예제 #1
    def loadReportSettings(self,file):
        #Helper for restoring previously saved report settings
        #Deserialize report settings 
        rptSerializer = ReportSerializer(file) 
        rptValid, rptConf = rptSerializer.deserialize()
        #Validate if the object is an STDM Report Settings file      
        if rptValid:          
            #Check if the table exists
            tabExists = self._tableExists(rptConf.table)
            #QMessageBox.information(self, "List of tables", str(rptConf.table))
            if tabExists:
                self.showhideProgressDialog(QApplication.translate("ReportBuilder","Restoring Report Settings..."))
                #friendlyTabName = self.tabNames[rptConf.table]
                friendlyTabName = rptConf.table
                #Force builder reset even if the loaded report refers to the previously loaded table            
                if rptConf.table == self.tabName:
                    self.tabName = rptConf.table
                    #QMessageBox.information(self, "table name name", str(self.tabName))
                    #Set focus to report table in the drop down menu
                    setComboCurrentIndexWithItemData(self.comboBox, friendlyTabName)

                #Validate the fields
                validTabFields = table_column_names(rptConf.table)
                validRptFields, invalidRptFields = compareLists(validTabFields, rptConf.fields)
                #Configure supporting controls
                #Set filter statement
                #Group order container
                gpInfoCollection =[]
                #Sort info container
                sortInfoCollection =[]
                #Iterate report elements
                for r in rptConf.reportElementCollection:
                    if r.parent != "Groups":
                        #Get corresponding widget and load the settings
                        rptWidg = self.__displayGetStWidget(r.name)
                        if not rptWidg == None:
                        #Set grouping and sorting configuration
                        if r.parent == "Fields":
                            gpInfo = r.uiConfiguration.groupingInfo
                            if gpInfo != None:
                                gpInfo.field = r.name
                            fieldSort = r.uiConfiguration.sortInfo
                            if fieldSort.direction != SortDir.Null:
                                fieldSort.field = r.name
                #Sort GROUPINFO items using the order attribute then add fields to the report builder controls
                gpInfoCollection.sort(key=lambda g: g.order)
                for g in gpInfoCollection:
                    groupDlg = self.grouping_addFieldByName(g.field)
                #Order SORTINFO items using the order attribute then add fields to the report builder controls
                sortInfoCollection.sort(key=lambda s: s.order)
                for s in sortInfoCollection:
                    sortItem = self.sorting_getFieldItem(s.field)
                    if sortItem is not None:
                        rowIndex = sortItem.row()
                        dirCombo = self.tbSortFields.cellWidget(rowIndex,1)
                        if s.direction == SortDir.Ascending:
                            setComboCurrentIndexWithText(dirCombo, "Ascending")
                        elif s.direction == SortDir.Descending:
                            setComboCurrentIndexWithText(dirCombo, "Descending")    
                #Show message of invalid fields
                if len(invalidRptFields) > 0:
                    fieldsStr = ",".join(invalidRptFields)
                    msg = QApplication.translate("ReportBuilder"," columns do not exist in the current table definition."
                                                                                 "\nThey will not be included in the report")
                    self.ErrorInfoMessage(fieldsStr + msg)
                self.showhideProgressDialog("", False)
                msg = QApplication.translate("ReportBuilder"," table or view does not exist in the database")
                self.ErrorInfoMessage(rptConf.table + msg)
            self.showhideProgressDialog("", False)
            fileName = str(file.section("/",-1))
            msg = QApplication.translate("ReportBuilder"," is not a valid STDM Report Settings file.\n "
                                                                                    "Please validate the source of the file")
            self.ErrorInfoMessage(fileName +msg )
        self.showhideProgressDialog("", False)