, 0.500] cy = [0.000, 0.000, 0.866] x = 0.0 y = 0.0 stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) for i in range(n): r = stdrandom.uniformInt(0, 3) x = (x + cx[r]) / 2.0 y = (y + cy[r]) / 2.0 stddraw.point(x, y)
def main(argv): n = float(argv[1]) decay = float(argv[2]) stddraw.createWindow() stddraw.setPenRadius(0) angle = 360.0 / n step = math.sin(math.radians(angle/2.0)) t = turtle.Turtle(0.5, 0, angle/2.0) i = 0 while i < 10.0 * 360.0 / angle: step /= decay t.goForward(step) t.turnLeft(angle) i += 1 stddraw.wait()
def draw(pole): n = len(pole) - 1 # Draw 3 poles. stddraw.clear() stddraw.setPenColor(POLE_COLOR) stddraw.setPenRadius(POLE_WIDTH) for i in range(3): stddraw.line(i, 0, i, n) # Draw n discs. discs = stdarray.create1D(3, 0) # discs[p] = # discs on pole p for i in range(n, 0, -1): stddraw.setPenColor(DISC_COLOR) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.035) # magic constant size = 0.5 * i / n p = pole[i] stddraw.line(p-size/2, discs[p], p + size/2, discs[p]) discs[p] += 1 stddraw.sleep(500)
# p[i][j] = prob. that surfer moves from page i to page j p = stdarray.create2D(n, n, 0.0) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): p[i][j] = stdio.readFloat() # freq[i] = # times surfer hits page i freq = stdarray.create1D(n, 0) # Start at page 0. page = 0 stddraw.createWindow() stddraw.setXscale(-1, n) stddraw.setYscale(0, t) #stddraw.setPenRadius(.5/float(n)) stddraw.setPenRadius() for i in range(t): # Make one random move. r = random.random() sum = 0.0; for j in range(n): # Find interval containing r. sum += p[page][j] if r < sum: page = j break freq[page] += 1 if i % 1000 == 0: # Plot histogram of frequencies
def Torso(guess): if guess <= 6: stddraw.setPenRadius(0.1) stddraw.line(-2, 4, -2, -4)
stddraw.line(x0, y0, x1, y1) return curve(n, x0, y0, xm, fxm) stddraw.filledCircle(xm, fxm, .005) curve(n, xm, fxm, x1, y1) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Accept integer n as a command-line argument. Plot to standard draw # a graph that relates site vacancy probability (control variable) to # percolation probability (experimental observations) for a # n-by-n system. n = int(sys.argv[1]) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) stddraw.setXscale(-2, 5) stddraw.setYscale(-2, 5) curve(n, 0.0, math.sin(0), math.pi, math.sin(math.pi)) stddraw.line(-2, 0, 5, 0) stddraw.line(0, -2, 0, 5) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # python 20 # python 100
def display(playing_field, x, y, lent, totalscore, finalscore, clickcoords, clicklocal, attempts, level, background, win): stddraw.clear() image(background) stddraw.setXscale(-lent, (2 * lent * x) - lent) stddraw.setYscale(-(2 * lent * y) - 4 * lent, lent) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.PINK) stddraw.filledRectangle(-lent, -(2 * lent * y) - 4 * lent, (2 * lent * x), 5 * lent) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BOOK_LIGHT_BLUE) stddraw.filledRectangle(-lent, -(2 * lent * y) - 3 * lent, (2 * lent * x), lent) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BOOK_LIGHT_BLUE) stddraw.filledRectangle(-lent, -(2 * lent * y) - 1.5 * lent, (2 * lent * x), lent) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.GRAY) stddraw.filledRectangle(-lent, -(2 * lent * y) - 2.2 * lent, (2 * lent * x), lent) if totalscore < finalscore: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.GREEN) stddraw.filledRectangle(-lent, -(2 * lent * y) - 2.2 * lent, ((2 * lent * x) - lent) / 1.7 * (totalscore / finalscore), lent) if totalscore >= finalscore: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.GREEN) stddraw.filledRectangle(-lent, -(2 * lent * y) - 2.2 * lent, ((2 * lent * x) - lent), lent) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BOOK_LIGHT_BLUE) stddraw.filledRectangle(x * lent + lent, -(2 * lent * y) - 3.5 * lent, (lent * x), 3.5 * lent) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.010) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BOOK_LIGHT_BLUE) stddraw.rectangle(-lent, -(2 * lent * y) - 4 * lent, (2 * lent * x), 5 * lent) stddraw.setFontSize(25) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.DARK_GREEN) stddraw.text((((2 * lent * x) - lent) / 1.3), -((2 * lent * y) + lent), 'Points: ' + str(totalscore) + ' / ' + str(finalscore)) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.RED) stddraw.setFontSize(20) stddraw.text((((2 * lent * x) - lent) / 1.3), -((2 * lent * y) + 2.7 * lent), 'Attempts Left: ' + str(attempts)) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BLUE) stddraw.setFontSize(25) stddraw.text((((2 * lent * x) - lent) / 20), -((2 * lent * y) - 0.08 * lent), 'Level: ' + str(level)) for i in range(len(clickcoords) - 1): found = False reps = -1 while found == False and not reps >= (x * y - 1): reps += 1 if clicklocal[reps][0] < clickcoords[i] < clicklocal[reps][ 1] and clicklocal[reps][2] < clickcoords[ i + 1] < clicklocal[reps][3]: spotx = playing_field[reps][0] spoty = playing_field[reps][1] stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.DARK_RED) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.05) stddraw.filledSquare(spotx, spoty, lent) found = True for i in range(x * y): spotx = playing_field[i][0] spoty = playing_field[i][1] if playing_field[i][2] == 1: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.MAGENTA) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.05) stddraw.filledCircle(spotx, spoty, lent / 1.2) if playing_field[i][2] == 2: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.YELLOW) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.05) stddraw.filledSquare(spotx, spoty, lent / 1.2) if playing_field[i][2] == 3: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BLUE) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.05) stddraw.filledPolygon([(spotx - lent) + 0.2, (spotx - lent) + 0.3, (spotx - lent) + 0.7, (spotx - lent) + 0.9, (spotx - lent) + 0.6], [(spoty - lent) + 0.6, (spoty - lent) + 0.9, (spoty - lent) + 0.9, (spoty - lent) + 0.6, (spoty - lent) + 0.1]) if playing_field[i][2] == 4: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.GREEN) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.05) stddraw.filledPolygon([ (spotx - lent) + 0.1, (spotx - lent) + 0.4, (spotx - lent) + 0.9, (spotx - lent) + 0.4, ], [(spoty - lent) + 0.4, (spoty - lent) + 0.1, (spoty - lent) + 0.4, (spoty - lent) + 0.9]) if playing_field[i][2] == 5: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BLACK) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.05) stddraw.filledPolygon([(spotx - lent) + 0.5, (spotx - lent) + 0.1, (spotx - lent) + 0.9], [(spoty - lent) + 0.8, (spoty - lent) + 0.1, (spoty - lent) + 0.1]) if playing_field[i][2] == 6: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.CYAN) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.05) stddraw.filledPolygon([(spotx - lent) + 0.5, (spotx - lent) + 0.1, (spotx - lent) + 0.9, (spotx - lent) + 0.3, (spotx - lent) + 0.6], [(spoty - lent) + 0.9, (spoty - lent) + 0.7, (spoty - lent) + 0.7, (spoty - lent) + 0.1, (spoty - lent) + 0.1]) if attempts == 0 and totalscore < finalscore: while stddraw.mousePressed() == False: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BLACK) stddraw.filledRectangle(-lent, -(lent * y) - 2 * lent, (2 * lent * x), 3.5 * lent) stddraw.setFontSize(20) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.RED) stddraw.text(lent * x - lent, -(lent * y), 'YOU LOSE, DOUBLE CLICK TO EXIT') if stddraw.mousePressed() == True: win = True return win if totalscore >= finalscore: while stddraw.mousePressed() == False: stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BOOK_BLUE) stddraw.filledRectangle(-lent, -(lent * y) - 2 * lent, (2 * lent * x), 3.5 * lent) stddraw.setFontSize(20) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.GREEN) stddraw.text(lent * x - lent, -(lent * y), 'YOU WIN, DOUBLE CLICK TO PROCEED') if stddraw.mousePressed() == True: win = False return win return win
def main(): stddraw.createWindow(1024, 256) stddraw.setPenRadius(0) stddraw.setXscale(0, _SAMPLES_PER_REDRAW) stddraw.setYscale(-.75, +.75) # Create keyboardDict, a dictionary relating each keyboard key # to a guitar string. keyboardDict = {} i = 0 for key in _KEYBOARD: factor = 2 ** ((i-24) / 12.0) guitarString = guitarstring.GuitarString(_CONCERT_A * factor) keyboardDict[key] = guitarString i += 1 # pluckedGuitarStrings is the set of all guitar strings that have # been plucked. pluckedGuitarStrings = set() t = 0 # The main input loop. while True: if stddraw.hasNextKeyTyped(): # Fetch the key that the user just typed. key = stddraw.nextKeyTyped() # Figure out which guitar string to pluck, and pluck it. try: guitarString = keyboardDict[key] guitarString.pluck() pluckedGuitarStrings.add(guitarString) except KeyError: pass # Add up the samples from each plucked guitar string. Also # advance the simulation of each plucked guitar string by # one step. sample = 0.0 faintGuitarStrings = set() for guitarString in pluckedGuitarStrings: sample += guitarString.sample() guitarString.tic() if guitarString.isFaint(): faintGuitarStrings.add(guitarString) # Remove faint guitar strings from the set of plucked guitar # strings. for guitarString in faintGuitarStrings: pluckedGuitarStrings.remove(guitarString) # Play the total. stdaudio.playSample(sample) # Plot stddraw.point(t % _SAMPLES_PER_REDRAW, sample); if t == (_SAMPLES_PER_REDRAW - 1): stddraw.clear() t = 0 t += 1
import stddraw def draw_tree(n, x, y, size): if n <= 1: return stddraw.line(x, y, x - size / 1.3, y - size) stddraw.filledCircle(x - size / 1.3, y - size, 0.008) stddraw.line(x, y, x + size / 1.3, y - size) stddraw.filledCircle(x + size / 1.3, y - size, 0.008) draw_tree(n - 1, x - size / 1.3, y - size, size / 2) draw_tree(n - 1, x + size / 1.3, y - size, size / 2) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0025) draw_tree(5, 0.5, 1, .3)
def draw(self): # draw the tile as a filled square if (self.number == 2): self.background_color = Color(238, 228, 218) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 4): self.background_color = Color(237, 224, 200) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 8): self.background_color = Color(242, 177, 121) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 16): self.background_color = Color(245, 149, 99) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 32): self.background_color = Color(246, 124, 95) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 64): self.background_color = Color(246, 94, 59) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 128): self.background_color = Color(237, 207, 114) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 256): self.background_color = Color(237, 204, 97) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 512): self.background_color = Color(237, 200, 80) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 1024): self.background_color = Color(237, 197, 63) # background (tile) color if (self.number == 2048): self.background_color = Color(237, 194, 46) # background (tile) color #used proper colors until 2048 #used remainder in order to get a proper color for every number #with this the value will never exceed 255 however better solution may be proposed if (self.number > 2048): self.background_color = Color( (self.number % 255), (self.number % 20), (self.number % 255)) stddraw.setPenColor(self.background_color) stddraw.filledSquare(self.position.x, self.position.y, 0.5) # draw the bounding box of the tile as a square stddraw.setPenColor(self.boundary_color) stddraw.setPenRadius(Tile.boundary_thickness) stddraw.square(self.position.x, self.position.y, 0.5) stddraw.setPenRadius() # reset the pen radius to its default value # draw inner lines x = self.position.x y = self.position.y stddraw.setPenColor(self.foreground_color) stddraw.square(x, y, 0.3) stddraw.setPenRadius(Tile.boundary_thickness) stddraw.line(x - 0.5, y - 0.5, x + 0.5, y + 0.5) stddraw.line(x - 0.5, y + 0.5, x + 0.5, y - 0.5) #draw inner box stddraw.setPenRadius() stddraw.setPenColor(self.background_color) stddraw.filledSquare(self.position.x, self.position.y, 0.3) ############################### #stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.RED) #stddraw.filledCircle(0.5, 0.5, 0.3) #stddraw.filledCircle(-0.5,0.5,0.3) # draw the number on the tile stddraw.setPenColor(self.foreground_color) stddraw.setFontFamily(Tile.font_family) stddraw.setFontSize(Tile.font_size) stddraw.boldText(self.position.x, self.position.y, str(self.number))
def draw(self): stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0125) stddraw.point(self._r[0], self._r[1])
import stddraw import math # Draw an animation of the second, minute, and hour hands of an # analog clock. stddraw.createWindow() t = 0 while True: # Remainder operator with floats so all hands move every second. seconds = t % 60 minutes = (t / 60.0) % 60 hours = (t / 3600.0) % 12 stddraw.clear() stddraw.setPenRadius() # Draw clock face. stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BLACK) stddraw.filledCircle(0.5, 0.5, 0.45) # Draw hour markers. stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BLUE) for i in range(12): theta = math.radians(i * 30) stddraw.filledCircle(0.5 + 0.4 * math.cos(theta), \ 0.5 + 0.4 * math.sin(theta), .025) # Draw second hand. stddraw.setPenRadius(.01) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.YELLOW)
def main(): n = int(sys.argv[1]) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) draw(n, .5, .5, .5)
def main(): stddraw.createWindow(1024, 256) stddraw.setPenRadius(0) stddraw.setXscale(0, _SAMPLES_PER_REDRAW) stddraw.setYscale(-0.75, +0.75) # Create keyboardDict, a dictionary relating each keyboard key # to a guitar string. keyboardDict = {} i = 0 for key in _KEYBOARD: factor = 2 ** ((i - 24) / 12.0) guitarString = guitarstring.GuitarString(_CONCERT_A * factor) keyboardDict[key] = guitarString i += 1 # pluckedGuitarStrings is the set of all guitar strings that have # been plucked. pluckedGuitarStrings = set() t = 0 # The main input loop. while True: if stddraw.hasNextKeyTyped(): # Fetch the key that the user just typed. key = stddraw.nextKeyTyped() # Figure out which guitar string to pluck, and pluck it. try: guitarString = keyboardDict[key] guitarString.pluck() pluckedGuitarStrings.add(guitarString) except KeyError: pass # Add up the samples from each plucked guitar string. Also # advance the simulation of each plucked guitar string by # one step. sample = 0.0 faintGuitarStrings = set() for guitarString in pluckedGuitarStrings: sample += guitarString.sample() guitarString.tic() if guitarString.isFaint(): faintGuitarStrings.add(guitarString) # Remove faint guitar strings from the set of plucked guitar # strings. for guitarString in faintGuitarStrings: pluckedGuitarStrings.remove(guitarString) # Play the total. stdaudio.playSample(sample) # Plot stddraw.point(t % _SAMPLES_PER_REDRAW, sample) if t == (_SAMPLES_PER_REDRAW - 1): stddraw.clear() t = 0 t += 1
def main(): stddraw.clear() n = int(sys.argv[1]) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) draw(n, .5, .5, .5)
# p[i][j] = prob. that surfer moves from page i to page j p = stdarray.create2D(n, n, 0.0) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): p[i][j] = stdio.readFloat() # freq[i] = # times surfer hits page i freq = stdarray.create1D(n, 0) # Start at page 0. page = 0 stddraw.createWindow() stddraw.setXscale(-1, n) stddraw.setYscale(0, t) #stddraw.setPenRadius(.5/float(n)) stddraw.setPenRadius() for i in range(t): # Make one random move. r = random.random() sum = 0.0 for j in range(n): # Find interval containing r. sum += p[page][j] if r < sum: page = j break freq[page] += 1 if i % 1000 == 0: # Plot histogram of frequencies
def Head(guess): if guess <= 7: stddraw.setPenRadius(0.09 * 400 / ((10 - -10) * 256)), 6, 2.0)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- import stdio import stddraw # Plot the points read from standard input. x0 = stdio.readFloat() y0 = stdio.readFloat() x1 = stdio.readFloat() y1 = stdio.readFloat() stddraw.createWindow() stddraw.setXscale(x0, x1) stddraw.setYscale(y0, y1) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.001) # Read and plot the points. while not stdio.isEmpty(): x = stdio.readFloat() y = stdio.readFloat() stddraw.point(x, y) stddraw.wait()
def display(self, delay=0): # clear the background canvas to empty_cell_color stddraw.clear(self.background_color) # draw a box around the game grid self.draw_boundaries() # draw the game grid self.draw_grid() # draw the current (active) tetromino ghost if self.current_ghost != None: self.current_ghost.draw() # draw the current (active) tetromino if self.current_tetromino != None: self.current_tetromino.draw() # draw the normal game cycle GUI if not self.game_over: # set pen color based on game mode if self.gamemode == "tetris": stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.WHITE) else: stddraw.setPenColor(self.boundary_color) # set font and its size stddraw.setFontFamily("Arial") stddraw.setFontSize(24) # draw score if self.gamemode == "2048" and self.reached_2048: stddraw.boldText(13.75, 19, "Congrats!") stddraw.text(13.75, 17.75, "Score") stddraw.boldText(13.75, 16.75, str(self.score)) else: stddraw.text(13.75, 19, "Score") stddraw.boldText(13.75, 18, str(self.score)) # draw upcoming tetrominoes stddraw.text(13.75, 15, "Upcoming") stddraw.text(13.75, 14, "Tetrominoes") stddraw.setPenColor(self.boundary_color) stddraw.filledRectangle(12, -0.25, 3.5, 13.5) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.001) if self.gamemode == "tetris": stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.DARK_GRAY) else: stddraw.setPenColor(self.empty_cell_color) stddraw.line(12.25, 8.75, 15.25, 8.75) stddraw.line(12.25, 4.25, 15.25, 4.25) self.next_tetromino1.copy( blcx=(14.25 - (self.next_tetromino1.column_count / 2)), blcy=9.5 + (4 - self.next_tetromino1.row_count) / 2, trim=True).draw() self.next_tetromino2.copy( blcx=(14.25 - (self.next_tetromino2.column_count / 2)), blcy=5 + (4 - self.next_tetromino2.row_count) / 2, trim=True).draw() self.next_tetromino3.copy( blcx=(14.25 - (self.next_tetromino3.column_count / 2)), blcy=0.5 + (4 - self.next_tetromino3.row_count) / 2, trim=True).draw() # show the canvas # draw the game over GUI else: # set pen color based on game mode if self.gamemode == "tetris": stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.WHITE) else: stddraw.setPenColor(self.boundary_color) # set font and its size stddraw.setFontFamily("Arial") stddraw.setFontSize(24) # draw game over text and and final score stddraw.text(13.75, 12, "Game Over!") stddraw.text(13.75, 10, "Final Score:") stddraw.boldText(13.75, 9, str(self.score)) # draw the high score conclusion stddraw.setFontSize(18) if self.score > self.old_high_score: stddraw.text(13.75, 7.75, "New High Score!") self.new_high_score = self.score else: stddraw.text(13.75, 7.75, "High Score:") stddraw.boldText(13.75, 7, str(self.old_high_score)) # draw the after-game controls stddraw.setFontSize(16) stddraw.text(13.75, 2, "Press R to") stddraw.text(13.75, 1.5, "restart the game,") stddraw.text(13.75, 1, "or press Enter to") stddraw.text(13.75, 0.5, "return to the") stddraw.text(13.75, 0, "main manu.") # show the canvas
return koch(n-1, stepSize, myTurtle) myTurtle.turnLeft(60.0) koch(n-1, stepSize, myTurtle) myTurtle.turnLeft(-120.0) koch(n-1, stepSize, myTurtle) myTurtle.turnLeft(60.0) koch(n-1, stepSize, myTurtle) # Accept integer n as a command-line argument. Plot a Koch curve of # order n to standard draw. n = int(sys.argv[1]) stddraw.setCanvasSize(512, 256) stddraw.setYscale(-.1, 0.4) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) stddraw.clear(stddraw.LIGHT_GRAY) stepSize = 1.0 / (3.0 ** n) myTurtle = Turtle(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) koch(n, stepSize, myTurtle) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # python 0 # python 1 # python 2 # python 3
def draw(self): stddraw.setPenRadius(0.025) stddraw.point(self._r.cartesian(0), self._r.cartesian(1))
def main(): n = int(sys.argv[1]) dist = stdarray.readFloat1D() cx = stdarray.readFloat2D() cy = stdarray.readFloat2D() x = 0.0 y = 0.0 stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) for i in range(n): r = stdrandom.discrete(dist) x0 = cx[r][0]*x + cx[r][1]*y + cx[r][2] y0 = cy[r][0]*x + cy[r][1]*y + cy[r][2] x = x0 y = y0 stddraw.point(x, y)