예제 #1
 def create(self, test):
     session = test.session()
     with session.begin() as t:
         for name, typ, ccy in zip(self.inames, self.itypes, self.iccys):
             t.add(Instrument(name=name, type=typ, ccy=ccy))
         for name in self.gnames:
         for name, ccy in zip(self.inames, self.iccys):
             t.add(Fund(name=name, ccy=ccy))
     yield t.on_result
     iall = yield test.session().query(Instrument).load_only('id').all()
     fall = yield test.session().query(Fund).load_only('id').all()
     with session.begin() as t:
         for i in iall:
             t.add(ObjectAnalytics(model_type=Instrument, object_id=i.id))
         for i in fall:
             t.add(ObjectAnalytics(model_type=Fund, object_id=i.id))
     yield t.on_result
     obj_len = self.size[1]
     groups = yield session.query(Group).all()
     objs = yield session.query(ObjectAnalytics).all()
     groups = self.populate('choice', obj_len, choice_from=groups)
     objs = self.populate('choice', obj_len, choice_from=objs)
     with test.session().begin() as t:
         for g, o in zip(groups, objs):
             t.add(AnalyticData(group=g, object=o))
     yield t.on_result
예제 #2
 def create(self, test):
     session = test.session()
     with session.begin() as t:
         for name, typ, ccy in zip(self.inames, self.itypes, self.iccys):
             t.add(Instrument(name=name, type=typ, ccy=ccy))
         for name in self.gnames:
         for name, ccy in zip(self.inames, self.iccys):
             t.add(Fund(name=name, ccy=ccy))
     yield t.on_result
     iall = yield test.session().query(Instrument).load_only('id').all()
     fall = yield test.session().query(Fund).load_only('id').all()
     with session.begin() as t:
         for i in iall:
             t.add(ObjectAnalytics(model_type=Instrument, object_id=i.id))
         for i in fall:
             t.add(ObjectAnalytics(model_type=Fund, object_id=i.id))
     yield t.on_result
     obj_len = self.size[1]
     groups = yield session.query(Group).all()
     objs = yield session.query(ObjectAnalytics).all()
     groups = self.populate('choice', obj_len, choice_from=groups)
     objs = self.populate('choice', obj_len, choice_from=objs)
     with test.session().begin() as t:
         for g, o in zip(groups, objs):
             t.add(AnalyticData(group=g, object=o))
     yield t.on_result
예제 #3
 def create(self, test, use_transaction=True):
     session = test.session()
     models = test.mapper
     eq = assertEqual if isinstance(test, type) else test.assertEqual
     c = yield models.instrument.query().count()
     eq(c, 0)
     if use_transaction:
         with session.begin() as t:
             for name, ccy in zip(self.fund_names, self.fund_ccys):
                 t.add(models.fund(name=name, ccy=ccy))
             for name, typ, ccy in zip(self.inst_names, self.inst_types,
                 t.add(models.instrument(name=name, type=typ, ccy=ccy))
         yield t.on_result
         for name, typ, ccy in zip(self.inst_names, self.inst_types,
             yield models.instrument.new(name=name, type=typ, ccy=ccy)
         for name, ccy in zip(self.fund_names, self.fund_ccys):
             yield models.fund(name=name, ccy=ccy)
     self.num_insts = yield models.instrument.query().count()
     self.num_funds = yield models.fund.query().count()
     eq(self.num_insts, len(self.inst_names))
     eq(self.num_funds, len(self.fund_names))
     yield session
예제 #4
 def create(self, test, use_transaction=True):
     session = test.session()
     models = test.mapper
     eq = assertEqual if isinstance(test, type) else test.assertEqual
     c = yield models.instrument.query().count()
     eq(c, 0)
     if use_transaction:
         with session.begin() as t:
             for name, ccy in zip(self.fund_names, self.fund_ccys):
                 t.add(models.fund(name=name, ccy=ccy))
             for name, typ, ccy in zip(self.inst_names, self.inst_types,
                 t.add(models.instrument(name=name, type=typ, ccy=ccy))
         yield t.on_result
         for name, typ, ccy in zip(self.inst_names, self.inst_types,
             yield models.instrument.new(name=name, type=typ, ccy=ccy)
         for name, ccy in zip(self.fund_names, self.fund_ccys):
             yield models.fund(name=name, ccy=ccy)
     self.num_insts = yield models.instrument.query().count()
     self.num_funds = yield models.fund.query().count()
     eq(self.num_insts, len(self.inst_names))
     eq(self.num_funds, len(self.fund_names))
     yield session
예제 #5
    def make_items(self, test, content=False, related=None):
        '''Bulk creation of Item for testing search engine. Return a set
of words which have been included in the Items.'''
        session = test.session()
        words = set()
        contents = self.groups if content else self.empty
        with session.begin() as t:
            for name, content in zip(self.names, contents):
                if len(name) > 3:
                    if content:
                    t.add(Item(name=name, counter=randint(0,10),
                               content=content, related=related))
        yield t.on_result
        test.words = words
        yield test.words